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发表于 2018-5-5 23:13:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
试卷总分:100    得分:100
第1,In a Western meal, you' re offered a 'second helping, but you have already had enough. What would you say?
No, thanks, I don't like it
.No, I don't want any.
No, I'm terribly full.
That is delicious, but I've already had plenty, thanks.

第2题,Maybe it&rsquo;s asking too much of you to follow the idea of &ldquo;<u><strong>love me love my dog</strong></u>&rdquo;, but at least you should tolerate my love for jazz.
love my dog as much as loving me
love everything about me because you love me
tolerate my love for jazz music like your tolerating my dog
love jazz music the same as you love my dog

第3题,What did you do to increase profit and eliminate losses? We haven't been <strong><u>in the black </u></strong>for two months in a row.
lack of money
in the dark night
needing money
gaining money

第4题,When Greeks meet, then comes the tug of war.
If too many people try to do the same thing at the same time, chaos will reign.
Empty-hearted persons are always the most talkative and noisy.
There must be something better after every piece of unpleasantness.
When two adversaries are of equal strength of character, the contest of wills is certain to be long and hard-fought.

第5题,What a fabulous car---<u><strong>I&rsquo;m very jealous</strong></u>.
red with envy
blue with envy
green with envy
white with envy

第6题,I&rsquo;m mot surprised at the downfall of the President because of the promises he made before he came into office turned out to be <strong><u>plans that are unlikely to be fulfilled</u></strong>.
Dutch courage
a piece of cake
the salt of the earth
castles in the air

第7题,Which of the following statements are true of collectivist culture?
Disclosure of private feeling is distasteful.
People are suspicious of outsiders.
Uniformity is not highly thought of.
there is a positive attitude about words of disagreement.

第8题,Bob, I need your help. The whole thing seems to be <strong><u>freaking out</u></strong>. Whatever I do, it is getting worse.
losing control

第9题,In Britain men are not expected to control their emotions while women are expected to express their emotions more freely.


第10题,Usually we  Chinese don't look at each other when having a face-to-face talk


第11题,In Britain or America,patting a child&rsquo;s but not the teenager or the adult&rsquo;s head means giving comfort, consolation or encouragement between close friends.


第12题,Chinese people don't tend to make more direct requests to their friends. They address those they know quite well in a very direct way.


第13题,Chinese tend to value strong obligations between parents and children.


第14题,The emphasis on fostering independence runs counter to ( is contrary to ) the Chinese view.


第15题,Once a group of Chinese was visiting the home of a fairly well-to-do American. As they were shown around the house, they commented, &quot;You have a very nice home. It's so beautiful.&quot; The hostess smiled with obvious pleasure and replied in good American fashion&quot;Thank you&quot; - which caused surprise among some of her Chinese guests.Later, while conversing at the dinner table, the host remarked to the Chinese interpreter, a young lady who had graduated not long ago from a Chinese university, &quot;Your English is excellent. Really quite fluent. &quot; To this she replied, &quot;No , no. My English is quite poor. &quot; - an answer that he had not expected and found a bit puzzling.
正确资料:1) The answer to the two questions is no. To English-speaking people praise is to be accepted, generallwith a remark like &quot;thank you&quot;. It is assumed that the compliment is sincere, so there should be no show of false humility, no pretended modesty.2) To Chinese however , when hearing compliments , the typical reaction is to show modesty. The customary reply to a compliment would be to claim that one is not worthy of the praise, that what one has done is hardly enough, or that success was more a matter of luck or some other circumstances. Acceptance of a compliment would imply conceit or lack of manners. 3) Therefore, in the two cases, the reason for such different reactions was differences in customs and habits. Each was interpreting what the other said according to his or her own culture.

第16题,What types of nonverbal communication do you think are universal?
ccording to experts, a substantial portion of our communication is nonverbal. Every day, we respond to thousands on nonverbal cues and behaviors including postures, facial expression, eye gaze, gestures, and tone of voice. From our handshakes to our hairstyles, nonverbal details reveal who we are and impact how we relate to other people.Facial expressions are responsible for a huge proportion of nonverbal communication.Common gestures include waving, pointing, and using fingers to indicate numeric amounts. Posture and movement can also convey a great deal on information. People often refer to their need for &quot;personal space,&quot; which is also an important type of nonverbal communication. The eyes play an important role in nonverbal communication and such things as looking, staring, and blinking can also be important nonverbal behaviors.Communicating through touch is another important nonverbal behavior.Our choice of color, clothing, hairstyles, and other factors affecting appearance are also considered a means of nonverbal communication.;;;;


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