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发表于 2018-12-10 01:22:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
- |- R# k' C$ L! [试卷总分:100    得分:100
! e* D1 r& o5 W& M0 X" G$ l$ m第1,At night the quiet neighborhood is shrouded in the slumbering darkness that marks most  residential areas.    The figure of speech used here is ________.
+ D/ @' U: [% D  v) y6 W  T( _A.transferred epithet
1 |: N$ g4 n& L( L0 B  JB.antithesis9 i1 P6 `2 V/ g
C.metaphor6 S$ U7 v2 s* N
% E3 ~7 t- J6 x& M1 S4 j正确资料:
( A8 `# E. S, L" B! I3 ^
7 {+ y& N, p& r5 ?0 x4 E4 `  J( z0 J7 i) D! ^' {# m
第2题,It is the beauties who had the hardest time. A portrait of themselves at twenty hangs on the wall, and they try to ______ it by making an extravagant use of creams, powders, and dyes.
4 r* ?% u7 u: |& o( x+ ?A.resemble
. k* u/ x  F; R9 v( F/ j) FB.differ8 m( L2 Q) p* Y" [
C.avoid1 x' f; k, v; l) L# }) U
D.identify5 M6 r) Q: j" t. |- M9 L# i
正确资料:# E/ k$ b# O! j( N% l
* W0 X7 ?! V2 Q7 g7 m" B, n* F

# {# P/ u. f9 l+ [& {第3题,And when she thought of all the things they actually needed to make the place even _______ fit to live in, well, she could cry, that was all.
' V) G1 v( I: B: w( v% Z& kA.decently* ^5 Q! v( j% _
2 P% i% x( \8 h, Y: cC.uncomfortably5 h; J. D! U3 |6 U" [* s( c
D.unsuitably6 E+ H" J  P: G# o
" \, B  L' k% P& a) ~- U6 q5 v
* f6 ~$ N) g1 L0 d( X' ~+ p, e( n: w; [# O# n9 T$ k- G
第4题,I wish I could make you see the little stores way off in the backwoods where we would stop to _______ our food stock from time to time.
& G% J! w  P2 a  x, }( }A.compliment8 Y; g. ?* E, u) q. O
  e8 J  s  B/ `: c- N% G8 B4 {C.replenish
* g9 b8 e4 o; w* J! U$ _% M# QD.exhaust! m4 t8 W/ e  M! W4 u
3 F) k& X2 E3 b4 j; Q
. n; D% f  D" R
6 L1 Z/ g* v! |3 a7 V第5题,Every product we sell comes with a two-year           .# r' W& @& ?* {/ i
/ m0 B/ h1 [# _$ k: g# q/ P$ a/ MB.guarantee
/ Z# r" E% b1 ]% s4 ]C.safety% @( V7 p8 Y* R6 w, s' H; x  a
, q" Y4 j- J' J$ d% M6 V正确资料:* ~6 l2 @8 m3 r. c

. Q, q+ L! V* l6 U4 l# p& B0 O4 P& z" |! M3 j; X; W
第6题,The idea simply choked her. _______ meat, when they might as well have had it fresh. Second-best and scraps and makeshifts, even to the meat!
" ?2 T' Q: F$ I% f( j/ jA.Nutritious
# H& M" \. S: `8 s. zB.Delicious. j0 Z% \+ t# X: x1 ~$ M
C.Warmed-over/ I/ i! ]) t+ g/ K7 X
& I: j: v- W1 S7 M3 S1 F正确资料:- H. q  x- J; {- b

0 B3 d  J# X+ k# x4 O- R$ u; l, q; [- u: u; F, Z' ^
第7题,His wife is quite lazy. Her reluctance to wash her own clothes is a case            point.# c) h8 N0 H9 C/ I
) l) F! L+ c- M" z6 B# |( sB.in/ y  Z. O  S! r  }/ m$ C6 N0 [; T
C.on, X+ p& p: M# {8 P+ O  r
: r# m: n' ^, J( E/ f/ a! z1 S: O; ^2 X2 r

2 h- q3 V" ]% |' o. s第8题,A good teacher should not confront his pupils            too much information in one lesson.
9 l6 C. ?* s! b1 l! tA.from  U! s7 e& d. p
B.by3 A" e! R/ ~- v+ n$ K
C.with2 B) M( J. X1 W/ I4 I( W* ?
) W6 Y0 P, S# I正确资料:
1 q  L# A/ `6 a2 M# J% K
) q1 f( h) \/ [  I! b9 r* s: e6 R
第9题,With all its advantages, the computer is by no means without its ______.. ~- D0 _! u; t
A.restraints* T  ~  Y* u. U2 ^2 a9 ~
B.boundaries' \. o5 D) N; [, m. K& a) k
. V) `7 p+ z0 ^! ~D.limitations
! {, B# q4 X2 q' t- y! Z! c正确资料:0 o5 f! ?+ v$ t+ A* c8 k5 O; w
$ w! ?8 t% f1 b/ f: D
' m3 @% B, K/ t" T) O
第10题,The whole _______ prayed for me alone, in a mighty wail of moans and voices.% T2 Z, O& k0 V. s4 Z$ A
A.building9 x/ n- n  N5 Y, E
4 a) i4 P4 {, PC.circle
: ~" s- h- B+ r7 ^D.mass
' s: Y( X% V: @正确资料:$ a8 l: @& G) Y# X/ Q4 C! v9 X0 f

& h+ n" n' M+ N2 Q5 f
8 Q/ s2 [5 C! w第11题,She had borne all the ______ she meant to bear in the small flat n town; there was space here at least and she meant to keep things in order.5 e1 x" x9 T2 I  [6 m, W9 d
A.neatness# U$ R6 ~2 y+ P7 o
B.grace% _" q' K( I: `
C.decoration' `, _* c- l6 L
D.clutter3 n' }5 f0 U- A; Q( C% s
6 `) P, c0 }, \  Z$ I! X* o
  X; Y6 x! W# M+ @9 k5 E% O
- W! p# [- M1 c5 R第12题,I don't think that this question is subordinate            the main aim of our company.
+ k4 L3 L% ~) G& i' KA.for: T1 {( ?! }% I- h0 T: B! \
B.with( z/ ^! b0 g( @- i& A
$ E3 q* ^' ~( e4 g' D$ @7 qD.on
3 O/ Q) I/ w9 G! C; a4 r7 R正确资料:
- Z2 q! V) x6 E8 B% |
2 R' _7 Q9 [3 S7 x8 R. _' g( d* T5 |& A. {6 C& w
第13题,Suspicion lasted a long time, and was________ by clashes sometimes amounting to full-fledged warfare.
7 U# T3 S2 V  ~3 b. c7 I* ZA.fed$ v. W: D' ~, x5 r6 y4 G2 n
B.encouraged8 X: X1 n  Z& Y  o! c
: S5 o, b) ~1 g7 G) N% TD.nurtured; Y. g* m) k' k; T
正确资料:9 m) F! @, F7 N

& i- u/ i- Z" g: H  J
! R+ ]+ U* J+ H0 y2 ]第14题,That search for honors is a harmless passion, though it may lead to ______ and deformation of characters.( {. ~( a% a; f1 R/ [. S
( X4 o5 @/ G9 O+ oB.jealousies8 ?- o8 \/ u& Z% t/ j/ ?4 `
C.aspirations8 o8 j0 P2 x* S7 @, X
8 {1 y. k) _! q; s. K; [5 t/ r% T正确资料:8 W# U; F5 ?0 l# Z5 K
6 G. L1 M" E; {
9 [2 E$ Z3 I+ r
第15题,I suppose that the junk-collecting is partly from lethargy and partly from the feeling that everything once useful should be ______.
% h8 e/ R4 S& w! ]# lA.abandoned: Y7 |  j# f" @6 ~
B.deserted; v  X+ G! [* U" |, N; w' l
5 y. T( R& |& m) c# dD.reserved3 \; N% q5 N& }. ]3 O
, E: z) p9 p+ H+ y! Y6 y* m% ~9 V, s
; X; {! C7 J. Q5 f& ?4 u/ v5 k9 C' R
5 g9 W# a, L0 C+ {2 w  G第16题,1.% b# k+ V) Z9 J5 j4 z$ q
1 M$ N: m  Q# ?' `" U! W  }1 s2 A; k) A5 G' i
5 m; _% A8 K& w) G& C  p
/ f) {8 F( B6 U, F正确资料:
& v+ \  b4 W( K/ N8 O9 d9 x# L& \" A- F  s
8 G% D8 c; h2 H, `+ U5 ~8 y
3 s/ x$ }* e* a1 P3 j正确资料:
% t' T2 ?. \! g! p; c0 Y% c/ `) D5 ~9 ~! K. e! g) P6 s) c

5 y0 ?! i$ r. |' }$ X第19题,1.
/ N3 f8 g5 v& t! R8 T; l$ G3 v正确资料:
8 U; U5 q4 c0 T: q! A( ]& _4 ]
, V* e0 ?" H! M$ ^1 [& v# G5 Z: `
# `( u" Y7 |8 Z1 k/ Y第20题,1.' p. Y1 s' V' a& X: h* _" Z, M: }- k
* i8 k9 N& J. e- o( r& j8 s6 O
% \8 m, q" ~6 Y) `
, ^- }% }. s6 I2 V, _- S6 k0 t) H第21题,Directions: There is a passage with 10 blanks. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of words and expressions given in the box given before the passage. westward   stock   land-mad   higher    boundlesstrickle   settle   requirement   stock   little   Then the trickle of immigrants became a stream, and the population began to move westward -- not to grab and leave but to settle and live, they thought. The newcomers were of peasant stock, and they had their roots in a Europe where they had been landless, for the possession of land was the requirement and the proof of a higher social class than they has known. In America they found beautiful and boundless land for the taking and they took it. It is little wonder that they went land-mad, because there was so much of it.
+ S6 F1 O9 g; p( }正确资料:</strong><br/>trickle &nbsp;&nbsp;westward &nbsp;&nbsp;settle &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;stock &nbsp;&nbsp;landless</p><p>requirement &nbsp;higher &nbsp;boundless &nbsp;&nbsp;little &nbsp;&nbsp;land-mad</p><p><br/>               
+ T& `* J: j4 U  d0 B# D, R                                                                                                                        <br/>+ r9 {" E% G( B" j

' w" U4 q3 J# l9 n8 G9 @$ j+ D- g- a: }' S0 O$ h8 X6 P9 L' _
( b6 j* j$ T: F, G; G9 _正确资料:5 C" l1 A9 Z1 b0 {$ E6 G$ y9 a
$ T0 d' o1 f5 K* i

9 {  r/ M+ m& I/ |第23题,Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese.    Understanding this transition requires a look at the tow-sided connection between energy and human well-being. Energy contributes positively to well-being by providing such consumer services as heating and lighting as well as serving as a necessary input to economic production. But the costs of energy -- including not only the money and other resources devoted to obtaining and exploiting it, but also environmental and sociopolitical impacts --detract from well-being. For most of human history, the dominant concerns about energy have centered on the benefit side of the energy-well-being equation. Inadequacy of energy resources or more often of the technologies and organizations for harvesting, converting, and distributing  those resources has meant insufficient energy benefits and hence inconvenience, depriving and constraints on growth." U2 w/ f" k0 u+ n4 O( ~; ]
正确资料:</strong><br/>trickle &nbsp;&nbsp;westward &nbsp;&nbsp;settle &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;stock &nbsp;&nbsp;landless</p><p>requirement &nbsp;higher &nbsp;boundless &nbsp;&nbsp;little &nbsp;&nbsp;land-mad</p><p><br/>                : m  G; \5 O& Y& |) w1 N- O
1 E$ K6 H5 k; n! t( v; U. Q
. H) g6 X% T# \8 N; X- J$ T) |
8 A# E7 u; L8 Y, D第24题,7 Y4 I- ?/ ~6 {
正确资料:: h5 T  g9 d, ?. O  f) I# r$ C
6 f: y3 @. S1 t: {

3 ?, e9 F1 x" z第25题,He must __________ his emotions, or let them out only on a very special occasion.
9 A$ s7 N6 l1 J+ H; h  _4 }0 YA.hold in
- X$ }) ]" T+ x+ j. [B.call on
% `- }7 t- C/ `C.bottle up
" h; v& e" y5 ^D.ask for  \' Z' L) }) z
正确资料:6 r) [! H' j9 ]7 N
; V+ e5 ?7 m. N5 h

; U5 j# T/ S7 C第26题,By then, Miss Genovese had crawled to the back of the building, where the freshly painted brown doors  to the apartment house ______ hope for safety.5 q% ?2 b6 X  Z; W" G/ c4 }
A.took out& x/ Z! ?( }  ?- V0 \  y4 Y* S* f, v$ [
B.gave out
0 m3 ?+ h. R+ }, x9 ]0 X4 j7 nC.held out0 w7 n' c5 }, K1 {2 I) b
D.sent out, s0 k! {, G! Z' Q) o
正确资料:6 L& W5 j; b; E
: f5 f9 v' y& l6 o

. B+ H, |9 Y4 a第27题,It is really one of the kindest yet most effective ways to_______ someone's ardor.
: A6 X8 j( |8 dA.dull, y2 D9 f1 k. i# D
0 A: C3 E% R* LC.depress. H2 a3 D& c6 q: z. R* d
D.dampen7 [9 q( C8 P4 |5 n/ T
$ c# a8 l: _" l/ _
( [2 @8 ?; X. P: D$ l8 s  _) I" h' \, d/ j9 O0 _
第28题,The play's witty dialogue does nothing to __________ the absurdity of its plot." n3 p. q- r: ?  ~0 _' E
9 F& }) V" P* Y; FB.refrain+ h% o/ ~4 x. ^5 E* Y
C.outweigh! Q  x( e/ r0 c* C8 S, G
D.dodge& ^& T; P& N+ J) ~$ h, R0 C; h" \, ?8 G
0 |9 Y% n' y) ?6 L) i- E
) J( H* e! {  p! x0 ?5 C  O6 d3 C$ o6 h* ]
第29题,Appetite is one of the senses that tells you that you want to bite into the world and taste its multitudinous flavours and juices. The figure of speech used here is __________.$ N/ e3 |4 z: i' _0 |, C, Y; k0 }" x/ j
& `) O8 ~+ y" o& U% d% d0 M: M" HB.metonymy; ^- K  K! o! d8 }6 d5 i
" h3 `# H4 c/ ?  ?$ b/ E2 i) O5 jD.metaphor
) c& q$ Q  u+ r8 m正确资料:- w+ O* Y$ o0 M; `2 g7 J
* e0 J: ?1 X6 v- O+ F" b0 \9 [
( o. l) n  D9 r
第30题,Airplanes have the reputation of being dangerous and even the __________   travelers are intimidated by them.+ E: v7 U3 W+ O$ _
  X( \/ p3 ]# R1 e* [4 IB.hardened# L: t4 W/ G% F- r& T: A
C.dominant, A* R$ z' M9 G8 P5 G
D.apprehensive$ L5 K% r8 t0 Z+ O% x
/ V5 N# G# h: ^& `) i
+ ]6 W: x* N' c$ x' Z7 p9 v; ~* a1 |" A0 f( b/ h: i  Q
第31题,In America they found beautiful and boundless land________ the taking - and they took it.% m9 Q0 ^$ C# \; }# o, s0 [" x& @
9 t  R  s, O2 eB.for$ F5 S; R, e3 E0 X6 _- Q6 q
6 f4 ~7 t* a5 ~( UD.at4 r+ U- L+ i! A9 h
1 g' p5 Q, m8 Q# y" R( S) a1 K1 `* ^6 N3 u" [
! j/ ~# I& t, m& P+ k5 B, H: D
第32题,The pastoral ideal connotes a _________ nature where conflict, danger, and tension are non-existent.6 @; i$ x  g3 Q4 M+ G% |8 X3 J1 R; g
A.rough. K' c$ k. k8 G4 t2 g# m( l
9 K4 v0 ]( J+ ]% ]# xC.capricious
, l7 q0 c$ P( n% X3 DD.benign
( {: I! ~$ P& j0 l  ]0 i正确资料:7 m: Q% x( S4 ^) |1 {& V# y2 _
+ |" Z7 [! W) ~# ^4 V
, u* k! b2 d$ Y% {3 i1 n3 d% g3 b
第33题,Prof. White, my respected tutor, frequently reminds me to _______ myself of every  chance to improve my English.& }) B0 r! `$ `2 {
$ J# y( e$ _, u: z+ lB.inform
# |/ i- |1 r, l3 G4 hC.avail
+ r" i2 j3 a3 q. F' q+ WD.notify8 m& k( p& O( z" ~7 n/ o, P
3 s- c  m! d% J; ^! C% R8 X$ }7 b$ m. P* _. a3 u: S% h  `6 G

! p, j7 J- H9 K* F$ _9 A: r3 J第34题,It is true, of course, that all cars must have a width that is _____ by the traffic lanes, and must have proper brakes, lights, and so on.4 u' C# Z7 j& E4 ]8 @, M8 i3 }
A.accommodated' ~- k4 d# k/ U  l; A
. d* g: Y9 M$ `, T( VC.elaborated
* c: \3 W9 Z' o, f2 {D.fitted, n5 r- n8 F$ X% [- A
正确资料:; ?! c, z, o! u8 D) {

$ }/ ~' s8 B2 A3 ^+ x2 p% k
/ L, L2 H. x7 L第35题,When someone is touched, he or she immediately stops for an instant and wonders "What did that mean?" In such settings, "hands off" is the best policy because even a well-intentioned touch can be badly ________.
1 w- b  H! q. Z! x2 yA.misconstrued# P  p5 b5 {; W' e, P
B.misapplied5 d! x5 K! n* R) g5 Y
C.misplaced) P/ v# O# J4 g
0 Z/ G' L* f( ]0 v正确资料:
7 J- L0 b; X4 U4 X+ k* O
6 g! p+ j" N1 _0 w$ B
  Z$ u1 I# I+ B( V* E第36题,It is hours before you dare ______  into a baker's shop again.! y4 [6 X, ^# n  i$ C
A.sit" E; {" r8 }; ~; S1 b) z+ m
( B) U, O2 E7 N4 X7 L2 nC.venture
, ?) H2 F8 m1 ~! y& a* p# CD.dodge" M1 D1 g: T2 B; y' T
1 \2 K' g: D$ M( X$ I) B" d6 |$ X! L% G  q2 L

/ x; w1 U- Q( k+ E' y第37题,The night was so _____ that the murderer was easily able to escape his pursuers.' Q2 A& j* G, t- x3 J, u
A.misty* d7 o) o3 r0 E5 D& a9 J
. K- [7 ^- I6 [& V. O3 jC.mild
; N0 W4 j7 }. MD.messy
" c% j7 X: s6 |3 o0 n正确资料:
4 V8 F6 z% h( r( Y3 L
, Z* p0 J3 X* i& h4 C: o0 l3 R7 Q# a2 }. j& s- ~
第38题,Her effort to redecorate the big house kept her _____ for a whole week./ D' z7 I7 m, Y3 x# b# N6 d
; L) j% |6 l, F$ ?3 M" y. B# @% xB.dominated4 |+ x# w1 [+ q& R, G# u; J$ q0 B
/ C1 G5 t! J/ e0 f5 z; mD.occupied
$ g- E0 d9 q% D& ?" r2 s正确资料:
5 k4 l% Q4 t! L$ B* T
: C' n# l  c! r3 G
3 A7 F9 Q5 J8 y第39题,Many tourists were _____ by the city's complicated traffic system.
& B) m6 |2 D0 t4 l9 k6 |, L) lA.degraded
" g# }! U; s$ yB.ewildered
. }9 |+ ?# l& YC.evoked
: i. m& m8 G) Y/ l& oD.diverted- g8 C5 ^! w% e( q$ L. s7 a- P
- p% d; g9 R8 x) I
4 ^+ ^7 o( d' @- r& O( @6 E
3 b8 T  H$ Q( H) m- O第40题,Directions: There is a passage with 10 blanks. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of words and expressions given in the box given before the passage. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the ANSWER SHEET. helpless     rob       merciless    land-mad    rapereservoir   search     crop out     abandon     expose        It is little wonder that they went ____1___, because there was so much of it. They cut and burned the forests to make room for crops; they ____2___their knowledge of kindness to the land in order to maintain its usefulness. When they had ____3____ a piece they moved on,____4____the country like invaders. The topsoil, held by roots and freshened by leaf-fall, was left ____5___ to the spring freshets, stripped and eroded with the naked bones of clay and rock ___6___. The destruction of the forests changed the rainfall, for the    ____7____ clouds could find no green and beckoning woods to draw them on and milk them. The _____8____  nineteenth century was like a hostile expedition for loot that seemed limitless. Uncountable buffalo were killed, stripped of their hides and left to rod, a ___9_____ of permanent food supply eliminated. More than that, the land of the Great Plains was ____10_____ of the manure of the herds.% F6 N. \1 p# S8 g  o) f6 |
正确资料:</strong><br/>trickle &nbsp;&nbsp;westward &nbsp;&nbsp;settle &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;stock &nbsp;&nbsp;landless</p><p>requirement &nbsp;higher &nbsp;boundless &nbsp;&nbsp;little &nbsp;&nbsp;land-mad</p><p><br/>               
* v7 E/ }6 X0 j8 l                                                                                                                        <br/>3 r7 c8 x9 h5 C/ U+ N' y7 c

0 q+ b+ g3 Z# z8 b! c8 y
0 e7 r9 q- F3 O& E* \, d  J5 e! _: e第41题,I have often wondered at the savagery and thoughtlessness with which our early settlers approached this rich continent.  They came at it as though it were an enemy, which of course it was.  They burned the forests and changed the rainfall; they swept the buffalo from the plains, blasted the streams, set fire to the grass, and ran a reckless scythe through the virgin and noble timber.  Perhaps they felt that it was limitless and could never be exhausted and that a man could move on to new wonders endlessly. Certainly there are many examples to the contrary, but to a large extent the early people pillaged the country as though they hated it, as though they held it temporarily and might be driven off at any time.9 f4 u7 T, P& P# l$ s; G) L3 Y' ?
. P  C0 Y8 x9 U0 b; \/ ^- d) X6 K

1 @7 T' F5 e( @# [7 b4 q4 _3 U. ^% I, ]2 E

  g) G8 ?* |' D) p* _, f2 n5 k7 N& V( b
( j% O4 A# j+ H, v- d0 ^

6 Z7 @; d1 W6 s+ p' L% D7 f0 j  a3 e- ~! w
7 h8 k% B$ }5 ~) p1 @5 c6 A
# r, |- a( d, K$ I. ?
# B3 X) s  S5 o  H( Q
0 i" C, [, }2 c& p) E+ m
3 a% x1 _1 @9 o, B4 f2 h* q

7 L/ b2 |, p4 N0 S8 a- Q) A


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