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发表于 2018-9-14 03:04:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
奥鹏】[东北大学]大学英语(统考)在线练习1(英译汉)% c0 v9 v6 L- A2 q0 U: {
试卷总分:100    得分:100
& u6 H4 {. i& Q( [( I* H第1题,1.  <div>英译汉试题:The young man was attracted by the beauty of nature.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:这个年轻人被大自然的美所吸引。</div>
+ }8 u5 Z4 X7 J! wA. 错误
1 d+ c) x% i! w. N* b! zB. 正确& J  F, b, E. H9 W3 H# F4 h4 K
正确资料:错7 j7 u0 b0 b9 ?" i3 W& e9 A9 c

! O" L+ y* m  V% \7 e; G0 p
5 O9 b/ ^9 l' N' F& w第2题,2.  <div>英译汉试题:This task doesn&rsquo;t call for much skill.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:这项任务不需要太多技巧。</div>+ r& k" R) x" \
A. 错误
, t  n8 Q: R8 v; O; c: OB. 正确( o% f/ j* h! @3 |
正确资料:错' t6 G, G7 n$ \2 Q  V: @+ s% {

8 X  s. L; P& J0 _& G  F! B9 w4 _1 u; k! E8 ~! f( L1 {
第3题,3.  <div>英译汉试题:Everyone is surprised at the fact that the human population is growing so rapidly.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:大家都惊讶于这一事实,即人口增长得如此之快。</div>$ C, u# U8 S. s4 e
A. 错误
1 R; u+ x+ i, s5 N1 Q8 b: D6 KB. 正确6 w$ {: X# H% J: f2 _  I
正确资料:错9 v* [) V+ p0 B- G5 R$ f6 x
! J& s; m3 E& a
$ H1 D$ C. H- N$ Z" ^2 G, X
第4题,4.  <div>英译汉试题:The better you can use a computer, the more likely you are to find a job as a secretary.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:你使用电脑越熟练,你找到担任秘书工作的可能性就越大。</div>
' Q6 A3 n- \: s# k! I4 f, UA. 错误8 V/ t: r, t/ ~, M. k3 F7 _
B. 正确: |- P0 p( t  v7 n
正确资料:错: T; [# @7 H* |. l3 d0 h+ f7 o

5 I1 z) \2 b9 @3 i. U
7 k) }) K6 U1 k6 G; V& X: o第5题,5.  <div>英译汉试题:The little boy found it hard to fit into his new school.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:那个小男孩发觉自己很难适应新学校的环境。</div>0 c0 @$ Y) R$ h  w0 I" s
A. 错误  j: D* M  |9 C: Z" ~4 R8 k8 J
B. 正确
: o  g# d3 i/ w正确资料:错
/ k5 r# C# C" T# K( t2 B- z3 {/ T) P7 R/ s# f
* N) \8 N  z2 W5 {% f& e
第6题,6.  <div>英译汉试题:It&rsquo;s difficult to memorize something you don&rsquo;t understand.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:很难记住你不理解的东西。</div>; m# E+ e: b9 j! l, \
A. 错误9 V) o( C" w# `$ ]+ b
B. 正确* z) V: z) M0 L3 t
正确资料:错3 E' x9 d8 l6 `
( ~3 |0 Y% z, S' H  `" ]
# V6 E# X7 W- ~0 O; S
第7题,7.  <div>英译汉试题:They will inform of him any progress they made in the experiment.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:他们将告知他实验取得的进步。</div>
. W% _! {7 G3 A( V" X. RA. 错误
4 `8 q5 y( ^+ CB. 正确, u) G9 f5 @6 O
5 B/ s& z2 l9 a5 ]% H8 l6 \4 R) o' k; c6 D; n% {4 J: S' |
7 F  G$ @: l4 ^, q4 D' o5 U
第8题,8.  <div>英译汉试题:There are several time-saving methods that one can choose from.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:有几种省时的方法,人们可以从中选择。</div>
; f$ P" C* x0 l1 aA. 错误% S( [3 g, g3 A7 S+ C; f8 F, c2 Q9 R
B. 正确' C: j' Y! z4 C' e8 k
* s: I( m& @; i" V: n! P3 M- W& x8 P% X( T5 x* x
! a% w8 G+ c- ]7 z5 b" y) h
第9题,9.  <div>英译汉试题:I learned to take care of myself after the serious illness.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:那场大病之后,我学会了如何照顾自己。</div>
' n1 ^+ R5 R2 oA. 错误4 A+ ?6 }5 H5 d4 Y" K( i; M" ?
B. 正确% q0 J+ v; h7 B9 q$ g8 O
1 r4 T3 J0 S% A
- a% H" T) D* j( ^" H$ i  n6 h; k# ?9 P
第10题,10.  <div>英译汉试题:He spends most of his spare time surfing the Internet.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:他的大部分业余时间都用来上网了。</div>
# t3 S9 A: @  f. PA. 错误4 W4 N" n) G. ?6 l+ T, a8 Q( ]6 d
B. 正确
( k8 `/ `2 z, S% a' z! T正确资料:错7 O6 h4 x  f2 f( `; p
$ U) y9 X$ Z" a! }+ y. i0 b: {

: v0 q& r2 U- h% G第11题,11.  <div>英译汉试题:Most people believe what they see over what they hear.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:大多数人相信亲眼所见胜过亲耳所闻。</div>% t2 B& O+ h$ i9 O  a  V, _% |2 E
A. 错误" }; r2 `$ Z/ H/ u7 G+ R
B. 正确  @" I. D* h1 k  M1 r- }" @! B
正确资料:错) a8 o" f; n4 l5 g8 @- D- F
5 a  h- _/ g5 h
: f6 n" i' y5 v, E, y9 N
第12题,12.  <div>英译汉试题:People are eager for world peace.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:人们渴望世界和平。</div>
5 Y% U( r5 L: lA. 错误
) n0 c# z# v8 @) m- yB. 正确
8 n  X5 C7 M9 J4 [4 a% _7 }正确资料:错
9 t0 N/ ?- y  Q* x, a" z; Z1 I- R, i5 v6 S# M, d( R* {
% T4 c0 T" G, e2 k) ?
第13题,13.  <div>英译汉试题:If you want to succeed, you must give up bad habits.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:如果你想成功,你就必须克服坏习惯。</div>
. n! d' x4 _4 n& x0 z9 {A. 错误; \( i3 U" D5 y- a
B. 正确
8 S' f5 d' F+ Y6 z, O) D正确资料:错
) T6 t% ]- M" s* X- z# J# S/ z8 d7 s( R, w- q
. g1 ^4 i- Y* |9 d
第14题,14.  <div>英译汉试题:He went ahead with his plan although most of us were against it.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:尽管我们中大多数人反对他的计划,他还是实施了计划。</div>% x+ h( i; C. j
A. 错误
4 `6 Z* G, ^, S) L6 vB. 正确6 J$ U+ l" j4 O% |) L( K
6 d3 F; c4 S- ]% f- @; y6 ~0 Y/ c) j8 e0 C7 i# L: p1 M! k) I0 x

1 T" J- v- h) B第15题,15.  <div>英译汉试题:Parents should encourage children to learn to take care of themselves.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:家长应该鼓励孩子学会自己照顾自己。</div>
: T* X- B5 z( T: u$ V. h. [A. 错误
9 j, U# @+ T: Y* f( ^7 Z" Z1 q/ _B. 正确
' @, _& l. a4 W: o  B% Y3 P. r正确资料:错
0 X, d/ O. d( N3 ?& v2 n
0 o) r  L( }5 ~" f5 D! R7 u1 Q1 j
) X5 H/ K* i: N1 X$ N- l# S) Y第16题,16.  <div>英译汉试题:If you speed when you drive, the policeman will stop you and give you a ticket.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:如果你驾车超速,警察会让你停下并给你开罚单。</div>
7 ^5 h& m3 R/ `( l0 ZA. 错误" ^% n' o' k5 m/ z5 K9 P
B. 正确
- P- r2 ~; V! m1 o正确资料:错4 Z  C( s4 v0 R

. Y) g. ]* T) ~; w% E5 A' i% M1 f( V6 H0 z: D
第17题,17.  <div>英译汉试题:The government will put up a new shopping center in the neighborhood.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:政府要在附近建一个新的购物中心。</div>
) s! b* D. S! K% D) Y7 [" SA. 错误! ~1 ]1 F: \% g5 c% n/ _, G
B. 正确
# v( m4 r. o+ A1 [( Z$ t/ G2 `正确资料:错
9 h# M7 i. q: b( f8 L% M# \" f! X* G$ ?* j% T
, v2 `5 L0 o& @/ O; {
第18题,18.  <div>英译汉试题:It is important to make a good impression on others.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:给他人留下好印象很重要。</div>( G/ A! f; O' v) K. x" g' A
A. 错误
9 Z* A! R9 p3 F9 w0 K/ G9 \6 pB. 正确
, v3 A; ]+ k$ g, N$ e. {正确资料:错  s! ^* g) N7 g  A+ |3 P
  K8 z9 m9 `5 g' `2 x" H

( Y& N6 Z9 w! I: N# N0 Z9 A第19题,19.  <div>英译汉试题:Scientists in many countries are looking for ways to change the weather.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:许多国家的科学家正寻找改变天气的方法。</div>6 M1 A: ~* L$ @. z6 `9 k2 K
A. 错误
: g8 k+ n5 d# ?; GB. 正确
' A5 p9 r% d. L正确资料:错! `; ?, M- r. ~0 @" s

* L' F2 V6 e0 a
& Z$ U) Y% J% `3 r) T第20题,20.  <div>英译汉试题:One of the most important reasons for his success is hard work.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:他成功的重要原因之一是勤奋。</div>
/ R3 D0 H+ v! Z1 \& [- K" bA. 错误8 Y- L" u! D  ~! S0 `: I
B. 正确7 B/ m) _# e* l3 M$ X/ A
正确资料:错' a' m! G3 {3 z
  _8 ], n5 p2 s' W3 U4 ^$ l
6 L0 [$ s( s3 n  b  y+ y
# G9 l- ~1 m2 Z! X. [4 k4 z) @4 L9 z* i# @/ t
" z; ]2 d- Y9 U5 p  o) h

! u% G1 y% O, c* i! c2 V* o$ b: Q8 ]0 Q- V" j3 A/ q) s+ q

7 Q& ~% r+ ]+ D3 e: t8 P" G* P5 u1 P
0 p2 }* g3 e9 o2 k& E7 a6 @! v$ j2 a2 G

" t* ^( e3 C6 ]4 d$ m. d$ I- m* Z. |$ Q% h; g/ @
% B  R  r# g+ F* r! V' I1 D
$ s. W$ U7 O* _; J) j. ]& r8 C
* X  `, \+ }( K% V; H; t7 E6 w


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