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发表于 2018-10-16 05:43:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
奥鹏】[东北师范大学]英汉翻译18秋在线作业23 X9 V' i" E' ]) u; v
试卷总分:100    得分:1005 P+ ?3 n' @7 g( m* \& y
第1,仍有许多问题没有解决 。: A1 q# S8 O2 i# ~6 L* r
A、There are many problems still remain unsolved.
+ O- [  Z9 Q- X7 I- z) w" MB、Many problems remain unsolved.; F2 ~: K! y& ]3 e% @! o% n9 F
C、Many problems have yet not to be solved.
  n" t  X$ H! {, j* iD、There are many problems not to be solved
0 J/ {2 E7 P3 R' T* o/ {+ e. E4 F% l/ ]; I
  r: M" z3 }" U1 {' ~, v# Z( S+ u/ v
5 r0 b( Y; V/ p+ h, `  M
第2题,Scarcely had he entered the room when he broke out in insult.. \8 e' [5 ^3 m0 Q6 ~+ e$ p5 ~/ ], S
A、他受辱而突然走出之后,就很少再进此屋来。  R/ w) C1 X- \) _
B、他还没进屋就破口骂人。& N0 H3 X! v4 M( r
C、他才进屋就口出怨言。% r; T. {2 W- e- V
D、他一进门就破口大骂。+ p3 @) s# S+ X. w
5 l" h1 s4 T% c' i# U
1 @  W7 |( a1 t+ V
- d. N$ g5 b& X, u4 K  ^
第3题,他总是衣着朴 素。
4 M! [  r4 A4 i& z: A+ VA、He is always plainly dressed.( p+ t" @4 {# Z) F
B、He always wears plainly.0 D+ x; A8 s/ k; Q
C、He always wears plain clothes.
) f  f/ M2 E7 q% w- YD、He always put on plain clothes.& E, a6 `7 Q3 v8 M
  T: D. s5 T+ W  p! ]0 N% g& T
* n0 {5 ]- u9 S- B

/ ~/ }* l6 ]9 \第4题,Men are much better than their ordinary life allows them to be.1 k4 e4 g& ^6 E3 i& ?: {- d
/ [9 w1 i! M( X0 F; z3 fB、人的本性比他们的日常生活准许他们表现的更好。
) j" a) V- X3 Y9 t( F( i! ~5 RC、人性自有其优良高贵处,只是日常生活不给他一个表现的机会罢了。: L2 g6 K7 W3 K- P) H  i3 y2 {3 v1 `8 c, C
5 e6 L; V" y2 D/ w; g# e( O; t
: N  e/ `% T' P2 \6 J! U4 ~0 [3 _$ T8 x) C$ U8 ]
6 x% x  I! v7 [  L
第5题,仍有许多问题没有解决。, ~1 b- R4 `; g+ m
A、There are many problems still remain unsolved.
$ g$ Z9 p# v* E; c: [, v( oB、Many problems remain unsolved.  B8 _0 ~( c6 H% ~
C、Many problems have yet not to be solved.
3 s  Q8 p) Q3 v# o1 A# y1 SD、There are many problems not to be solved
0 K$ [, \) q' D' }2 X4 E+ t! M* ~% l/ l+ C: `  D

! V; \; \- \% C( @1 ]; `0 e- {7 E$ T2 M' ]; ^; C# r, n
第6题,没有他的帮助,我早就失败了。5 n1 i/ l$ {- B2 w9 a; y
A、But for his help。1 would fail.
# l  m' O. z  s2 S. G$ `- E# vB、Without his help。1 would have failed.
8 k8 a0 n! s8 q6 u1 rC、If he didn't help me。1 would have failed.
+ H2 E7 B' M. w- ^% C7 s+ XD、If not for his help.1 would fail.: O) e& a" ^' A3 _& K- S

- @: u7 H" A( ^+ |8 W) h: ^  K, ?% b9 ^( Z4 I, D" q

' C" ^6 \' ]# T% Y; F第7题,祝你考试取得好成绩!
0 X% T% Z: X' Y  R, bA、I wish you success in your examination.
7 H* \5 e, K2 {# |/ }B、I wish you'll do a good job in your examination.) H! ~' V$ l3 O% `. S: C
C、I hope you do a good job in the forthcoming examination.
* v# `: F$ G  g  v6 y7 E6 Q( \D、I hope you success in the forthcoming examination.
' {$ j0 F" @3 c! O: E! y! ~# ^1 H. M8 U1 [  ~2 n: e
0 R6 m! b. Q; `# d2 t5 M

1 h6 l* J) B( Z) ~" c! c& p2 H第8题,我说我写作如同在生活,又说作品的最高境界是写作同生活的一致,是作家同人的一致,主要的意思是不说谎。  \0 O, l  a. G' c$ O
A、I say that I write like I live, and that the highest ideal a work of literature can attain is to be at one with life, and that an author should be able to identify with his readers, I basically mean that books and their authors should never tell lies.! C1 Q0 ~' s9 u! l/ U
B、When I say that I write like I live, and that the highest ideal a work of literature can attain is to be at one with life, and that an author should be able to identify with his readers, I basically mean that books and their authors should never tell lies.  K" e% z* V) a! k
C、I say that I write as living, and that the highest ideal of a work of literature should be consistent with life and the author himself, I basically mean that books and authors should never tell lies.- v. ]  Z' r/ t5 [; c9 S
D、When I say that I write as living, and that the highest ideal of a work of literature should be consistent with life and the author himself, I basically mean that books and authors should never tell lies.( M; }6 ?  w' |: p. B. R

7 S9 V+ a0 C9 W0 o' m- J" X0 p1 t( l
, o9 I' e# c% S3 H
; t9 t1 ~9 u. q9 Z$ |! H4 J- Y第9题,就英汉语言特点而 言,下列选项中不正确的一项是______。
3 R2 u1 V& a* @8 }  C" G5 \7 Y1 ?A、英语主从结构多,汉语并列结构多。
: Q: v0 l" ]* K* wB、英语被动态多,汉语被动式少。0 }' K/ H7 u, b, X+ Y
C、英语抽象名词多,汉语抽象名词少。# b4 M/ i" r- {
D、英语成语多,汉语成语少。/ K% L( [: @. o3 \( j
, i! t% [6 ^) v6 S% M1 h
- m. b. C, k* k. U

+ k* Y- k- L) p+ R# o9 q; }第10题,Almost all the TV viewers were deeply impressed by Titanic's huge mass and her ruined splendor of a lost age .
3 L7 I" k( x* g, d  e$ h# d7 l# p$ [0 RA、泰坦尼克号的庞大以及她那昔日辉煌的残毁,给几乎所有的电视观众都留下了十分深刻的印象。& U+ G5 X- A" E1 G3 }- @- B
B、泰坦尼克号船体庞大,虽已损毁,昔日丰采犹存,给几乎所有的电视观众都留下了深刻的印象。  A0 }8 t. ~( s$ y
C、泰坦尼克号无比庞大,往日荣光业已荡然无存,给几乎所有的电视观众都留下了深刻的印象。6 D: _7 i. a3 J' m. m; ]
D、泰坦尼克号的庞大船体以及她那失去的昔日光辉,给几乎所有的电视观众都留下了深刻的印象。7 [8 L# V# p" E* ]# h( x6 y
- N- Q6 f6 q+ E0 |; C6 @
: v7 B. l! k0 \
  I/ T$ b. x; |9 v( b* s
第11题,革命是解放生产力 ,改革也是解放生产力。 Revolution means the emancipation of the productive force, and so does reform.
4 C! D; A8 d4 k1 ?( zA、错误  G0 {) E, p5 o
B、正确5 d1 j) u# C5 n9 b% u! e
, E/ B$ ]4 o# m1 n8 P: \. x

% x! ^' _8 F* `0 O: G5 m+ s
- a7 }: v) B6 ]6 B0 r9 f第12题,The elevator girl reads books between passengers. 这位开电梯的女孩在没人乘电梯时抽空看书。
/ `" _$ i( m: H5 P! ]A、错误
* w# {6 a& o0 P% [5 s2 C6 iB、正确4 o. s7 ^" F8 N( g4 t3 E
5 l+ m( w1 J8 E& R

+ P- w4 b' o" c3 V/ w  M3 \/ }; a: a4 _  |/ M
第13题,这种论点目前还有一定的市场。 This argument has some appeal at present.
, B8 _6 x" C5 _$ v7 y# OA、错误
# o9 p. V# ~4 C5 DB、正确
4 w6 O) Y9 h! |! a9 v5 k* D: j. x5 |" K) m3 @. P, O/ s8 y
, ]2 w0 w& @. t# j# o0 u0 m, d/ |
7 A+ u+ [* r: N# e
第14题,None of his arguments seemed to me to hold water. 我认为他的论据似乎没有一条站得住脚。) h$ m+ e: S) ], q) b$ {# a
A、错误6 o8 w) @! H9 T, H' @) _# Z
! A' H% w) i3 l" r- }, n, d0 v  ^. J6 J
) O7 f5 {( n/ a" H5 j9 j

6 d; A/ P! A$ h( V6 n& F/ [& }第15题,她掌握了大量的英语词汇。 She possesses a wide vocabulary of English words./ S  J% h! w; y- y! _4 |. @
  g+ ^; g* I2 F7 h& O  t, |8 O: t$ ~  kB、正确
4 n% f* z  Z3 a) g7 h, ?
8 D4 P; P9 P, b5 ^7 k6 E$ Z6 @1 Z. K6 v+ Y; h& j3 m

# b  G5 g1 s- z% b  y第16题,已经上课十分钟了。 The class has begun for ten minutes.
, k4 M5 o7 [# x8 nA、错误
0 _$ `9 K" O% u/ l1 ]* f3 E4 VB、正确
+ l. a4 Q4 B( k: m+ h" v6 D! E, o# u1 r; I2 I! f
( i: i+ O2 Z! m: v! J* g) ?0 P( A
7 N3 J; M' i: ?' y5 C) a  `' P
第17题,One can never have too many friends . 朋友太多反而滥。: o, s0 F: b( B! h! m8 s9 h
, M) N% q7 o+ B6 _3 {" hB、正确
" @6 G/ _$ P8 F
# K2 k  [! G. a, [* L; s. _0 ~
6 ?) K( n( c! P6 m5 o/ f4 h. U$ a
第18题,我们是2004级的学生。 We are students of the 2004 enrolment.
2 k6 q# w3 \( q: o0 m5 s% qA、错误2 s& k, O$ U  T- f. z( [
; V/ l  c$ v2 b6 v5 `$ j9 b; f1 {, A  r0 o; W: P' r

7 |# z: }3 [% P/ g0 Y3 `" N# G0 t1 ?  s! F8 e7 u
第19题,历史上的战争分两类,一类是正义的,一类是非正义的. History shows that wars are divided into two kinds,just and unjust.
0 D( S9 y; x) g- \2 I; O2 }( yA、错误( k, n+ ~5 s" |! x7 ]
B、正确9 _$ }* f/ D! p9 H/ y

0 T( n* K, b  P" L8 H/ E1 S. ]8 l+ g: T3 x

  R$ s( F6 T0 n第20题,My wife and I, as well as our entire party, are deeply grateful to your hospitality. 译文:我的夫人和我以及我们全党都对你们的盛情款待深为感激。
7 W6 M: B9 E7 v$ i) l  DA、错误
# A1 p( U4 E6 K/ c. b. x5 q. _  ^B、正确
  \! I* j3 |% U6 n1 _  r' R2 ^, T

# P: j' a0 f$ L: R% ~4 |  o4 L6 L8 _6 \' M. a' }. O2 W8 H! R
第21题,He never opens his mouth but he tells a lie. 他一开口就说谎。
& u) n( r( `" s5 O* }A、错误$ _. O6 d3 N" t( q# Y) c
6 R( v& v: i' X1 A2 U. Z- i0 W; X/ @
& C! c' n- n4 Q2 y( ^0 K8 c, f( o" {' ^" X

# Y; F4 a  X' _( C/ j第22题,我认为她是对的。 According to my opinion, she is right.
9 D* o: @; U  j/ PA、错误; Q9 u1 P" E" \
7 N- S0 m" C$ G. n; F
7 E# U% H) P/ _9 L
5 U6 _4 u  |5 N+ _
% K- s' X! y8 t1 `第23题,我想他们还未干完。 I don't believe they've already finished their work.  x" D  R. t9 ]4 [
A、错误3 _' i0 S, b0 p0 R2 Y% d
+ ~- j8 h+ X# E; t5 y) \; K! U5 g- y4 @5 ]; A

; l6 u: g& k  ?8 r) h; K0 d% X9 q7 P* M2 W
第24题,龙和凤是想象中的动物。 The dragon and phoenix are imaginary animals.
( e, T3 s) h- }4 R& w+ n5 l% M8 ?A、错误) p# l3 x8 z( T% t! X/ P# k
0 E" ^# R) T6 J+ u$ i0 O0 ^. ^# f+ j

* x0 Q8 m3 h! p( Y5 J3 L: I9 a7 K& V6 U  f, |
第25题,我的热度已经退了,但仍旧咳嗽和头疼。 My fever is gone, but I still have cough and headache& D- j7 x% B7 T( L/ o5 f
) t, U/ I9 \+ U5 V3 D% ]B、正确/ V) ^6 e5 `( i& x3 R( K! x

) _4 e* U& ?) t/ E/ o! `( f2 S: M8 q& \7 K3 p. R- K; D) s

; o0 Y& v/ O! X% U第26题,A dugout, or a canoe was made by hollowing out a tree trunk. 独木舟,或者一种小舟,是通过挖空树干造成的。  j" l* x! n. f
% h0 o+ D' h2 tB、正确
% e8 F4 Z  d9 [+ h4 k( l4 {
9 v9 ~! P  |( o" m  r( d) G8 R# y- V2 |
# B5 W' Z" S6 y; W8 ]; `
第27题,There are some kinds of rays from the sun which would burn us to death if we were not protected from them. 太阳中有些光线射到我们身上会把我们烧死,如果我们不防备的话。
) d: z/ f4 K+ e7 IA、错误
9 _: t' ]) d1 b; m  ~7 B0 pB、正确
6 Z5 h9 U* C( j/ k: H& W* c% D  m, l& }/ R( x( l3 \, i5 y, }8 R
8 g; G9 @- g$ h0 ?6 z/ B' L5 B) j

& f- S% n; l+ m1 u2 C$ @第28题,The delegation didn't go to New York by Flight 212. 代表团不是乘212航班去纽约的。' y) A6 r) f( I# t9 F7 t
7 A% l  Y( V* e' @) ?B、正确
/ H* K7 K1 S& T3 y* f) @8 k! V6 X1 Q
1 u% ?7 E; B' u/ o3 d
, C$ y4 F  w8 @  V$ V
第29题,Imagine the effect on a reasonably advanced technological society, one that still does not possess the bomb, of making it aware of the possibility, of supplying sufficient details to enable the thing to be constructed. 设想一下对一个技术上相当先进的社会所产生的影响,一个目前尚未拥有核弹,但可以使它意识到这个可能性,意识到能提供足够详细的情况使核弹得以制成。
( [# X- r1 I" b0 ~" N5 r! s% QA、错误7 G7 L4 v) \4 z  d* P5 G, Z& a
B、正确' V6 R; l. P% [+ c/ u! U; v
7 l/ i3 X8 k, s- u
! y) m/ T: C+ i5 |# x1 M3 p& B
. S/ i0 Q; u$ p9 \( ?' h6 G8 G
第30题,It was the third of March,1887,three months before I was seven years old. 那是1887年3月3日,我差三个月不满七岁。( Q* R* \- P7 F/ z- t. @2 H
A、错误, c5 b9 s& P6 m5 ~! G% ~, g% v$ ^! R
  G: f# W: k! H6 }" C/ x; `& y+ r; r$ G, D- }4 M7 o. K
- N+ n: P3 H3 e3 w0 n

5 J! L" [* x! x* s( [* v) ]* k5 P* x$ A$ V

+ O. J1 O! `; J0 ^0 @
  Y1 a5 H. [0 S2 [$ Z8 U7 A9 j1 s
8 d. h2 X4 b1 h2 F8 ~7 W$ X1 o1 u; u7 A: s1 Z- `1 c  [

- q0 H2 X8 |. e4 y4 b4 S  v  I+ T2 P' ^/ e5 _& V, |  S& K
1 Q1 a; p! b' q. @! C$ a! E

* }. Z& V  d3 }: w; |. C. D
1 `  I# b/ `5 f" z0 m- L5 H  Y
2 X$ S) _4 D* P) }9 h! }& X( W7 b1 ^, W
1 H" Y/ X) P+ D" v( z& ]0 O) V, t& Y


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