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[北京理工大学] 18春北理工《大学英语(3)》在线作业(资料)

发表于 2018-3-21 16:54:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
(单选) 1: What a ________ smell! Open the window and air the room.
A: disgusting
B: pleasing
C: powerful
D: disturbing

正确资料: A

(单选题) 2: Mary could not tell Jane the secret with her little brother standing ____.
A: by
B: up
C: in
D: to

正确资料: A

(单选题) 3: We tried all sorts of medicine but they were all ____.
A: use
B: useful
C: used
D: useless

正确资料: D

(单选题) 4: Don’t bother running ____ the bus. You will never catch it.
A: after
B: about
C: across
D: over

正确资料: A

(单选题) 5: Few of the students understand why language is _______ to human beings.
A: aware
B: unique
C: absolute
D: continual

正确资料: B

(单选题) 6: Students have access ____ the library during the vacation.
A: in
B: by
C: to
D: at

正确资料: C

(单选题) 7: The teacher praised the girl in class ____ her hard work.
A: for
B: by
C: to
D: with

正确资料: A

(单选题) 8: When spring comes in that part of the world, the trees just burst ____ life.
A: in
B: into
C: to
D: toward

正确资料: B

(单选题) 9: Only by combining our efforts ____ those of other people can we triumph over the difficulties we are now facing.
A: into
B: onto
C: within
D: with

正确资料: D

(单选题) 10: After a long period of regular exercise, I now _____ much less than I used to.
A: weigh
B: like
C: grow
D: increase

正确资料: A

(单选题) 11: He spent two weeks working out a plan. Unfortunately, it did not quite ___ in practice.
A: come out
B: come off
C: come about
D: come to

正确资料: B

(单选题) 12: Walking on the ____ , the young couple talked about those unforgettable days when they were studying at college.
A: sideway's
B: sidewalk
C: sidway
D: sidewalk's

正确资料: B


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