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[西南大学] 西南大学网院 语言学导论【0181】课程考试试题卷

发表于 2016-11-29 14:54:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

类别: 网教       专业: 英语      2016 年 12月
课程名称【编号】: 语言学导论  【0181】      A卷
大作业                              满分:100 分
Ⅰ. For each question there are four choices. Decide which one would be the best answer to the question, or would best complete the sentence. Write the corresponding letter on your ANSWER SHEET. (20%)
1. _____ is the study of meaning in language.  
A. Syntax     B. Applied linguistics    C. Psycholinguistics    D. Semantics
2. Which of the following sounds is a unvoiced dental fricative? _______
A. [s]           B. [ts]          C.  [z]     D.  [t]
3. The phonetic transcription with diacritics is called _____.
A. broad transcription            B. International Phonetic Alphabet
C. narrow transcription           D. American English Pronunciation
4. "Impossibility" is a _______.
A. free morpheme     B. root     C. compound     D. derivative
5. The Black English sentence “I don't gotta do nothing” is considered incorrect because_____.
A. it contains a double negative and is thus inherently incorrect
B. it is not consistent with the upper class use of standard English
C. it is impossible to understand
D. both a and b above
6. The syllabic structure of the word "package" is ______.
7. Among the following languages, ______ is a tone language.
A. Spanish      B. French         C. Chinese    D. English
8. According to their ______, words can classified into closed-class and open-class words.
A. variability     B. membership      C. similarities      D. functions
9. By ______, we mean that human beings can use language to talk about things remote either in space or in time.
A. creativity     B. duality        C. displacement      D. interchangeability
10. The father of modern linguistics is ________.
A. F. de Saussure         B. J. L. Austin       C. J. R. Searle     D. H. P. Grice
Ⅱ. Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False. (20%)
11. Pragmatics is the study of the use of language or meaning in context.
12. Synchronic linguistics the study which focuses on the state of language at a particular point in history.
13. Bilingualism refers to the features of human language that distinguish it from the communication systems of other kinds of animals.
14. Initialism is the way by which a word is composed of the first letters of a series of words and is pronounced as a single words, e.g., NATO.
15. Assimilation is a phonological process whereby a sound becomes phonetically similar (or identical) to a neighboring sound.
16. Design features refer to the situation where two languages are used either by an individual or by a group of speakers, such as the inhabitants of a particular region or nation.
17. Psycholinguistics is the study of language in relation to social factors.
18. A speech act is an action performed through language, such as promising, requesting and declaring.
19. An endocentric construction has a head or a center.
20. Words are the smallest units of language that carry meaning or serve a grammatical function.
Ⅲ. Reading comprehension. Read the following passage and answer each of the questions based on it. Choose the correct answer write the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. (20%)
Most of us are taught to pay attention to what is said --- the words. Words do provide us with some information, but meanings are derived from so many other sources that it would hinder our effectiveness as a partner to a relationship to rely too heavily on words alone. Words are used to describe only a small part of the many ideas we associate with any given message. Sometimes we can gain insight into some of those associations if we listen for more than words. We don’t always say what we mean or mean what we say. Sometimes our words don’t mean anything except “I’m letting off some steam. I don’t really want you to pay close attention to what I’m saying. Just pay attention to what I’m feeling.” Mostly we mean several things at once. A person wanting to purchase a house says to the current owner, “This step has to be fixed before I buy.” The owner says, “It’s been like that for years.” Actually, the step hasn’t been like that for years, but the unspoken message is: “I don’t want to fix it. We put up with it. Why can’t you?” The search for a more expansive view of meaning can be developed by examining a message in terms of who said it, when it occurred, the related conditions or situation, and how it was said.
When a message occurs can also reveal associated meaning. Let us assume two couples do exactly the same amount of kissing and arguing. But one couple always kisses after an argument and the other couple always argues after a kiss. The ordering of the behaviors may mean a great deal more than the frequency of the behavior. A friend’s unusually docile behavior may only be understood by noting that it was preceded by situations that required an abnormal amount of assertiveness. Some responses may be directly linked to a developing pattern of responses and defy logic. For example, a person who says “No!” to a series of charges like “You’re dumb,” “You’re lazy,” and “You’re dishonest,” may also say “No!” and try to justify his or her response if the next statement is “And you’re good looking”.
We would do well to listen for how messages are presented. The words, “It sure has been nice to have you over,” can be said with emphasis and excitement or ritualistically. The phrase can be said once or repeated several times. And the meanings we associate with the phrase will change accordingly. Sometimes if we say something infrequently it assumes more importance; sometimes the more we say something the less importance it assumes.
21. Effective communication is rendered possible between two conversing partners, if they ______.
A. use proper words to carry their ideas
B. both speak truly of their own feelings
C. try to understand each other’s ideas beyond words
D. are capable of associating meanings with their words
22. “I’m letting off some steam” in Paragraph 1 means ______.
A. I’m just calling your attention
B. I’m just kidding
C. I’m just saying the opposite
D. I’m just giving off some sound
23. The house-owner’s example shows that he actually means _____.
A. the step has been like that for years
B. he doesn’t think it is necessary to fix the step
C. the condition of the step is only a minor fault
D. the cost involved in the fixing should be shared
24. Some responses and behaviors may appear very illogical, but are justifiable if ______.
A. linked to an abnormal amount of assertiveness
B. seen as one’s habitual pattern of behavior
C. taken as part of an ordering sequence
D. expressed to a series of charges
25. The word “ritualistically” in the last paragraph equals something done _____.
A. in a way of ceremony          B. light-heartedly
C. without true intention         D. with less emphasis
Ⅳ. Answer the following questions, each in 120 to 200 words. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (40%)
26. Why can we say language is unique to mankind? (20%)

27. What have you learned from the course of linguistics? (20%)
(Clue: You can say whatever, linguistic or non-linguistic, you have learned from the course. But make sure your answer is clear and logical. You may answer the question in Chinese, but this may result in a loss of marks.)


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