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发表于 2019-10-14 17:34:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* I  b! v0 t. p! D; f5 OExercise 1 (听力材料1)
( G# U9 U. M2 c/ Z9 Z6 }1. What will take place at Bill's house tomorrow?2 M" Y$ R' I! T7 a+ W( m7 S
A. a party
6 v1 n& ^& e1 R: h/ n) T( {, LB. a game7 S$ j' B5 r7 R( I8 w' y
C. a dance* f, z1 Y- g! \4 P( \: C
2. Why does Hank have to work late?* i  W' j5 x; ]5 _- x' Z
A. He has to attend a meeting.- N# d, |7 |0 c! P9 ]' X
B. He has to write a report.; ^' k+ B$ E. ~7 ?
C. He has to close the office.
+ z; E' O" D2 J3. Why is Hank going to visit Lisa after work?( R! c% d0 l% T$ v" u( W; ]
A. because she is sick in bed
4 C) U6 H  C2 D4 a# S9 `B. because he has to return something  t' x0 D, n& g: R- {% E
C. because he is going to take her to Bill's house: m5 G' R. Q$ y0 g9 d9 f
4. Where is Hank going to get the snacks to take to Bill's house?# }3 v/ K( @: J6 j( b+ W
A. from his house
+ n5 ~4 e  z3 B$ M! J% l& @B. from the store, E- O  h1 P, S- e5 G: R- A
C. from his work3 ~. P4 [' y2 S, Z" j8 s
5. What time will Hank most likely arrive at Bill's house?
+ s" G% g3 [: o; LA. 7:00 PM1 S3 A* s8 u* E
B. 8:00 PM& G& y) V6 W4 X, b# f7 d# x
C. 9:00 PM
7 N( X) f6 g4 C# x2 h% f* \/ {  a; d' G2 [2 ?3 ?/ s+ T) s( B
Exercise 2 (听力材料2)# d  G9 i: V# L" j
Apartments for Rent
8 R. X3 i$ |# @9 [' N$ [6 W1. What is the main topic of the conversation?) }+ S' T1 o  ]3 F
A. problems with living in an apartment/ l: T# ~6 N4 x( l5 _8 v$ H, U0 b
B. a search for a new apartment  I2 K% N% k' S: v
C. the cost of rent near universities
. c! c8 l( g0 e" J& l7 W* U( u2. Why doesn't Ann like her current apartment?: v. c* a  p& E& u) t# t
A. It's too expensive.0 O& F+ f* P5 ?; x
B. The neighborhood is noisy.
% v! o* l- f( [3 i; kC. It's located some distance from school.
" {, ?" z% L( `3. How much money does Ann want to pay for rent?$ q  J' v( R6 w) U4 x
A. no more than $200/ H: l* v6 `1 L* d+ P: x
B. around $200
, I" _- k7 i  ?1 x1 j* wC. a little more than $200* t/ B7 F8 R5 ~6 L3 F
4. What kind of place is she looking for?
1 v7 J' Z2 g3 K- FA. somewhere that is within a short driving distance of campus% N6 \; Z9 B2 \" r, j
B. an apartment with furniture already in it! ]8 h1 I1 S6 _8 g: M& R4 S
C. a place where she can live alone
: F0 O8 m9 A! t( q4 e' w5. How is Roger going to help her?$ G/ \% V* r; Y6 y% Z% c
A. He is planning on calling a friend who owns an apartment building.  Y6 n* s0 E8 F! ]4 D
B. He will check the newspapers to see if he can find an apartment for rent." N" l+ S7 Z0 }  E- [9 W
C. He is going to visit an apartment building near his place.
! g# I! t$ A2 L' f' t
5 _" M' W6 l* ~7 C; L6 uExercise 3(听力材料3)( j5 ^( c; T' ^) e  C1 _
Camping under the Stars" @2 x3 F5 ^, i6 j6 ?
1. What are they planning on doing in the morning?
! A/ E( }- H% vA. fishing
% i' R- f; E' t4 k, \) ]. rB. mountain biking
- |# M, i$ W  [* ^0 @; [C. hiking
5 V7 ?0 G" K8 q) M" O4 v2. According to the weather report, when would it start raining?
! F- y4 g6 d, V4 @% }A. in the afternoon
$ Q% `* D  l" F  F' q9 `- pB. at night
5 m! ]  r/ n+ b% A3 ~/ yC. in the morning) Q6 a% P' M' x. a6 P9 ~
3. What did Paul forget to bring?
1 X, H! Q) O/ ]& X* S# {2 pA. rain coats
* L* J3 y8 ^1 l6 ?6 ^5 ]B. umbrellas
* \  h- p4 l/ H( zC. rain boots
# }# B. z3 a& A' N" H% J7 M4. Where did Sara leave the playing cards?
6 @4 Z$ A2 P5 ZA. next to picnic table
7 R/ l3 ~: Z0 F0 r& m! Z5 nB. on picnic table
$ O$ ?9 {* [, r: w) R9 H# n1 GC. under picnic table. D- \9 M; ~% Z
5. What do they finally decide to do?, {- y+ |7 v/ Q; ~% j1 @" g/ h- o- x
A. stay at a hotel
9 A; L4 ]* [; g2 pB. return home: A5 ^8 p7 Y1 I% F" m# A% W- w9 l% l
C. sleep at the campground
/ D. }& }% s8 F+ c2 X" h, K- R
/ r1 A* l( q% {6 ^Exercise 4 (听力材料4); f+ D- L" ]2 x: Y- o( m9 L0 G
Christmas is Coming!
  i/ l* E  v1 y) m0 x( Z1. What does the little boy NOT ask for Christmas?) M* }. I$ \5 V' {9 c
A. a toy train8 @7 z/ ~4 J3 c0 b) ?+ t1 F5 p
B. a play car, w' O; h; f6 ]1 O, O  V2 Y) x" v
C. hand-held radio receiver-transmitters
( f7 Z  t, {. S' s1 D1 S/ P# D2. What does the girl want for Christmas?0 s  y9 g# l- y# _/ X
A. dolls: a. W( Y; |- Q4 R1 m5 F  V/ k
B. Barbie playhouse$ \& O' p5 o7 @- V
C. marbles/ Z1 k, S6 \5 B. s
3. What are some of the foods the children want to prepare for Santa's reindeer?
+ K" f2 O5 x# }: G- d+ [A. cookies, apples, and carrots1 a0 X* Y# ^6 [7 d/ ^6 c
B. hot chocolate, oranges, and corn
/ n2 O" l2 ?  }$ o& n: s9 HC. apples, oranges, and cookies
2 ^% V4 y2 a( V7 m5 I: D4. What time do they plan to go to bed?
# k: c' s2 Z6 g9 OA. 7:00 p.m.
2 Y' f# {; Y+ TB. 8:00 p.m.- [: y: x" |5 i( c6 [
C. 9:00 p.m.# ], F7 A6 \: D$ s7 |
5. How is Santa going to enter the house?( @5 D& p  ^2 P# A) X! I( T9 u
A. through the back door
' w" X! f; G. V& J# k8 kB. down the chimney
- H0 T# Y% H" J! J, b% zC. through a basement window1 Y) B) v( y" ~

' q. @6 @7 z. g# |- c. r


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