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发表于 2010-12-18 13:03:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 b- {1 M! I0 g% ~单选% q& z5 x- B& G4 B! g- ?
1.57. A policeman"s first duty is the ______ of the people.
' }1 }" Q+ Q7 @# `1 _8 XA. benefit6 |) s# ^% G) Z0 c  q
B. safety, W( P9 n" w6 c0 p4 }5 R; d+ T3 U
C. responsibility
* p+ d" I& y# A, f. B+ _2 z" KD. protection4 B5 v) U' c9 q% K
& B8 g3 M7 U3 O. _# s/ n2.83. This official proposal met with even more _______ than Temple’s original plan.1 U  o2 ], P- l9 U" C2 Z" f# M1 W9 L
A. depression% Q+ T- c  e+ w* m1 j
B. barricade  H4 w3 a/ A4 G3 C5 U
C. resistance/ o5 G; o7 @  F  z0 ?2 Y+ K1 h: t
D. friction7 s7 M9 O% D% P4 m* J4 s* w
资料:C) I3 m# H( \% V1 N
3.54. A ______ person or government is one that is in favour of democracy.
+ Y2 C( u1 a) U2 T  ~A. independent7 t" F4 A# M/ a5 ?* v
B. conservative
2 F9 v$ y& P! x$ |8 v) H* [C. democratic$ {+ b6 U, E+ v( i2 ]% c2 N5 {' R
D. domestic$ {+ l' d7 ~# I/ p1 I+ p+ {4 @
* V- K/ m. K9 X! @1 Z9 I0 j4.88. The shape of Italy _______ a boot when you look at it on a map.  x- A  J. ^; a; R
A. resembles' \$ _% b- ~7 M$ j$ p3 i( [# Q1 a
B. pictures; U+ q( Z8 s& r' N
C. likes
$ U' N5 J, n2 }+ l$ AD. looks
/ j# w) h% \* j8 O, J6 F3 O资料:A6 q% m9 G& F3 o. E2 S0 h
5.78. Nylon fibers last longer and are stronger than natural fibers _______ silk or cotton.
" A' L  G( ~1 L! ZA. such as4 z  ^5 `* R- g! f8 F5 O. q5 V0 |$ y
B. as regards9 f. g) o# j2 A  N/ C
C. as well as. j- ^9 M+ q: [: f/ G* P
D. as such
6 o+ x: M# \8 s: g  [2 q1 W资料:A
& P; A  a# Y8 R& N6.62. Not a ______ has been found so far that can help the police find the criminal.4 \  {, t' s1 F1 Z  y3 l
A. crew
2 R' g  i/ A, QB. clue
. `% c* R' N! O9 xC. crumb$ g  _9 p# l2 ~4 ]
D. sign, o" L! @$ d5 _  |  P4 Z' O; _
资料:B+ z$ D2 X& W! K5 k9 X& D" \4 |( B
7.53. Two problems seem to ______ if we take this line of persuasion with school boards and parents.
  f7 e6 X1 t" Z# _A. establish
# k# L! \7 l1 G$ u$ @$ s$ N4 y2 NB. enter4 O8 h7 Z3 q6 V+ a
C. represent4 ~% b4 N0 U  ?. s
D. emerge
: V( U1 a# @1 h5 |3 R1 d# G( k+ p* g资料:D8 l* T9 Z1 ^: X/ n, [. x
8.82. Having been found guilty, the man was given a severe _______ by the judge.
. G5 J6 k+ v5 u: A/ l$ U' ?3 WA. service0 p' W0 R3 O3 p! ?2 d; _
B. sentence
7 U  e: {+ |  S* }# YC. crime7 {4 I8 {, V9 d& {9 g, |( v
D. crisis! y# f& g% P8 j: |+ T) n* E
资料:B2 n' R3 ]* c  L6 I
9.69. His family ______ great hardship during the war.6 T+ r; z2 D* [) k9 q3 u% |: J* `
A. endured. R2 L/ b6 S$ O
B. tolerated
9 H8 H, L. Q' k/ t9 q$ u* tC. sustained
; `7 d' }" i# p; p. i0 D( L* {D. undertoo


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