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发表于 2019-4-25 15:08:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
奥鹏】[中国医科大学]中国医科大学《大学英语1(中专起点大专)》在线作业; p# x2 h0 f4 x: N+ M
试卷总分:100    得分:100
. k/ I6 J  C$ _; g第1,The television station apologized for the interference, which was () bad weather conditions.
5 V) p$ Q2 u1 K+ C2 }% D* K  y% |& U/ xA、because0 A9 [: @) K) `# p. n6 R' d
B、due to1 w8 G1 o2 k# s' o
C、in that$ o) J1 l- D! D' W2 u$ x* ]
D、regardless of  w. \' K: L+ Y# |1 D/ j6 R
正确资料:B2 a3 \6 L9 v% g% D0 j, ^

% \# l& F6 b' D2 A$ z* Q
; w: n6 B, B2 w' d# v0 K第2题,Equipment should be tested and maintained for proper operation on a regular().9 y- e: z0 H7 [- o
; s7 u2 h7 D$ y  E" @B、ground
, B8 X4 U$ z  ~' EC、basis
6 `# G& H4 a- b+ v7 X4 P  \D、field
& G& s) W8 U6 b% m, D# m正确资料:C0 p  Q1 L! m' ?4 C/ h' ~
5 B  c  s  ^$ F0 c
1 D' T! M% Q: l$ c" u( j
第3题,— I’m afraid I’ve got to be running along. See you later.— ().
$ _4 [8 J% c+ s, F9 vA、Very well.2 }# T8 ?  e# \& Z& _0 S2 b
B、My pleasure.
$ z' B8 {0 P$ @) v4 S& YC、See you.
. \3 a' d. B4 G) HD、Never mind.
- o6 W2 \- y6 ^8 B正确资料:C7 g( I9 w8 Z4 l  w* }7 B: d# u1 A3 O

  a  x0 L* Z5 K* w  z
0 w9 x3 f5 Q( K5 Q" l第4题,Didn’t you see the man () ?
' r4 o- n: R; }A、I nodded just now
& [3 f: C1 j5 gB、whom I nodded just now- v( u( R3 M2 _! y
C、I nodded to him just now- j" }( w1 K* S
D、I nodded to just now1 C9 k1 U2 F) g# T! k* I
正确资料8 m4 h- p0 g- Q- t( z$ H0 B

' ~% e$ y7 l- i2 U* k
; K/ o, }+ D: b6 R* \4 p( L第5题,The windows of the room () once a week.# {5 r3 x+ I% j
A、has been cleaned
4 @) ^+ O9 @# x8 F6 T% pB、is cleaned
/ ^( L" n# d0 u- qC、are cleaned0 p( N& R" q; O# |: U8 Y
D、are cleaning0 w5 z6 E1 M0 n9 X' B8 s6 c% _
正确资料:C- Z+ M& H* K/ V) F, ?2 ^

5 L/ @  E! b" }  k# _8 Y) L. o8 |% a
第6题,— (). — I’m terribly busy these days.$ c- a9 a- j+ G; p  t$ h/ c0 L
A、How do you do?+ w  R  S+ A" n5 N
B、How old are you?. o9 E1 @) b/ @7 `
C、How are things with you, Jimmy?/ I; p$ Q: }  K! O; o1 D! @. T
D、Where are you from?
" M2 {6 V& s! E3 ?正确资料:C* [% G; M9 K5 i2 S4 w7 q

  }+ f& G" R$ f0 B
: f9 n+ m8 I% L: P第7题,With the work (), she felt greatly relieved.
0 R, u" r2 T1 V$ f* x/ R$ m2 |2 q$ j# nA、doing
1 k( l- S* w1 Z6 p, x& n# YB、being done
8 k/ F8 [4 p# q/ n5 x) q" YC、done7 E  M, I$ D  g
D、been done
8 x/ V6 z5 A3 \# @0 u1 }* S7 A正确资料:C
) U3 d# J& f; y* [2 w; ~" h' w0 |
- Q: x5 @; p1 Z$ n' H  L1 u" g" I
. w0 m: H3 C; ?; |$ `8 g% W第8题,—I am sorry I have the wrong number.—()
3 i( B' n' Y4 M. `2 sA、You are so careless.) B4 b" X" a! w4 [9 Z5 C" p. ]
B、You are so considerate.7 x# a3 C+ X. w/ V
C、It doesn’t matter.; u' S. ~- H4 x9 i* ~$ T5 Z  G
D、What is wrong?
" z# R: _8 V% K2 L2 V8 E% d2 H2 u正确资料:C
$ k! b7 t& h6 T! W6 Y' m1 x! W4 G: |% N' _# b
  {: E$ i* \  P6 u  M
第9题,— It’s too late to prepare for tonight‘s dinner.— ().% B  }) s4 l4 y( [9 g1 d
A、That’s all right.
/ E. y2 N4 _. i: tB、Why not go and have dinner in a restaurant?! ^# D% q( _9 k/ l% \
C、It’s so great.
! n# e; W# |4 g( @5 W' rD、I don’t think so.
& c0 {5 o3 v4 q4 j3 k. y# d正确资料:B6 F6 F  y7 @! k' u2 B. ]- t' t7 p
; X, t- U$ v/ ^& z. c% X

( Q) {- Z* c& t' B第10题,Your attitude, not your aptitude, will () your altitude.
% I- Z+ e% M4 ?$ B4 ]3 N+ LA、underline3 g) c. f) \! Y4 B
B、imagine, G4 y* u1 X: Q% z4 t; Y# W# S3 R
C、determine& ]/ M6 _2 O3 i/ X
/ d6 s' T* {3 k8 u正确资料:C
2 `8 {' m; k0 ?5 B8 Z9 k1 |


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发表于 2019-4-25 15:23:09 | 显示全部楼层

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