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发表于 2014-9-5 10:37:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
0 A6 A# F$ i5 k; `1 N) x+ o" Z, h, d1 s$ ^1 n% b4 ~
一、单选(共 10 道试题,共 25 分。)V 1.  Indian English, American English, Australian English, British English, etc. are all ______.* |1 y! J' Y3 p  Z' u+ Z5 [
A. social dialects3 y! D6 ~+ G/ S9 {  m: d
B. geographical dialects1 ~5 A& y! p+ @$ n' f3 k. J5 d
C. registers
: `% u5 r6 ^7 R0 k1 DD. the standard variety
& N- C0 j' G" b5 `, ^2 y      满分:2.5  分
5 T0 g' S* l/ {$ w& ?0 x2.  What maxis of the cooperative principle do the following dialogue flouts? A: Macao’s in Spain, isn’t it, teacher? B: And London’s in America, I suppose." ]7 y) g% W, i3 W+ `) R; q
A. Quality
. Z# h9 c" X* T2 UB. Quantity+ f, Z( z* l5 W2 ]5 q
C. Relation0 e8 J- S$ @2 \* }! Z- w$ B
D. Manner1 C0 y4 B: C8 ^' d! ?
      满分:2.5  分
. n' c& f4 i# m, Q% W- @' o. F3.  The sentence “My father has deceased to join the heavenly choir.” is of ____
. |0 g2 u8 x$ |: X! E# XA. the formal style
/ `# u& ^( H' ~B. the frozen style
: k6 F8 g9 ]3 y" \' vC. the casual style
9 m/ V( I: j9 {5 c- u0 W( ~7 ZD. the intimate style
) V' F3 s% F$ X( d% t* t) g% Y; s1 _4 e      满分:2.5  分
! E' Q: y2 K* v5 i* H+ w4.  ______ is/are used in a community most widely.! }" P4 `+ g8 U" F
A. Sociolects7 p8 o* }3 U9 _4 B
B. regional dialects! M( C2 }" t6 x) ^4 q
C. The standard variety
1 ?" k. L. ^* }' wD. Registers
8 A+ a1 x2 R* i$ f9 H/ V      满分:2.5  分
2 B. S! Z' V7 e& e5 b1 C" }' `5.  Sodium Chloride and salt, which denote the same substance, differ in ______ of communication.
2 `8 s, W  s5 XA. Field4 M( l0 T8 c- i; E
B. Register
9 j0 Z1 Y) Y0 ~% y! FC. Mode7 C) O8 Y& n+ b1 S: X- T5 y, [
D. Tenor! j0 C3 h$ x0 U# f4 E
      满分:2.5  分
6 ]1 R) h  J: ^6 e+ D6.  _____ exists in the Quebec Province, Canada.& s: B; y4 [3 R0 c
A. Pidgin: S$ f+ o2 W0 m4 C9 h+ {: p0 h- C
B. Multilingualism$ g3 a" o5 {5 [3 _
C. Creole+ V3 Z, n2 D; U! w+ R
D. Bilingualism* Y5 n2 Q" c2 u8 ?$ U! G+ U
      满分:2.5  分
. x/ J- b" j: @0 ]! b7.  The ____________ function (sometimes also referred to as experiential function) is realized by the transitivity system of language.2 }5 ?: |5 L  M! c8 p
A. ideational) ^+ g; G& K9 ?
B. interpersonal
  w- g4 J, d( @5 F. ?  X9 VC. textual
6 O( N) b3 s7 x  z/ k& J: L5 rD. logical1 l" d3 s8 F7 W  {  v: E
      满分:2.5  分
0 h+ _8 H8 ~& S7 H8.  Speakers consider the matter of face for themselves and others. Based on this observation, Leech (1983) proposes _____________.
; T- `3 R! Y) [- W3 BA. the cooperative principle4 w4 d" h; L; b! F0 h% H: [! m$ p
B. the principle of relevance
- G. d. f; u. O2 ^( Y9 WC. the politeness principle0 ~, g. C7 }# i( Y
D. speech acts/ g2 ?4 v5 B  l
      满分:2.5  分6 U# N! U5 r, h6 B
9.  ______ is used between very close friends and family members./ d6 X& I8 V& l, s
A. The consultative style+ t- v8 r7 b+ F& _2 T, K  q
B. The casual style
1 W# q2 K9 X) w0 G. d! BC. The intimate style  X7 `9 m2 n6 ]! B0 P3 P
D. The formal style) ^6 c/ e' N* k/ E* @0 [
      满分:2.5  分/ J1 u) F4 S1 A. G
10.  In _____ stage, children use single words to represent various meanings." H* ]9 K9 D* S6 {) @2 \. Q
A. telegraphic9 j3 S! y/ j7 h( D
B. two-word3 Y5 k) m. T+ h2 M# I
C. holophrastic
5 M3 d8 p$ F2 C! b6 RD. babbling
0 q3 D" s3 `7 @; S; T. K      满分:2.5  分
. K  Z$ h/ W& Z# t1 ]  A
2 K  H+ n- t4 n* w/ \二、判断题(共 30 道试题,共 75 分。)V 1.  The ideational function is realized by the transitivity system of language.
2 i9 I2 U0 x3 J  |6 pA. 错误
- D$ o  }4 \8 q# J; Y2 A4 U" l% AB. 正确1 ?/ N$ ?3 `& g( d3 D# c
      满分:2.5  分+ \8 l; D) g* s% i
2.  A functional variety is a variety of a language spoken by people living in an area.
4 w0 B$ c: O/ k0 v! i5 QA. 错误
( _1 H4 U0 `2 XB. 正确& L' U$ B; G! F0 z) |
      满分:2.5  分
. U0 B. o7 D. m5 m3.  Environmentalist theories hold that experience is of more importance than innate contributions in learning a second language.
5 V8 m7 _. T1 e# KA. 错误5 h( h1 l5 D8 l  d% h" Q
B. 正确4 i0 ^7 r6 Q7 Q% S. E/ N! |
      满分:2.5  分6 K  G& o8 D; T
4.  “My father has deceased to join the heavenly choir” is of the frozen style.! `7 ^0 R& t" y$ }6 i, D; H4 m% ]
A. 错误
' u) ]- B* T) T2 rB. 正确
# N; k! G3 s' ~. B      满分:2.5  分2 d: U1 T6 I# a7 J# ]1 ^
5.  Tenor is related to how we communicate, through speech or writing.9 N! O, |. M$ k, U2 _% _8 @
A. 错误
" w3 m& k* @$ F7 `B. 正确
' E0 \" p' {* [2 g( G1 `. x  m. r      满分:2.5  分; a% v0 f& {  _* o% D
6.  British English and American English are social varieties of the English language.% c( @) W4 d9 ~: S0 R! l, Q
A. 错误; n4 e* r& b5 T' n0 m
B. 正确& w, S0 o, A" q' E. b
      满分:2.5  分0 ~5 |  x/ V* w5 x' k+ v+ ?. G
7.  Code-mixing refers to the fact that a speaker changes from one language to the other in different situations or when talking about different topics.
1 l/ y4 C+ ^: ^+ E" i7 ^A. 错误/ }- x! j% x6 r6 E/ c9 `4 L
B. 正确1 C7 M  o1 c2 ~3 j
      满分:2.5  分8 y" t& @( e4 x0 e/ }
8.  The language used to talk about language is called metalanguage.
6 c5 N8 \  Q: y  f5 o; G9 XA. 错误8 t5 _0 Y% k4 `$ Y% x  `9 T
B. 正确
% V0 l$ s1 t/ k0 x0 A      满分:2.5  分
& P& `  @, q/ z2 q9.  The meanings communicated through language are or two types: conventional meanings and intentional meanings
2 A$ G0 v" H" H% l3 U6 cA. 错误
% R  g9 k# C4 T' p4 b9 {/ O, OB. 正确+ ~) n! m5 |3 G9 P# F
      满分:2.5  分+ u. l) l, `+ S; P; n5 H$ e+ _
10.  Referential theory holds that a linguistic sign derives its meaning from that which refers to something in the reality.
6 D5 |3 K- w! l2 D0 l5 }) b% KA. 错误
. q! M  j8 X! l1 b( }B. 正确
! v) Q) w- q4 Q2 k* u  m8 ]8 P; S3 n/ L      满分:2.5  分
2 p3 K7 z3 z$ ]3 z* [  i11.  Words like phoenix, dragon, unicorn, and mermaid, are meaningful but they identify no entities in the real world.
( s* x- i8 w; }1 |% _1 c' YA. 错误' \' p- l# a) r9 I
B. 正确
3 u! c  b; K1 w      满分:2.5  分
5 C! A/ |9 K6 X12.  Logical function does not belong to the language metafunctions illustrated by M.A.K. Halliday.
7 x: J  y9 x3 w8 B) L) C- x# k, m/ UA. 错误, \7 C; x; ~, i
B. 正确
, I: z" w" O6 `- D2 \- c6 i      满分:2.5  分
) c6 N' G/ }7 ^+ y( m# r, p* l7 n13.  The fact that Eskimos has seven words for different types of snow but there is not a single word equivalent to snow supports the idea of different linguistic capacities of different people.
2 ?( k- t! t  h, P+ n0 hA. 错误
- R6 T6 m# j+ |) tB. 正确4 P. Y- Z$ S5 r# E* V5 `2 B
      满分:2.5  分
& F3 M$ }8 D8 D5 s9 O14.  Tautology refers to a statement in which you unnecessarily say the same thing twice using different words5 a, P3 b7 W" Y/ u! t" N
A. 错误1 S9 R3 A5 [4 a& [; ]
B. 正确1 h; W  j' J) e; Z  \& y7 P
      满分:2.5  分0 T9 L! H. ]: T, v0 j
15.  Analysis of semantic meaning necessarily involves the interpretation of what people do through language in a particular context.& H3 g9 h4 A1 `+ e, C/ E" X
A. 错误- r' B+ O% s) ~
B. 正确3 p1 O" D* o* a/ R0 j. b4 O$ J, z
      满分:2.5  分
* I! ?+ z* X! ?( d2 ]0 |16.  The term variety is the label given to the form of a language used by any group of speakers or used in a particular field.
8 o+ A# {' V3 b% c) c. F! SA. 错误% t8 _8 G5 N5 b# \
B. 正确
5 u- E+ E6 Y6 V- C$ q      满分:2.5  分- m5 t% V& g. O  C5 b* \  [+ w2 g* e
17.  Interlanguage is the approximate language system that the learner constructs through the target language for use in communication.
7 V/ [% U% z0 Q) t" vA. 错误4 v2 @% ]# D1 f# `
B. 正确
3 U9 S2 n# Q. F      满分:2.5  分5 r0 ^7 e" W, z$ ~8 f* v& C
18.  Mental processes are processes of sensing.# i! _8 ]3 m, |: [  D
A. 错误& D* r( s+ [7 D6 V" \
B. 正确) z! j( \3 A' V7 b3 r
      满分:2.5  分' v* ~7 W1 N1 P
19.  Associative meaning can be further divided into social meaning, connotative meaning, affective meaning reflected meaning and collocative meaning.
7 `& R- e0 L3 ?A. 错误
" d- |3 y$ c6 W  F8 Z  f4 PB. 正确( W( T9 {7 ~4 I' O1 j# x) d" a
      满分:2.5  分
" W9 K+ M, @7 C20.  [u:] possesses the features [+high][-back][+round][+tense].) a+ e' }7 j7 }/ u8 p9 `  f& w
A. 错误
. F: `- l7 T" |+ i3 ^* TB. 正确. E$ z6 O8 e) v! [
      满分:2.5  分
6 O; ?/ k$ p. h& ?21.  British English, American English, Australian English, Indian English, etc. are all geographical dialects.8 p% [( p- T2 ^% M
A. 错误
0 N2 ]: e/ D1 t  K; bB. 正确* K4 s7 v% E9 \  O4 Y2 B! U0 {
      满分:2.5  分
% K  ~4 h- S2 v2 k) M22.  The structural syllabus takes the word as the basic teaching unit.
+ W2 O2 U+ |( q! Z; HA. 错误
1 d$ J: w! {" z7 OB. 正确
* A6 b- T) y6 G) @4 q7 P6 E. t4 M      满分:2.5  分
9 v1 a; N9 ]: ~% E/ A23.  The pioneering investigation done by William Labov in New York City in 1966 was to test registers among different groups of speakers.% i1 J0 P( J5 i, m, V6 d1 v6 [! d
A. 错误
% z6 K: T8 a* m* g7 {5 fB. 正确
! m" W  l1 Q6 L. E5 e7 x  x" M% A      满分:2.5  分: d7 _4 ~6 n" O9 f1 Y3 z3 L
24.  Pragmatics is the analysis of meaning in context.+ ~4 d  ?. G: ?& x
A. 错误' p: {5 j7 j- M* C$ \% w. S, }
B. 正确
- W5 a& E4 z0 m) a  Q: @      满分:2.5  分* K3 F+ a& j. x  D& z
25.  Register depends on the relations between the participants.. f: O5 {( B) e2 P0 V
A. 错误9 v+ q$ J9 Q1 e/ g" O
B. 正确& Z3 c" k7 b; X8 y, P) {4 h3 P/ M
      满分:2.5  分
( Q9 H  H4 @6 ?  G8 ~; H1 M26.  A pidgin is a mixed language which has become the mother tongue of a speech community.9 L! E2 Y- q: \& C# o
A. 错误
# X9 F3 t( m( }0 P5 u* z0 S3 r/ ^0 kB. 正确
' f5 N5 Q6 m  H1 K# a1 C2 S& m      满分:2.5  分$ }5 \$ e8 T. Z2 F4 U7 Q
27.  Metalanguage is the approximate language system that the learner constructs for use in communication through the target language.& x+ B" b. c  `. F) B& r/ X& i
A. 错误
2 P4 N) u% R( Q* V/ R0 lB. 正确
4 m' ]# D1 M' C5 S. ^& @% H- B      满分:2.5  分
- Z/ d. X  o3 A6 i. W28.  Cognition refers to the process by which people use language to classify the world around and inside them.
7 R8 g' G4 Q, FA. 错误
/ q) I4 Z. o) w6 K  S  rB. 正确
* R0 h2 f" H. c4 e+ E+ j      满分:2.5  分
8 q! S4 J1 m* A4 v& A1 j# [29.  Knowledge of the target language alone is adequate for successful teaching.) p' B! N0 C' r. d! i7 G5 [4 [
A. 错误
% B; O, [. I% M( |' XB. 正确! {) ^5 ~- ]6 L
      满分:2.5  分2 g7 \& H/ {% I; O% k
30.  A creole is a mixed language which has become the mother tongue of a speech community.$ w  M# |4 }& C8 I: |& L
A. 错误! \; T& k" K) \3 w& Z
B. 正确
1 ]8 x% D' ?( L* U2 E; L      满分:2.5  分
" a9 A9 Y1 d5 G' x5 ~7 }4 {# a- }! O8 l
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