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发表于 2019-10-15 02:20:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
奥鹏】[东北师范大学]大学英语(一)高起专19秋在线作业2; F5 \  j4 I5 y3 W% [
试卷总分:100    得分:100) ]; x6 k3 x: j% ^; Y" d% }
第1,What I would do is to go ______.
/ n8 r/ O- @1 G2 O1 F, lA、really quietly somewhere) j% j) L- ?0 x. E: ]* V
B、somewhere quietly really$ m7 v2 O* e% C
C、really quiet somewhere
; [/ ^( q8 _' W' c5 N6 S; W, }8 \, TD、somewhere really quiet% C% u0 t. v: L' A
正确资料:; J& W( ?& g7 v! X4 h
% g( |* n* C6 `/ }
# d# t' H  w- b4 |7 w
第2题,Since your roommate is visiting her family this weekend,_____ you like to have dinner with us tonight?6 _/ ^1 G1 U4 J4 B
2 i: x8 q- c1 X9 LB、won’t8 c# S) b: w* T; S2 y7 Y3 M/ {
& N- b6 x  l" _& K# a7 {* DD、do
4 y% I+ _# F1 \; T& Q- S正确资料:6 R% F2 v: O: c0 `3 c/ A) D

/ u% z+ C+ f$ Z) R0 I& y  x5 v
第3题,The rise of Davy was all the more brilliant in ______ he had not had much schooling.
9 L" ~- T' w+ NA、which( }' e  u- U7 D) N
: H% v, o! G  mC、what
% U1 Z* g, t7 @5 E# oD、the way
5 z, j: v: l& M- f正确资料:+ y3 u/ q$ L) g9 H5 {6 ^
  y. M6 O: {1 Y0 y6 m! m
0 k+ J1 v; I6 G' E+ v7 m( q
第4题,They thought it desirable that an armed guard ______ in readiness.( l0 `4 o6 U, ~4 c  ^
# `% Z8 F/ ?: r  t4 S: mB、stand0 N/ L8 d; \" B' i- B* \
- v& t  z$ p' I+ kD、would stand7 V; n4 e% `) g, P4 p" {
  G; |  I# z) m) \3 B& t+ e
8 _$ \- D+ f8 ]# n2 N9 ]& e7 p$ U4 l7 ^; e) J1 F/ m
第5题,We ______ put the meeting off for a week.2 C2 A5 k, g: i: B
A、can as well* E% G2 X; S5 O0 k. @7 b: c
B、will as well* K* l/ h& O8 s7 J4 f/ a
C、shall as well; }6 n9 V  k, Q5 C& i! t. T
D、may as well
# W' z) q% P4 z0 V& k1 X正确资料:3 Y) x5 }4 I! Y3 d* P, l; x% n

3 _% H% R1 l( Z7 U# v8 t- G1 H! m' S& u1 f
第6题,There is something wrong with my TV set, I must have it ______.
) [/ a0 S9 D) O  w3 kA、checking9 C) Q( P% P. ~! r8 b5 ?5 k" b
' g4 q0 f5 K* I! r: B6 _C、to check
6 h( G* J4 T3 P1 dD、checked- s) z3 C4 _0 o/ s* w
) l. M$ T7 O* ]! [; D# G- m. F7 U1 R$ I& s4 I6 V# r
; ^8 b, b1 w2 L% p& `! K) ^4 G
第7题,______ is setting up a research team to see how children react to video games.
+ s# G, @( o' hA、The Japan’s Health Ministry
* I6 m0 J6 B# l+ N% D* ~B、Japan’s health Ministry, `. @3 h3 n/ S. n' k) [2 h# N
C、A Japan’s health Ministry
1 U' o1 \- B! S& E+ k# uD、Japan health Ministry9 A* W9 E, j0 \$ I
正确资料:3 @% ^* G& ], [/ P0 O
- d  u' V& F) x


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