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东师 英语语言学 16春在线作业1

发表于 2016-8-16 13:56:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  The smallest meaningful unit of language is called a ____.7 x6 [* \8 w5 X) n) |8 g
A. suffix# Y) W8 L" S$ i0 [9 q0 R
B. prefix% N" s5 O4 H( d! c1 x
C. morpheme
- O2 I, ~( u3 rD. morph
# m: n- \6 _0 l      满分:3  分' Q) A1 x5 ]& {7 A
2.  ____ is an expression that substitutes one which may be seen as offensive or disturbing to the addressee.
5 p4 J/ s* G7 N# @; H' ]# I+ RA. Taboo. U+ A" G& ^; F. r$ R7 \* O3 {$ N" P
B. Euphemism
3 l! U( A" ]: J; K1 qC. Implicature
1 ~; G) B# O6 [D. An indirect illocution8 Q+ k- q3 G: z! w3 M  S2 O
      满分:3  分0 b1 P) z7 V* e9 K
3.  Pragmatics analysis is concerned with ______.
% y  r, g+ i/ B! w: c5 F# Q: ^* mA. sentence meaning
; l; H4 h' ~2 B" cB. utterance meaning
2 J  h/ z; J8 J; l& Y# E+ m1 Y) SC. listener meaning" e3 ?) t4 O# }# {1 l
D. speaker meaning
+ [/ |& M& x* D5 {' @1 ]      满分:3  分% [- ]& j! T! }% V" g% X+ m, ~
4.  In the phrases a herd of cattle, a flock of sheep, both cattle and sheep contain _____ morphemes.
, N6 x0 ]$ w# {5 g, _6 L3 nA. one
- w& j. o7 i- z. [& J# GB. two% _  {+ ~; i* O( V5 I
C. three5 h! G1 L! |8 @, P0 E: C4 W
D. four, u1 g2 Z, e4 c' s) F( c/ Q+ y
      满分:3  分
. w2 N3 X1 O9 [/ ~3 ^8 ]8 b; P: K5.  refers to the process through which people use language to classify the world around and inside them.
& o. @- i( o0 x/ f+ w4 _6 RA. Approach$ \3 T7 ~5 U3 l/ [
B. Categorization
% E" P* Y+ B" A$ `/ ZC. Prototype
- _3 i6 ?5 w& ^; ?% o5 b7 F. |D. Cognition
# C5 m* x  H) D2 ^- k4 `. }" H) m      满分:3  分, G+ j9 D7 I) _: U+ B4 H; d. X
6.  The lexical sense relation between flour and flower is __________.& [1 I/ l9 E. @  S
A. synonymy
( Y2 E+ ~; K; z. {B. antonym( O$ m. q1 x9 Y
C. polysemy% I$ N, H. q# F% p. n
D. homonymy  O; u- t% _& q; B( Y
      满分:3  分
& m1 I  E- ~/ B1 s- D- N8 W' J7.  The general roles language play are termed __________.* s# {  m9 u. E7 [- _
A. metalanguages
# k; B0 E  ?1 [8 S0 h5 t. n( WB. metafunctions; O% ^0 p5 F& C, t
C. metadiscourses) P4 w4 Z* I, W% \9 J
D. metagrammar
  {9 s1 A; V& D+ L; n$ m      满分:3  分" Q: g2 M5 Y) N
8.  John explained the theory is a ___________ process according to Halliday.+ t: e) C0 C' I
A. material
; X4 A8 U9 d) Q' ]% v; i! J+ EB. mental
5 ^6 Y2 m' g1 B0 DC. verbal1 V) {9 t9 d5 }* n, ]4 L% Z; G
D. behavioral' |  i2 L; p' S0 l# P- P
      满分:3  分
  Z* S0 C1 Q9 Z1 ~* s! p9.  Words and phrases like now, next week, yesterday, in three day, etc. are called __________.4 C; Z, x3 j1 B% y5 y; \
A. person deixis, [; ~+ d, ]0 X# v% m8 b
B. time deixis+ d8 V0 _9 B  Z) d
C. place deixis
8 V2 G& H, x4 m4 N8 P: _0 \D. discourse deixis
) o: C6 e+ h; D% C8 m# z2 }' m* C; Z      满分:3  分& z( N" q5 M4 o2 }1 Y2 Z% ?
10.  In more detailed transcription (sometimes referred to as narrow transcription), a sound may be transcribed with a symbol to which a smaller symbol is added in order to mark the finer distinctions. The smaller one is called ____________.
! |  a7 }7 i! ^1 ^$ HA. segment. u! {4 }( U, L1 K0 K
B. phonetic symbol1 U. g& T/ ?5 @# C
C. marker
& H8 L, U! c9 L0 eD. diacritic! T1 e  q2 f1 K( e3 }
      满分:3  分
0 I5 P1 ~" l: l11.  This (vet )is famous in the town. (为括号部分的单词选择相对应的构词法)
; D8 }. S: @3 m5 i% b+ AA. Sound Reduplication
; l; o& Y8 |' z" P8 mB. Coinage
2 N2 {. E& c/ `( `9 }3 BC. Eponym
) G& f/ C% I8 uD. Clipping: G, q! n1 P. C& ~. ~9 j
      满分:3  分8 H& Q8 m0 r' N" n8 w7 o
12.  ______ refers to the fact that a speaker changes from one language to the other when talking about different topics or in different situations.
& ]; c! B- n; a2 r' wA. Bilingualism
, L6 X6 Q- C" O( JB. Code-mixing# J5 a; j  C" s# q
C. Code-switching
/ J- f  K' |/ M6 y) oD. Pidgin0 w1 t+ \( l; u- ~
      满分:3  分
4 X% b9 H3 y5 P13.  A voiceless stop becomes ____ when it occurs after the initial /s/ and before a stressed vowel.$ Z* I5 P! I2 t9 \/ B# h, y% Q
A. voiced9 o) s/ h. Q( ^( k. q" ?4 E1 I
B. nasalized
3 W/ D: T# i; Z5 {% B. c- NC. aspirated
8 ]) o: p& v3 f& ]6 p- s/ BD. unaspirated/ H; F7 s9 {! d" N% n: `: c) }3 }- @
      满分:3  分
$ z7 g. t  ]/ m14.  In compounds, the ____ morpheme determines the part of speech of the word.& D3 Q4 o; B& P/ e) ^
A. leftmost
% _8 t( k, q+ D% z$ B8 iB. rightmost$ ~+ P% U% }0 Q+ N; Y
C. central
, }6 J2 b* ?7 H4 A' `1 ], A& C4 |D. initial
  y, _, A9 p* K1 t. W7 _5 A      满分:3  分1 S% ~# @+ @! Q0 ^/ D6 \+ |  @
15.  theory holds that a linguistic sign derives its meaning from that which refers to something in the reality.
0 m1 P; s- a! c& |9 r# LA. Semantic
0 f0 ~  Q% j# UB. Referential
: i" L) E1 x2 [+ u! zC. Representational8 s5 q! g: g  A  X% B3 [, G
D. Reflected
& }+ |2 K1 K! S( S8 j2 n. ~& c! L; o      满分:3  分1 H# T, ^) U5 U! K1 a3 }# g( K2 w
16.  The scientific study of language is defined as ., N$ j( S. F+ v7 S; c4 }" Y
A. Morphology0 Q. g( u6 @' l' L) ^
B. Linguistics5 e1 d- ~* s7 i9 X% A; `5 X' s( n
C. Phonology1 m# V/ R( A, U2 A- k
D. Phonetics
0 m' g& M) g( q) a8 @2 |# K- w# m      满分:3  分3 K) Y) @6 q0 m5 Z  v
17.  (Watt )is a measurement unit of electricity. (为括号部分的单词选择相对应的构词法)
! F$ ~; |$ f; _" m: ?5 eA. Sound Reduplication
% K! M/ b* T8 V/ l3 b8 yB. Coinage8 T/ S6 Z! |5 {# u
C. Eponym
: D, L% ?- I+ Z+ `D. Clipping
0 J- A, s4 A' R0 W1 S- b5 z* ~      满分:3  分$ }$ L( q' s( L  ]$ q
18.  ______ is a minimal pair.; z2 T4 w  F( A9 \# \. z
A. moon/noon& G; u8 z# c* z: P" _  _) F/ w
B. foot/food
4 m5 q: G4 l9 ~! d6 [C. she/sheet6 j, P" c. K3 N5 p7 _9 a6 m! v  B
D. sea/sea' O7 K! l, h- r. ?2 S& u0 \
      满分:3  分* I8 N" n4 ~1 }" j* Y4 L" F7 g
19.  Beauty and siren both refer to a good-looking woman, differing in __________.
) Z6 b3 K; }# Q$ p* Y* o: zA. affective meaning
3 m8 H' p& a( c; }& J2 @7 WB. style1 E1 w4 b0 l( ]; x, Y
C. collocation
; m7 H: E0 [' j+ L3 ~D. register& f) O$ p* f9 w4 Y
      满分:3  分
# [4 `  Z1 i( n3 }20.  Language has the following features except ______.6 s& |9 G! ~% O7 ?; ~; G1 @) ?
A. duality- o* V( O, G/ |% h2 o
B. productivity4 J) Y/ d8 J) o0 M
C. changeability8 S& P2 c' s4 A! r! V  ^4 _
D. displacement
8 r; v2 V! x- k* k, B$ |+ ^, v      满分:3  分 ( n8 f# u6 t/ I1 q% |
二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  Syntax is defined as the study of the internal structure and the formation of words.
  H% I! i  O3 `5 mA. 错误$ z/ G/ w# _3 y9 `' e% `. ^  i
B. 正确5 ?4 Z( l& W1 n3 p+ ?9 c" D
      满分:2  分
+ ]8 ^; r4 v* k( Q5 D! p, s! c' n# `2.  Eponyms is a process that puts an existing word of one class into another class.  k$ \4 D; I! l7 q! O$ v
A. 错误0 T* @: r* G; E* t2 w8 ]
B. 正确& ]* f' J2 p, C8 m
      满分:2  分
; c! g/ ]5 L+ s% l/ a2 T+ V: I! V3.  24. Tenor is a term widely used in sociolinguistics to refer to varieties according to use.
4 R# P. q( D% o2 G' @) YA. 错误
9 }* C2 s- Z2 c2 k% l3 s! mB. 正确
6 w9 s, U, e5 b* `      满分:2  分
" q; @3 \" |2 @/ T) {2 ]4.  Psychology, philosophy, and anthropology are all concerned with the study of meaning.
2 ]9 U* J# T' Y! wA. 错误
% S& I# p# [- l) y/ V% B( IB. 正确- h+ m$ Z0 h  Q0 a7 Y
      满分:2  分* P; t7 l$ r8 j) X. V4 H7 Z9 r
5.  The pioneering investigation done by William Labov in New York City in 1966 was to test registers among different groups of speakers.+ J4 M  T! |3 l2 A% L1 J: T
A. 错误% j8 ]8 k9 ~- c2 S& s
B. 正确# S, C) g/ G, y) S5 G/ ~* u
      满分:2  分
- Z( A& H/ T$ ?; P5 D6.  Metaphors can create similarities between the source domain and the target domain.
" |+ S6 y, }' ^4 h  y% mA. 错误" U8 c9 z5 m- M5 g
B. 正确
5 y! v1 e5 P0 ]4 N0 t! ?      满分:2  分; T7 h4 M2 d; _3 U4 s( b
7.  The structural syllabus takes the sentence as the basic teaching unit.
% \" u( o$ T9 ~/ `A. 错误
# e! Z7 a# i7 M1 SB. 正确5 M5 C2 z( ?/ J9 Q8 k. D9 y( e' n7 S: N' @
      满分:2  分
" Z2 s4 ~- T, H8.  Japanese is a syntactically isolating language.$ B7 K' m9 f, ]' P: P& l) P5 a
A. 错误
; o, |( T& b6 M9 K* z- KB. 正确
+ w5 G; T  J5 U$ t- Z7 C5 t      满分:2  分
- N& X" X+ T( U9.  Smog is a blended word.7 I- J/ [# ~, D& \# X
A. 错误
# \  Z5 C2 [& R& FB. 正确
) r8 H5 I; {  Y# g/ y, t/ k! _      满分:2  分
! @/ o  m- }/ ?+ L10.  Reference relates the sign to what it denotes in the world.0 m( @' n3 A: O2 n" f
A. 错误7 ]: }) ^( ?- K( |3 M
B. 正确
6 `! z. J1 G  [  L" @1 F      满分:2  分
( C9 Y: S: h& `11.  If sounds appear in the same environment, they are said to be in contrastive distribution.
. G2 ]9 N! f: Q; b, {  r; Z+ NA. 错误! T+ [  o( }& g( ^0 c! }: d2 X
B. 正确) e% Y" m% K! C6 M
      满分:2  分1 U/ t/ J  ]: {) D6 O( g( y
12.  Code-mixing refers to the fact that a speaker changes from one language to the other in different situations or when talking about different topics.; W) [5 z1 [$ K6 r7 t+ l9 U/ f
A. 错误
5 R' _+ x; S% B. s8 {! g2 c! AB. 正确' W; N! L9 e1 ~0 ^& s
      满分:2  分
: L. g- p' Z& G13.  Clipping is a process that creates a new word by dropping a real or supposed suffix.
4 L! [7 `) \, f1 f* i: K! bA. 错误
, E" {3 _- r  G6 N' H" h' Z4 uB. 正确( g9 V' [' i0 |; y- K! j
      满分:2  分( d, z- Y; @( @6 g5 T% a+ e
14.  Phrase structure rules are rules that specify the constituents of syntactic categories.. S, N8 V) N9 L+ _
A. 错误
+ w& V+ U! _! O' RB. 正确
* c; p, ^1 ]$ N, T      满分:2  分( v( S* A3 a4 m3 Z
15.  The term variety is the label given to the form of a language used by any group of speakers or used in a particular field.
( b3 _, Y  |1 }/ RA. 错误8 _9 [; F8 |, p0 n% A* J
B. 正确
& R0 g/ K1 x7 h+ v% s# ], _9 K      满分:2  分
3 W9 }9 D! ?, ]) v16.  The sense relation between flour and flower is polysemy.* H2 X1 [2 p% ^& I
A. 错误
. g: e, a" B& y9 y. eB. 正确
( w# _  O7 L& B0 P# `( p% i      满分:2  分. R: i& B3 N) E
17.  Functionalist theories are those that attempt to explain acquisition on the basis of assuming an innate biological endowment that makes learning possible.. n" M: ]9 C. ~1 ~. n
A. 错误' U1 q6 E& k8 G
B. 正确
- j0 b. d! |& P  ]. m      满分:2  分$ ~/ l. N3 ~/ s% X7 s1 d  W# \
18.  Associative meaning can be further divided into connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning reflected meaning and collocative meaning./ h! x* P7 {: Q0 L/ R) W
A. 错误3 W1 b/ l( r! T8 C/ P4 _+ K, u3 X( _
B. 正确1 }7 x: I5 Y1 @# @
      满分:2  分
+ `7 q% H- N' r: L5 H19.  The ideational function is realized by the transitivity system of language.; p! z) i& M* N& {6 T5 _
A. 错误6 D- T0 x/ a6 k+ i/ |' k/ ]* t
B. 正确; Z% a, R, L1 F: S4 e# m& T' {
      满分:2  分: i0 f& P: c% P7 w! A
20.  When the tongue touches the alveolar ridge, the sound produced is described as alveolar.
, f  e" z, [3 W8 b: a* {6 TA. 错误
& m* J4 t, H6 g1 T) OB. 正确/ [1 n! ^( o& ^+ e. }% T
      满分:2  分 0 W$ G: ]3 g% B, R( M" }6 J
, Z7 M  P2 m, B
0 _  K, a" s& b& Y: |9 z0 |
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