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发表于 2019-10-15 02:18:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
奥鹏】[东北师范大学]大学英语(一)高起专19秋在线作业2$ Y* G/ U5 V$ g" K9 s0 J7 `
试卷总分:100    得分:1008 U% m9 n! _/ ]1 w
第1,He ______ live in the country than in the city.
; b9 e% R- I. V9 QA、prefers" s$ P, |% T5 f/ i1 j
B、likes to2 e, m; ]/ ~; V; t: n
C、had better6 j, l- y; ?2 `4 P2 A. A! I
D、would rather
& N8 f; z7 Y& \& z- E2 q3 s( s正确资料:  L- _( f& p* G; ~+ d& k
- |, n5 F6 r( B- r

+ C' ]3 |2 g$ G, e第2题,To answer accurately is more important than ______.
1 ?( a( k& E8 r% ZA、a quick finish  V$ c) N* x- B# c, H7 E! @2 y
B、to finish quickly
. C3 S  f+ X5 Y4 ^( h; i6 jC、finishing quickly3 c, L, ^+ W9 ?5 ^1 `' M2 e+ E
D、you finish quickly4 Q& v; i2 ^5 t8 ~  `7 v! G5 B
) e( ?6 v2 J  x: K' J, Y& n5 Q
: m1 j* c3 ^6 s3 ^
  r/ ^: E0 `/ G3 t" Q2 }第3题,Frankly, I’d rather you ______ anything about it for the time being.1 H# y3 X$ q$ x% D+ J. a
2 x, R0 k9 F! Q; x/ U, y. MB、don’t do
' \8 f) F; I# h+ nC、didn’t do
/ n) K/ p- T- S! A! o3 eD、will not do
% A" u8 S1 G9 s. S正确资料:
+ j; i- d/ j5 z( I( v  m, C/ E' ^# d5 z- H
- @& w$ j: |" q" @( p" L
第4题,You’d rather watch TV this evening, ______?
( ]2 r& t: S# C  P1 a% wA、isn’t it5 w/ s+ [# c/ O% c
B、hadn’t you) W! u* \6 S* e) h# _3 N- u
C、wouldn’t you
2 c. ^5 b# Z+ v3 {; |9 SD、won’t you
$ l0 Q! Y- C/ d" i( W正确资料:
! m8 y3 C, s' x) E
0 s; N$ {& P9 P: w9 ?5 `" H" k4 R% p/ z9 f8 ]4 X
第5题,As a safety precaution, all drivers carry only enough money to make change for ______.- [! h# a' Q6 ~( m; e; A
A、a bill of ten-dollar
& c/ a! {6 A# `7 H5 aB、a ten-dollars bill
# e3 V' E) B! |C、a ten-dollar bill! _' r: d0 g4 K( _( ?. u
D、a tens-dollar bill
/ l0 F  w+ }5 C8 O正确资料:! v" }( u8 T7 S9 Q
! I( {2 i# [- E* i- w, ^. {- I
8 J) @/ C$ s3 O# E
第6题,Business picked up in the stores during December, but ______ again after Christmas.
# H5 P8 H! X5 f+ V: N& ]A、dropped off7 a2 ~6 F* x6 _2 |3 E9 H
B、dropped out4 d0 A. p( L9 Z6 Z) C' |
C、dropped over) y4 t+ n+ R4 D1 q7 l4 A" }! A
D、dropped on& s% B( A$ n; G& x; T, r. s
0 @7 L. G2 ^5 M/ a  U  G& w3 A
. n0 ~4 x  J5 o. ^! T5 x& O' S


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