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发表于 2018-9-14 02:57:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
奥鹏】[东北大学]大学英语(统考)在线练习10(英译汉)* H/ T: C$ U2 m5 \; `- V
试卷总分:100    得分:100
( {' t; r7 D' q2 B% r第1题,1.  <div>英译汉试题:No matter what happened, he would not say a word.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:无论发生什么情况,他就是一言不发。</div>
3 D( b- ]% L: I/ g( a/ t: D2 U+ ]A. 错误( B7 T# I. _/ V, p# i+ k/ |/ f
B. 正确& {& \$ a; B8 l% {; m0 A
正确资料:8 f( j  H$ @) l% P  [& ?
; t5 {, c% [1 j. w7 n7 d5 O

6 _0 k. ^; u# t0 P5 j第2题,2.  <div>英译汉试题:This is one of the tallest buildings I have ever seen.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:这是我所见过的最高的建筑。</div>$ F! B8 N/ Z% ?0 J
A. 错误: o; o% s# m) ?- `
B. 正确( S* T  b/ j! M3 x  G; G
& `% j: l( o6 d0 R4 U* I' m) `. F: X: X( P3 H. L
1 Y0 H# e  y3 t, M
第3题,3.  <div>英译汉试题:London is quite different from New York.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:伦敦不同于纽约。</div>
; w9 h- V5 g; j+ Z6 CA. 错误
" a2 i# E$ j7 f6 I- a% B3 ^B. 正确# i$ h6 f9 F# k6 H. B8 w; K
正确资料:7 X2 x; ~/ n4 u2 D

9 Q" t! H# x* N3 F
: Y( g9 r7 p0 \5 \第4题,4.  <div>英译汉试题:It&rsquo;s not kind to refuse others who ask for help.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:拒绝别人求助是不友善的。</div>8 c! n2 f. Q% W1 u- ?) y
A. 错误/ `- K0 G) R8 N# T/ P( p- o5 Y! h
B. 正确
( ]  u+ X) Z6 R# S( H/ Y, `正确资料:" Y2 o; v# Z& i. E; ]1 ?
8 `% @/ p; W( p( T

+ K. ?' r1 l& x# h+ d, S# k6 V6 G第5题,5.  <div>英译汉试题:She doesn&rsquo;t have enough strength to push the door open.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:她没有足够的力气推开这扇门。</div>
4 k5 ?6 s; x/ w2 h7 g6 s6 ZA. 错误
4 G( G- [% G1 A' DB. 正确
/ q* Z6 B3 q9 p& e' R" i6 [正确资料:
: `& z# w4 T. ~# a3 w1 U$ L! n1 ^3 R: I

% K* `/ L/ ^- b6 H) D7 Z. K! s第6题,6.  <div>英译汉试题:The foreign friends will arrive in Beijing tomorrow morning.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:外国朋友将于明天上午到达北京。</div>3 v$ }& s5 [/ q7 _
A. 错误
1 ]3 k: ]' M# r9 ?" H8 F* \( r8 rB. 正确; k1 b/ u& S0 s& R) [3 D& ?
正确资料:% F- t, x; |7 B! n% T4 p

7 w/ l: s+ d' A, F4 R: s! ]7 W' q! b
第7题,7.  <div>英译汉试题:Plenty of fresh air is helpful to good health.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:充足的新鲜空气有益于身体健康。</div>
5 v$ u" n1 [9 m$ kA. 错误
9 O# y- d8 o) N: jB. 正确; f# A3 c* r$ F, L: J
( i* L) k( D0 x
5 s+ m3 B1 V7 ?# i4 ~, M- {) k2 j. M& N& N$ T3 f& o0 U" }" ~# }
第8题,8.  <div>英译汉试题:The meaning of gestures varies from culture to culture.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:手势的意义因文化不同而不同。</div>
$ E% W2 @/ I$ s, [. x, `" V3 ~& YA. 错误" F# i! C% U& k- n* P
B. 正确* _; |  ]. P- @0 i( b
7 G' r0 s7 d7 L$ o( {9 H: y+ ?, K6 T9 P6 q! W
5 c9 W$ M# R4 }) @
第9题,9.  <div>英译汉试题:This task doesn&rsquo;t call for much skill.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:这项任务不需要太多技巧。</div>
6 m$ J" }, M4 l, @# G8 F* T0 cA. 错误
& N: ?" W# q' Q( o/ X3 YB. 正确
& Y* f" D0 ]' c" |( v, K正确资料:* S( M: d  @0 w
; v+ X& X1 m- m8 @9 }* K
. a  T0 A% E( F: e) Y0 q" {: A+ j
第10题,10.  <div>英译汉试题:You ought to pay attention to the quality of these goods.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:你应该注意这些商品的质量。</div>& ~% m$ Y: T* O; s
A. 错误
3 \. M" W! w+ R/ x: L4 LB. 正确; Y! `: h$ n" x* ?+ T0 J0 z
正确资料:% ?" B' j  y+ W2 S4 A: D
7 ~5 _% F8 i" V/ X% l+ |7 N

) Y7 s# j1 t( }- {  e4 ?' T第11题,11.  <div>英译汉试题:He is going to have his watch repaired.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:他将请人把表修了。</div>, J" Z$ g! G6 z" d$ p
A. 错误
! d4 y( q8 N0 y& F+ z. A- AB. 正确
, d; z4 L% d/ r1 b正确资料:& X4 \5 p" i. `  n8 y

# ~* ]! m* s( Z' l) k+ c7 C9 i+ n+ I
第12题,12.  <div>英译汉试题:He spends most of his spare time surfing the Internet.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:他的大部分业余时间都用来上网了。</div>
4 [" D# S' e. V! r3 BA. 错误
+ g. M/ ~5 z$ x- o% hB. 正确
" x' [" U1 }( d2 W7 w+ @7 v正确资料:% {6 f& z! @  `3 M, Z3 N. Q/ P% o

& _, l* b0 ?1 ?0 M" |6 c. g+ D. N
5 L" d! z9 ?, N, U第13题,13.  <div>英译汉试题:It&rsquo;s natural for one to feel nervous when there is stress.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:有压力时,人们感觉紧张是正常的。</div>6 _" ^- p5 j- ]5 B8 y: V
A. 错误
' R* A4 r& e  w4 D6 TB. 正确- K. G' Y9 M0 s, N, ^0 z
! V' D/ x5 D  _
" r8 ~3 F& r2 k3 G5 z; z8 O
1 }5 ~' n( |6 ?8 O: z9 s/ w2 f( H第14题,14.  <div>英译汉试题:How many courses do you plan to take this year?</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:今年你打算修几门课程?</div>3 Z$ [3 ]& r1 Z# A' l
A. 错误
) g  U1 S) l2 L; v6 Q& u, L- BB. 正确
' Y) U9 A+ o7 T, h1 D+ v# v5 Q: _正确资料:
. F/ d- y* i6 i5 ]: m! i4 e0 ~0 j. h" S1 j
8 X: ?* y1 f( ~0 R
第15题,15.  <div>英译汉试题:People refer to a dictionary mainly to find the meanings of words.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:人们查字典主要是为了了解词义。</div>0 S4 A; @' Q4 Z8 G% ]
A. 错误; [0 D$ E( t/ c$ y/ \! r( o$ H
B. 正确/ j* o* M+ w( H% h2 n1 M
正确资料:; {' e2 J1 s5 x& u; V

: O  N% n+ q, v, P" T) L/ u2 h5 `4 j: C" F8 n
第16题,16.  <div>英译汉试题:A lot of people can&rsquo;t wait to go abroad, but I prefer to stay in my own country.</div><div></div><div>参考资料:很多人迫不及待想要出国,但我喜欢留在国内。</div>, x+ X% A# P  B3 o
A. 错误6 \) V% h7 P7 s' v( V6 F
B. 正确: E* v0 z2 S0 I  i3 w; R. V
正确资料:/ n$ e, W1 T: {% A9 V- H
6 W4 q) Q4 w. G- L  K; {
( M* `& F0 I& L  U
第17题,17.  <div>英译汉试题:It turned out that the discovery was simply a result of accident, not a result of research.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:结果证明这个发现仅仅是意外,并非研究结果。</div>
0 |& P; c* t2 R9 \$ s! N. N" ~% BA. 错误5 X, A9 I5 x5 g2 }; b
B. 正确8 `7 h6 Z) v7 m( U- B$ r
/ d8 N/ s9 S7 R8 ^8 @0 z
+ h; Z, D: W0 t) ?
0 n  ^1 G/ \' v3 W1 m第18题,18.  <div>英译汉试题:The better you can use a computer, the more likely you are to find a job as a secretary.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:你使用电脑越熟练,你找到担任秘书工作的可能性就越大。</div>
( h; ]' T; K6 JA. 错误
9 O3 F+ ?+ r8 g: }B. 正确) i- m: Z. ~# P! |! l6 |1 \
" k9 K4 f. Z" g4 y* G
7 E1 c" ?! d* p
5 w- J7 d/ P: K1 D6 E  W8 \4 g第19题,19.  <div>英译汉试题:There is always something for one to be proud of.</div><div>&nbsp;</div>参考资料:总有令人骄傲的事情。
# X. h4 x9 t4 ^7 [4 t7 Z) Q- xA. 错误) X8 q0 W0 e, C+ L& }" ?
B. 正确
2 I; k4 ~" b+ z/ p9 A1 q0 `正确资料:
" B/ R- N0 \, _4 ~. S( C4 i* F+ l; k6 @# S

3 f. d" ?; o/ a' a第20题,20.  <div>英译汉试题:Although we do not agree from time to time, we still remain good friends.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:虽然我们有时意见不一致,我们仍是好朋友。</div>$ o% N2 C  K  \% c# Y
A. 错误
( U$ p" h, F$ X; I6 t& R5 gB. 正确
: h$ p  ]& P0 F1 U" e' [" O0 l正确资料:  p* z  R& s% U- X; C, F3 _0 g& \
* k2 m) N& ^* i: K
5 ]. X* ^4 [* x6 d1 g  C- w7 E

6 t! |' I; ~3 T7 [9 R* B( d" @
+ L& [6 W. ?+ m2 F+ b7 [  ]* |; k% ]5 g; ?6 I$ Y; s

- M3 n( K5 q" v5 G& W" d
& i% ]! e/ E# J  ~, H$ X" k
5 j  q) [/ U& T3 J  q  f7 G0 ~; p
4 }3 E/ t/ J1 g% ?  a$ u+ T/ n" _, e: x( y- P( g! ^
) g5 o0 M4 ]1 b
8 T! F/ p# d% q+ g; \6 r
' \" X6 u. ?9 r4 I" B& \/ U

0 L# U2 A4 h2 f5 o; B


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