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发表于 2018-10-16 05:46:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 D% ?$ b. [" d7 w' W; i+ I2 {. F试卷总分:100    得分:100" P: B% i9 c5 ]8 R# O
第1,A _____process makes use of the listener's previous knowledge, expectations, experience, scripts, and schemes in listening the text.3 d8 d$ z2 g: ^
A、top-down7 m/ S  M9 Y. G5 q7 |
B、top-up' Y) B1 H% c, G: J* t9 ]
C、bottom-up- P) V  i, N5 x* G7 Z: R
D、bottom-down( }' ?: `% }& o

' t0 ]3 h, z, Z: ?. L
: ^. ]: A# }$ G+ T- }) Z* G  D- P1 y' `9 p( w
第2题,Knowledge can be taken in throughout active thinking and trying. Therefore, a good teacher tries to enable students to do their _____and self-exploration.% j5 _: o' E0 p9 ?) j) T9 ~/ l
A、self-restraint. {. ~/ v# w! H% P
6 w% f- j. a1 c* r0 ~C、self-discover! Z! d1 P" Y: C. y1 @
0 E* m4 o9 I* i6 i! `* @
* R- g6 e: J7 _8 n: V  D8 J: W& o- x. t

4 C/ F% M1 R/ a. T4 R- I) \0 M5 x! [第3题,Reflection is ____-oriented, social and political, which directs teachers' social development.
( e: v8 n7 ?" T' n) qA、motive
3 D3 X; W0 G' R0 ]- N% r3 PB、belief2 |/ u% ?! |7 E1 ^) |/ L
C、action; |5 M2 k  ~, P8 l8 K, z
D、idea3 G2 \' Q3 w" v# ^# x9 D# p$ v7 `
$ y' d1 t6 s0 z" r. G3 C, [
, V/ R) s( N* m; {/ K" Q* B( t
9 q1 _; W' J/ l9 K# Y! j  L* B
第4题,Grammar learning is conducted _____ according to the Grammar Translation Method.0 a) y! R/ C  ?! c
6 k3 Y; t2 n- q6 }) d  T$ KB、conductively
% E; i2 A0 r8 X' lC、inductively- ~8 k2 e, h; H$ l6 ~2 ]* l4 b5 D
D、decisively& T! E6 C  _: _, G8 X. d

$ l9 `9 ?; q  a4 C5 V
1 P* @$ z2 t* K/ C0 f
7 ~' L/ p4 U; R; k8 r* d第5题,The ____ nature of journal writing lies in its process of discovering hidden beliefs and feelings and gaining insights about teaching and living.& Z" v( [8 B. O& f
A、reflective& Y# ^9 d, D" v2 Y+ p& f. s8 x' H
5 E* K. ~; c5 C- LC、cognitive
+ o& p" Y8 h9 @& pD、deductive
8 }5 W7 j; T5 N' r# }. Z0 V% H, [- V: ]; \2 @) F5 n
8 J) ?1 `  R: t: T' J! `
; m" N. P$ I5 E8 V
第6题,Input becomes comprehensible as a result of simplification and with the help of _____and extra-linguistic clues.
% f/ o+ `' ]8 l5 Z% ^A、context, b! B% j0 C5 o, x
B、contextual: r* I2 Z" P7 D) ~
C、contest3 O8 E: I! ~! d# i  u1 p
D、environmental  n$ }3 X, z6 A( n. S

' O' g$ o" X; ^$ f+ m! B
# c' u; p7 j) h/ c$ p. h2 T& w
5 u8 r% `7 d/ P& p# ^' X: s第7题,Humans acquire language by understanding messages or by receiving comprehensible _____ in the interactive process.. J& p4 m: K/ H. I  o2 D( `7 W( O
A、output- t3 a+ @2 l8 f1 Y, g
9 h' k/ }& H* H5 G* wC、input
4 K( g/ g+ Z& n" r! g6 Y; J; H' T5 DD、learning" m) Z  S/ ?6 c* l0 O# U; t3 [

$ I4 H, W; q4 \; @" v6 U4 W: n. X8 I! P0 z8 M7 N

" n7 k0 [" ^6 E; i- Y( Y) G第8题,A ______ is a storage device containing pre-recorded video and audio information used for students to watch and listen through TV or computer.) k% f+ v3 T  U* B
A、audio-cassette/ u0 L1 X, s9 X  [/ Z" r* S* X
B、visual material  k0 h* T7 T# J7 q  p; w
C、supplementary material
( I( F0 @3 ?& `, F/ XD、videodisc4 i1 X. A: D3 B
$ i" W# D' }4 z7 j) n

& a% _3 Q2 L/ F' n% i
0 M7 {, p; s9 i5 G6 j# C2 m6 K第9题,Fluency is a general term for good speaking _____5 L" N+ F+ [& a9 v' L1 a5 @
A、accuracy6 c% G3 q$ _4 e- a' Y
1 o3 c6 G8 u. u9 l' R/ N$ fC、aesthetics$ {' x) Z' |' H) ~" a
D、ability% d$ z4 K  O) S2 {) J
$ ~, i# c2 ~  H9 I" V
$ z7 k* D, o( ^
/ x3 F3 z8 o( v1 U. W
第10题,Listening is a _____process.- b. Z6 V+ M0 g' F' i% A: D8 u% \
A、interpretive1 _$ t% K5 e7 C+ t6 f. w( d7 k5 w
B、instructive; e: Y( e% s% [5 s) j2 e& V
! J7 i4 k, P3 l; P5 [  V, LD、contextual1 S6 J6 j$ s4 i2 b
8 I5 e& L  w1 s: p1 b+ ^

! I# D* N8 O4 ~( \# D+ k* l$ |4 p3 H% a( z1 e
第11题,The reasons why learners encounter difficulties in reading English text could be _____.
/ h: |& A1 \% u! q; e7 p- F( DA、linguistic level$ v% [" Y% N" b
B、discourse structure$ T' ]8 L# ]7 P" E
C、background information
: }8 V' m) E- u0 {" Q2 fD、reading habit and EQ; o0 r  q) h) a
,B,C,D. m. l& ~4 n1 Z. Y0 D

  d8 ]: _2 X0 L8 A# x8 B- H0 N; |) Z9 x6 ]& _2 @
第12题,Common features of a syllabus are ______." U9 y, W# m) y, D
A、public document' T" {* Q4 B* A. y- i8 E
B、explicit objectives, O! u  o8 X4 p, r1 z# H
C、ordered content; c) p; B0 H7 f& E3 g1 N5 y
D、time schedule; preferred methodology or approach
2 `0 O/ p* @- r2 j) a* _+ \$ X,B,C,D. e3 [* r9 @6 X0 T' B6 b8 z3 G
! n$ u$ j  p! p  ?6 K3 m! s
% a9 H+ `+ U6 j6 L- b
第13题,The objectives of the Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching Method are _____.
  R) Z" l8 ]6 @* c% bA、accuracy
. _" _6 V; d. D/ T1 A& sB、automatic control of the language
& k4 U; g  {, [4 f( A/ @! HC、reading and writing comes before oral work
$ v. K/ z' b3 F# ~4 f0 wD、oral work comes before reading and writing
# ^+ r4 {2 J" F. H. I9 z,B,D0 l% I2 J# L) D  I% @  K# H7 p

4 l2 t) q4 m7 W1 n2 x) l, c7 U. Y9 z1 n* `$ x- B5 E, [
第14题,A teacher needs to be excellent in _____
+ ~; _2 s1 G" TA、listening
2 L5 |% Q" k1 Z3 o) MB、speaking, _  `$ C2 i! A1 v
C、reading" y4 s3 |1 y& L- z* F# U
D、writing.5 S& u1 Z, u8 G, \% W" a
- S* ]: w/ S- N. X; f& @3 n* I( g. `" J3 F  ?

+ H/ S" N. U+ F0 b3 e, j! g' b第15题,Reading is a means of input. Teachers should make sure that students do a lot of reading in terms of _____ .7 s9 a9 J  q: F3 P% ^
A、skills' _; D; j  M9 ]# E/ }
  s& m. H  n  X( Q7 QC、grading
( X, T' c, f; V/ ]D、variety.
/ D( b) b4 O+ q9 s! A9 {% k& Q,C,D( w1 N' e& P1 m- V

1 y% c; ]. S7 C
1 Z  F6 T8 c! o# z第16题,Reflection in teacher development refers to a process that involves____in testing, planning and implementing professional actions, towards the desired result of improvement in the competence of professional practice (Pollard and Tann 1987, Calderhead 1989, and Bengtsson 1995).
6 F4 g! C2 @8 ?' Z* f2 vA、knowledge
% Y) O! e6 [' w+ G0 e$ qB、enquiry
4 P" c9 h- h: E: tC、analysis
7 O3 Q1 [0 |% i5 j, rD、interacted skills* R1 _$ d  W0 q9 i. T: ]
* Z  ~2 y2 _2 B) ~: I7 N4 V* O0 A+ V; \
6 ~; Z; H3 O( B( w  p0 N4 G( u
第17题,Summative assessment____% {* \/ U7 E5 ~7 T
A、is not necessarily prepared and carried by the class teacher
% a5 A  X4 O0 PB、does not necessarily relate immediately to what has been taught
0 G% N+ j4 l6 Q2 C3 j" w4 IC、the judgment about a learner's performance is likely to feed into record-keeping and be used for administrative purposes, e.g. checking standards and targets6 W* _' a; D  q5 K
D、is frequently externally imposed, e.g. by an institution or a ministry of education.
; o$ I5 o4 M; ~+ o6 w) B,B,C,D9 \: A) }0 f" i
! H& \; k! @+ A$ R3 w+ n, j
  j+ |& c+ U. @6 u7 O
第18题,The gradual process of professional development throughout a teacher's career is characterized by different stages (Leithwood 1992): ______3 M* d0 s6 L4 \/ z1 n, H
A、developing survival skills; building up competence in the basic skills of instruction;% [3 r5 D' b% N- u' C
B、expanding one's flexibility in using instruction; acquiring and developing instructional and professional expertise;3 N( B: a/ e5 }; g+ M
C、making contributions to staff development, and* ~) _) v4 }, C6 {) Z: U
D、taking part in a broad range of educational decisions at all levels.
( V, S; k% p1 O" A8 `,B,C,D  Y. ~8 E  x# E0 u% e2 i$ O
/ ]7 S" C( t4 X& w4 _
; }+ t- \( [/ L0 f! k3 F
第19题,The following are the principles in teaching writing:      .
$ ]/ S( J* Q: m( W0 [1 rA、Encourage reading
7 y7 ?" N* S4 a5 A, GB、Encourage self-discipline
% H% [# {5 c2 N' B5 R0 I7 TC、Encourage acquiring process
/ Z$ R$ d  F9 R7 M3 F/ Z1 _D、Using different checking techniques
' U: t/ h- X6 B7 o,B,C,D
  p; J. @8 c; w9 L5 A  m3 [  k
4 f/ P+ Q: V( v3 B7 R0 w6 c' u$ U$ z$ J/ r& p' V8 b9 f% K
第20题,The roles of teachers in class management are______ .
* S  m) V' C1 x& q- f5 U2 eA、in motivating students1 u( V( D& L/ w" M+ C/ W
B、in creating a positive classroom atmosphere& {; [: [. d2 D
C、in trying a new approach8 E5 G/ ~4 e' k8 R8 ^, i: i
D、speaking with the students4 y6 P) M; @) @. t+ M( M
6 z7 Q- m" r9 n! y+ Y* ?4 x" s4 v3 F4 a- g9 }8 ]

/ k0 M+ E& D' |) _7 `, V第21题,Instructional materials are resources for teachers and students to use in achieving course aims and objectives.. e% ~$ f; i& U' m* n
! L2 r& ?# v4 XB、正确
" `& B! ?$ U. Y# r* b9 ~, p# ^
1 u, A' }- L  s+ F( L- x5 {9 N  B# U9 ]

7 F% K9 R5 T/ }第22题,Textbooks of function type focus on language usage instead of its use.
! C+ Z2 m" m' i/ QA、错误
& ~6 u# d0 |7 F, k" k( C% V( UB、正确
6 Y, X1 l1 }# V! z( U5 I1 p+ t9 T
: [6 {6 Q' E9 ~3 T# ~! @
" J2 M  x, @8 @0 e6 G' j5 z' L" {7 s, `
第23题,According to Hatch (1983) and Krashen (1985), humans acquire language by understanding messages or by receiving 'comprehensible input' in the interactive process.
* P4 @. ]" ?: \A、错误
$ N! P9 Z$ R, u5 L5 f' B( Q/ iB、正确
6 H4 n# h2 |0 h/ M1 W; @
0 h- B. V9 t* T- a2 [& T# |# \1 L" w0 {1 o8 U2 E# Q
, Y+ H6 a" L4 T" p
第24题,A mental plan can be hard work or a little work, and can reveal clearly whether the teacher devotes his/her time to plan writing..% ]- ~* R+ G8 l! P7 R" [. L1 n* _% L5 H
A、错误; e% y. M# ~5 O8 ~% c7 I+ w5 W
+ `- {5 B5 @9 `- _; ?: p& z
6 n! L9 A$ _% x5 h& I9 e3 V8 H! K' H5 m% h* W2 D/ h
" d. J$ ?! S5 O: s8 J, x8 G
第25题,In Richard' s view (1994) teachers can facilitate the interactive process between all learners and concerning all aspects.% m0 \. [0 J( c4 v2 l
A、错误$ H- q) d% S0 W7 f! ]& Q
  X# Q) j/ H( P: h2 X
( }0 r0 r" g1 a0 I3 M
6 F2 J8 o- Q& X, c5 j
0 e6 \. J) q7 a) B% u2 `- \第26题,Since the middle of the 20th century, over-confidence in the established theories has been gradually eroded by the perplexities and dilemmas in real situations (1983), which occurred both in the West and in China.8 C. Y( ~& |3 ~6 m5 W
A、错误. A3 o2 N. {- f% C% V5 Q( H4 z8 v
B、正确  z* U2 l: s% v6 t/ Y( p
1 U# c1 F" U3 |0 i* G4 X
- }* P; @: ?$ k9 M$ j

1 i. Q# k) e# p( d第27题,The syllabus can be characterized with its private nature.
- S; D: y9 F* _, wA、错误& E5 f7 [5 _* V! I* z" L% v( W
) W0 d6 |5 j( U$ r
. m* F4 r& C3 k# B/ ~2 I
# R' _7 M9 T% t
9 G% V0 y6 S% j, G  G第28题,Krashen asserts that learning cannot turn into acquisition (Lightbown and Spada 1993:27)
& _3 `$ B0 ]! uA、错误+ B: n; o' R* D) W
B、正确+ S: W$ L5 }7 l$ _+ I0 @

$ U* U8 y5 M$ y3 _& \
3 _. \! |( ?3 F
0 a. F* Z, K# c# ]! ]第29题,Closure of lesson plan is usually about assignments' N( F' X8 C! P! h4 W
" A# f8 R2 ]8 T& F# l4 a& i: i, b8 SB、正确
1 F: \7 k6 n+ T+ Y; N
8 q: b% ?0 Q. E9 D0 F
2 t# _, t" _6 w1 l/ R, c) E2 P) f9 g) N7 o, s5 y8 L
第30题,In pair work, the teacher divides the class into small groups to work together (usually four or five students in each group).
+ N  R: _- c9 [) K4 b6 N' W: W1 v( |A、错误! [0 q( {7 c5 ]0 U" s, h
B、正确6 Q: L- {. n9 C  D

- a" f7 \( @# T6 S* P) V' {6 g
/ {& L7 G' P2 v1 j# k+ N6 q( W' l5 A) x+ @! a- f2 `
第31题,Sometimes teachers can be distracted or momentarily forget what they should teach next. Then the teacher needs to glance at the plan.! \4 Q: T; ?- `7 r( m
A、错误+ s. m9 J; q3 X
B、正确7 R5 Q- P' S2 }. ~* o1 o7 o+ x
5 e: S; ]3 |8 ]

5 ~: ~. P* i) t7 x% @- B, k  q! }' ~
第32题,Agenda and minutes  are institutional writing.
/ L1 o% Y4 n( l* m2 v, vA、错误/ Y; |( r9 m' ]  @
B、正确3 Y- X/ c2 M# A4 p) P. I" }0 j/ e( D0 q4 w

, l/ I2 d, l4 [/ P- }7 E( T0 p# Q7 m0 l

2 S1 X" x+ e4 N6 p! d2 B7 P; H第33题,Generally speaking, literal understanding is comparatively easier than interpretative understanding.
  B& O* Z: d- ?7 N; xA、错误" v5 g6 P5 `! t5 \, O, p* _6 g
B、正确/ h, h: W  ?3 z1 v6 k
2 h0 y1 j- S7 T
% f( a* [) M, v' N, E: i% \! T
" ?- }% I2 s* B. r4 J* C5 P# B
第34题,Chinese equivalents of English words have different denotative, connotative and contextual meanings.
0 F2 C# f: V+ w/ x- VA、错误7 s# y1 ^/ @3 F- q; l' M1 G
0 m: Q6 A+ {5 f1 A& ^/ j1 ~8 Y$ r( v) \) [8 F0 z
0 Z7 d2 k+ `; K# G
- M; x, h. x% u( l' G; n2 e
第35题,According to Penny Ur, a syllabus contains either content items or process items.
) T  q2 _* T( Q* d6 `! qA、错误
  C9 l9 W& S' z# B. DB、正确
; H4 Y- ~: X  i
- V8 ]& R9 ?1 j* y) s2 a
" V! I' H6 w3 i- X& c
7 S$ l% I, C0 N/ L3 I第36题,Contextual knowledge addresses immediate situation and the text itself., b- H: w4 n! S, y
0 y. C7 ?  ~# M/ {  aB、正确
4 E1 M* T8 @7 l$ a/ J7 t
% u! w) ]8 x( a* i  l' ^& U' E; v" F

: R7 N3 b  A7 @! c6 u+ p+ E第37题,reflection on action is dissimilar to Dewey's reflective action which is termed as a cognitive deliberation on past experience to work out alternative solutions to practical problems., F" D- k7 C' g' I
9 R4 N3 s6 U2 o  G) H1 oB、正确3 |3 T" \# C1 R; C7 C0 q  K; A

# Q3 d  u4 j" H" k9 t& j3 J
% f2 S/ x! r" \0 o* \5 y
7 q5 g4 m7 i# V) c第38题,It is believed that effective listening involves a mixture of the two processes: top-down and bottom-up.
* F  g4 ^$ O9 Y7 rA、错误( m  f& P$ J4 E& `- V! c
8 \" G% O9 M* r8 N! O8 a6 X! n; T2 V8 j

; i! }; \( |5 n- H8 P+ M8 r( {
. Y6 G# R' B0 ~3 ?6 A第39题,The teacher values accuracy a lot, especially pronunciation and grammar, if he/she uses the Direct Method.3 Y0 {4 b* }: V& z: U- y! C6 M5 z
A、错误! R! B/ m) g7 K5 `/ G
/ @( x. d% T& k) {6 {$ R
2 \, W+ ]/ }9 T2 S1 t0 ?9 V. k  R8 ]  ?  a

$ ?/ J. P: Q: E8 N# z, f第40题,Language awareness can be used as a philosophy attempting 'to develop learners' explicit understanding of language.    (Borg, 1994:62)4 s: T0 r$ s$ |$ B
1 `, D7 F/ Y$ Z. s: uB、正确7 _# M" {2 `( W, n: a( m- N, I1 v
9 d8 q; C! w" r. ]2 g

2 x% s3 S$ v+ ^/ @- |6 d" b
- h; D3 C* q# w, K" t; n3 }' B/ n8 b$ g" t: C: D, w& z1 O
2 c6 R& g, G/ \, H5 I3 w7 L

+ u5 j' N1 [* z/ F0 P$ N: M
1 a8 b- I% R" `1 B5 C2 b. u: c9 G9 j& R( Q- t

4 }6 b" ]/ P, j& E+ p4 s9 \
3 K0 E9 @4 m( G, a/ V) i. X, w
" Y" U& Z8 |) g! b5 Y2 ]* Q; m" H3 j: n$ j+ Q) r5 G  N2 M+ n# o
. V/ j! s, A; p3 l; I0 I
1 F* Y' }/ e+ R' U; U! T

. m6 j( W/ g+ U


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