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发表于 2019-6-2 17:21:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ ~- ~: S$ _8 W  _《英语写作(二)》
7 o- K5 ^6 _1 W8 \) l  g满分100分1 M5 r$ X1 R9 Z1 X
Ⅰ . Punctuation((共30分)3 m  i1 G; Z3 A% S2 ^6 Z; x- d
1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? ) \, ^) _& H3 L6 X0 ]! k
A. Mary graduated in four years but she didn't find a job immediately. / f( z" I. `5 W1 _; R
B. It was a large, black, Labrador retriever. 1 X+ G: Y. T( i4 L( m6 F/ w. n
C. Mary who is my sister will be at the party too. 5 P; @6 N' ?4 l0 |, I  }, w. f
D. all of the above ; G# h1 Z' o; K  }! V5 O+ y$ q
E. none of the above
, j4 u8 y+ N$ Y$ j  i2. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
' D1 W/ \3 U9 q$ M$ ]7 c, `3 b1 \A. I just read the novel A Simple Plan.
' o# q4 ?+ ?) v9 SB. Heather Hardy, Ph.D., is the director of undergraduate studies in our department. ! Y  Y5 V+ k/ j
C. He had only one desire in life: to catch a ten-pound bass.
6 q6 P/ Y. d0 M- y; I7 ]+ RD. all of the above
& X/ @* C5 W; O4 F* `3 G0 J, R) P4 hE. none of the above $ C) K# G+ K& S2 ]
3. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? 7 G) K1 i$ C. A- d3 M
A. No one expected her to buy a car, so we were quite surprised when we discovered that she had bought two.
9 Q! j4 Z8 h, U  ]! XB. No one expected her to buy a car, so we were quite, surprised when we discovered that she had bought two. 0 Q7 }6 W* i6 h$ `  @. h
C. No one expected her to buy a car, so we were quite surprised when we discovered, that she had bought two. 3 \$ I( A$ f$ F1 I
D. all of the above $ P+ r% U* Q8 ]$ a% c; o- ?
E. none of the above
- x& @- p& w/ E/ ^* K# u! N4. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
1 d3 Y% B7 k0 G6 v/ s6 S2 K- sA. My favorite writers are the following: Flannery O'Connor, David Desroches, and David Lodge.
5 o* S; c9 Y+ H+ Z6 q  pB. My favorite writers are: Flannery O'Connor, David Desroches, and David Lodge. 9 P) [- U$ m( S, w# x2 E: [
C. both of the above
% C$ k& o% a' H7 L3 g. nD. neither of the above
7 U! @! p+ g+ I& Y5. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? % ]. U- M0 |) l, N2 q- I$ u9 A
A. The word "unique" is frequently misused. " L8 Q) f; e/ v& S$ ^
B. The word unique is frequently misused.
" l/ o. d" _. V* XC. The word unique is frequently misused.
8 w# B/ t! |' o3 aD. all of the above
! h9 o1 X. ~! j0 F+ `! P0 l7 bE. none of the above
" i* t7 J2 T" i0 R$ i( Y9 yⅡ . Write an article (共30分)
+ u' L4 A8 u6 V* B请写一封家信向父母汇报你在学校的情况。
2 o. o! C+ m2 u" Z, zⅢ Write an article (共40分)- M  L; N: M! l
The Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports
- u2 W) z  w& k  1.体育运动的好处. # z# R* T8 L8 ]9 U0 Y3 s
/ z/ j) ?( l" m# j! Q" n  3.我参加体育运动的体会. 0 g; n( |+ u; t' y  T% }3 C9 H


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