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发表于 2018-9-14 03:21:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
奥鹏】[东北大学]大学英语(统考)在线练习9(英译汉)! c6 J* e* F' ]5 w& N1 o: t3 y
试卷总分:100    得分:100
* `9 e+ ]/ [  d8 J& e第1题,1.  <div>英译汉试题:Our university provides free training programs to the workers.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:我们大学为工人提供免费培训项目。</div>) Z! s6 ]  Y4 ]
A. 错误; J/ B6 F& I" r: `* T& ?9 z
B. 正确
/ ~# N: [" O% y& k: |% O正确资料:错2 V( S$ a6 _* d# l. B

# D& ~7 v1 B/ L1 R9 M( x. X
% A, _7 G7 B" U0 y  [9 a; `第2题,2.  <div>译汉试题:We are making every effort to help those poor mothers.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:我们正在竭尽全力帮助那些贫穷的母亲们。</div>
$ J- [7 R2 x0 @A. 错误7 V+ N2 ?1 _" T) S' W
B. 正确
0 d* x# Q6 p8 t% x- }3 a) c正确资料:错
, W( ~! ?  D5 v$ N+ x, d( [- Q2 y' c# O4 a$ _& Y% V
0 R' o  |1 l7 S2 B5 L. o
第3题,3.  <div>英译汉试题:Be sure to keep enough time to do your normal reading and daily work.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:务必留出足够时间进行正常阅读和日常工作。</div>
7 p  g, I8 i% o  w/ Y5 z4 kA. 错误* ?# H; D3 K4 U
B. 正确
7 `$ L0 x9 u# W2 r正确资料:错6 v. H' Y* d  r' M! [
7 `" g& x  ]% |

6 h' E' ^# z- j' S第4题,4.  <div>英译汉试题:She likes to share information with her friends by email rather than by telephone.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:她喜欢通过电子邮件而不是电话和朋友分享信息。</div>
' C, g- H4 C4 N& nA. 错误
- N5 G0 ?  y+ ?0 O% ?, _B. 正确
* i% d6 F' G+ W" D( Q正确资料:错
1 A1 _0 g( g. M8 T0 t$ i
! Z  b9 Q7 ]$ u5 @' l# x3 Y5 p+ e0 \  a% p4 Z* v
第5题,5.  <div>英译汉试题:Gradually I came to know the meaning of what he said to me.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:我渐渐懂得他的话的含义。</div>  P6 X1 C$ j* @: i
A. 错误4 T- t3 H5 M/ Z4 T
B. 正确
8 k* F  M/ [! b& u5 [正确资料:错; i) L/ R( ]) n$ U

# o1 m9 J- @) o6 j
* I1 r% a# I6 y9 u' L$ g2 }第6题,6.  <div>英译汉试题:He went ahead with his plan although most of us were against it.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:尽管我们中大多数人反对他的计划,他还是实施了计划。</div>6 e7 j# s+ x( m: M9 A) f
A. 错误$ @* l8 e' X! F3 h4 b9 |+ [& M# X
B. 正确
: p2 Q# i1 r4 e7 G/ w正确资料:错6 x1 X8 h, r, i9 L: k
( i, o5 [5 V1 m4 `% A% d1 O( d
3 P9 p+ m$ ^' E+ ~  h
第7题,7.  <div>英译汉试题:We can prove with many facts that smoking is dangerous to people&rsquo;s health.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:我们可以用很多事实证明吸烟危害人体健康。</div>4 H: j8 k# r2 Z+ D
A. 错误
" K) ]; F  g( }% y* B( y* h# `B. 正确/ m. k+ Q6 J/ ?- ^; c* s
正确资料:错( k3 V' F) z0 R% j, `

8 C( t: y7 G, Z
: e1 I2 ?5 |& T第8题,8.  <div>英译汉试题:We learn English for the purpose of finding a better job.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:我们学好英语的目的是为了更好地工作。</div>
+ `4 @& l% u6 z2 \' a1 hA. 错误
4 i: d9 v" f5 A( _' g5 W, h: oB. 正确
- d2 ^0 ^" P6 H  R, X! g正确资料:错
, N8 J$ m; B/ s$ h: {5 ]2 j9 G, Y) S& ]' c- u

. C- f( e% M* {: [- B第9题,9.  <div>英译汉试题:The young man leaves a good impression on the manager.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:年轻人给经理留下了好印象。</div>" V% x% h% N$ p" X  X6 B+ A
A. 错误
, u' i- M+ F6 r; ~) fB. 正确
1 G, d5 s* P; o& A, f- l6 v8 ~6 B7 `正确资料:错& y4 X" X( t. C3 Z' V2 x) D
9 c# x6 t4 v. K$ K

8 @4 N, V& z( l; i, r1 X第10题,10.  <div>英译汉试题:The meaning of gestures varies from culture to culture.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:手势的意义因文化不同而不同。</div>4 I  C9 t* L. A/ b2 Y
A. 错误, a0 {9 I, K: C2 x5 O8 f' h( H, n
B. 正确
+ P* L. t4 t1 e- i正确资料:错
7 b* ?" i: |6 Q$ b1 d/ O+ ?2 r
: @' l! ~# \4 H6 e- a
+ G8 p% T! Y: A5 f0 ?  B第11题,11.  <div>英译汉试题:He said that he smelled something burning.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:他说他闻到有东西烧焦的气味。</div>/ {6 s; ?1 G3 U& ~3 N; Y
A. 错误: x- s' X5 ?! @6 {
B. 正确
$ j; L' [. }4 L" a4 _) V正确资料:错9 o& t+ C3 F& ?

0 k/ t6 G) |, V) a' F  N. a7 b& P/ H# b( c! ~) |& f
第12题,12.  <div>英译汉试题:Finding the balance between work and play is necessary for a person who wants to lead a healthy life.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:对于一个想过健康生活的人来说,找到工作和娱乐之间的平衡是很必要的。</div>
% b% A. [8 Z2 {4 Q. lA. 错误# v" i% T( }+ _" N) X
B. 正确
6 C; {" f$ {3 f9 S( A正确资料:错* v% J1 D  G/ H/ D$ t  r: |, s

  E/ i3 d$ i$ s# M
7 H' F* T. X) z第13题,13.  <div>英译汉试题:This club is made up of more than 100 members.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:这个俱乐部由100多名成员组成。</div>( w. J- n; q! r2 u( q% s
A. 错误+ I& ?. p6 g% R3 ^9 r
B. 正确
; @, P3 ^& U! H正确资料:错5 x' d. u) z9 Z9 b$ y
, S# |; s6 f( L; _, Y3 _

% i/ l4 G& ?9 J/ j第14题,14.  <div>英译汉试题:Just as coffee became a part of daily life in the west, tea became a part of daily life in China.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:正如咖啡已成为西方人生活的一部分,茶已成为中国人生活的一部分。</div>
% N( d  E9 W! PA. 错误
; y9 @( T& @- g9 {B. 正确
6 _$ W* h9 r5 P  P# ~8 U* {正确资料:错
1 E8 B8 G+ X+ k% f; m' X
: J. a% s) s- ~. F& B" {! Q0 v. D0 L8 Q4 L% F: Q6 m
第15题,15.  <div>英译汉试题:Little did I know that things would turn out like this.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:我不知道事情会变成这样。</div>; _& ?# c4 g: b, D( t/ I6 y- Q
A. 错误
" d. C$ j' ^, W* O. M3 IB. 正确
2 h( u, J' v* X& U7 E正确资料:错
# v) [# @( n5 d  f6 b3 L1 e7 Y. C0 X5 c9 D8 Q

, B/ ?- Z% i% E; u第16题,16.  <div>英译汉试题:Email is a form of communication that is changing the way we write and use language.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:电子邮件作为一种沟通方式,正在改变我们书写和使用语言的方式。</div>3 I* e1 p9 a& B: D+ t- Y
A. 错误( f4 v& e, `$ B) ], L$ H) L' v
B. 正确
) Z7 L( ?& b+ M- v5 U' Y正确资料:错
* y# b# \) L# t: `* j8 A# k8 F$ i% C$ c, C. b) @$ A! o/ v

2 V! I* q( [* v! T( T  C! N第17题,17.  <div>英译汉试题:You ought to pay attention to the quality of these goods.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:你应该注意这些商品的质量。</div>
, g: i9 f1 n1 v7 k4 x$ zA. 错误
( w0 P: J1 i) _, x0 F6 ?- x" t- q, HB. 正确& M  O$ R- j: h6 ]' Q9 S- k- |
9 @3 M: a9 n+ S( p: N* u
. A; L5 I# I7 ?: d) |4 D! W' C5 [* g- l7 v" o9 x: y
第18题,18.  <div>英译汉试题:For Americans, it&rsquo;s hard to imagine living in a place without cars.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:对美国人来说,生活在一个没有汽车的地方是不可思议的。</div>
. a8 }. g  C: ^A. 错误
9 \0 \/ A; F! P7 I  b& u  rB. 正确
9 b5 v0 m! p, g; O正确资料:错
0 S! {$ K$ F! j% I3 x9 {% c' w, K' N% i: Z

1 ]/ C% L! ^& c第19题,19.  <div>英译汉试题:Having a sense of humor doesn&rsquo;t mean that you don&rsquo;t try hard.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:幽默感并不意味着你不尽力。</div>
9 n- o: R6 e! G, y/ `A. 错误( V0 x1 F# x( M% C% c
B. 正确
4 o( a$ j+ w( o4 D正确资料:错! j1 k8 S/ N7 l! A$ m

' t8 A+ d+ l7 e; P4 d* l9 ?5 [% f7 G' b  S; f7 I
第20题,20.  <div>英译汉试题:Computers are playing a big role in office work as well as in our life.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>参考资料:计算机在办公室工作和日常生活中起到重要作用。</div>1 u: O8 N( K3 Q) p7 i
A. 错误
4 Y+ N3 o1 |* N7 C8 a4 j. UB. 正确
0 Q6 I+ V5 O3 a1 j正确资料:错/ {8 A* g& W* e% f3 L& r8 d, N+ `
7 p  a: s! ]: V) N4 Q7 k
1 p! ]" H6 G6 X

) c+ m) o, [. y; q) {2 ~, m; N2 F, x' t/ m6 F2 ^- M
$ w/ Y8 Q! [( b2 S) h
! Y% D% U1 B% p' h
% m$ @6 _2 Z5 ^7 B3 R, c. t, e9 c

% Z# W* ?/ r( X, G) u/ h+ z, C2 l: W
3 d) E( L' r' V: T$ T1 x& A+ L
8 V: l" H9 W8 Q- k- `

! U7 L8 d" }' U. S1 A3 u9 M# c9 n& k5 |# c( T% Q) ~9 G

6 |9 L2 D2 Z) j/ t! y5 ^0 S; x


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