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发表于 2019-9-7 01:28:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
奥鹏】[东北大学]19秋学期《大学英语(一)》在线平时作业11 @) Y  Q4 {. h# o# |( W
试卷总分:100    得分:100
* D& W9 m7 e* X5 b6 Y6 m1 i; G; ]第1,-- Bob, would you like to come to our dinner party? --__________.1 c1 L  H) B* R$ u" u; q( |* A
A、Yes, I would
' m( h- [) T$ K4 f) W) f! E, q8 YB、Yes, I' d love to
2 P4 s# M/ J; J6 t, a. oC、No, I wouldn' t
) g) x$ q3 M, f0 x3 ND、No, I don't go
5 H1 V! G: K, h( [/ |  ?7 O8 o正确资料:9 `& C, P& V8 l( ]0 {) u. a
0 ~3 c- w4 k( ^6 g6 {4 ]

& |, b$ ?1 w) s第2题,If you don' t know a word, you can ________ the word in a dictionary.6 d4 d+ Q$ p0 H2 l. F7 A2 J
A、look up  u9 ^$ |# u2 Z- w
B、look down) T7 m5 v8 s: B6 V, z7 T. q. S
C、look over8 G( @  D4 t) d) U
D、look out0 q* O: t" e1 V* ?2 g/ c
9 ~0 }  A5 k) q
: e5 g+ e2 J2 U- p- B8 ^" S" [. L; s
第3题,_____some vegetables, mother also bought home a bunch of flowers from the market.: g) T) v! v( m8 A& L  X
A、Except% O: ]/ U" T. c
B、In addition to
: L) N3 j# [+ U( \' G) B8 \( iC、In addition
& G6 M4 E6 z! i+ f% Z; eD、Except for
. i# r6 O( I+ J; G正确资料:1 s$ J: N  l! M& x) s

% R- Y8 |7 B, @% n3 ~% s) Z! @& s+ q1 W7 [0 |, p- s
第4题,One likes to hear _____ on one’s appearance.# g3 |1 P! ^( }: J
A、complement9 Z) ~3 i7 g& G  t6 ?
! I2 g$ v- ~$ ~C、complex+ f8 e9 Y* _) t; h1 \' e' `
D、congress8 m6 [" o: l, ?, n8 L
* D' P6 H! ~* A% w
( a2 H, s1 Z/ O& Q. [- |, L  e/ P2 J" V5 ]0 }3 m- @
第5题,--Is there any chicken on the plate? --Yes, there is ______' e. h9 |0 E" M0 m# m$ r
A、many! w0 b2 i; A& }2 E! v" j
3 W  M/ e% I; UC、one- O% H& ^: I' N" A
D、some: _/ d1 b% U4 X0 B0 f; j
0 ^* x; B! Q; Y7 D& X) x/ a# G0 D6 S6 @" g8 Q- M
4 E, `% e0 I) E" M, N
第6题,I ______ my classmates while they often fight.
$ h/ C- J3 K" y: X3 hA、got on well with
% p7 X! ~9 {) J# YB、gets on with
8 c9 W& h8 t) D- R* O8 y# A  cC、get on well
  Y, ?& U6 o* {% r0 k8 A7 }D、get on well with6 \3 W8 [1 j- B/ U
7 j& R$ F; q  K* m. U% c
2 `# Q/ }8 a3 q/ P, e! `4 _. D, X$ f; n9 e* G6 T. V
第7题,The prisoner’s fate rests_____ them.2 l7 |) n4 @/ Z$ \. j3 }9 I
( a* O1 r$ d6 i$ J  M$ n/ T* PB、for$ H7 a0 A5 b( M) _8 S  @- M
/ B5 ~$ y; j# g2 c* @+ T& N% s' }, u' N0 B7 KD、to
; O2 X, p2 z, ^6 q) [. B: {) K- ?& [  I正确资料:( x5 I0 }- X( ^. l8 v$ T
) e. \+ A; j" I5 A# n, c
& l: P, N7 z. q4 }6 S
第8题,Which is the best approach _____ the tunnel?
# |+ f8 P9 S, tA、to" k  R6 t. q" ~2 m, Y% z" N7 I
- z4 F, l9 m7 z4 m' g; B( bC、besides3 g# Z* O7 Y# ~& `% S. ]: y
% X9 T/ L( T4 V- D- q# A+ r正确资料:
* t* y& s4 A4 o! l# p; y7 j) Q2 O* `; p+ u
, E0 V9 j1 G; y
第9题,It may rain tomorrow, but we are going home_____.
, X- B4 W6 |& Z9 e3 lA、however) ], Y6 Y, h% R3 c
B、in any case+ D5 o: S" W3 R' F& n8 B5 @% h2 R
& I4 U# |5 z+ OD、no matter
3 c% r- S2 e4 }, I正确资料:
7 [- D$ v* m* O$ ~0 N) J& j
" e. ?0 C; x$ ~
0 ^5 F' F( g8 K( l+ z3 g# E; b第10题,This girl is  _    because she is always very happy whatever happens.6 N3 L$ {$ p" e6 f
. |( a6 j9 }  pB、noisy
& ?# s& }* t. d; M5 |7 G/ N2 CC、sad
; I: W$ A* d2 kD、right
  h) I4 @6 ^4 F2 N: k7 j8 X正确资料:
! n6 Q, O3 r! w8 w, n% M; b
4 \3 B+ P, }2 i9 T- B1 U& Z! s7 S; m
第11题,What kind of music is your_____?
, N0 F& e& W4 k% w* lA、favorable
: x2 z( z6 z/ A; q  ?$ hB、favorite9 R4 n% o( F3 C2 A4 j+ u" `
C、favor( `! s( O+ r) s- x, C
D、fate/ W" N. c, {/ n; W
正确资料:) M8 _9 t) ?! E& C1 y" C

/ C. C% y, {7 K1 e& ?8 S8 {9 K$ Q6 s3 V( Q: g- U' u; F7 X) X
第12题,__your system so the software(软件) will always keep new.
8 |2 n5 A. C, I- x  r8 HA、Update
8 r; u1 V/ A) q* n" ~. C7 Y5 QB、Change& @  X( H& M$ B/ e
C、Delete' T" B/ v) O1 ^) m4 {5 E
D、Destroy5 S& D/ a! N/ {9 H8 u1 H
正确资料:1 T+ G. g7 \" ]) X! V

' Y* ]/ ]' W$ o  R
% t: K" C# }; C, b  R6 t7 ?第13题,The factory has been ________ for two years.
3 b5 B/ D7 J" G6 H7 g1 MA、open
5 D8 m5 Q; J/ QB、to open! z- h- X; I1 L* V2 @$ E5 q
C、opening9 n5 T+ [( h4 R3 N
D、opened. N& U5 Y; x: W8 R. ]
- g3 M/ B5 C" h3 t: ]! H
  g$ C* P- S) k# k! w
* g9 s, M( W6 L" [第14题,He       smoking because it does harm to health.
' P3 i2 n( r9 u7 O$ q  S7 BA、change* z5 m  u, Y+ \
B、pause3 v" j2 O, i7 w
2 {8 d( k( m$ \( g2 ?D、learn
' Y7 v$ N# H# g/ x: n7 f正确资料:
# y4 g( ~- X7 [: o9 C. H. J" X
8 X$ Z, z; [1 i4 s$ l0 l; a
- D( d$ H- f5 i/ Y7 \第15题,They worked hard to _____their small business into a large one.
) C/ S4 l0 N$ W5 [+ W$ i  `( fA、transform$ Q$ R. L' X! Q0 T% a
B、transition4 {1 E0 I5 G) N. M) q* `
C、transit8 G# O% {) }6 ^# M
! D2 p& a: X2 P: p$ ]* v5 P1 t& D正确资料:% {8 r" [' }! l8 p/ [

" h6 |! {+ K$ w  J
& M% w5 e% {- @第16题,Indeed, there are many _____ advantages to a five-day week.
1 H0 L: f6 \2 I* U. tA、obviate
; r2 V; A0 o+ `- X5 jB、obviously
( X" |/ K( l% M/ ~! n  K3 \C、obverse
6 M2 u$ w; X" Y) XD、obvious
3 ]+ @& Q  M) ?! X  u6 _( u9 U  n2 _正确资料:4 }( o9 D& V: F7 @, \+ p& h

  d) `) B9 Y# W) V7 n* T3 i  k
% `1 ?$ m- n8 k/ X& ?/ X第17题,John’s parents are anxious to hear any information _____him.
. }8 J0 B! U6 q2 g6 T$ X& YA、concerned
1 n+ ~7 U  n6 `. Z. ]! }; DB、concern to
8 x. x2 w8 Q( pC、concerning1 C& w. c4 `( X8 ^6 P
D、concerning to: P) o8 L. p/ J+ U
正确资料:& w2 M# n' Q3 }9 L: z- U; w

& J: X  f5 {! Z
) v) K- F: ?% p" ~4 Z! u$ C* _- h第18题,He could_____ neither French or German, so I____ with him in English.
) z( O, w% }: V7 gA、speak, talked; F+ l9 w$ o: M, w9 D. P  a0 c
B、talk, told
5 k+ `$ G: r$ O) [" T( \+ \C、say, spoke% V  G2 m  y+ s) H- |8 ^6 V
D、tell, talked
% O, X% _2 B" u正确资料:8 Q# c5 \, J3 a
% e  V1 i) u1 s
5 v! S2 t- q6 L! i3 w) }
第19题,The answer must ________ in finding alternative sources of energy.& q& S5 p9 g& w( W2 W+ j
A、happen. U" B' R% ~6 i' I: q2 q$ E
' Y# R, U. }3 |8 Y% o. b$ oC、prove
% i; M) Z* a  t- J* N* jD、lie
- Y% R$ K+ c4 x! b2 x. }正确资料:9 r1 F% l7 _5 T" q. x

- j& x& l( r4 u- z6 {( Y, ^
- ^5 s6 f" E  v  b- ^( h8 H" n第20题,A farmer arrived _______ a woman's house.5 N( u' |! E* \
/ Z6 p+ r) O' O5 B* [B、at% n* h6 e. d' i
: u9 X; Y" f1 y, |6 S; QD、for6 c2 `: w( b* ?+ ?, _
正确资料:: n* X( F% p1 Q6 \8 _
9 y+ I) [" }. m+ f4 T1 |

6 Q+ @$ c; E" \! V6 K第21题,I have seen that this method had been_____by many people.
  {* r  o, ]( d# w9 g, WA、applied
7 C$ i0 j+ D3 f9 T0 F6 }# \- I; W, |' BB、demanded& o$ j7 ~# W0 ^2 S) |; [* A/ k4 \5 U
C、owned8 C4 ~# E/ Y" R
D、disagreed( |2 t5 F. r6 c
正确资料:: D: O" F7 d$ t* j+ d$ ^9 Z  l3 i
% u8 N' U' b/ U# @
6 L8 P% [+ ~2 {7 F! w
第22题,How does she manage to keep her ________ when she eats so much?1 v) x1 _( S" u2 }5 N
# d- f8 R4 Z) L. ]5 s: m/ XB、figure2 `- }# N! @/ l& J6 A
* Z/ V9 e" ?/ ~: pD、line
* f0 U+ e* D6 V( B' J  x正确资料:  ~' h( _8 Q) D! K% {6 u, u7 v' w( `

" \) Z# @: F3 `7 m9 ^8 ~% `5 @7 Y* b6 P( n% u3 e
第23题,--Must I clean the room now? --No, you __________.( S" u- [% F6 j3 `  G7 M
A、can' t
. p' O, p: g7 ]2 R( ~# V- |2 ]B、may not
8 m3 D) U% k4 A4 @; n  j4 OC、mustn' t
2 T9 f( y- @9 T! t) _7 ?* WD、needn' t
3 @: p0 p& ~, {& N& ]' z; v( S9 }正确资料:
3 {( T( D' K7 Z( T. E
; d' F8 A& N8 z7 v% F% I0 S4 t* n5 j7 [7 i, x+ U  k1 U' Y  G
第24题,_______ me carefully, boys and girls. Can you _____ me clearly?
" H3 R8 S5 M3 P1 T8 x+ TA、Listen to, hear from
. z( q; q( [% n, G- m9 K, pB、Hear, listen to$ G4 \# h# E) W* Q
; }# `, ]* O5 ?9 H5 l3 m' QD、Listen to, hear7 j7 T. @2 d! u9 f: l: m, I2 x/ n
9 b& l: U9 ]* V) f2 k) P5 U8 \, m+ C: P2 B8 A, a! @9 P+ W
1 P/ d  y, q6 P! E
第25题,The nurse doesn't feel well today, _________ she still works very hard.+ i$ j. q3 _) F& }3 [- x
& u6 j$ A7 D1 U+ ~5 SB、and
5 N* T$ r, Y4 d/ yC、or
- Q9 _  v  A: }9 x' C$ TD、when( O' i; Y% R* c/ S8 R
2 W' Z/ d& ?& Q3 [& P5 M2 U  k9 E" s( j; }/ J- e9 w, w3 P7 S# f4 V

% C3 Z: q% U1 I6 a) t$ H第26题,-- Will you be free tomorrow? --___________.
' o/ Z% Z2 W- i  x+ ^5 EA、OK
7 s5 y; s# K- r, ~B、Yes, I am( H$ B0 B" `0 D. D6 i( a" ^! |( |
C、I have no idea
) u8 R4 H8 q/ {  W/ W9 d& V' jD、All right, r% e8 M3 r1 }  K1 j" ?3 a
! h# D, b. z5 `9 Q/ Q  h
# F: S7 l, U* t
* p; s; ?, g' D% i. P, p1 U3 d第27题,My friend, Tom, kept me _______ for an hour yesterday.
: {- V5 V2 H3 N% P" |- C! O7 d' dA、to wait( u7 T  H: q& W6 v$ b
B、waited5 P0 l+ a% B) T1 @( c! n8 r
C、waiting2 d4 L$ h) E6 A
D、wait8 w7 s6 s" `0 X4 h3 Z- \
- s! T9 X/ V/ d
9 P5 n1 r" d7 D' V" e
6 ?/ l$ ?. u) W第28题,-- Oh, no, we've missed the 8 o'clock train!--________ . There's another one in half an hour.& v5 V, U# ^1 y% c
A、You're right9 W3 u% V: i6 N  n9 Z
B、That's all right) a$ p3 w; u/ d. s8 d! w
C、You're welcome4 W+ N" O8 N$ ?* u) m0 X. a2 h* s- e
D、Don' t worry
( r" X2 L% x1 O0 L正确资料:: V. w/ @( I( @7 n) w  f% z
; o' ~3 L/ n& G3 q
+ C( }. _) z+ |7 g+ I
第29题,He has searched the ________ for 2 hours for the information about Yang Liwei.: r  m0 Q" b$ u' p; d9 K/ P
A、mouse# S" d* g# l5 O/ x, f
3 G# T( O5 [- iC、Internet9 [$ M0 g9 ~& L+ v) [
. S" B1 ]4 c+ A$ _正确资料:
, T/ \0 T2 d, w& g
8 `4 y. u3 f* @4 {3 b: y9 I# y, `) v; c3 c% }( ?+ a
第30题,No one can stop news _______.
( S, u& U7 R; ~A、to report, A9 ?2 R: h+ @) g# r7 H
B、to be report  A8 ~' H8 ?0 W  t5 Z
C、from reporting5 c( g0 k% C; S( _6 F1 ]
D、being reported
/ j( D/ e( _( B正确资料:) l. M6 y# W; w
, g. V' T1 m& Q' K
5 U4 z# e& e5 E1 T5 ?  O
第31题,Cats are the most popular pets among Americans. So it is not surprising there are many expressions about cats. Do you know any of them? Now let me introduce some to you. Some cats like to catch small birds, like canaries. If someone looks very proud or satisfied with himself, we say he looks like the cat that ate the canary. Sometimes, a cat likes to play with a small animal it catches. So if you play cat and mouse with someone, you change between different kinds of behavior when dealing with another person. For example, a child might offer something sweet to her little brother, and then take it away when reaches for it. A cat will often catch a small animal and present it to its owner. The saying that looks like something the cat dragged in describes something in bad condition. A fat cat is a person with a lot of money.    There are many other expressions about cats in America. How interesting! Which kind of cat are you, or which kind would you like to be?$ m! l$ ?- [+ Y1 {7 _
: M& s1 ^( }1 D9 C: j, N9 k
3 u1 x# g; Z3 q
0 K$ N- I3 A* H- Y( g第32题,What is your favourite colour? Ask famous persons like Cate Blanchett,Searlett Johansson and Bono,and maybe they will say “green.” That’s not because these artists particularly like the colour green.Instead,they are interested in green fashion.    Green fashion is about making(and wearing)clothes that are good for humans,animals,and the Earth.In the past,green fashion made people think of hippies(嬉皮士)and ugly clothes.But today,green fashion is different.It is about looking good and caring about the Earth and other people.You can have interesting clothes and be green.    Around the world,green fashion is becoming popular.For example,the U.K.company People Tree sells men’s and women’s clothing and accessories(饰品).They are made from natural fabrics(织物)like cotton and wool.Workers who make the clothes are from countries like Nepal,Kenya,and Bangladesh.People Tree pays the men and women good money for the clothes they create.    Singer Bono and his wife also started a clothing company called EDUN.When the clothes sell,EDUN uses most of the money to help people around the world.
: V4 q* `7 k% t+ g2 L! g' Q, p正确资料:6 p4 W/ E& }; ]7 q# F

1 m  N2 N. Y9 Q& \5 v
" l* j) c4 F3 c1 t! p( {第33题,Why do you think people who live in some hot countries eat very spicy(辛辣的)food? Is it because the spices make the food taste better? Is it just because their parents and grandparents and great-grandparents liked hot food,or is there some connection between spices and healthy food?    Researchers from Cornell University think that it is because spice plants have some important chemicals(化学物质).These chemicals can kill bacteria(细菌)which spoil food.“Most common spices can kill 75 to 100 percent of the bacteria in food,”explains one of the scientists.The bacteria grow more easily and spoil food more quickly at higher temperatures.For this reason,it is more difficult to keep food from spoiling in hot climates,    Do you like your spicy food ? Your answer probably tells something about the country you come from.If you like spicy food,it is possible that hundreds of years ago,when there  were no fridges,people in your country started using spices to keep the food from spoiling.The traditional spicy dishes helped those people to live longer,healthier lives.Today,in a time of fridges,the spices just make the food taste good./ S8 z  ?8 B- Z/ C- V3 B
正确资料:+ W- F8 V! v$ m+ i+ Q
) ~  q( L2 O, V( H, r
9 ^: b) K/ u) k& v3 m: a. D; E
第34题,When I was a girl of 10, I joined the school cross-country team and practiced twice a week, on the 1,8-km course I'd never really run before and I thought the course would be easy. It was a real shock I ran out of breath within the first few minutes. I never realized how tiring running could be but I didn’t t think about giving up.    Over time, I did get a little bit faster. However, I was really slow. In races, I would finish close to last. I'd always have to stop more than once, especially in the longer races, which were 2. 5 to 2. 8 km. After every race, I'd go home and cry. But I still didn't stop running, holding onto that picture of crossing the finishing line and finally doing well.   Then one of my friends joined the team, too. She could run easily and even came in the 18th in a big race! I felt so slow and my confidence(自信) was lower than ever. I became so nervous when I thought of the races that I wanted to give up badly.Still. I refund to. Finally. I realized that the reason I was so nervous was that I was always worried that I wasn't ready for them. So a few weeks before the next 2. 8-km race. I practiced running almost 3 km every day. which helped me improve my pace.When the time came for the big race, all that practicing really paid off. I stopped only once and my pace was so much better.          I realized that I’d finally gotten happiness with running. But the funny thing was. It didn't come from doing better, Instead, it came from the fact that I had tried harder and never given up.) F$ C  E3 S  L0 ~
. |5 g: r; _: D, J5 _. I8 y
# h2 R% V: t: e: O' e( b  D# b
  x& ]/ s; m5 b


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