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发表于 2018-11-7 03:03:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
试卷总分:100    得分:100
第1,We Chinese are brought up to initially refuse friendly offers to demonstrate_____in seeming not to wish to put our host to any trouble.

第2题,In UK, in addition to polite expressions, when refusing a request, people find or give_____, if not genuine ones , sometimes called "white lies".

第3题,English  surnames  can  shows how  various  sorts  of information  about  people ,  including  the place  a  person is  from,  the  job  he has ,  family  relationships ,  ethnic  identity  and  personal_____.

第4题,Nowadays in England , people usually call each other_____.
Sir or Madam
by their first name
Mr, Mrs, Miss, or Ms
by their last name

第5题,Unlike in  China,  the  kin  terms  used  for  relatives  do  not  distinguish  between_____ relatives in Britain.
internal  and  external
old  and  young
maternal and  paternal
male and  female

第6题,In the West, it is regarded polite to open gifts as soon as they are given to express_____.

第7题,In America_____is the  collective  informal term for  addressing a  group  of friends.

第8题,It  is  right  to ask  children  or teenagers  their  age.  But  it  is  not  normally_____ in English  speaking societies to ask  an adult  their  age and  never  a  woman!

第9题,A Chinese-speaker's explanation for declining the invitation tends to be more detailed and longer to assure the person who invites that he's really got something important to do and he usually makes clear what he is going to do.


第10题,In China kin terms are mainly confined to family members, though some families still keep the tradition of having children use kin terms when addressing adults who are close neighbors and family friends.


第11题,In tha West, Normally people feel that if you open the gift as soon as it is given, you might embarrass the person who gives the gift and you might be thought greedy. So Westen people tend to open the gifts after the visitors have left.


第12题,As Chinese dinners usually revolve around one main course rather that  many different dishes hosts often ask beforehand whether guests do not like anything to avoid everyone being disappointed.


第13题,The acronym may accidentally spell an uncomplimentary word / a word which has a negative (derogatory) meaning:?Fiona Alice Tanner Graham Adam.


第14题,In England kin terms are not only used within one's own family but also to other people. The appropriate use of kin terms may reflect a  person's politeness, respectfulness, and friendliness. .


第15题,In the West, it is regarded as polite to open gifts as soon as they are given to you to express appreciation.


第16题,The most frequently used titles used before surnames are Mr, Mrs ( for a married woman), Miss (for an unmarried woman ) and Ms (referring to both married and unmarried women).


第17题,Chen Gang has just got to know his new American friend Jim , who came to learn Chinese in Zhejiang University one month ago. One day , Chen Gang invited Jim to dinner together with two of his Chinese friends. It was a very nice and decent meal. There were a lot of dishes that Jim hadn' t tasted before. He kept finishing what Chen Gang and his friends put on his plate eagerly until he felt to burst. But there was still a lot left on the table when the dinner was over. Jim felt sorry for that. And he was surprised that Chen Gang and his friends fought for paying. At last , Chen Gang paid the bill. Jim thought that it was a very expensive meal, and he would so much like to go Dutch with them.
正确资料:1) In America,people value equality. When having dinner together, people usually have their own share of food, and are not supposed to share with the other. Nor are they used to putting food on the other' s plate. Moreover, people stress frugality and simplicity, so everyone is supposed to clean the plate without leaving any food on it. At the end of the dinner, to show equality , it is quite common for the friends to pay for their own meal.2)As a new comer to China , Jim didn"t quite understand Chinese way of eating out with friends. What he found at the Chinese restaurant was quite different from the way in America.In China, when having dinner together among friends, normally the respected one is treated in a special way by being offered more food. And it is quite common for the friends to fight for paying the bill to show their generosity.

第18题,A British tourist is travelling by train in China. Sitting opposite him is a Chinese passenger. They introduce themselves to each other&hellip;British tourist: Hello, I&rsquo;m Eric Jackson. Glad to meet you. <br />Chinese passenger: Hello, my name is Liu Xin. I&rsquo;m glad to meet you, too. Where do you come from, Mr. Eric?<br />British tourist: I&rsquo;m from Britain. Please just call me Eric, Mr. Xin.<br />Chinese passenger: and you may just call me Liu Xin.
oth of them have taken each other&rsquo;s given name for the surname, since the order of the surnames of Chinese and English names are just the opposite. According to British custom its quite normal for persons who first meet to address each other by their given names alone, whereas here, when people first meet, they usually address each other by their full names and never by their given names alone.


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