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发表于 2019-9-7 01:28:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
奥鹏】[东北大学]19秋学期《大学英语(一)》在线平时作业2  e" z: n6 `. N/ r7 i
试卷总分:100    得分:100
( l5 U6 T5 \. O) n- j第1,They worked hard to _____their small business into a large one.  r! w7 ^, J  v  [7 h, I
A、transform) m- F/ K8 ]5 b' j  l# t, _
B、transition+ D* A8 }# m. j: R; s
C、transit6 A0 I& ^2 C2 p
D、transport4 \0 x3 @7 I- j: h# `
正确资料:# K1 g4 p1 h2 P: M
3 b6 w% A/ {& M" {3 U" ?
- H9 P5 B" m/ h2 F
第2题,The milk has _____ overnight( G3 i+ x( v3 A- h8 \1 H/ F
A、been soured
" K" C2 b3 h: mB、souring' D  P" G3 t* m0 h. ^
C、been souring
) b, p) X$ r) R9 ]2 o- \D、soured  D/ x% e9 R5 m" q$ T6 ~& C3 L( C0 z
正确资料:  P: u, }) L' x. ?  q" T8 J/ ?
3 l+ Y& p) J( b, L

7 W; z3 m* N- A; F# t$ Z- m8 @7 j第3题,Don’t take everything in the book for _____.9 y; r3 j8 w, |+ y/ ]
  E% R1 b& c$ fB、granting: ?1 a3 @, ]& A
C、grants, t+ t7 E3 }% d
D、grant' p4 k8 o' a0 k: x( |
正确资料:% L; I/ m( ?( h5 s; B) i: G

% O2 h5 V. c: ]! u9 s: X* O3 g2 `2 t& A3 h* J/ Y
第4题,Many source of information can _____ our chances of getting in touch with the current event in the world.
7 X: c6 S3 g/ M" q: FA、expend% s* F' J6 A) s! C4 ]
. K3 g8 j( s% K' p% w- X7 @) JC、limit" x' V( g4 u6 k$ i% H% n
D、enhance  ?( s( M: W7 x" D5 s
& Q0 D2 _7 ?. O! s  b; l- x8 b! Q9 K
. Y! b8 R2 `* ]8 p
第5题,---He can swim. ---_______ .
4 G2 x/ b3 L: d5 Y& gA、So I can, ^4 l$ t1 ?+ _+ U
B、So can I
% {; M4 ?- L) ~  EC、I so can, v0 q3 n) h' L# @. _, K$ k
D、Can I so/ p0 O0 ?# u; u2 k& t3 a
正确资料:4 m6 r  h5 b! `
$ F% S. x( \' ~7 h5 Y# L

$ O& \3 l8 b& q9 t5 X  [第6题,I asked the bank for a _____.
2 R2 a+ B( B! j# [5 x3 y! Q7 bA、loaf
+ j& A4 P" P: |7 b# DB、load
, u+ }+ Z  w7 P# vC、loan
/ l% D$ }  _$ ]2 L9 g- q$ V; CD、loam. y3 m9 F& l0 D1 x. {
正确资料:/ ~% H& K- B- L& s: q+ \. ~
+ y3 J! o5 A0 s, y. j, Q4 U/ g
1 `9 n8 ^& [! y# q% v& s
第7题,--Excuse me, where's the post office ?--Sorry, I don't know.--______.( W3 k7 [9 b, \
A、It doesn't matter- D9 E# s# K0 }; e; }  x
B、All right
5 k% U1 q$ |% S% P7 Y" u) O( nC、Thank you all the same" u# b$ Y& I9 o$ U1 p) N
D、Don't worry7 B8 l7 V) W. q0 I4 {
正确资料:, a3 A4 [8 v! v' n- f4 F" R; y
" {' ]3 e: h1 _6 t$ i

$ h4 b4 ]+ T# l4 [第8题,Tom has been in the factory _________he left school.
. ~/ X% \' S  W3 J  S8 p. P$ |4 UA、when7 ^% p0 U$ U7 p% C8 T  Z1 V
* x: _2 O/ S  F. }C、as soon as
6 b+ Z% z$ R7 MD、whether
+ A) W0 k1 z1 g1 f( W' d0 ?正确资料:+ i3 ?5 R/ S2 N8 X

2 W7 y  ~1 J( [+ a
# q) z' e& U5 i. F2 [第9题,Everyone except Tom and John ______ there when the meeting began.  J2 P9 H3 H9 u4 i4 o
0 A7 g5 I, u3 ]% D4 P" b7 {B、was! A7 ]: C% c) H
9 F. V+ r8 M8 gD、were
; P: h- x: F: k  r( k! q- V4 ]# c$ b7 [正确资料:; \; F, K' L1 p# Z

. ]3 A# `1 g7 W5 v# D0 g+ F0 b3 K
) g4 |$ _3 }2 V2 i% R第10题,--Have you ever traveled abroad?-- Sure.    I ____ the language of English in the USA two years after I graduated from the university.
: ^* }2 u8 ]) t+ M0 k6 EA、used to learn8 ]3 S9 B9 c- _7 A4 r9 Y, E- o- t/ `
B、was used to studying
0 G$ V& Y' I- D* V" U/ T# qC、have studied
2 Y( H2 S* j% o9 L3 KD、didn't use to study$ n3 y0 s7 C" N0 O
5 h* v% ]$ m3 J' n9 I
9 f2 K" E: _. P1 ], S0 Y% K, J
$ U; w9 w7 v3 ?& j4 V: w- J第11题,-- Is Mr Smith really very ill? --________. He's in hospital.. @/ M5 `' e& p# B% [; Y
A、I don't think so9 y; n( m4 v5 b: C% T
B、No, he isn't6 t& P1 f3 S5 ~* e0 B" J
C、I hope so( _( ?& \: `$ D$ W2 N- j
D、I'm afraid so7 R+ F! A  u& y+ l+ x
, d% u& J5 o8 U+ s4 p9 {( {7 p7 q# W7 s8 H. W) r
& Z! e% Y0 h* H# y4 O4 V$ M
第12题,He left the spot immediately, afraid of being ____ in the car accident.) n  ]( R4 o+ E0 V" i
( o0 K* s* K% [- OB、taken
0 a1 \" V7 W! [" A6 FC、seated, n) ~) t$ t7 [  r' @: {( `
5 P) G, M8 e8 Y8 l正确资料:
9 b/ T$ F3 u8 c: b5 ~/ O( D% ~3 @7 ^

  @: i, B  z8 `% {$ V) ~第13题,He learned how to use sign language to ________ with deaf customers.& [" B9 b  [3 `8 B: ?
9 [: v8 C, X$ y& ~2 [) e: vB、talk/ @6 e: q/ q' h- ]
3 H" B1 c* M$ `8 g& L! ]D、communicate8 W( a; f' V3 F- I9 @" ^8 W
: v  h% [- `  d1 W9 [' @( a, z# o9 p  K$ J7 X% |
0 y0 L) W4 Q& P8 e* q% `
第14题,The number of the students in our grade ________about six _______, and______of them are girls.* C; }0 f5 E: s9 l
A、are, hundreds, two- thirds1 G) w- r. j7 b0 g/ V
B、is, hundred, two- third
3 m3 B$ Q: `$ j$ S3 eC、is, hundred, two thirds
9 b1 T8 S# D8 J" S; lD、are, hundreds, two third
, O, I8 X  r* i$ w- u正确资料:
4 |% K( e% l) K
! ?8 S& @. S; W# k: A# r( H$ ]& P) V6 i4 i. \
第15题,The headmaster ________for more than two weeks.
1 ^$ O1 H3 j( j' _6 v, mA、has left
6 c' Y8 V+ W5 A; aB、has gone
0 o+ v+ L( Q: JC、has been away
0 O, R/ S2 p& rD、has come back
9 P. W/ {$ ?' H正确资料:' L! y# s$ a0 @0 K# ^
: ^# o! R! p' y& J2 W1 i

4 L. _  d. N! ?' i" U第16题,--What about the food on the plate? –It _________ delicious.4 o8 t! b* z( G7 h( ~- g: s% j5 Y; z
A、smelling+ G, P+ @3 G# j0 B! h( \
B、smelt4 g) q# \3 y' P) ?' M% n
- V6 _/ D+ E+ _D、is smelt7 q( v. V- L9 }8 [$ u- {
2 I+ i# S+ Q' k8 s& @$ k1 H* y0 b' _! }* @( P

# L9 \. E8 r% G; r$ J( Q' ]+ b第17题,The teacher required that all the assignments _____finished before this weekend.
0 Z+ B/ P) A2 f4 J" ]' JA、would be
1 c# E' t( z: f) VB、were" I8 P* w) |! ~& `
; [9 f- h. ~. q& H. b3 ID、are to- e" L/ a" p) `* `9 D" X3 R0 w
正确资料:+ K1 P( I* R+ O& G
  n: f7 @( X6 E5 l

' H0 o6 `8 v5 Q. h, B第18题,-- What's the date today? --___________.
+ F7 \3 G) u8 I2 o6 @5 {A、It's a fine day8 X4 j1 {/ I  j
B、It's Friday
- }5 O5 \7 Y) R. D* V, w# M: Z. VC、It's on Christmas Day
! B6 I7 j  K- o& S: Y3 K* P0 _D、It's June 26th
+ t1 F& _+ ^. I" ~" u4 s3 V+ M正确资料:
+ d3 R( D" ^, N! b$ j  |, }* i1 @' d6 D# c( w# h1 C1 T

5 T9 f, `4 q9 [; c第19题,More information becomes _____through the use of the internet.
- l& j+ |, A% e0 @A、attainable
: Z5 T5 C, y' u* e! e, ^5 [( D) MB、available
4 y/ p' l1 ]1 Z( y% M3 K& |* c6 KC、approachable. O) o/ w9 b% h. }- W' C. z% o
D、applicable. t) Z0 J2 i- p# A+ r- b
正确资料:8 L: t& e4 w2 c9 V( y
1 A) y8 M8 W/ b# F7 r
: G7 {' Z/ Z1 d
第20题,We need a skilled_____ to take care of our delicate mechanism.  o+ C& W- v  O, V: k' a) S3 B
A、technician6 i; H8 T! O2 [1 L3 `# Q
B、technology5 f: h* O+ [2 u) v; N# q
C、technique9 z6 L. @/ o; o$ A+ u9 z
D、technological; K  c0 b: m! z; h' N1 Z; u
正确资料:$ t. M/ D# X5 j/ N$ ?( W# u5 \

* x8 J0 F1 j/ s) G% G8 K+ k+ X9 c+ }5 \$ _( e" E% l1 P6 |
第21题,Can you tell me ________?
. B* [# Z0 a; L0 T  g) gA、what are they doing that for
/ R% X# a& e3 @) [9 V. lB、why they are doing for! U, q1 P1 Q" ~! g7 G: G
C、why are they doing that
& ?4 @2 a+ v& G2 w/ ]& g0 ^& k  PD、what they are doing that for
1 O$ k/ R; [& S6 I正确资料:' ~# x3 }% r. f' J+ K: g0 o5 v1 x
$ y) \7 f5 x, h! Y1 g
3 S7 u2 Z" p" d$ j* u/ m
第22题,How can you convince him_____ the death of his wife, since he was with her a few minutes ago?6 V$ A/ b# k. M3 \
, G1 N" |( Q+ }/ HB、on0 c4 k4 A$ g  ^  y, l* ]4 ~
C、in6 F% W: O5 l! w. s
D、from% y" ?7 k7 o; U( {/ x+ q: ~; ?
7 d$ ^) b+ T  S; M" i3 a0 M5 I( U1 Z, }( t) Y+ F
! u$ ^2 p( E2 Z
第23题,He's worked here _______ 4 o'clock this afternoon.$ [) }, i$ m7 Y$ v, G
A、for7 e, A9 v& G/ u5 `: t1 @0 J
  i/ C4 V4 k' J/ j8 K6 @) \' MC、since8 M2 \' s$ ?/ s1 K. A! E
) F7 c5 k6 h7 O0 r& h正确资料:* ?/ a+ c, S, N5 T0 W% l. w) m
7 V1 m1 w6 j) q( Y

0 K& m! l" g" V4 R第24题,We supply every_____ for traveling.
9 ?  w7 q/ ]+ R$ v, zA、requisition
2 a: \1 j, _' d! W* ?! n% QB、requirement
$ x2 Q2 U& s8 H) |% C+ BC、requisite' ]) @- ]; C! k7 q$ O# w/ }
D、request1 l- Q* h9 D5 Z( C
  ~! V- \; Y7 z1 z; |. d3 ]; z7 I1 y1 j

3 k- ?! `: ]9 J第25题,-- Excuse me, ____________ to the nearest bookshop, please?-- Go straight and take the second turning on the left.
% d1 D! c7 [% yA、where the way is& Q8 Q- G( b* ~2 N
B、which the way is
3 T6 `  m; Y# \# j' VC、where is the way
3 t* Y1 w+ H# D! f/ ]) B4 m. CD、which is the way/ l3 v& ~3 ~6 \* o2 F" Q
0 x2 j8 ^* E- P3 N9 u0 H) r  ^+ o3 ~: G, A0 f( w' m9 a/ `- R( j" f
7 a" g; }2 R8 b
第26题,Whenever he has trouble in study, he always tries, _____, to get help from his teachers and classmates.% x2 {# E" |5 d# H7 A; @
7 ]: b4 ]# W. EB、anyhow
* s+ W- S  [) L5 S+ uC、no matter how
# e6 [) H' M, t" rD、anyway5 b3 J+ {6 a0 T/ k. }
正确资料:* T$ v5 K$ t" ~3 D0 y- o. n

; u; [: W* i6 ~+ Z. N, L, X" J& e1 w. n+ O  B% j
第27题,The policeman stopped ________, but he _______ no sound.
2 h" A  X& Y4 g" P) Q. k6 x4 pA、hearing,heard
" z! P& c! i- UB、listening,listened+ [+ a$ k* N: ]
C、to listen,heard
; V3 L- U) L, y  j/ dD、listening to,listened to
. R5 F$ g: S! H: F5 I! \3 L正确资料:
6 l$ P* J# H/ B4 {
  \4 H1 O/ \5 ]6 J. ?) V& i
: B) Q7 T$ H( h第28题,Jack is not quite as good a student ______ his twin brother Jim- }, X- ^! g9 [5 k! n7 Y
% o0 m/ {3 ~6 @5 nB、like
  ^; ?. e3 @" N* y0 p- {C、with4 m  B3 i' J% h
D、to' u* ~- K6 x* T/ W. }3 Q
6 Q; R% B7 h+ f: w/ G6 i( I/ U4 ~. g9 _
2 i- @; C4 \+ B
第29题,I _______ to bed until my grandma came back home.
0 Q3 [- A& L0 T( C7 p+ b( \0 LA、didn't go
: z# r1 T2 Y7 O% W+ Z" _B、went
3 i1 L. X8 E! h$ ~C、had gone
* R) a3 g1 ?3 W6 gD、have gone
' C; d7 P8 y1 j! i* i正确资料:8 r- `+ @: H- G. g; C$ K- ~2 e8 Z
5 Q- a7 y- S6 s% T" J% _# i! N
) C1 I9 Y9 g+ z# v5 m4 g/ a
第30题,The train _____ arrive at 5 pm was late for six hours.
5 c5 C# v3 b7 D0 cA、due to) n, G# G+ [: b$ B5 M  i& d, Y$ e
B、have to2 p! R. l$ D) i) X6 O4 J
C、suppose to! j* {7 s. F! ~# j! w
D、owing to3 D1 Q4 R3 S& f. H
正确资料:; z" Y  T; u* G9 _

; s) h1 U( ]( c. l' |/ S/ ?/ d: I# {) b  T# C
第31题,Everyone has got two personalities (性格) — the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real. You don't show your secret personality when you're awake because you can control yourself, but when you're asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you. On a normal night, of course, you often change your sleeping positions. The important position that best shows your secret personality is the one that you go to sleep.    If you go to sleep on your back, you're a very open person. You normally trust people and you are easily influenced by new ideas. You don't like to make people unhappy, so you never express your real feelings. You're quite shy and you aren't very confident.    If you sleep on your stomach, you are a person who likes to keep secrets. You worry a lot and you're always easily becoming sad. You never want to change your ideas, but you are satisfied with your life the way it is. You usually live for today not for tomorrow.    If you sleep on curled up (蜷缩), you are probably a very nervous person. You have a low opinion of yourself and often protect yourself from being hurt, so you are very defensive. You're shy and you don't usually like meeting people. You like to be on your own.    If you sleep on your side, you have usually got a well-balanced (平衡的) personality. You know your strengths and weaknesses. You're usually careful. You have a confident personality. You sometimes feel worried, but you don't often get unhappy. You always say what you think, even if it makes people angry.9 Q/ C7 A' n' Z( P
: @* Q- B1 _3 M0 ~
7 k) Y0 n4 [: q9 \/ ^) q
' d) v8 ^* M4 \# ]5 ?第32题,Living in a foreign culture can be exciting, but it can also be confusing. A group of Americans who taught English in other countries recently discussed their experiences. They decided that miscommunications were always possible, even over something as simple as "yes" and "no".    On her first day in Micronesia, an island in the Pacific, Lisa thought people weren’t paying any attention to her. The day was hot. She went into a store and asked, “Do you have cold drinks?”The woman there didn't say anything. Lisa repeated the question. Still the Woman said nothing. She later learned that the woman had answered her: She had raised her eyebrows, which in Micronesia means "yes".    Jan remembered an experience she had in Bulgaria, a country in Europe. She went to a restaurant that was known for its cabbage. She asked the waiter, "Do you have cabbage today?" He nodded his head. Jan waited, but the cabbage never came. In that country, a nod means no.    Tom had a similar problem when he arrived in India. After explaining something in class, he asked his students if they understood. They answered with many different nods and shakes of the head. He thought some people had not understood, so he explained again. When he asked again, they did the same thing. He soon found out that his students did understand. In India, people nod and shake their heads in different ways depending on where they come from. You have to know where a person is from to understand whether they mean "yes" or "no".! N- s5 K- _8 A9 Z0 k! M, A. w5 M
4 v; Y, N8 @! m7 b' H8 e7 E& M% u; D1 E: ]
2 t6 S; w5 f$ B" t0 Y- u
第33题,Earthquake safety tips On April 14,2010, a big earthquake hit Yushu,Qinghai.Over,2,000 people died. Many people were hurt. Why are there earthquakes?     The surface of the Earth has many pieces. These pieces are always moving. When two pieces move past each other, there is an earthquake. Scientists are working hard to find out more about earthquakes. They try to predict(预测) them, but it’s very hard.     Do you know how to get ready for an earthquake? Do you know what to do during an earthquake? Here are some things you should know.     What to do before an earthquake     Make sure you have two bottles of water, a packet of biscuits,a clean towel,a few band-aids(创口贴),a radio and a flashlight(电筒) at home.     What to do during an earthquake     If you are inside:★ Stay where you are. Quickly move under a strong desk, or along a wall. This will protect you from falling things.★ Don’t stand near windows.★ Turn off the lights.★ Don’t get into a lift during an earthquake. If your are in a lift, get out as quickly as possible.    If you are outside:★ Don’t stand near buildings. Things may fall on you.★ Lie on the ground until the shaking stops.
7 k6 ^) z% \8 s' l% J3 |% l正确资料:
4 Z( `- X7 R/ h! s) J( J3 a  _+ d4 `/ b

8 @/ g) T; ^1 d第34题,Who do you admire(崇拜)?Different people may have different ideas.    If you’re a sports fan, perhaps the person you admire most is a great basketball player, and Yao Ming is probably the one in your mind. If you study music or play an instrument, perhaps the person you admire most is gifted musician like Mozart, who began to write beautiful music at a very young age. Or maybe you admire great scientists, for example, Yuan Longping.    We have many reasons to admire famous people and we often give much of our respect to them. However, we shouldn’t neglect those who are common, such as nurses, train drivers, firemen, cleaners and so on. They may be working in a corner of the world without being noticed, but all these people spend their working days serving the public. They show great dedication(奉献).However, what they do is often unnoticed by us. Have you ever thought of what our life will be like if they stop working?    So next time when you appreciate famous people, don’t forget those who are common around you.
: j" ], c2 d8 J; `正确资料:
  C9 Z, d. ~6 j' p' q3 B" e" ?  s1 @( x" h& q1 Q1 b2 c; S

4 Z7 A( {0 Q. A- G( _4 {- O


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