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发表于 2010-12-18 13:07:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
10秋学期《大学英语(四)》在线作业三: b. @% N" `# I8 v3 I$ }
单选8 \& F3 l" R% t
1.103. Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert __________ it means standing in a queue all night.# G3 l6 ~. Q7 D. s: `3 j$ K5 |( B4 s) B
A. provided: P  {; N4 K+ ~
B. whatever) H# s+ C4 [) `' t6 U: z% ^
C. even if1 f- L% i" `/ q1 T! i# x4 i
D. as if* p- g$ l0 J- N
资料:C3 B% q# [# B4 W% ^# Z) f# J+ {
2.92. According to the American federal government, residents of Hawaii have the longest life __________: 77.2 years.
/ u5 g, B$ p* k& ?! i) L- h& c2 rA. scope% P% j/ t. F. [$ B+ a
B. rank8 Y/ F0 E- b% A+ \- ?
C. span7 u  z3 D5 J) r; e
D. scale7 f. O# ^7 V0 L
资料:C# m: W" Y+ ]  a4 I6 I
3.100. Only a selected number of landladies in the neighborhood have been allowed by the university to take in __________.
- r. B2 j7 U5 {, s0 i' u/ |# HA. residents5 J. M4 E, A5 [- w# e1 |; b! ^
B. inhabitants8 E9 D4 G* ~  T: \5 v6 U8 h8 ]5 O
C. lodgers$ r( g# T( t+ [( Z( T0 [
D. settlers
) v; I: v: d7 X9 m! o* q资料:C
: U$ p+ O6 }5 {/ m% n$ u4.96. With the development in science and technology man can make various flowers __________ before their time.
# f" J% |$ a% H/ zA. be bloomed; L- j2 y. u2 `
B. blooming
* F; ~" W3 H+ O/ Q& xC. bloom* f' K  u2 f$ I1 [( ?( Y
D. bloomed0 _" {, n, b! H
资料:C- s8 Q% V% A8 g* K
5.105. Though he was born and brought up in America, he can speak ____Chinese.7 {( X  l  \  T
A. smooth
, B  ?# n! V. }$ v" {B. fluent% ~1 T. P5 @$ @& G, j6 L3 U$ K+ I0 z0 b
C. fluid* R; B; k( ~/ u! r( q* \( Y2 s" U
D. flowing, ~0 L" L% f; {; Z, e# c  f
资料:B7 o; i4 s! q/ r" o" X6 R9 j. L
6.108. If the building project __________ by the end of this month is delayed, the construction company will be fined.
2 P0 J! Y  V+ o% }4 |A. A. to be completed
. {; u3 C- s1 ^" p" O% ]( iB. is completed5 j% V* b0 `+ |2 H2 W
C. being completed& y1 [- V6 [4 ^5 j* v
D. completed
$ G! M7 H, e, p. Y7 d, E资料:B
+ T2 v. g) E  R6 f) \8 F) V* S7.95. Our hopes __________ and fell in the same instant.2 R7 O8 ]. e. N$ K( p
A. aroused
5 k7 `* ?1 f! F, O! {6 d2 [B. arose
0 Q# n/ v. f; G( b' A$ I1 B+ r% aC. raised
( N# g+ E( P6 F, Q, kD. rose
9 X" K( @+ C" _% k1 j& ?* w& \资料:


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发表于 2010-12-22 12:29:13 | 显示全部楼层

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