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发表于 2019-9-7 01:29:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
! e- y6 Z; J, U* ?/ y" p4 |! i/ b# M1 E试卷总分:100    得分:1003 n2 X9 s% B/ Z* s4 i8 `. j
第1,I found myself_____ by a pack of wolves.
* b4 g+ ^1 n, k5 h' ~7 F' WA、surrounded
2 ]8 V( O9 H( V5 E/ N6 [B、surrounding
7 m% b/ c1 L5 u2 y  ]7 Q. ^0 ?C、been surrounded
1 [$ M9 M3 z* L. D# E/ oD、surround, p* w3 K1 \- g1 G; N
正确资料:% o, k& d: r2 Z, `" O  J. _' L6 w' L  x5 C
% x, \1 `9 B6 l% a
" V/ e3 ]  L0 {- h
第2题,The school turned ____ some first-rate scholars.
" u( r6 j- h$ _/ O+ xA、up, n! G7 \2 p" k
- }1 Y$ ?8 A9 fC、off4 f. x% Q$ B6 U
& k- H* ]. L1 T9 @8 B. [, t0 |正确资料:
* f' D; f6 y! {4 v0 g' f6 X
' h( w( l' X1 ^! X. {8 o3 d! S" N+ ^& T! u  G6 ?
第3题,it was essential that the application forms _________ back before the deadline.
9 B; a0 Q$ @4 [8 `& e4 T- nA、be sent
  \' Q9 |6 K' p, [% z0 iB、would be sent
4 j1 p$ A/ _# P2 rC、must be sent
3 p* y* J6 d  S) R: XD、were sent3 o+ D7 V( R0 D8 F
& u! o* A  t; d$ m  {7 Y& P+ S' A
) h: y+ x; P) |5 Z0 Q+ W( E; o2 N* o
第4题,This information is electronically ______ to chools and colleges.% g3 L: P4 X0 x& i5 h! Y& @
A、transferred; J# G) f- K8 x1 i4 S, w
B、transported) I+ v1 u) _' Z# a& ~7 Z3 O
C、transplanted4 ~0 D! o1 o) ?+ E# a2 T; z
D、transmitted( d3 e) k$ A7 |1 N
正确资料:. w' s. q/ j0 E- B
2 R( n% n1 F0 \+ M1 d

) t1 ]" L) j  d0 U! t; @& T" G& J: d第5题,--Alice, you ________ on the phone. --I' m coming. Thanks., g1 F5 o3 D4 r0 c* M+ ~
) v! j7 J+ {+ T7 Z; W8 gB、are wanted; W+ c6 h" S( {$ R7 w6 u# h
C、are wanting
; b) V. x9 w# q1 v6 wD、have wanted
. a- P5 a: X% ^; _& G1 i3 s正确资料:9 g' U. T. ]" a; G9 I( q7 U

0 Y5 U0 v- E4 u( {9 ~* \, Q) I
+ R) j, Y, V- U# ]; v5 r第6题,All her children are clever, but the youngest daughter is really_____.
" Y1 P. i! ?+ n& c$ }0 r9 [% `  `A、exception
# D4 }2 S' y# _. qB、exceptional
6 |% }; u! S% Q9 KC、except
: _; \- J' d7 D, Z3 S0 uD、excepted
. Q5 P8 K- ]7 T3 ?# D9 ^, E正确资料:
5 u- j  q- S) A$ V- ?1 i( l9 N6 B+ \" S8 R# n6 |  L# {

! s8 }! V3 C3 v/ x, `- W8 a' n第7题,--I hear that you're going back to Australia. I hope you'll return one day.--_______. I hope to return when I'm older.! |; C% i4 e8 E, E
A、I do so5 b# E; g: b2 x, b  {
B、So I do0 q/ @/ U3 u8 p' i2 J
C、I so do
, F! U* f9 d! z0 TD、So do I
1 E* ~' O& N  O4 }) l) E7 J8 W$ p+ O正确资料:6 y) e1 P  y6 m" l9 o( [+ N
8 ^% H; i3 g7 J3 @; n7 V6 K  [
2 {9 I2 q. q! @& X
第8题,We agree          the proposal.
) Q$ T- M- o* h5 N( dA、at
. c% [8 ]  h- w: O8 pB、with: F3 l8 f. ]0 n2 C: n
C、to. C0 E0 C7 _0 X
D、for6 K4 K2 P5 U& s. n
8 ^# b' x, G& {- J+ `) K
1 H+ Y& C$ q; m* u7 r
- }2 W7 ]9 i4 [1 r第9题,I could speak their language and identify _____ their problems because I had been there myself.
  v: Z0 N6 d: ?* A% Z4 YA、/
5 d( y  v1 z. [/ ?B、for
, i$ P$ ^& X. x- ^C、with
. o3 W% _! A# t8 R( B' f0 {. Q  @D、on6 n: i) o9 X+ F( ~7 V
" e; o3 |: e& {( i* s
: k  O# y: m5 a; P& w9 z3 @  B4 g# A$ b
第10题,Do you watch TV _______ Saturday evening ?: E( A( Z2 }$ y/ |( C
A、on/ p& r* x+ z5 J) T. f9 N6 L# z
8 M  g, |3 t) J. i' ^C、at( K" O! R1 ~2 W4 I3 G
9 S% t3 |% ^' e7 D; N* l正确资料:: F) B( T$ n" h

$ S3 V8 M4 ?" P& N1 f' \( M6 H+ s9 Y7 }0 r9 O
第11题,Government reports, examination compositions, legal documents and most business letters are the main situations_____ formal language is used.
5 \4 A' s* R" J, G  G. KA、in which5 @" i5 s7 t6 s9 O0 }# ?
B、at what. L& u4 y+ L7 ^/ I+ Y
C、on which
4 S7 ?5 B( \. w* p7 o: v3 E1 W1 JD、in that
) B! v' d$ z: P! j! K% s: T6 }正确资料:3 K" c5 A3 f7 C; }

" c2 j8 b8 M5 R8 H( g" r8 O$ r- o1 n9 |, [+ _" F. i
第12题,The museum has some new _____from India.
  }5 E! ?, o7 z& N4 kA、exhibition7 A2 j( i& Z6 G5 K5 v
" G( V( M9 r1 RC、exhibits
+ _* D1 G- t1 Y% m5 T3 e2 J1 zD、exhibit! y+ N! y) L& x8 y4 ?
正确资料:+ q" s: T# Y) }; X7 p, \- w- u
3 [0 D1 z# }  j0 j: B& a

  f+ H9 v" t9 P+ Z+ m! U0 L+ @; }第13题,This TV set is too loud, will you please _________?" i3 u3 t% `; }4 `% b
A、turn down it
3 }, V$ C0 J1 p+ CB、turn it down# E, P5 B& I# w9 B
C、to turn it down
, v+ |4 q) g- p; j7 dD、to turn down it0 r. W5 g+ m2 O0 w+ t3 J, l& l
; t& A* m' _0 b# M- g* D
1 X' h* A, C4 }+ {/ r: {6 [) f3 M+ r9 e# G" P: A" A3 F/ c5 |
第14题,Extensive reporting on television has helped to generate interest in a wide_____ of sports and activities./ q" \. Q$ v2 g% W' F! ^  V4 ~
* U" V% S* U5 T% QB、variety
3 V% P( \1 P$ F7 XC、catalog9 n: T& f# p( Q
D、field$ [( o; D6 U- K6 g* }& r! O
正确资料:, l- G. e/ p! ~: t7 {7 k

' |% V3 J7 F  p1 T+ D
2 ?  y% I3 w. m+ R/ g4 S- _第15题,Mary combed _____for her missing glasses.; S$ e6 ^4 b: c$ _& K6 ?4 }
) ?- k5 n9 {( C7 r# c! Y1 o- SB、across
9 E7 o9 ?" ]0 O8 x( j* nC、throughout' `% L" P2 t8 `( N7 F6 b
D、over" b* F) Q# K! i3 m+ M  Y
6 G) @- U( v1 k9 p- U6 p) Z. @
. A- p+ l& A/ E3 t1 i8 v3 v+ S0 y) c# D
第16题,They always keep corresponding            each other.
5 o' }+ H& ?0 \A、to+ b' J9 Z3 P$ ^7 w2 w$ f
B、with+ c% o& M$ n9 T
C、as) ^4 P1 p; c# J, k
3 I( A, V6 x2 D) A正确资料:
' v6 V7 `4 n$ @: A1 ]
8 b1 ^  d" b2 s' e9 G8 R- O# v8 ?8 r" Y% M/ i# H7 b& {0 ^% k  ]. Q" T
第17题,--You haven't been to Macao, have you? --_____.How I wish to go there!! Z* r# o3 n7 T, i7 B" Y; O
A、Yes,I have. D. F4 k9 w) w1 q
B、Yes, I haven't- s- @' [6 b& b
C、No, I have
- M* |& i" k+ k6 Z3 g; A$ I0 OD、No, I haven't' \# g! [& ]+ N9 b4 H, h
7 M& a5 E7 x$ f' n
& f6 _5 b# `/ d8 c4 h- i
' r* X: h' @; n第18题,Applicants will be called to have a(n)_____ .
" u( }4 |; T( QA、interference
2 @! \+ [1 {* @/ R! g2 rB、interpretation0 ^5 j) s7 q$ P- i
C、interruption- c8 z/ q6 ]7 W9 M7 o: {9 r4 g, Z9 \( c
D、interview, Z6 i& i6 f3 g( D) K' e6 C
正确资料:3 e( t$ Q$ s- A" v. ~

5 k6 r( O/ ~9 a  E1 M5 d
0 ^* r0 V! b" d! ~0 f2 J第19题,-- Why don't you ask Tom to do it?-- I don' t know whether he is______ to. He sometimes makes things worse.7 F, a5 S" J2 i9 C4 F+ u" S
4 v) z& R* h+ Y& K: y4 ZB、able: n7 n" R5 m5 _' f- v7 L
) R6 `( K- i4 `- MD、easy
, d) ?7 N" C) B- \2 A* U正确资料:. O! P, h% e4 K/ E  q  V) m8 \* {# v
9 Z$ Y. ]/ @' {! G8 m4 c
; E/ B* l% X8 Q/ e' m
第20题,Can you give me a_____ description of the thief?+ p. H) Q6 H7 ?  t
7 h( @8 m% A# u5 w! s2 XB、detailed, p7 D. t. i, [# ^) g& O! ?2 {
0 a7 h4 S1 G& a1 ~D、strange& w) ~' |' ?( |$ z; l
7 Q5 M1 z5 K( F1 u* O' p! c& e6 F: Q: ~# ~0 N

+ F- O/ W* F" \* |# C第21题,-- Hello! Is that Mr. Wang speaking? --Yes,____________?
4 n- _# J) w: C& n! EA、who's that* \* x; s2 U- s$ q
B、who are you
! I9 P( `1 K. }" @2 M7 iC、I'm speaking
( u6 f& f/ {( QD、I'm Mr. Wang: a; @' `5 B( h. ^% U+ A/ O
! `6 t, ?! X9 J; _1 f+ z  }' X% Q& w" w
4 r$ a% m& W* S6 p" F
第22题,All the members are trying to find out who is responsible          the accident.) d2 q" u: |3 c9 v
. q. J9 V$ I6 u6 S/ M6 ~& \B、with# c( q8 w& x/ j0 l5 T
+ K8 f% z6 _0 [$ a  |% U0 ZD、/( `. d# O+ |9 [& h$ O) g8 A0 Q
正确资料:* Y5 m& u; z4 K$ C
: i/ w1 E1 r+ k3 h% v5 q

' R# h, E1 P' X% J( I第23题,Sometimes customers are not pleased         their purchase.; Z: \7 ~8 K' s) @8 b" m0 \6 X# I0 r
% A! u8 E" G' C, \. j5 sB、for/ g$ u& ^$ _+ t7 e& \! B0 Q
$ G' M2 ?! E# x! M6 jD、to9 l" v, }) Q- |. G0 Y
正确资料:* L9 H! W: E& e2 ?" K

4 |$ |' k+ G& [4 u! d/ |: o% ^. J7 p+ a+ i
第24题,--_____ are the Olympic Games held? --Every four years.
1 P% T" g9 g9 R7 i, Z' iA、How often
# a  z5 ]+ L# UB、When/ i4 q1 R* R% U" V
C、How soon+ q9 I1 U) Q* \& J
D、How long
% T* }& u8 g2 o6 X$ s# `. l正确资料:, C% u  X4 c: C

: T% M' Z2 j& t- m& _* ]
7 x. c) B) P# d2 X第25题,We'd better _______on the road. A car may hit us.) j/ O8 f& Y4 `. \7 v
A、not to play
) |0 `. Q/ X% w4 T1 ^B、not play
3 B0 l8 E9 U. O/ |% b8 NC、to not play9 @3 j% O$ v) e1 S
D、don't play  Z0 @% f% F; ~4 T! }' ?
3 m! }) K6 Q3 q" A/ w# ~6 |- Z4 ~: B6 p4 \

$ ?/ L0 n) a' d& H3 t第26题,“Where is the university?” This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge(剑桥)ask. But no one can give them a ## answer, for there is no wall to be found _##_ the university. The university is the city. You can find classroom buildings, ##, museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of ## members are the students and ## of the thirty-one colleges.  Cambridge was already a ## town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ##. It grew up by the river Granta, and the river was once _##_the Cam. A ## was built over the river as early as 875. ## the town got its name "Cambridge".  In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and ## land was used for college buildings. The town grew much ## in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845. Cambridge became a ## in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100, 000. Many young students in ## countries ## to study at Cambridge. Thousands of people from all over the world come to visit the university town. It has become a famous place all around the world., f; X/ o; a7 h1 \# u) S
正确资料:. u" N4 P6 P, B% a, z* q4 j" ?3 g2 f

; E2 }$ v9 g* V  C1 c- N1 x# K# Q
第27题,Do you know how to study ## and make your study more effective ( 有效的)? We all know that Chinese students usually study very hard for long ##, This is very good ,but it doesn’t##a lot, for an effective student must have enough sleep, enough food and enough rest and ##. Every day you need to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places. It’s good for your##.When you return ##your studies, your mind will be refreshed(清醒) and you’ll learn more##study better. Psychologists (心理学家) ## that learning takes place this way. Here take English learning ## an example. First you make a lot of progress and you feel happy. Then your language study seems ## the same. So you will think you’re learning ## and you may give up. This can last for days or even weeks, yet you ## give up, and at some point your language study will again take another big ##. You’ll see that you really have been learning all along. If you get enough sleep, food, rest and exercise, studying English can be very effective and ## . Don’t give up along the way. Learn ## you are sure to get a good result.9 a6 s. S% t/ S7 e
( a! ^% u6 i" W2 p8 u7 g3 |$ w$ k+ r! y: y# P

: Y4 ?( V% [, R) e第28题,Eating out is more popular in Britain today than it has ever been. It is reported that British people spend more eating out than cooking for themselves and eating at home. It seems that many British people are becoming more and more interested in how good their food tastes, and also how healthy it is.     However, eating out can also be expensive, so British people do not eat out every night. When having a date with friends, or having a birthday, many people like to go to a restaurant, and people often also eat in a restaurant before going to the cinema or the theater.     As in all cultures, there are many rules of manners about eating. The knife and fork should be used in the correct way. It is also impolite to speak with your mouth full when you are eating.     Most British cities have a large collection of food as well as British food, from the very cheap to the very expensive- French, Italian, Indian, Chinese, Thai, Japanese and many, many more.     When people are too tired to cook after work, they often get a “takeaway”. This means that they order from a take-out restaurant by telephone, and then go to get it. Many take-out restaurants also send it to your house. All you have to do is to open the door, pay and eat!/ j! e& ?8 m, Y: Z
: {+ O0 v& i, T/ d! ^0 ?8 t8 G0 ~6 e, T( O
3 p3 f2 B+ F" k- K' }- g6 Q6 z+ K
第29题,More than 200 activities have been held so far during the Chinese Language Year in Russia. It has not only made Chinese culture popular in Russia, but also improved understanding and friendship between Russians and Chinese people. More and more Russians begin to enjoy Chinese food and operas, watch TV programs to learn Chinese, and travel in China.Since the Chinese Language Year program in Russia started, so many events such as movie weeks, operas, Chinese language classes, language contests and teaching programs have been popular in Russia.Through the activities, Russian people have had a chance to learn more about the Chinese culture, literature, history and its life today. For example, the first group of 500 Russian students visited the Chinese cities of Beijing, Dalian and Qingdao. There they painted both countries' landmarks, including the Tian' anmen Square, the Great Wall, the Kremb(克林姆宫),the Volga River and the Red Square. When the Russian students returned, they took part in a photo contest and a writing contest to show their love for China.And Russians, especially young people, have become more and more interested in learning Chinese. To date, more than 130 universities in Russia are offering Chinese courses. More than 20 middle and primary schools have also taught Chinese as their first foreign language.
7 i( ?8 ]8 J7 i) D  j, b  `; V4 x正确资料:
0 Y7 Y+ N& ]: i; V) r* w- D2 Q. a& `) m) Y/ d, `, i4 V3 |
' w: N) `0 z4 W* P% E* V' f/ k
第30题,For the British, the home is private place in which he or she goes to hide away from the troubles of life. It is very seldom that one would be invited to a British person’s home. It is rude to knock on a person’s door if you are not invited. If you are invited, don’t ask to see more than the downstairs that your British host invites you into. Never ask how much the house or any of the items in it cost.To the American, most of them want their home to be a place where they can entertain (款待) and share their lives with their friends. They may be delighted to give you a full tour of their houses. They may also be pleased when you show your interest and pleasure in their houses.Both British and American people will engage in quite a bit of chat and a drink or two before the meal is served. After the first mouthful, you should say how delicious the food is and ask something about it. Remember, never eat with your mouth open and make very little noise while eating. It would be nice of you to help your host in any way. Maybe offer to pour some drinks or clear up after the meal.
  v0 J2 k3 }8 }正确资料:
$ w: f+ b3 D. v1 X. Z6 s+ x6 }, x  v0 Q/ _/ V

( I' J; N  W7 I! \第31题,Laura Brent is a manager in an important company. She has three children—the eldest is ten, and youngest is three. “My job was only possible because my husband David was prepared to take my place and become a house husband,” she says.More and more couples are finding this arrangement suits them better in today’s world, where women are rising to the top of their careers faster and more easily than they did in the past. Many men, on the other hand, like the idea of staying at home and looking after the children. “My children see a lot more of me than I saw of my father when I was young, and I think it’s better for them, especially for the boys,” says David. “It works just as well for Laura.” “Now I can come home from a hard day at work, and immediately relax with the children, instead of having to do the housework and the cooking,” she says.Is there anything David misses about going out to work? “Not really. I suppose the worst thing about looking after children and doing the housework is not having a lunch break! It’s a lot harder than most men think.”: v. p, A) l; j5 n$ H! ?
正确资料:8 X  @: d; I4 q2 h( O( T: [
; }3 U1 |. A& t1 a5 e2 L- X4 b
$ A$ t# b, N& S% I: B1 C


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