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发表于 2018-9-14 03:14:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* H- X! }) X6 t试卷总分:100    得分:100' O/ w4 s. t( v" a  I3 C. T
第1题,1.  <font face="Arial">The resources of the library can be helpful even when we are doing something very informal, such as trying to devise a better way to measure attitudes toward music or looking for a better way to teach mathematics. The library can be equally helpful when we are doing something very formal, such as writing a dissertation (学位论文) or preparing an article for publication in a professional journal. In either case, our goal should be to use the library as a useful tool to help us understand and solve our problem. <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The following sections of this chapter will describe specific resources available in many libraries. In some cases you may already be aware of a resource and may use it frequently and successfully. In other cases you may be completely unfamiliar with a resource. Your goal should be to become aware of what is available and to know how to use each of these resources to help you solve the problem they are designed to solve. <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; When educators have a piece of information that they want to share with their colleagues, they often make this information available in professional journals or at professional meetings. It would often be useful to have access to such information, and this chapter will describe the special services that enable us to locate such information. <br /></font>
' u! ]+ ?/ F% A2 L2 `A. <font face="Arial">want to find a better way to measure attitudes toward music<br /></font>
' b6 O# `- P' P: ?3 R8 i1 m7 ]B. are preparing a paper for a professional journal<br />" N, i* J$ ?0 s/ z
C. are writing a dissertation<br />
. y, k7 |, Q& I/ GD. All of the above
* u# Q9 T' b7 i+ _; J; gA. <font face="Arial">is more or less the same</font>
0 @6 g2 `: k6 `/ ~2 H# c5 r5 e* IB. varies slightly<br />
( K6 i; y# q! m( dC. differs greatly&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
3 h5 d5 x+ ?; U# s: @& m2 \D. should not be different) |) e( k* n7 H" ?) A' ?
A. <font face="Arial">&nbsp;library resources should be used frequently and completely</font>
3 w+ P2 ?% A& Y! q6 x. [B. library resources cannot be made good use of if they are not available to us<br />
" M( i3 g% D4 o3 `) zC. one is supposed to be aware of the library resources that are usually not available<br />
8 M; N1 ?/ K& }$ F& E( {3 e$ `D. one is supposed to have good knowledge and make good use of resources
: h! e  a# z( x( lA. <font face="Arial">publish it in a professional journal</font>
, Q+ y; M, t; G9 j1 \B. attend professional meetings<br />' }+ U; N0 H0 t9 s, ~
C. get access to it in the library<br />
7 q4 k+ f3 i0 a& PD. make use of some library services
; m/ K. b+ y6 A( D5 k$ @  G4 WA. <font face="Arial">mainly deals with the ways of dissertation writing</font>
1 d  Z; }) h2 p) V! @B. presents information on publishing papers in professional journals<br />
) q0 C  G2 T$ `! Y. Z+ s  n% y6 dC. introduces some library services<br />
. p! x, n/ H2 ~# e$ L2 c+ uD. &nbsp;describes some professional meetings<br />
& h: \$ e% j% H4 p& O. C; O+ m! G+ o5 d6 b

3 k, H3 n4 l) ~, L* @' p* z$ K9 t8 F4 F& q6 v& @
第2题,2.  <font face="Arial">When Mrs. Joseph Groeger died recently in Vienna, Austria, people asked the obvious, &ldquo;Why did she live to be 107?&rdquo; Answers were provided by a survey conducted among 148 Viennese men and women who had reached the age of 100. Somewhat surprising was the fact that the majority had lived most of their lives in cities. In spite of the city&rsquo;s image as an unhealthy place, city living often provides benefits that county living can lack. One factor seems to be important to the longevity (长寿) of those interviewed. <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This factor is exercise. In the cities it is often faster to walk short distances than to wait for a bus. Even taking public transportation often requires some walking. Smaller apartment houses have no elevators (电梯), and so people must climb stairs. City people can usually walk to local supermarkets. Since parking spaces are hard to find, there is often no alternative to walking. <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; On the other hand, those who live in the country and suburbs do not have to walk every day. In fact, the opposite is often true. To go to school, work, or almost anywhere else, they must ride in cars. <br /></font>
) C/ t( x! w" E0 ^! H  q' }( `/ fA. <font face="Arial">the complaints of people in apartment houses<br /></font>* p* ?$ j; A* t% L6 q- f
B. the cause of Mrs. Groeger&rsquo;s death<br />
9 C& s% f( k% Y0 lC. the longevity of people like Mrs. Groeger<br />
% X. M8 x) L- D" {7 }* zD. the image of cities in general* Y' p" q! d3 p" K5 [' Z/ G! r
A. <font face="Arial">benefits of walking</font>: U5 {6 @& I0 H5 O8 x& S& p; A# l
B. occasions for walking in city life<br />7 {; U  b  m* ?  @1 V* o7 J- Q2 w
C. comments made by city people<br />
  E# n* `1 G  R" J. J5 O& h3 w7 ?D. problems of city living
6 z- F/ x' L5 }9 ~' ]$ hA. <font face="Arial">&nbsp;to take the elevator&nbsp;</font>3 Y8 U4 B& o  {5 M* {) a0 d0 d
B. to walk up the stairs<br />
) U5 E5 h2 y* x+ b' j6 Q2 wC. to ride in a car&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
" Q# T4 Z1 B7 _  XD. &nbsp;to find an alternative to walking
* A$ O8 O7 D+ E: b6 u* O( GA. <font face="Arial">they don&rsquo;t live near business areas</font>
, @% W$ }1 L* ]) @$ J& \# K6 k  QB. they don&rsquo;t need the exercise<br />% a2 v( ~$ X) a7 @- `# P' J
C. &nbsp;they never have parking problems<br />
/ ?- B& [5 O+ z6 xD. they can&rsquo;t afford to take the bus$ v/ C2 ^( p2 i* @+ O
A. <font face="Arial">air pollution is not serious<br /></font>
/ ^) \3 h) e* Y6 w4 u9 q. k1 \( m- SB. anyone can live to be 107<br />
0 l  ^1 N% }. k" MC. country people should move to the city<br />
# t8 n8 ]' y0 z  RD. walking is a healthful exercise
# p8 l; i3 N+ A$ J% Z( M% K4 J+ v& f

; n  \+ z  r# K; d9 U8 G' f' p: h$ R
第3题,3.  <font face="Arial">Soldiers and other military people wear uniforms with various other symbols to indicate their status. But in the business world everyone wears more or less similar suits, and you cannot tell at a glance who ranks higher or lower than another. So how do people in the business world show their superiority?<br />An attempt to study this was made by two researchers using a series of silent films. They had two actors play the parts of an executive (经理) and a visitor, and switch roles each time. The scene had one man at his desk playing the part of an executive, while the other, playing the part of a visitor, knocks at the door, opens it and approaches the desk to discuss some business matter. The audience watching the films was asked to rate the executive and the visitor in terms of status. A certain set of rules about status began to emerge from the ratings. The visitor showed the least amount of status when he stopped just inside the door to talk across the room to the seated man. He was considered to have more status when he walked halfway up to the desk, and he had the most status when he walked directly up to the desk and stood right in front of the seated executive.<br />Another thing that affected the status of the visitor in the eyes of the observers was the time between knocking and entering. For the seated executive, his status was also affected by the time between hearing the knock and answering. The quicker the visitor entered the room, the more status he had. The longer the executive took to answer, the more status he had.<br /></font>: J9 W5 J: r& I
A. <font face="Arial">&nbsp;how business is conducted by an executive and a visitor</font>0 I. L2 y2 l! c, I
B. how to tell the differences between an executive and a visitor<br />6 m6 A9 X# f; {8 l/ {! B9 O
C. how to tell businessmen at a glance<br />
( U3 {( e  T1 S' l8 }/ I; hD. &nbsp;how businessmen indicate status+ v( }) n7 q, e* O9 s2 Q/ D* q+ q
A. <font face="Arial">The executive has a higher status than the visitor.</font>
  b' f; w! g0 g' ]) `- r% F, r, fB. Military people wear uniforms but the businessmen do not.<br />& `' U' j0 S# w
C. A study revealing a set of rules about the status of businessmen.<br />
" O  E2 y- k3 h* Z3 m" fD. It is a good method to use a series of silent film in research.
+ n0 {+ T+ K" D; \- UA. <font face="Arial">the less it affected his status&nbsp;</font>
, z- s1 O5 e8 n  R4 |' \" q; ?: \B. the lower his status<br />: G" E5 r/ b+ R" _6 e. H) V
C. the more it affected his status&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
1 {0 X% ]2 o. a6 P+ R7 `D. the higher his status' ]/ R+ w/ v$ Z6 V0 ^
A. <font face="Arial">the higher his status&nbsp;&nbsp;</font>1 T9 L5 n0 f" R
B. the less it affected his status<br />' @( R/ \9 S0 [4 |; f. e
C. the lower his status&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
( W5 W! n# j- j7 R8 \" o5 ]6 mD. the more it affected his status
' G1 u) x* o' X3 R( JA. <font face="Arial">Soldiers wear uniforms with various symbols so that one can tell their status at a glance.</font>
8 f' u, }/ [: v7 p2 K) [6 A8 h) f/ m' VB. &nbsp;In the experiment, one actor played the executive while the other played the seated man.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;+ o. C! q  k5 k' F9 _( d8 S7 g
C. &nbsp;Business people wear similar suits.<br />
6 j- a1 E9 \  A. O* M" A6 CD. The audience watching the film rated the executive and the visitor in terms of status.<br />  R$ E* t/ x9 }
9 @2 Y( e8 F8 G

3 _$ I: Z" F9 ]( a7 j; Z5 S% n+ l( M) t$ d7 ~. ?6 A, A. |# H  Y  ?
第4题,4.  <font face="Arial">Although the United States covers so much land and the land produces far more food than the present population needs, its people are by now almost entirely and urban society. Less than a tenth of the people are engaged in agriculture and forestry (林业) , and most of the rest live in or around towns, small and large. Here the traditional picture is changing: every small town may still be very like other small towns, and the typical small town may represent a widely accepted view of the country, but most Americans do not live in small towns any more. Half the population now lives in some thirty metropolitan areas (large cities with their suburbs) of more than a million people each ---- a larger proportion than in Germany or England, let alone France. The statistics (统计) of urban and rural population should be treated with caution because so many people who live in areas classified as rural travel by car to work in a nearby town each day. As the rush to live out of town continues, rural areas within reach of towns are gradually filled with houses, so that it is hard to say at what moment a piece of country becomes a suburb. But most and more the typical American lives in a metropolitan rather than a small town environment. <br /></font>. ?6 L/ S, _/ f9 x/ i
A. <font face="Arial">About 25 million.</font>
+ q& h1 w! h3 M' w7 B0 k: pB. More than 25 million. <br />$ k2 H+ r4 U) {) Z* n; a! r
C. Less than 25 million.
# L4 E: e- x8 W. yD. Less than 225 million.
6 q/ z% u; [$ E! AA. <font face="Arial">United States. </font>
8 @0 ?/ C. X) VB. Germany.&nbsp;&nbsp;% j" e7 ^# \$ c; B4 M5 m
C. France.
" J! Y6 Y$ d. C) V& \& HD. England.
0 ]" r4 v  [! D& ^! h( MA. <font face="Arial">Of a large city with its suburbs.</font>- F+ y8 C9 P0 k% C, c& p
B. Of small and large towns. <br /># w+ a- `( y+ y) @2 @
C. Of urban areas.' z. G# x0 Z) e- w. M
D. Of rural areas.
' i3 g% @+ L  T: ?6 d3 N+ sA. <font face="Arial">Most small towns become gradually crowded. </font>  n: `6 o; d  e0 @3 N( v& t
B. Small towns are still similar to each other. <br />' b3 @  C" t! G  M/ n* ?$ a: _
C. &nbsp;As the traditional picture is changing, towns are different. <br />
+ m0 I$ C4 a5 j3 Y" ZD. Small towns are turning into large cities.
* {) s' s: H4 m0 T) Y1 kA. <font face="Arial">Because they are the same. </font>2 l. x3 L- q! \& i8 Y- r4 F
B. Because the rush takes place too quickly. <br />. R8 p. O4 j9 d
C. Because the process is gradual. <br />
3 w! l) W9 F# }4 lD. &nbsp;Because more and more Americans live in metropolitan areas.2 ?& q/ q: x* Q
) C5 o* U6 B1 M, j5 Q0 |
/ |3 w# ^) c9 v, U0 h# X. B: G0 f+ I- s

0 Z7 }: e! \& M+ E2 ^# S/ O第5题,1.  <font face="Arial">_______ Tom _______ Mary can help me, for they are very busy.</font>
0 G  f/ X) v# q1 g" ^A. Both; and&nbsp;) k: |6 W" q& K! M7 [0 w  _) P
B. Either; or&nbsp;
: t* j# S- V1 d" j1 ~8 vC. whether; or&nbsp;7 L  ], l  F+ F; N& n$ |2 a1 Q* a
D. Neither; nor
4 O' g8 O# F  ?! j! b: v8 ]! N0 Z0 {( v1 k5 \

$ k) i. [9 ?5 p0 ?' ~& V2 G* q
& v6 F( F2 P2 g0 i2 a第6题,2.  <font face="Arial">He opened the door quietly ______ wake up the baby.</font>, f( E  H3 u6 k
A. &nbsp;so as to&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;: }" J. j+ i# |, n( i) [
B. so as not to&nbsp;&nbsp;
) Y8 e9 f5 k' n8 M( U  E" I# U: rC. &nbsp;so as to not&nbsp;&nbsp;
7 u( A, w8 g, [2 Y8 R: @D. as so to
' {2 L7 q: g4 E7 v, }) d1 J' |: {' R: [4 o' {

2 j4 ]1 l: O) l+ Z" @" B7 m$ A
第7题,3.  <font face="Arial">It&rsquo;s a good way to memorize new words by seeing them ______.</font>- e, D. Q. j# N* }- j! K1 N; B
A. <font face="Arial">properly</font>
" O5 v3 E; G* J* CB. <font face="Arial">repeatedly</font>5 A9 F* g0 @1 ], U: j3 v. C, u8 V/ X
C. <font face="Arial">clearly</font>
& y3 f9 w7 `2 S' F+ D: [6 rD. <font face="Arial">usually</font>
6 ]) D( N4 S8 B% P& S1 A  V; r: a) T9 J4 W" X- y: [% v; [5 D
# L7 e/ @2 N. u2 I# K

- O* z' O5 @) m( e+ v3 x7 _9 g. t7 n第8题,4.  <font face="Arial">---- Did Tom tell you to water the flowers?<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; ---- ____________________. </font>, P0 _5 @/ z% I1 A
A. <font face="Arial">No. And so did I&nbsp;</font>
8 h' S( [- F9 \  y1 v# YB. <font face="Arial">No. And neither did I</font>; g/ ?/ u* e7 X8 H$ u: \( {
C. <font face="Arial">He did. And so I did</font>
2 P, j/ J2 q5 f, m, U7 uD. <font face="Arial">He did. And so do I</font>. ]; P2 g! I2 j

7 p+ ^% t& x; L6 B3 Q  L, h& Z, T& c8 u7 W7 v9 R

' e) O3 A+ J% ]8 L2 y, \( c, M第9题,5.  <font face="Arial">&mdash;What does Maggie look like?<br />&mdash;_____________</font>- R, ?8 X. Z& I1 E
A. <font face="Arial">She looks very well. </font>
/ n' m; i* A1 h0 ?6 U; i1 ^B. <font face="Arial">She likes parties a lot.</font>6 W' `- S* y2 ?) ~4 f& P; o. A
C. <font face="Arial">I She likes her mother.&nbsp;&nbsp; </font>
6 v& X; f% l& I3 A5 vD. <font face="Arial">She is tall and pretty.</font>" s7 U* V/ }2 r2 C: Q( l

, X! H" H# Y5 `( ^! i
/ I$ J6 Z4 @$ }3 a6 R* }3 ~8 t& {" L8 |* K8 p
第10题,6.  <font face="Arial">________ he is good at operating computers.</font>
, V6 q* L- Y5 l1 z5 s' N& jA. It says that&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;* S+ _# T! x/ O. a8 h6 e( ]
B. It said that&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />) Q, z; c4 i- G6 A# p
C. It is being said that7 S- s/ ]) l; `3 o: p  {) o
D. It is said that
& }6 _! }2 O9 z5 P. p' ~, S9 Z+ p" _" s$ [& [

! ?# M" V3 O! e9 B- s) m: N" w' H. T& g; R7 [1 X2 P9 ^! h
第11题,7.  <font face="Arial">&nbsp;______ in thought, she didn&rsquo;t hear anything I told her.</font>
  [. v6 P, e. zA. <font face="Arial">Missed</font>
4 g0 h& b) d, x' Z3 `# q9 ?; RB. <font face="Arial">&nbsp;Fell&nbsp;</font>
8 Z2 Z  P' a' Z6 A. w9 |$ o9 BC. <font face="Arial">Lost&nbsp;&nbsp;</font>
0 J3 s" R8 |5 YD. <font face="Arial">Failed</font># @# U* D" [) v- J0 n- g
- i9 b7 E7 D- R7 n+ _( g

; i2 ~: E6 `6 p- A% O$ t0 P" e. X: i6 P- \3 H
第12题,8.  <font face="Arial">Everyone at the party was greatly _________ by the pianist&rsquo;s excellent performance.</font>
; k5 X! S# f# S$ \; {7 J: p9 n, MA. expressed
) T$ Y- r+ z8 _B. depressed) ?6 P* Q+ v% T0 ^( \1 J  O
C. impressed9 y8 ^/ O) Q. H( r2 p  s
D. pressed/ E! a2 s7 G5 B- q- D% M
8 B7 u& O/ z' B$ b5 Z! X& r
9 m: A; ]& q$ [( h. G) q; l( B

4 H- \, r3 J# Z第13题,9.  <font face="Arial">The secretary will get everything ready before the manager ______ back.</font># y8 ?5 _8 p, s8 Y8 [
A. come
$ m. |5 H" A' \. M, ?B. comes6 C% [+ N& v; ~& y1 r
C. will come) K. t  ?5 ?* u! u& }2 }
D. has9 F6 I; W1 p$ Q* J' J
9 E2 a7 l$ L  w* @, r& l" }# ?6 R3 X
: C4 A/ u( d4 }# s

4 n- \8 }8 i- H& h# Z第14题,10.  <font face="Arial">&mdash;I&rsquo;m afraid I can&rsquo;t finish the book within this week.<br />&mdash;_____________</font>5 O  w4 i, Y( P
A. <font face="Arial">Please go ahead.</font>
' D" U& r% m  Q* v2 @; Q( B& oB. <font face="Arial">That&rsquo;s right.</font>
8 W% @* J- p6 m$ ZC. <font face="Arial">Not at all.</font>7 L3 l' }3 D8 g3 h
D. <font face="Arial">Take your time.</font>
4 k) u7 s: \5 ~5 x4 K% V/ x1 o$ E. ~5 U$ }: c, ]; w: Y  o
: |; x9 O' h' J/ [$ S( e

. s+ s# A& Q8 g第15题,11.  <font face="Arial">&mdash; Why don't you travel to New York on vacation?<br />&mdash; __________________ .</font>
3 ]% X! R+ w  I: [2 t$ ?( a# `A. <font face="Arial">I don&rsquo;t want to go</font>
. o! F3 A* n! R% V1 ^B. <font face="Arial">Excuse me, because I can&rsquo;t</font>
' R5 f! l4 `: h( {C. <font face="Arial">I want to, but I haven&rsquo;t got enough money</font>; I7 j+ e% Y0 s! ?& F( z) F8 Y
D. <font face="Arial">Because I&rsquo;m going to school today</font>4 Z( Y) q; v6 ?& ?) _4 [3 G; C

9 v* ^4 x' I) {$ U7 x4 w1 u# O9 F" l" e  n2 C& l
3 ~" ?8 r0 L- h1 _
第16题,12.  <font face="Arial">Have you ever dreamed ______ going abroad for further study?</font>
& |9 U) G# n# I8 ^5 jA. for&nbsp;
" {, h6 k# D5 E, r4 qB. about
2 Q$ Y$ Z* a2 R% Q3 l2 |) JC. in$ g. C0 R6 U5 D# Y+ t* F
D. of) e0 S* U/ u8 V. T& ~- ?2 Z
, G  o5 g1 N) l0 E+ U0 [
. K/ a; d+ @. S/ J. N
) t+ M' Z+ F) o# e8 Z' h
第17题,13.  <font face="Arial">Several years went by ______ she realized that her husband had lied to her.</font>/ E) G& k7 `7 r. e
A. <font face="Arial">as</font>& L0 g- U. F0 n6 F; W: G
B. <font face="Arial">before</font>4 Z2 U( A  q+ S1 }
C. <font face="Arial">since</font>: X( [$ S! T. I( v
D. <font face="Arial">when</font>' I* u8 @% s3 `- X" f
7 V; |! ]0 ]* Y5 K
# M6 N1 g6 ~. o' v3 ]

8 N3 [2 b4 Y, I# A第18题,14.  <font face="Arial">The teacher warned the students ______ swimming in the lake.<br /></font>
* N( g( E0 C' K1 O8 G  u$ A) JA. not to go&nbsp;- p4 L7 y% n9 b3 k
B. don&rsquo;t go&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
( I5 m6 }+ b4 j/ c' nC. not go&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
* t3 }: y# d8 d7 _D. to not go8 @. i( ~% o  V+ y) i# D9 a
- I3 y/ i# P! ~% U/ J
* F4 @5 S5 _4 b& a- T
& D6 ?! W6 H6 f# x* r& z4 w
第19题,15.  <font face="Arial">---- I think we had a wonderful day. <br />&nbsp;&nbsp; ---- ______________. </font>
; S' s( o$ q( ~! X$ X7 x& a  HA. <font face="Arial">Nor did I</font>5 ~+ V/ G7 D/ W  B+ w: z
B. <font face="Arial">I am worried</font>8 x* b# z  |- T% R9 J
C. <font face="Arial">What do you think</font>
/ u4 H0 ~) r" d/ {8 O. i- oD. <font face="Arial">Yes, we certainly did</font># ^8 y9 E. k# }' W- ~$ a% ?  j$ _

$ w  f6 V; |$ S2 P) K) p! p) q
# _- \8 W  |7 C; O& J% U
. m2 Z" G" b# O1 Z0 {3 r( J第20题,1.  <font face="Arial">World Heart Day was first observed in 1999. Organizers proposed the event as a way to help reduce the __1__ of heart disease. The world Heart Federation says heart disease __2__ 17 million people each year. The group urges people to be __3__ and have a good, __4__ diet. It also warns against activities __5__ to increase a person&rsquo;s risk of heart attack or stroke.<br /></font>* \2 F7 i/ v4 f0 P9 R+ K
A. <font face="Arial">spread </font>+ N; q5 C2 Q: D
B. &nbsp;kills&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
$ B* K) g& {+ r8 V! g3 u7 oC. known
* {, k# `3 G& F* i2 bD. active: L, t  A) T' p. U" v
E. healthy
5 c4 ~; o& x+ E1 o0 k! g/ ~& Y, ~A. <font face="Arial">spread</font>
' C4 n( S9 }/ ^" B# B, FB. kills
5 r: ~( S; i% R* p% A& Y- AC. &nbsp;known&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  e8 {; G+ j" k* t; `4 \( ]D. &nbsp;active&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;) G4 U# z+ l9 y9 F" q
E. &nbsp;healthy
0 w% Q9 h) }" DA. <font face="Arial">spread </font>
# D8 ?/ u# d- N( T. H$ y, sB. &nbsp;kills&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
/ v/ t* f; r& R, xC. &nbsp;known&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
$ |8 ]* y& ~2 OD. &nbsp;active&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
% b4 _' Z2 b  o- \! P2 E  D6 zE. healthy
- z: C/ h+ L! @0 l$ qA. <font face="Arial">spread </font>
4 b" r% d' \0 B/ o9 h: S. I. dB. kills( C' z& a! J6 x/ k4 G$ ~
C. known&nbsp;&nbsp;9 A5 j2 P! S7 E8 Q) l+ |) [! J; I
D. active
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A. <font face="Arial">spread&nbsp;</font>6 ~9 \4 R8 X0 d5 B( _8 K+ G
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D. active" m& W* ?2 l, t6 o& j3 e$ B" d
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$ ~: K1 K% e! e# Z9 B. q% F& F2 f3 a% e1 G; x/ Q2 ^


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