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发表于 2018-10-16 05:51:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
奥鹏】[东北师范大学]英语课程与教学论18秋在线作业32 K* s+ V, Q& K/ {  G8 V4 i
试卷总分:100    得分:100
/ L2 b, A3 n6 R' O8 {: M1 v第1,The most common form of authority involved in developing language policy and planning is the ().* ]" J% R  f' o4 ^
; c4 g* D. c! S7 o5 t: x4 MB、court6 z# g2 Y, Z; I& a! d2 N
  o  }' C! E4 ^& s7 tD、Public Security Bureau
$ F* P* I. A' \6 J4 ^" @  B+ C2 j$ E) i5 M7 f

& O- U/ B! y) \  M; h
3 ~: p. A6 w5 b) \! n第2题,In the learning the established understanding is typical by _ syllabus.
) t5 A" E1 R. t6 HA、Formal and functional
8 O$ @, G, e/ Z3 D; a1 jB、structural and functional
: ?  ]- H9 K: q& YC、formal and structural6 Q, V5 @8 ]# t- Y: a8 p( O2 p
D、type A and type B' Z/ F. m# y( B. x2 Z7 ~  U" a
1 r* N' G% O" v0 J' o
3 A. o  \+ p/ {! R' |. e

, @- H4 b& l' H& m3 }第3题,Repetition is belongs to what strategy?
0 V2 e6 H0 ]1 p( M  z  p7 @A、metacognitive strategy, P9 U6 e8 d: c9 ?- U
B、cognitive strategy  l) L& J7 e, p6 X  a: l
C、social strategy
; z9 V- \4 a* Y( f7 O- A; E( dD、affective strategy. \8 r; F& o& n/ m4 U0 U
3 B/ }: s! }! Q' g. f/ s9 W

. G' r- N( m2 ^4 T/ S
7 z- T1 W' c" G  C7 h( |7 A- U+ h% A  G第4题,How many crucial areas are included in the profession ()./ P# z4 L* q* }: N
4 t, b4 {+ V0 d2 a& ^# D; I0 hB、50 ]: e& k2 O2 N; z
. r" `: B% P$ |! A* R& `8 O- o8 f) YD、3
7 }! X7 [+ H" F! [1 f" ]" A0 k4 b( z+ H% A& X+ ]

! g5 T# R4 ?7 {5 p' ^! i$ R$ @# X2 T" A* P% w; E, O
第5题,A () activity is used where the whole set of information is not revealed until all students have performed their part of the task.
) ]4 Y% p  w6 ]* H# s% bA、jigsaw
; _- H' h' H( xB、gap-filling
! [0 {. |& x6 D4 l& W$ zC、hungman
1 J/ d" N, {% BD、bingo
2 c; q. j& @/ V1 I( d
6 Y9 D$ e. s. }: @* F7 ~* [& Y% W8 A3 f* ~- G6 a6 U6 v9 ^% c

( J, l' r; [' J' q第6题,The biggest problem for group work is the selection of group members. Below are some possible ways to group students. Each of them is appropriate except ().
9 {6 v! `% ^& Z% y) T# ~A、group the students according to seating arrangement
9 x  X. s' Q+ s3 ?# z; ^8 E: u! u- tB、students select their own group members (risky)
9 T0 ^$ D8 H, o3 t8 UC、group the students by drawing lots
2 y$ H) O& _3 @8 ^D、divide the strong students and the weak students into different groups
4 Y9 c1 N$ O/ A- Q1 W, g0 Y1 z. ~, B5 E- l$ z* d7 N+ u* b6 `
. s, t& d) ~% C" t( E7 a8 {

7 W/ `& H( j! N* M第7题,()involves teachers identifying issues and problems relevant to their own classes.1 n0 ~* w4 ^7 ?) `) R' d" D
A、Literature review) h1 s4 U. P3 {' k4 l- s
! [3 q2 N4 D# k( P( y) N4 QC、Action research7 k1 J* G) o* y. Q+ n
D、lassroom observation
$ X) U7 v& O  o& f% p; n/ y4 [) [
+ m: [! j  X3 G' q
) F8 N# y9 t. }5 ?
# ^7 F) E+ Z! \+ H. G第8题,In your opinion, which one is the most typical macro planning ().+ Q' v8 F6 h# ]! @( c1 q! m
A、unit planning, o6 Q! q5 u! Q1 }$ s. z
B、half a semester planning
. n$ L% o3 C& V' S, yC、one semester planning( K. E. Z& n8 V3 [
D、whole course planning: K% P1 T6 j# \4 w0 v2 N; d, W. o
/ m2 V7 n; Z; A8 f# ^1 f$ I

7 O6 `) D/ s8 f- @4 \  Y
$ q6 c! ?. W" F5 v/ g第9题,What  arenot the causes of an error().
1 m5 V3 t& B9 a: W% nA、overgeneralization
1 k: f# e+ F4 f( h2 kB、undergeneralization1 b2 L2 z& T' I# h! R/ ~
C、simplification( i8 u+ v, j4 E; o) A
D、deduced errors' g! d, `# W0 m
8 [5 x  b( i$ d, j( g. v! s
6 x: `- h; j6 m7 \
; Y$ V' b6 e" V# D5 B5 e- k
第10题,If a writing task is more general (for example, developing informal letter writing skills), then what is the best approch of correction?
# H' }  e+ B0 n. q% ZA、teacher-guided correction& T9 j# W6 x7 q5 T+ P
B、group correction7 ^4 b" s( g+ Y7 x( A# D9 w
C、focus correcting  \( y8 [* B0 P

0 j8 Y) j: Y0 Y3 c# K  `
4 n1 b1 A; j" Y' s8 e$ h& b+ {5 x" W9 o
第11题,() relates to the truthfulness of the data./ s, T2 ~0 R: r9 r( B' v
! K' U* i6 k! N( PB、reliabilit
/ e1 q" b0 E$ L% q( B$ D' Z" o: o) KC、subject: m# _8 m. d, d% ^
0 b7 b# E0 u* D
! d  T% N8 L  s; c9 ^# S2 E0 B5 a3 D; q8 \9 j$ ?% y, h0 X

: c8 o* s7 |( S5 ]. n6 i第12题,Cognitive and interactional patterns cannot affect the way in which students?
9 e' U- M6 @4 a8 bA、perceive
$ u3 M- u$ {+ g8 y% [8 s7 nB、remember
6 x" f6 F/ ?! r( r8 b3 |C、think
* X1 x$ ^( T: YD、practice
  O9 X1 e$ l! |2 U- m- Q8 S. y' s6 |0 x$ p; u: B

: H: m9 l) Y( e. V/ l8 o: i4 |
第13题,Look at the following words, which one of the follow options is an example of anagram. ___________
1 I/ p$ ?4 i6 w) {  i- X* jA、flow-fowl
( p9 L- E2 v& M$ {; X1 w. k0 MB、man-mean& C7 D7 H/ B3 b8 r" O9 o# O! a* I
! [- G5 r+ i, Q) aD、hear-her* G. c8 d& D7 |" ?6 Z& m
: l# W2 h0 W& N' I2 K
& C- B6 Y1 W) x+ v

; |' t. x1 s: W2 N第14题,()involves the organization of learning and teaching in such a way that the traditional notion of the "average student" and "aiming for the middle "in teaching is abandoned.
, L5 Q3 v3 r; rA、pair work" R' p' A" _4 q( H: X! z
B、group work
- _6 N4 e5 L3 a) {7 N" w: E4 ]C、teacher's help2 C' p; s, t. ?/ |& x$ K( W
7 I* Y, |+ H2 Q% C" p4 x. J) P  Z, n" U8 Z. D8 Y* y/ x2 k* ]

. n$ a; c/ d3 M6 J$ o* p! C! _% F- _" F6 j$ S
第15题,Among speaking strategies, which involves using alternatives for words which you do not know?
+ R  g1 B* ?: ^0 j7 o/ d" D, cA、Tailoring message to competence' G2 e6 X# }9 w4 s8 q
4 n( S; `" C9 I# G4 K" `C、Using fillers and hesitation devices) j* u/ r; u2 r4 w  `- @
D、Appealing for help
6 a9 j/ Y1 u# ?
" v6 o9 W+ U( A* |$ c6 u% K7 d% ?( N: p  @+ m% U, ^0 T
' O/ |6 z" |6 n' O' K6 m
第16题,Which is not belongs to cognitive strategies?- R% b! _. d  A7 m" j
, {9 i) |1 [' s, S! DB、self-management- f0 D: {7 V3 K# H% O
C、translation+ O( R% E4 d3 {" h3 b
D、inferencing% ~( D/ C) Q3 w. @

$ L7 R. P% d  k. R; _' @/ ^, R3 K! T4 q' Q0 u. a, o1 Z$ _( S

: T4 {) `, P% i第17题,The first of the "natural methods"is ().
0 c- w$ Q# `  w/ g/ }" T: uA、Direct Method
/ o3 x. c+ a1 O( C. V, }; AB、Grammar-translation Method
. C- Y9 `# s4 w, fC、the Audio-lingual Method
5 j+ U  W# R7 wD、Situational Language Teaching1 {. h% s* [7 c0 r, Q+ O2 `

: T: Q6 z% V* J8 F; t0 J( v
/ w  X$ F3 h  t" z
; [; N; v$ a) I* h/ _6 {+ |第18题,Which one of the charaters is not belongs to a good language learner?
" i- ~& f3 T; b) c/ t3 x7 @A、Be creative and experiment with language* E5 I' A% K/ A0 p! R+ a
B、learns to live with errors and learn from errors
; ?& M$ T, w0 M/ h: K6 _! MC、recites words without understanding
2 x, N- O6 j( D! B7 c) R( ?& ?( m' x0 SD、seeks out all opportunities to use the target language& v1 j) j. K- ]3 L

5 A9 u0 F5 P) i; r( |8 U8 Q1 o! [/ c, d# V& u4 F# O' Q* N9 U

) B2 B( L& m) I0 f& Y8 w7 |: ]  P第19题,We all know that the teacher needs to know his/her students, in the following items which one is the most difficult to ascertain().
, I; _3 \* ]1 J8 I5 c; xA、sex' O( B, P4 O1 n9 }2 p- {
B、age" e' e8 F( _2 r. F. G! m% Y
C、social background
0 R4 U) _! T( j% M1 ]D、occupation+ n$ w5 E' l5 ^0 a$ y3 x

8 j% Y6 B2 m1 v/ k# O: q
, c1 j  y8 r. [& q* J! `
( K4 K" S* a4 S第20题,()research must be analytic
/ B0 j, G5 h1 c2 C6 NA、experimental
8 m  h# A" D. Y* `1 XB、descriptive
  V/ r8 {. G) iC、Action research3 ?4 Z, Q. K6 S( q6 I
D、A case study
  g; M+ y9 T5 e; e, M
' \0 j$ h5 w* P2 b. Q% U# U7 ^( z; V

* I; h4 q7 e' q) z$ Q第21题,Errors occur for ().
, c! o9 G& D! Z7 P2 H& T7 fA、interference from the native language$ \. h+ w5 {) O, r0 h/ _
B、incomplete knowledge of the target language
9 z! S# C# ?. VC、the complexity of the the language" |5 o  {& @0 R+ W
D、dufferences in writing system" B: T+ e/ y# j2 a* C
5 E8 ^4 y+ H+ t/ k* n: t/ ?
# L! L) O( M7 k) O. ^' N4 R0 m9 p. l
1 k' C" }0 O: W( @: d, q第22题,Effective teachers have command of at least three, broad knowledge bases that deal with ().
1 n5 l% r7 n  f; Y. i* y4 n+ hA、subject matter
. \* \" B1 ~& B/ RB、human development and learning6 A1 {- J7 g) I4 J; h, j
  h4 d( r# L4 Z% `3 WD、healthy habbit; C3 W# t3 A5 c, w' {* ^
! d( B& z8 I/ t2 _  w# A/ g" W+ Z/ S: P3 o! `+ f4 H

' K9 w, a" B. i; E7 q第23题,In the following, which are controlled writing activities?* V1 p4 \+ Y; v
A、copying/ e! x- t0 F1 x3 S
B、gap-filling* k5 K# b8 {6 _! w5 g
C、Making lists
: y+ g( l7 G# `& OD、Sentence completion8 V* c7 u8 @. c- ]  C1 I; }
5 x  p. l& b2 p& F: d: g
* A: V3 S3 z  o) U: Q: a+ O
$ F2 v3 F9 t2 P$ U" h! g# R" S( l' D第24题,Which are included in social and affective strategies?7 k: e6 N, {) V8 R7 v$ ~
A、Questioning for clarification- M' K- U) L. V- e  H
B、Cooperation" v: [1 W5 T( V/ _0 O9 f3 w
1 g  W4 `3 W/ I: |% h, D: XD、selective attention
8 ?  J( J$ _6 Q8 Y4 M  q+ L7 t/ ~,B,C
* i  a1 a* `9 a% ^
. x6 [7 e7 H* G  m
  s$ V8 u, h) ?* e第25题,What are the functions of teacher talk?()
3 o( r4 ~! j* n" h+ [4 A0 sA、teaching
( A; o6 F0 Z$ e3 h, R1 |B、socialization8 N6 b9 ~3 e: ~/ k6 I
C、organization% N$ b' y9 w/ h
# a" p% d2 ~' m& m,B,C7 H) A1 m0 [1 M- b4 S' ~) J
7 t: k8 W4 A6 A7 r4 k% _5 F
! t5 P( s$ n8 s+ t+ m" r7 {: Q
第26题,Language aptitude is thought to be a combination of what?* z/ `/ x+ R2 {8 e) X6 T
A、phonetic coding ability
% D2 H2 k0 r- `$ R0 c% RB、grammatical sensitivity- t7 f4 ]# y5 c6 |
C、inductive ability
0 ?# B- ^& t( v3 sD、deductive ability. W8 X( P% F2 P
E、rote-learning ability
8 m8 }) h/ w" ?! y) H3 Z,B,C,E
. h" C' k' P- Z" _- d1 S3 U- L/ B
6 w) T. V7 _+ m$ S% h$ ^/ T1 Q# `' Y
第27题,Why teachers should not correct every error().+ g# C8 e: Y# ?! \* J+ k- U( L  D& [
A、affective concerns
( _: R3 C* I% y: r2 Q( k3 }B、attitude concerns: t/ D! X+ U# z: b" g  L
C、classroom management concerns
) E6 f1 q( Y# \/ S% \$ RD、teaching concerns
6 ]% x# W- ?& ^8 W( r,C,D
2 t2 L- T4 s3 n
: C; s" ?; s0 s7 r6 W- |1 c. y5 |
7 [, o7 {* C6 g( @* u. \7 |3 I第28题,what are the possible techniques to be used for practicing the structure that has just been presented?________
: d9 |2 U# {! Z  p# mA、repetion7 Z* \5 A* P% k& k, o% K7 f
B、substitution: x) Z: r9 `0 A( {4 c4 K- j
C、single word prompts8 g3 d6 A3 ?( h9 {: c( W, Y
D、picture prompts1 C( w: C  g3 \9 ?2 h- E
; B# m' ?5 M# ?7 Q& h2 c5 y% |
" t$ C8 M8 Q0 i( N: K* k/ J  G, [0 ^6 ]7 m
第29题,What are the three different views of language()?
* s" Z0 [1 E3 i2 yA、the structural view
) ~6 F' }- W/ W3 ZB、the communicative view
1 L9 x, J9 |! v3 f- f, e. T8 SC、interactional view. h6 W% K0 `! n
D、functional view
+ J3 J6 g6 D& f2 M; ?,B,C,D( c9 F- f& p2 `& `. T( g/ y

" @' T! F# U2 B7 X. N: {
6 [& P5 b2 b7 z  i" L- V) p$ V第30题,What are the cognitive processes result in the rules which compose the interlanguage?
  [5 h/ i: ?+ Q8 ?( @# BA、Overgeneralisation0 F$ n/ \. g) t  C) S
B、Transfer of Training- a, ]$ f) @( X# L* R
C、Strategies of L2 Learning7 s* G' C& {# \: \( n9 [8 @+ X
D、Strategies of L2 Communication: u. R: ?; U& L. A
E、Language Transfer
( g0 A3 Q$ Y" Z8 X4 q' y( S: x' |,B,C,D,E
- x4 H8 t2 {, p# e; k/ u. p9 Z/ M, P( a/ z
5 W5 g( `$ g/ X0 G5 w1 q6 G4 x* a
第31题,English is described as a second language in countries such as Fiji, Singapore, Nigeria,America.4 D) G0 c1 `, v$ S. Z
" U) H/ ~, L9 V- Y% YB、正确8 E7 X: k/ D9 \  [

- s7 u  `- ?7 w/ J* c" m& f+ E% J9 m& E4 k0 ^' g# }( F
: |' f" q& m' c( j$ o) k' q9 ~
第32题,Foreign language learners often recognize the fact that a lack of cultural awareness and sensitivity can cause more serious misunderstandings and communication breakdowns than an incorrectly used tense or wrong word order.
; m  i& d8 g$ H/ _A、错误' e; _8 m4 Z0 V& |+ }+ ~; N
B、正确9 Z5 t; J! J. [0 x
/ X% O1 Q) L9 O1 j  U/ A6 }

, @. B! H3 Q% }# L4 ~" [0 z$ g9 q2 B! M' f
第33题,We should learn words which frequently appear.
: `# @. X7 }! T/ [( ^A、错误
" E' _+ k# u# jB、正确
' M/ j2 ~; f: X$ X# O, k" v
' {; w3 k, `; N' T
+ z0 @5 L2 {& G4 V8 v* n, F. ]6 O) N7 ^: S# C9 _
第34题,Authentic materials are dialogues and reading passages that have been specially written for language learners.2 ?& p; _! w3 m/ M& q. @) x4 B2 I  x* E
A、错误: \) }+ N- B, Y6 e: \1 ]
+ K' E! w$ z4 L' E; P. V
& y. I! Y2 \, A! J% u. H: ?0 d3 y0 x5 u  z/ l

/ K$ u- K3 {6 w3 _; Z) ^第35题,Survey is used widely in descriptive research, in which sampling is one of the key issues.2 S1 Z( F4 N7 {( @& [% W8 i& ]; y/ N
A、错误( [1 ?! G4 Z  t
3 d- K* Y4 I' F. V) g. L) x4 G
* E  b) t3 s, G0 U2 G4 P$ o

, _9 [. s2 R5 M$ J' F# B0 B第36题,TBL requires students to engage in interaction in order to fulfill a task.. ]9 G- m+ G) U
A、错误4 ?2 [% ~+ u4 t6 B% G
B、正确5 x" s2 ~6 _* j0 H1 {; u: t
7 K, y! z* V, _9 R

" U  ]8 G! |7 F+ T9 n: t( x  r
+ y8 |% N  x0 K. \. o: A第37题,Introverts seek out company actively and enjoy the company of other people.
, J- P* I8 [1 k: n2 jA、错误3 Q0 K( x+ ~% z( y" {9 p& a
B、正确8 U0 ~6 d, T; h5 @
  K9 b  V3 b: Z" K; u+ J
7 c+ e% C1 g, L2 h
2 x, U3 a7 |" i4 _! ]
第38题,When students are not sure how to start an activity, or what to do next, or what to say next, the teacher should give appropriate prompts.. i+ n! g. A# N0 {& _: B
A、错误. a  X0 f0 P" _2 R
B、正确, g; `  E3 r7 V2 [/ k1 b
# d& |  T& {% X; j
, {, M. l1 i8 z4 r" f
  g% J7 Q( Q3 c% n, z. U5 G  G- T
第39题,Lesson planning is equivalent to lesson plans.
+ b( t$ m) m9 w2 T; t4 {) C6 ?3 TA、错误# @% C9 W5 b5 H1 j& P' C
B、正确% [! s( v  A4 V5 ~- `) y$ h7 `
4 b5 u3 ~* E  g
+ _4 A: J5 s5 L% T& Y$ X
% V. D# U& n$ R! L1 B5 S
第40题,Teachers should always speak at a natural speed.
$ l; B: T9 N: ?: Y, L' p. mA、错误
4 W! e/ ^, B: ?% v9 U6 r; vB、正确9 ]0 k- g7 E1 }/ }0 a+ k
2 l9 s1 U  I& j4 l9 ~) J1 ?4 `
' T1 @* F& u, X, y& i

; u6 |  o5 J5 M4 q' `' V第41题,Learners can explain and correct post-systematic error.0 b8 C9 |* t0 V6 Z2 t  A. j
A、错误' H. S( v. h( |9 u' ]/ T" i
B、正确& k# w8 n( m$ K

% m' L4 A7 n- J( A& Y- P: `0 s& c1 z* \' w# ^" [( W2 L, d% t' f; f
0 ~& y4 N4 Z# `1 _1 A0 i+ o
第42题,If there is an immediate task at hand, such as taking a test, perhaps teacher-guided correction is the most effective solution.* H# ~' }& e2 ?& B
A、错误! T! w' _+ O- K9 r- m$ _: I
; L* B- `( f+ _9 q2 H. G2 |# B. h% u' D5 @0 v. O, \: g" w

4 `/ e$ O& C; @& E7 ?9 m$ ]" k0 z) H9 s9 O) N
第43题,Good writing does not happen by accident. The teacher should give the students both tool and time so that they can learn to write.
5 a& T/ S3 n; D  QA、错误! X$ D2 W/ h& m
* G; a) \. `' i( W$ @# ~5 O& s& A% m2 h' C
  m5 h2 b# S* _; i3 s" M

6 q; p) x( d9 D1 A/ T第44题,Curriculum and syllabus can represent the same theory of learning and can be realeased in various way.+ `# @# _# N- n) f% f( U9 T
A、错误+ t* B0 ^+ j4 [: H. M4 l
0 N0 J$ c; z7 @5 K% n1 ~
; r# L% k( }/ P& ?. P; h% f2 x% x/ P+ j# L8 {7 x
8 @1 o; ?% V% `3 [
第45题,Students feel less anxiety when they are working "privately" than when they are "on show" in front of the whole class.
8 h# f5 ~+ i# p1 m( J0 OA、错误
4 U8 @, F' @, X, P2 AB、正确" |( D6 g# u2 H* B  U7 D

* x* d# v+ c% }& G1 g1 L0 z* v1 J) ~$ k2 j& Q& h! F& L- l& f, b

$ w, {4 ]7 Y3 @: S) B8 P第46题,Fluency describes a level of proficiency in communication which includes the ability to produce written and/or spoken language with ease.- Q; ^+ r5 _- O9 K; L- y
A、错误- H6 T. e/ _( ?( ]6 A" Q' y
B、正确( c' N# m7 P6 }, c
# W8 S% R/ a, z3 k

+ L1 `9 U4 H9 j- Y+ h" z: t' y+ c) v& d7 l! j
第47题,Analytic learners initially require an overall picture when learning a task.+ D% H) H9 }2 q" w* C- r+ p
1 V. k0 j5 ?0 b8 QB、正确0 A1 ^& V1 H4 }8 }: F1 f! _' a4 t

" P1 z1 @6 k9 L- O, I7 Y( n6 f
7 f: ~8 q6 @9 ?. ?5 `' I) J, x
8 ~* P9 b( q" u* [1 z. g7 N! _第48题,Five elements of reflective teaching model are linear or sequential and always followed by the next element in the cycle.
* y3 _9 r' W% a% d$ LA、错误/ K# M4 L) ~4 h0 N, ?1 i
B、正确  o0 I1 a* n) H' P. ]

* J  c( T$ B. Y' ~1 M1 T7 L5 b
( S5 p" B! q* O8 o* O- z: Z, Q8 o' m% u, g: P! z* ^5 W
第49题,5. Unlike descriptive research that can be either synthetic or analytic, experimental research must be analytic.
" m+ v8 [: [+ t( h7 z% x7 I* _2 u( AA、错误& B2 o% e8 G( l( h) f4 R
, [9 {1 P4 }1 X8 g2 R$ o7 o8 G
) N  b# }4 p# N: Z* `  _% F. n* e1 C
% C, A: n! J  x
第50题,Rote-learning ability is not included in aptitude.
  c- j4 r, V# dA、错误
  j; C: M$ P6 O% O! J4 L  h1 n: L, eB、正确6 o2 E2 l* x. O4 \& d
/ J2 E, M$ \* h. {- q

' P0 T. ?* R/ p- t& Y$ C- x7 Z3 Q- m  K

- _* J# S; H& a. ]4 x$ Q
3 o2 C4 ^/ T2 ]7 @1 t* l3 q. B, ~* C
0 q4 _; T  H8 d4 m0 t/ Z/ c. `* |* w  b

' u& x) O- k$ _% L; K
! q7 y5 o1 v5 B& s; C
, n: K1 u+ m& n$ ~" u
  q# s5 j, w9 o: g9 N! y, m* J* s9 W6 r8 i" t) W
0 q) D9 S, u) p9 {- {: ^; M# m

# d% l3 K  j# U$ C" _
" K! y) {& ]# M% p% @: @# X


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