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发表于 2020-3-26 19:28:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* B! q5 I9 F! d0 v, T: X. s试卷总分:100    得分:100
3 b! o" R1 v1 @& j" @( j第1,Which of the items below is not a business organization form?(   )1 _/ p, ~# N* J( X' d. E5 @* n; j
3 M+ C/ X5 k% P3 |- u* g8 VB、proprietorship6 j) L5 f, q6 v: R; ~# q+ k* M
C、partnership. Z7 Q, P: v) W. R& l
3 |! O1 k& W# Z; U. h' l正确资料:; A  e& ?( W3 I- O4 U- x

( @8 N$ [8 G. b
1 U7 V9 {8 [9 s7 f! }1 R第2题,Which of the following groups are considered to be internal users of accounting information?& k2 }0 U7 l0 ]1 P" ~& a- S8 b
A、Employees and customers
8 @7 {" _7 L$ L% a/ f7 u% gB、Customers and vendors
& o/ p: Y; x4 @7 v: _C、Employees and managers
; o' y8 J, Z) U5 y! ?* ^D、Government and banks# \3 R+ O* f8 O* K
4 o8 P- K2 H  N2 J& m0 G8 f+ h5 q
# F. u& a5 y4 ^5 w) q
第3题,Merchandise inventory at the end of the year was understated.  Which of the following statements correctly states the effect of the error?' J/ z8 {; U" |
A、net income is understated& @  L8 f, q. R# n. B: j+ ]2 w% V
B、net income is overstated
4 V% ]9 I) o+ `C、cost of merchandise sold is understated
' d( D# H; U9 \! VD、merchandise inventory reported on the balance sheet is overstated
' R5 [" \# ^" t7 j' Q& U& ^4 a正确资料:
% Z. P9 @5 G% _; ~' t! z: f
; N/ W3 j5 J( P' @+ j
: b. s1 O0 U9 a+ F5 C- m第4题,The inventory method that assigns the most recent costs to cost of good sold is
9 r" K5 ~3 y6 H0 H9 |A、FIFO6 W$ Q: p! V; F7 b8 e
$ c# J/ n' h: L5 LC、average* w; _) z  h+ }* d$ s
D、specific identification( h' K- Y5 w  K! r: v6 J. j
& I# \4 |# {$ ?) }0 W. [6 h1 P
5 j+ H6 D2 d2 ?4 i7 Z* o% Q% {7 b# I. [5 e: N2 k+ k5 M
第5题,The two most common specialized fields of accounting in practice are(  )8 C* A! f/ e, y0 U5 r
A、forensic accounting and financial accounting
% }; w; e/ u5 A4 L2 w, dB、managerial accounting and financial accounting5 j. N* K6 l3 D/ R6 Q/ a4 i, F
C、managerial accounting and environmental accounting
0 R# j: v4 O$ J( F0 T( oD、financial accounting and tax accounting systems0 o4 m- |' d0 J& G9 j
3 z0 D  _/ S/ o2 ]1 G
$ l: m, G; e: L/ Z
* q1 B7 z8 o; Z第6题,The interest rate specified in the bond indenture is called the (  )
6 y" u2 H1 o- c) s  a7 N; yA、discount rate
9 H  b$ c" Q5 r# Z: r, {B、contract rate
+ T, x5 q2 |0 c4 R/ OC、market rate/ `! N9 s. x5 {) K% U. [
D、effective rate* i: n: A2 r- s( n0 c0 `, H
正确资料:; }0 K3 p* L' E+ S0 Q' L7 d/ O

. z0 ^2 i7 P/ p
9 Q1 V9 ?" N" B  L- H3 S, t第7题,The excess of issue price over par of common stock is termed a(n) (  )
- `! M% S8 L7 b0 [& Y4 Y$ G: dA、discount
  O" |) e$ ~2 pB、income
# x& W9 N0 a0 g2 i# Q: fC、deficit9 G  K" V( s( o! X
* T; A3 M+ ], C; K- X, V正确资料:3 R* F. i: c' {; `6 w/ x
" B6 Q8 G3 l( o: b

! X* E3 s' ~$ g# t5 a  V第8题,The income statement is prepared from(  ), @  ?: O# u, U, q8 O
A、the adjusted trial balance.
4 z6 r+ n8 N; l- z0 T& JB、the income statement columns of the work sheet.8 Q* i7 `. n) G9 A1 y
C、either the adjusted trial balance or the income statement columns of the work sheet.- S, k' @. J4 v7 v
D、both the adjusted trial balance and the income statement columns of the work sheet., J) @' M. k; D/ N
正确资料:! d4 g$ @$ M7 u- Z

1 @; Q+ d0 N( u. ]7 Z/ A" q9 E9 y
第9题,The price at which a stock can be sold depends upon a number of factors.  Which statement below is not one of those factors?(  )4 v4 g4 Y8 A" ~* j' _
A、the financial condition, earnings record, and dividend record of the corporation8 O1 ^, a0 R5 a- T6 U: z+ q
B、investor expectations of the corporation's earning power3 M2 R9 i4 D$ Z6 X6 @$ s# i7 J
C、how high the par value" M2 v# R4 F; p7 P! l
D、general business and economic conditions and prospects
; f' S4 R! V7 X% V0 A$ U正确资料:8 m$ D8 }, S1 ?2 P7 ]. Z) D% e. @

% d. L. f! p: K( p" d" g! S2 r' n! N" W$ N- I. Q) v  b
第10题,Which of the following measures a company's ability to pay its current liabilities?
- L( }" P; h0 ^+ w$ aA、earnings per share, `* e! Y; ]6 W0 f. J
B、inventory turnover
& y' B8 n: l7 NC、current ratio
8 b- r$ k4 @$ l, T5 TD、number of times interest charges earned3 Y7 Y3 k2 g' p7 o+ G( L
" I- c0 F2 p, i+ {2 I2 t: h$ K  [* f4 {$ r1 j) Z$ C: `; T' F

; U' u6 u; u: M第11题,During a period of falling prices, which of the following inventory methods generally results in the lowest balance sheet amount for inventory. (  )8 E/ s# b: e, V! R3 W' p
A、average method
/ R- _& L* d  t7 v+ W+ g. n1 f: i  BB、LIFO method
% p- t+ h9 d9 V% s8 M; nC、FIFO method
3 F* i5 ]! G# H9 qD、can not tell without more information
8 T1 q) R' p7 R! c  D正确资料:
- v) }) Z( o6 g% Y4 x0 h+ ]# W/ Z! [- F0 o* L

8 m: U& {- K. g* @- H第12题,For accounting purposes, the business entity should be considered separate from its owners if the entity is(  )3 ?, P6 D5 h/ I9 L9 s
A、a corporation
+ j8 z4 n* R7 m. d' I! _/ {B、a proprietorship
/ s; D2 }7 y* M8 Q8 S$ sC、a partnership4 D: H' d/ S. e$ k& ]
D、all of the above  r$ y2 T( v3 B) s; {: z  f9 W3 X% Q$ G
正确资料:! i+ L) `* w8 ~2 q6 I0 ~, J7 v

& V9 b4 [- @, m' u
+ v2 d# b3 K) f- m第13题,The journal entry a company uses to record the estimated accrued product warranty liability is (  )% Y2 y1 |7 n% p0 M% D3 Q, m4 n) H
A、debit Product Warranty Expense; credit Product Warranty Payable
4 t' b* g% |; w3 d2 {+ WB、debit Product Warranty Payable; credit Cash9 {) j  l  d! G4 m. B% G
C、debit Product Warranty Expense; credit Cash* e9 D+ H4 m8 B* [/ I* s  k
D、debit Product Warranty Payable; credit Product Warranty Expense5 ~5 y" t8 e1 ^; D$ J: W
正确资料:, \( |+ ^( L$ I" L3 b
. w$ c  j: Z0 I. R& \3 m  ]" W
* Z7 |' u/ q$ l
第14题,A bank reconciliation should be prepared periodically because (  )3 y/ F8 X( m" F! e+ n/ g
A、the depositor's records and the bank's records are in agreement
3 ~9 y) @9 R: ?* ^' fB、the bank has not recorded all of its transactions
" c4 N+ M* U& ~: C( Y' {C、any differences between the depositor's records and the bank's records should be determined, and any errors made by either party should be
- H* t# C4 ^$ a正确资料:
& M; b/ r8 x9 s7 R6 U& b  N9 I
+ Q8 u8 m/ _" `6 Y. `& q9 x
' |  T/ P3 b5 y5 X0 z0 p: \3 |第15题,What is the type of account and normal balance of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts?" m8 j  n4 W8 y3 z4 ]
A、Contra asset, credit  U1 c7 }1 x- ^+ z2 Z
B、Asset, debit: a/ ]  n3 v' u2 N& f
C、Asset, credit7 N+ q0 P- n) i5 _' }$ Q
D、Contra asset, debit. v$ L( i+ Z* Z2 S+ o5 \4 C( D
4 A9 v" @( g8 i- q; W6 |
- _1 Z5 }0 R: x! A7 n5 O# C& ]$ O9 m* k
第16题,Which of the following should be considered cash by an accountant?" k+ g: h2 z# ~# s0 T
( p/ x( t* H' \* u; r3 D0 B( u( `B、bank checking accounts
# ?4 ^8 p1 A; ^: P, A# B6 QC、postage stamps' u+ s& X& o2 K. I% h
D、Petty cash funds( V! s9 N+ f9 q
E、IOU(I owe you)3 o0 P/ g9 K; @9 ~5 C2 N
正确资料:,B,D. G, s) r6 B% i, e0 H

1 Z7 C/ K0 P# H+ Z* B; D- \( J% o( s: ~
第17题,The primary purpose of a stock split include  (  )8 X1 C9 z: ]1 `% y8 j/ c
A、increase paid-in capital3 r5 A2 K* I% J/ c/ B' ^
B、reduce the market price of the stock per share* Q. p, e! F$ P, z" T' H
C、reduce earnings per share" L; B) B3 A" J" @, n8 G
D、to increase the number of shares outstanding
" `2 s) t- M2 P7 R6 g' c5 ME、increase the market activity of the shares0 u; ?4 X7 r% V, q8 F* E1 H
正确资料:,C,D,E6 b0 P! Z3 O2 I. M1 h- d+ j

" O' }6 t9 V" N6 ?- q
5 ~: b  G5 ^2 M4 [第18题,The following items below would affect the investor's income for the period, they are(  )6 r& Q$ ~$ k' R, L0 l
A、interest received on a temporary investment in bonds
* f1 |7 S- v5 G3 @6 @9 rB、dividends received on a long-term investment in stock where the investor owns 10% of the investee's stock. j; x8 a; C3 X$ g2 [
C、dividends received on a long-term investment in stock where the investor owns 30% of the investee's stock. G# T0 L. a% `; M- G
D、interest received on a long-term investment in bonds
4 a$ j6 q4 l" h  ]6 n  S2 wE、the periodic net income of the investee under the cost method
: @& u- Q2 [( O$ V/ C5 ?正确资料:,B,D
/ k8 k: O1 r3 X0 B. f
- Q: h7 L8 \4 [, |9 o7 b! X/ `( G4 ?" E
第19题,The two methods of accounting for investments in stock are(  )2 b' y. t, j4 o- @. J
A、straight-line method
& A8 f, G* a4 }1 Q% B& s4 ?! xB、equity method
( J  L! ]3 v- \8 Y# l" qC、liability method3 Y: h1 T5 d) `4 l/ P
D、interest method8 Z$ M; w. y$ M; S& O" g; ^9 w. g
E、the cost method4 p0 W. M' R( q- z( @: ?2 l) f
( f$ M+ L3 _2 r2 v- @+ ^* ?+ g, k: E, }' ]; F7 L1 [

0 z4 m+ O/ B4 ]! p第20题,Current assets include(  )
  M) C' S) @6 h( o7 bA、intangible assets8 o5 d! K- B1 \/ ^
) F( g5 l  V3 U% v% J  S* sC、receivables& J7 P/ [; G: d4 X+ H9 J6 x
D、short-term investments) v8 \( H; O$ i: S
6 f% r; n3 }0 C7 f+ w% _F、property, plant and equipment
9 m! V  D2 u# E# ^正确资料:,C,D" l% H; q  d: _% P; b

2 ~& C( X& B$ E- w- e: `( ~" j
1 J) u0 }# \2 ]第21题,All of the following below are needed for the calculation of depreciation (  )
& \, e+ x: N: j% Q% H" F: v" y7 _A、fare value
6 d. H# V/ z- w6 sB、cost
+ T: ?7 L+ h% D. F/ UC、sales price0 ?  k" _6 s: T8 x
D、residual value, r1 p1 J0 Q1 [1 T& J' V
E、estimated life- X1 }: C8 R# C- S, j
正确资料:,D,E7 k2 h0 S; i; W

* g2 a7 X+ W$ i7 Y# ^$ t. U5 Q- f
8 O- ^' q6 }$ O第22题,The primary advantages of a corporation include(  )% l8 I+ v/ D, z; X
A、separate legal entity
4 V7 [3 A5 T# M' gB、limited liability
. @1 s+ z5 k% G) C) h0 eC、ease of ownership transfer
) h7 b3 t+ F! d8 ZD、continuity of life0 P7 a2 U$ ]/ J/ i1 F' f
E、ease of capital accumulation
& t+ [) P; u) _正确资料:,B,C,D,E# h  ?, _5 x& w" F

2 d! h/ Y/ ]" s$ U3 N, W$ C/ K" G' u* x) P5 g8 O
第23题,Current liabilities include(  )
" }) y" f$ h/ Q, n0 z5 q$ jA、accounts payable
1 l2 L# K' v5 e3 pB、short-term notes payable
4 z) c8 C8 e1 D# M/ W$ oC、wages payable
3 \  S9 z6 Y3 y+ x4 ~( @D、taxes payable
5 f4 V) O% R! B% `- W3 p2 x) hE、bonds payable2 T; K) |' K8 y
. n) g8 W9 v' q6 {8 m! q: @% V, k, B2 L+ q8 O
2 Z% H+ y- u0 O/ T3 `9 D
第24题,Which of the following groups of accounts have a normal credit balance?/ }* h* J" l! d
A、assets, expenses. o+ D. i, h( N2 r  m
B、revenues, capital
: Z( q0 j6 a; g+ a# D- x* QC、capital, liabilities7 U8 ]% g& W& t! U2 E
D、liabilities, expenses& d6 s5 {8 Y$ J( f% O2 G1 q
E、assets, revenues
, S9 D, @7 g& N8 ^- {2 d正确资料:,C) W+ Z* k/ u4 p) q

, A5 C8 X" M9 f" C" i% A
* A" T$ j6 c2 f第25题,Which of the items below are business organization form?(       )
! |1 A5 ?' C* n7 UA、entrepreneurship
+ y" F  A1 v3 I; cB、proprietorship1 ~# B* ~* k  L. }8 O+ R7 i
C、partnership- I9 O) @' t" L  d$ U
D、corporation- [. g  P5 |. _" d9 y
4 t9 l/ l5 o8 \. K2 D3 Q- j0 X* ~正确资料:,C,D
- C3 T: a- \* d: _1 @5 D! S( W, z) V  y0 b2 Z. `3 K% y- d# h

# H! S, P8 X8 o第26题,When a large quantity of merchandise is purchased, a reduction allowed on the sale price is called a trade discount.
) j/ U+ p) w8 O+ a3 IA、错误5 {7 p! ^. l+ f( }
B、正确; f2 R% E- \; T" O/ E4 L/ d. r
  T! R, Q1 W9 a. z- ?3 G( a
( [/ H' f! L+ ]- u
! z! ~7 c* w8 u& f1 g  D; a) Z3 q$ n第27题,The prices of bonds are quoted as a percentage of the bonds' market value.
9 F# `6 n+ {# S1 Y5 s$ r/ WA、错误
- m- L% e% F( j' D+ M# T* a( r, wB、正确
0 d2 ?9 k/ _9 x. p4 q' W正确资料:* m7 H$ h$ G4 @  a( r* y
1 p6 X( ]4 I/ z5 `+ `
5 [5 {- U5 ~1 h) H7 `: Q4 q/ D
第28题,Dividends in arrears are liabilities of the corporation.
% g* L% |) X5 @: dT、对* ~" R. W! W, y7 I4 w9 {6 G0 O
F、错1 j" n5 I4 k- h, u
( F* y; C) c; m% T
5 I9 N! Z# w/ z. I* N0 `, T5 z, z( p; G) |
第29题,A corporation is a business that is legally separate and distinct from its owners.  z. W: y+ C4 Y
A、错误+ `+ }* n- ^' ^6 a( \# @
B、正确/ J8 `* @0 f! T+ y
7 F! E. g5 ]2 l  V6 [/ b4 V0 Z0 F+ g& X" u4 j, b/ k

( s1 i" J  I0 X- F第30题,Recognition is the process of incorporating in the balance sheet or income statement an item that meet the definition of an element and satisfies the recognition criteria.0 R/ u( }8 R* L$ S% W) o
. \8 e; {; J( K' T/ O' M3 UB、正确; X% x$ k7 k% s- J* m
正确资料:6 C9 y' M- O' ^9 p  N. x. n& E

1 t. Z0 J# `- T3 _  k. m6 L* B/ N# _4 [
第31题,When using the FIFO inventory costing method, the most recent costs are assigned to the cost of goods sold.* t8 Q: o$ f8 S4 {7 f" ]5 F2 N8 H3 N
7 E  p% b1 l  S$ X5 lF、错
  y" w" U9 S. p正确资料:F
8 G) o0 }4 |% L+ m
" s  o: W1 l& A5 R2 j6 `8 @+ P  X
% F4 t3 y! O/ ]; |第32题,During inflationary periods, the use of the LIFO method of costing inventory will result in a greater amount of net income than would result from the use of the FIFO method.
+ h- E$ i2 c) ]: _* t; X3 AT、对% T* i+ O4 k, f; {( }: ~! N" i
4 m& C* c& ~6 |2 c, _- Z正确资料:F( r, k. S* Z, X1 F

* X# O# s6 @  U) D( ?9 ]$ g
# B. [# j. r& C- Q  l% M9 P* N第33题,Ordinarily, a corporation owning a significant portion of the voting stock of another corporation accounts for the investment using the equity method.3 h) |1 x1 o: p7 g( r% D3 ]
0 x5 R. c7 Z" Z8 F. ^" w# lB、正确
0 ], f" t( R% v正确资料:
# v, |) a% b3 z% F  \# `" F% Q! G. J% B+ z5 M5 R; l
* k3 ~" o  _5 K* d/ ^* D
第34题,The matching concept requires expenses be recorded in the same period that the related revenue is recorded., T: e! ^+ k  c$ F6 P4 C  I
4 v" `, C2 I0 [F、错: ]1 |- x! j$ t  I  Q1 ~# x
正确资料:T$ v9 ?/ C5 A) |/ {0 ]
1 m. Y  q; l1 ]' W( F6 i, I7 ~9 D

9 g5 X9 Q& M* A% }7 k1 }  l第35题,Liability accounts are increased by debits.2 H: ]7 X1 z  S, I6 ~$ ?
T、对4 a1 d" b0 Z- e/ n* R
3 }9 K- w% ]; @% h  {" w; C正确资料:F: i1 U& p* @  q: Z/ r3 x% F
+ h: `: h+ _- j  P) b" @
( j0 P' h$ z& M
第36题,英译汉(1)Double-Declining-Balance Method(2)Intangible assets  i5 z- C/ e( B7 n1 `
. D! O! c$ s: b6 u" s: W
  x: Y: D2 B) b) k& j2 z$ Y0 G( z3 q
第37题,汉译英:(1)股票股利(2)银行余额调节表8 L# g+ s+ h: b: v; i: x' [
正确资料:4 t/ x& B1 Y: e+ V- d
  w( V" @5 E( m* F) [

+ }" p* |8 O7 u& t第38题,英译汉(3)Accounting equation(4)Available-for-Sale Securities0 H6 r8 l3 N! m" l# y$ O1 J, R
' c0 |6 K) f) P3 Z
$ |% o; G& v  O0 N" n2 @  E3 w1 y9 R1 A; W( [9 D  d" ]6 \# g
第39题,汉译英:(3)现金流量表 (4)公允价值
: A8 h( w! y: h  @% \正确资料:9 Z( A$ F' [3 Y! T* s. F$ G+ C
( u6 c* t6 e& W: E, E

( x! l, m; P* @/ T2 }% }第40题,汉译英:(5)应计制会计(6)纵向分析
9 ]/ [- I* ]6 d1 a2 x8 P3 X* P1 U正确资料:2 r9 `' }6 N7 [

0 M: x( s  g6 b' r6 U$ B
% G& O: x; T: D; A第41题,英译汉(5)Double-entry system(6)Quick Ratio, }0 P, i+ y1 V, P/ k4 q2 B' ^
正确资料:% h! {5 z7 T0 S& E5 _* _# `, ?* |- o

6 ?1 @* P# J+ }. q) @% {* ~5 u# K% V4 Y5 Q0 I, B, |# P& W

1 O  e5 M" J1 l  r. h% C; H9 S/ R1 M
1 ]6 a0 r. H1 E, Q3 q2 ^- B

9 P! S% E; H2 L. z0 b4 g( J$ x( K' a$ D
# _% `. q+ o$ x7 k

9 l( c+ }+ z% b  X- l5 H3 o
# I" V3 Q7 O* E% Y9 q* @6 H
( L# |5 l) b1 {9 @) G; s0 U. G
5 S& V! A/ ^2 x/ `) Y4 `4 M% l/ y# Z7 y/ a/ c  K
- }& {, B+ G) v% S4 J6 M


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