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发表于 2018-9-14 03:14:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
奥鹏】[东北大学]大学英语(统考)在线练习5(英译汉)0 W3 Y# p% m* Z( Y" h) f# ?
试卷总分:100    得分:100
- A2 D- }* Z  S# p2 b, k& ^5 h第1题,1.  <div>英译汉试题:People are eager for world peace.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:人们渴望世界和平。</div>
1 o7 P/ r) n% G0 O0 pA. 错误' P0 N1 z  d  R: i! M  \
B. 正确. l  x  M% N; L. q$ W3 }2 Z
正确资料:错: N" ?  j5 j) O3 o

4 m% r; Y2 E% I% p$ \' h6 v
( s' T: H. C4 K5 l; X/ I1 `% `# S第2题,2.  <div>英译汉试题:The development of information technology has begun to have strong effects on people&rsquo;s life.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:信息技术的发展已对人们的生活产生深远的影响。</div>5 l1 ~) V! k; \+ m
A. 错误
; d( V1 n% o% j! f# sB. 正确* r# m5 K3 T* Y/ @3 o& }  B
: N$ H' Y& Y  Q2 W, ^
8 ~: ]. z( X# N8 m
8 k$ E- s3 f& k. K/ L% ]" a& Y第3题,3.  <div>英译汉试题:There is always something for one to be proud of.</div><div>&nbsp;</div>参考资料:总有令人骄傲的事情。
9 L4 g$ s# z# p* C# z+ |+ lA. 错误
) ]$ R6 N1 x; k# |4 c  Y4 WB. 正确, ]& [5 g3 {- r! q5 {% c! F# w9 F9 {
正确资料:错6 u2 P. E# o- t

5 ^% U1 F8 Q2 y! e6 i" T! q' `
+ Z6 @5 ~6 ~* d第4题,4.  <div>英译汉试题:The little boy found it hard to fit into his new school.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:那个小男孩发觉自己很难适应新学校的环境。</div>
) j3 \2 _5 y& V6 A2 t1 K8 ^: K' B4 xA. 错误
  H4 U0 I6 I  n' NB. 正确
- ~1 V# {, j( Y6 `- S8 x正确资料:错$ h& ^" q+ T2 \# m
1 }) z  w0 |' _& w% r- Q+ `# Y( M! C
! m# a+ R9 X) ?' C0 s
第5题,5.  <div>英译汉试题:It&rsquo;s natural for one to feel nervous when there is stress.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:有压力时,人们感觉紧张是正常的。</div>0 d3 H# s8 C7 F- t/ f  E2 V) _
A. 错误
- r. w# q9 @6 f' E" s$ FB. 正确
& G! s$ m. z$ Z& J( b) d正确资料:错  Q; I; l+ o' r" H) U1 M

! Q' i0 `; e- d" K; p3 F- W0 }5 l
/ h  k+ P' ]. S+ Z& N. s第6题,6.  <div>英译汉试题:The young man leaves a good impression on the manager.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:年轻人给经理留下了好印象。</div>
( Q  d; ~7 B1 s. r* j9 tA. 错误0 `7 I+ ^2 ?/ a1 K( W
B. 正确0 Y! ?( d9 I6 E
' M% O: @' O% D; m- e% r( ~$ t' d0 \* f& [' M$ ?6 p+ m" j9 e
) {2 j. l( r6 U  r8 [
第7题,7.  <div>英译汉试题:He takes a positive attitude toward his work and pours all his energy into whatever he does.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:他对工作采取积极的态度,无论做什么总是全力以赴。</div>
0 o" f: m8 W% w  p# f% f% @A. 错误; c, h+ P7 N  @* a* L
B. 正确7 E" b: _1 c2 f  j7 _
0 M0 q$ z3 [7 k& `" Y  E/ k9 b* J

2 z3 F6 e, |5 ?第8题,8.  <div>英译汉试题:It is a traditional custom that a couple&rsquo;s marriage takes place one year after they are engaged.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:男女订婚一年后举行婚礼,这是一种传统习俗<span>。</span></div>2 J. S. X3 w: y8 T8 w! u
A. 错误
8 [# A9 d5 R8 T4 w" ?B. 正确
* o: m. I9 t" ~( ]5 g/ Q1 z* R正确资料:错! o% l% w" \) V9 y$ g
- S) {1 D& b6 V

7 C3 |" }9 n% v4 ?1 s: z第9题,9.  <div>英译汉试题When you are in trouble, you can ask John for help.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:当你有困难时,可以向约翰求助。</div>
0 a- s; v2 r% j+ Y; R$ K$ aA. 错误
) U) ^  J' L- g: @- ^( sB. 正确
( y7 o$ P' f% L8 Z8 P. E正确资料:错
* f: D. \' W/ E9 r) G" I3 f! H) P9 H% e+ s, N0 D. q* C) \; v
: ~9 J' _: N% l" \& X' P  R' u# ~
第10题,10.  <div>英译汉试题:Most people believe what they see over what they hear.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:大多数人相信亲眼所见胜过亲耳所闻。</div>; w2 Q% {: m; ]. r- T: d
A. 错误( ~# a3 B8 U# i/ D
B. 正确6 r9 j! S4 @+ I; k  [! T) x/ v
( _4 k; ?- J  U/ B3 |1 N% M2 l0 _) m- U+ m
( |; L7 Q- X8 ^$ h6 `5 ]
第11题,11.  <div>英译汉试题:If you want to succeed, you must give up bad habits.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:如果你想成功,你就必须克服坏习惯。</div>
4 b5 [& G' I1 Z2 j2 g, d' ^5 o' xA. 错误5 S3 D# F$ I$ q" f% e. X
B. 正确8 J9 D! }; m: G$ I
; L0 b3 C0 F- U6 r% H  P7 f( T+ B
/ }2 v- @. ^( }/ }: Z# L" L
第12题,12.  <div>英译汉试题:I happened to run into him the other day in the street.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:我前几天碰巧在街上遇见他。</div>) Q* p( r2 A# N6 k  O3 R; i) K, M
A. 错误
# s8 J/ B0 S  f9 l2 xB. 正确9 E9 M* O7 r  C1 b& G
正确资料:错( [3 _1 O  _5 B! h" a
/ h, `) l1 Y. u
! k+ o: m8 _8 \5 S' M% u# u0 J
第13题,13.  <div>英译汉试题:We can prove with many facts that smoking is dangerous to people&rsquo;s health.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:我们可以用很多事实证明吸烟危害人体健康。</div>
+ h7 }2 ~. v* iA. 错误+ x0 c. Q3 }& ]5 R1 Y! V
B. 正确
! G& P( u8 I6 w5 L: i" P正确资料:错- e& v& m  L5 A8 {4 y& x9 |2 n

+ _& @3 r: H8 }* B2 |
% P1 T9 S; x% J2 Y7 t9 V+ X; |第14题,14.  <div>英译汉试题:In a way her health has much improved.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:从某种程度上说,她的健康状况已大有好转。</div>9 A( z7 B7 W5 g2 t8 {3 B
A. 错误  m7 ?8 W8 B' U) S& C
B. 正确% P6 g& M6 |/ x2 i0 G
% Y( Z, g/ z7 j' b+ |
. V) u5 Y3 H+ o; A$ D( a* U# o9 T
第15题,15.  <div>英译汉试题:I have faxed my resume to that company, but I haven&rsquo;t received a reply yet.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:我已经把我的简历传真给了那家公司,但尚未收到回复。</div># M/ N# F1 Q; q2 `  I
A. 错误4 X$ }3 c/ o( Q, h# @- f7 w
B. 正确% f7 \, m  e0 h4 i
正确资料:错9 Z: R( I0 y& e" _- C* E. G% f3 i
# u: V! @. g( e, l6 U

. W& T& J9 n" D第16题,16.  <div>英译汉试题:Why do children enjoy McDonald so much?</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:孩子们为什么如此喜欢麦当劳?</div>- h, J/ D2 h2 F( _# r' d
A. 错误
) ]# R5 c  P0 [+ S" A6 \B. 正确
. b$ K: P4 ~9 `% N- {) p; T正确资料:错
. y- i4 i/ C) @% S8 d; r, f  X& u* ~* }+ Z
* L; ?. h& U0 g; _
第17题,17.  <div>英译汉试题:It&rsquo;s not hard to understand housing has become a popular subject of conversation.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:住房成为当今的流行话题,这是不难理解的。</div>( k/ ]9 ~9 m+ b/ Q
A. 错误
4 O( F( A6 Z( F3 PB. 正确& ^1 w$ O: ?; {$ p8 u# r: o( D, n# Y% N
正确资料:错% u8 I% Q4 `+ |6 w5 b( P  s: A. q
3 H: d; d3 N( V9 [

. I  {4 j9 I6 x, L0 G1 e1 ]第18题,18.  <div>英译汉试题:They have been trying to find out how the fire began.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:他们一直试图找出起火的原因。</div>
/ y1 Q- ]" Z' T: z' XA. 错误
  q3 c% ]5 S* Z0 x: t8 V4 |- |B. 正确% V9 F  ]0 ^3 ~" T/ [' U
正确资料:错. y9 K7 p( u4 w/ `3 A

- k& l+ b; f- Z. ~
" n' D8 S! a$ G! N: f) `; t' q第19题,19.  <div>英译汉试题:His life experiences have always been playing an important role in his job.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:他的生活经历在他的工作中一直扮演着重要角色。</div>
, Y  S' b% i+ K8 m2 E. |9 ]  fA. 错误; L; ?5 o5 x# p0 ?: c# e
B. 正确' y8 s& f2 p6 c& z
( _4 q! G( ?! ^' E4 H4 y7 m9 j& n" j2 r: J" X* O

  c9 [, T6 e9 X0 y7 N4 o第20题,20.  <div>英译汉试题:The better you can use a computer, the more likely you are to find a job as a secretary.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:你使用电脑越熟练,你找到担任秘书工作的可能性就越大。</div>9 a9 D. u8 L) \/ u8 }
A. 错误# Q7 f+ S9 _* N& I; ~7 L  U
B. 正确
. F9 ]7 N+ a- _- F) ^/ q正确资料:错
9 @1 i4 j8 ^# [* i& n8 y' t3 z

0 j6 C2 X) u  u' S
# x2 [2 N( }: T* k- x( i( a* B& ?+ n( o7 \  @

2 U2 Z6 t  n2 \* [) c7 \
  j4 T8 M) e5 ^3 N5 n/ b
5 @- ]  s( {6 M$ e$ l( e8 z2 h
4 E/ ?: _3 }; |! ^* m6 f

. `7 y$ Z, Y' F
3 p* o  u% \9 ?% x
. T( r4 V* |3 A: i
% [" d# f# D, ?7 Q+ g- p+ V2 {" A
  S" I! f; A0 Y" o* H) h


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