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发表于 2019-10-15 05:48:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
0 G$ ]  [3 i7 {( Y试卷总分:100    得分:1009 }. b0 D; _; Q# _4 E0 T1 Z0 _7 ]2 {
第1,Construct validity is about testing ______., K* c! ^8 Z+ ^7 f! f% }$ X! e2 n
- f6 }# G# [' PB、ability
% h2 R2 i0 f" Y5 F. ~C、function0 J' z5 a# N$ `( h
D、purpose& j" m, _% O% e( f" g; J$ f. H
2 k$ q) G+ Y+ o% F  @! @
$ n$ t$ t; J/ M. x! M
7 K9 @% N7 D, b第2题,Engaging learners in _____interaction in the second or foreign language classroom is essential and involves the processes of both acquiring and conscious studying.
+ e0 }0 l* c$ ?9 T7 nA、meaning% d5 G" N" ^" d1 p& t  \& l, O. i
B、meaningful6 k9 |( u- |+ T
C、mean5 A' j: Y- @/ [/ d
: b& f- Z. u. \正确资料:
- z  l  ^6 V0 H' S) a. C
$ q% ?& t& L1 T! R# G5 {6 q$ h1 T8 J  [2 y
第3题,____is something that can be dealt with immediately and can have immediate achievement
% C4 Q: H1 U* `0 a4 RA、Correct pronunciation. e% U7 M* I. w' ?2 _& f
B、Rhythm3 }# U' \( O8 y4 e/ C! B; a
C、Syllables7 j: v2 S  Q: s* t1 i4 {" b; u
$ q6 F, b3 H! \% X正确资料:2 I* I! F9 Y0 x

* `$ j! g0 C( M
# P+ a$ w- |+ |4 ?3 z% y第4题,The ____ essence of reflection refers to the spirit of democracy and freedom of the human rights which exists in people’s critical thinking.1 W4 \0 O8 k5 g, S4 x! P+ r
A、personal4 `( _" _3 K, S9 r" g9 W/ q! |2 H
; r: y( |( C$ @( b7 M$ _9 S  ]1 m5 @# kC、political
6 Q1 z) }3 d1 HD、social: G) _7 t" f* j, W
9 F$ C; w" F$ ?5 _
3 j( K6 T9 I7 o+ B: @" K3 `
$ h5 ?$ f5 o' ?0 X% ^6 k第5题,Means and ends are connected by____in a thinking process by which our mind actively selects and interprets appropriate necessities in order to gain better outcomes and significant improvement in the competence of our action.
. c- Y6 ^( G0 f4 I" N+ uA、reflection4 D/ P5 h- Q4 m4 {, u9 Q) F
B、knowledge+ j+ |- b! w9 Z0 ^9 E
C、ability8 g+ F$ i/ v3 Y6 Z5 [: \0 V6 m
0 c* G- q8 I# Z+ I, ?7 w6 x正确资料:
0 Q4 x8 ~5 m' T( P- h% g# B# @3 f% ~$ {  M7 z( o$ O

2 _) q" S$ v1 @第6题,Usually the number of ______ sounds in the word determines the numbers of syllable.
- K- e6 c# d4 R3 Q" B3 U4 z2 }A、constant
! t9 [! Q  c+ r! CB、vowel/ R# W3 l+ q4 |
C、voiceless3 {: S. i8 [0 K6 N3 {# u6 I/ p
D、voiced) c: g  D4 O+ B+ N6 b, ^
正确资料:; ?$ V( z% U5 u7 w2 H7 Q  g
( v( z( k9 ~# e- Z# X! H2 f+ l

( t( v, D# z- H/ z+ u7 F( P; Q第7题,According to Asher, the verb, especially the verb in the _____ , as the central linguistic motif around which language use and learning are organized.
" c" w# n0 \" u9 }A、transitive* `# Y7 S. p" |" D
+ o1 l( k* d6 G! VC、imperative
# n; @8 O6 f$ E2 J- r  xD、modal( |0 E9 o* o: Y' ]% w8 _) G
' r* I6 P! }# F. u0 e
% w# M$ P! e4 J6 `
* o7 t3 {+ G7 S$ H第8题,Technical rationality is an/a ______of practice derived from positivist philosophy, built into the very foundations of the modern research university (Shils, 1978).
1 M! k3 K* ~& ?& N8 [0 _A、epistemology
0 Z6 ~$ K0 u9 l0 u8 t$ d$ g) r1 X; C! KB、sociology
' ]8 ], r0 {7 C- M8 i; oC、biology  ]+ n8 W" M& C! c; p0 g5 W
: }% [7 J. J1 @0 Q" W0 B正确资料:
) t0 _* ^% q8 |) y2 E  R
( t4 i% c% n$ D# E! e; ]# h3 @0 |+ E& i
第9题,In studying the relation between fluency and accuracy, there is one point to be sure, that is, fluency does not _____accuracy at all.
0 T/ X. l- `. u2 F4 {A、stress
! x4 Y0 i3 T- x4 I+ D7 }: I* g& ?+ QB、neglect4 O. j* b7 C& i3 g0 z6 d4 F
C、neglecting6 d4 H; _# b6 Z7 O' ^9 j1 c
7 p. n+ P7 c8 o$ N正确资料:! u, |; B& v% x  i& Z8 @; o- [6 c

! U( G6 z/ Z  v; v& o- p: J
4 g4 E6 }  {- ~& I: e第10题,A high-powered software tool, called______, is used for presentation of information in a dynamic slide show format.
5 V. b/ `7 G6 V( j: AA、textbook! }3 |- u; M% j& s& o* F! B
6 v0 L- M: {* o/ ^7 {C、supplementary material9 I6 A! P6 @: C% n
) E5 w; b9 |' W1 I8 q4 L' u正确资料:! z$ P$ n& K. r8 h3 I5 c" r0 M

" j3 `0 V" |7 ]9 B* X; X+ k6 x5 J* V  j7 V, [0 _
第11题,Richards (1971) provides (   )reasons why learners make mistakes./ v* y* n; P0 u) H- }0 s
A、interference errors
) _% H9 G& O" [; Y* X* l) |+ XB、intralingual errors: V0 D4 D; E9 ^2 {5 t6 s
C、developmental errors" E2 _5 e# t6 a0 v1 N1 O
D、linguistic errors7 U) t9 g/ X+ A: u4 r
3 V" [3 {, A' `6 z" H$ Q" d5 a: }0 m$ _! R" C( V

  a6 C* @7 K2 R第12题,The grouping our mind among our intuitive feelings and experiences about people is a process of theorizing our____.
1 c  k9 {7 W) f' \A、attitudes
9 s3 {1 B; r$ m" \2 p6 g+ l& l/ pB、hobbies
" J) g7 s0 `. f, K$ RC、beliefs) m- H! m; B3 }' A) u  Z( b" V
# y$ z5 x5 N; R9 B( h- o0 X正确资料:
  `& T, N0 A! D* ~4 k1 y/ C& L  K8 U" ~4 w) h- D, V* R

9 ~3 c& P, r2 W+ x第13题,_____  are the characteristics of the input for SLA learners.# u8 O, e1 i  g. N4 Z
A、caretaker talk
8 ^" c" B" S7 S& s% ^8 rB、foreigner talk3 ^+ m0 b0 F4 E- y# {# l. e$ \
C、modified listening, ~- x, }8 C2 A7 {
D、limited discourse0 h2 G5 _- e; P/ E+ H: n6 T
* I8 ]5 w. H' \" v' B% W8 L. [
0 P6 K7 I5 y& ?6 z3 u
' a) k. D1 q6 w# C- P3 V第14题,The nature of cooperative learning is______
7 {& z/ m6 h0 c: B: |A、willingness1 _$ z) G& ?2 e) K! y
B、involvement5 o& O$ v; B( |* q/ I$ }/ n
C、balance of personal and group needs3 t4 X) R; {& d9 w# ^
, e2 j5 E, V* d正确资料:
/ l/ g" \& i* Y/ M
) C0 f8 r6 \( C0 M: E
  G' Q. G$ {1 Z第15题,The following      are the failures that the students tend to make when they write.3 b3 C1 P" o; _7 {% _! B
A、to mention more than one idea in one paragraph9 s: S/ V2 V0 E" a3 E
B、to mention the same idea again in other paragraphs6 k& }: q1 F8 u" |
C、to fail to give a topic sentence with supporting examples
8 w  {9 Q- U- z. Y/ J+ o" Y9 Q" i$ A; kD、to use proper words to express the ideas
* e0 _7 _% A& B正确资料:# z/ c- k" A7 Z; b$ Q
- b6 P3 S$ i/ n4 `0 t) o
& b; ~! {3 \9 o* F- N3 D
第16题,There are different types of lesson planning according to its nature and styles:5 R$ G$ _; ?' F" ^6 L, L6 m2 n
A、Mental and written0 R6 h8 }5 Q3 c( C* C
B、Formal and informal8 O2 `/ y$ [4 h7 f4 a% i
C、Personal and professional
8 a& g; ?$ V( Q( DD、Short-term plan and long-term plan5 f. p( g6 x; X8 F1 N% B& ^
1 i! P, g. i5 E& {' m8 E% v. k6 D" S' J
; l! A# W3 w0 [) w  V  E+ H/ ]
第17题,Psychologists such as____provide full presentations on human thinking process from a psychological point of view.
7 C9 M$ U  q  s2 X$ [- T4 R& sA、Rogers
9 B% ]4 ^* }7 t; ?B、Selby% f" A- m) S, h" V
4 J6 ~# j. H6 bD、Kelly
0 O  \+ y, b- n+ `8 t0 F正确资料:" H: H! m  \" K$ N# \% u

+ s  k" g$ L" \+ N; {* v' w5 J! q# W" O8 C
第18题,Hedge (2000:322) summarizes different genres into different types of writing as follows:/ m4 a/ l, U9 t; o
A、personal writing; public writing9 x2 D, i* s' t9 D: \, ?5 _7 k
B、creative writing
" d, z" Q# r: l- x& t0 D5 d2 AC、social writing; study writing) }; M0 E3 f4 d3 D" w
D、institutional writing
; k# B: U8 y  I5 e! g$ N8 m3 @正确资料:
5 L9 u' P& d- `) q- V* u6 {+ H. p( _8 A! D

4 C, Y) k% r, ~3 |% e第19题,The characteristics of good presentation of grammar include _____.% e8 x+ c# `, l$ k9 b; q  ]
A、Being clear
0 g' [& K" u" M2 Y& v% Z$ {/ BB、Being efficient
) H" ?% ~: l: k9 t& [( wC、Being lively and interesting5 l- `9 Y" c! k1 ^+ u
D、Being appropriate
0 I5 D9 L3 C' u0 V0 @0 ~4 |' }正确资料:
& w7 g1 v8 N& g, p1 }. Y% M" j; r: G% k8 P6 }# ]  d) E7 G; |

2 ~, G+ s; k8 w- p( @第20题,The best fluent non-native speaker is usually described as near native. Hence, we need to look at fluency in terms of second or foreign language environment. From this point fluency includes the following _____points important abilities (Richards et al. 1992:142-143):4 @. {) i# D5 @9 s  W' J6 f
A、the ability to produce spoken language with ease;
3 ^; R/ r. }- \; m: T5 CB、the ability to speak with a good but not necessarily perfect command of intonation, vocabulary, and grammar;
$ C; R: c' w4 t3 D7 Y: p3 PC、the ability to communicate ideas effectively;, U9 H5 n4 i' u% w1 Z
D、the ability to produce continuous speech with causing comprehensible difficulties or a breakdown in communication.
) u2 V! Q- B/ n5 |正确资料:- n7 F) j/ l  H  S
( r! k5 f- i" D# y
! s4 `$ c$ [: Z8 m9 w
第21题,Experiential learning activities are of great value to promote reflection by going through the different stages of the cycle.
( ~, w* Q% T# x+ D- t* d8 w( BA、错误' G! R5 A$ q! Y2 U
! Q2 V8 ^0 Q4 o3 g8 ~# I正确资料:
& f, S7 W$ `( [$ y; `" h1 d7 G- X, i9 B5 G5 b3 O2 {$ E. ]

- |$ b, k. I" f) [4 X$ ^; O) M; q第22题,For beginners, word recognition is necessary and helpful. But for intermediate and advanced learners, reading is more than decoding.
5 b# Q, {. ~; hA、错误" ?8 P+ S  ]7 @. k0 F& L1 T- v9 Y
B、正确( F5 m1 C  `+ ]- V) ?7 X5 ~
正确资料:; n4 L. U9 J$ ~0 K8 ?

3 L0 ~# K2 K: K8 M9 s% r/ R! d- j7 Z, B# j1 t1 {
第23题,There are no voiceless consonant sounds." d* X3 ^' E2 y9 o  t5 T! ^
1 G4 Y6 `* X% e% BB、正确/ A& [( @' _: @* L; y' s3 `
: t: R8 R! U: D0 V3 B! m2 k* \2 z. E, G# `1 ~+ ~+ r) Y7 j

3 d) J! f* ?9 ~0 O9 H第24题,Making mistakes never helps learning.7 c) m6 o2 \5 i, w
9 m1 e- s& H: l6 H) CB、正确3 e/ E# K$ k9 T/ I- x8 @& v
  w- f/ p. |: H  i9 w
- Z' T% \& j/ k1 G' `! l) g, R" g5 k# d7 k: ]3 R8 y9 Z- k
第25题,Breath is not necessary when people produce vowel sounds and consonant sounds in English language./ ^( e; v5 y( P4 x1 s
" f- x7 m" o4 w  s" K6 g; l0 ZB、正确
2 w4 k/ U$ I: M, b6 o正确资料:
# f( o. i' d6 T8 L6 {9 q" _$ s* G) M  a6 e

6 p2 `5 O- w2 k( S3 v第26题,As Krashen (1985) presents, comprehensible input does not assist speaking fluency, we teachers should be sensitive and skillful in selecting input materials for learners.2 \) k3 l+ H4 H  |; _  C2 Q
A、错误, U4 U( e* @( s: E
B、正确4 \2 U6 L' J5 i& }7 z7 I- E
; Q+ _" W" Y7 d: t! ?' l2 @  Q# A9 X' v: k2 D  l
3 I8 c+ Y8 o1 b4 q
第27题,Unit Eight tries to describe ‘fluency’ in terms of native speakers and non-native speakers.( D- r, S7 d! y' M. q$ C  {
A、错误7 U% `5 j. V1 H5 k
B、正确7 _- Q$ E" Y* O! ^
. C! x# z$ w7 X9 d% {9 p7 C0 Z2 m" S; u& {1 n' ~

; ~" y/ b# A6 M/ Y0 y第28题,At the stage of practical dimension of reflection, teachers develop themselves by analyzing our performance, trying to link reasons for actions taken in order to find out what is seen as the ‘best’ possible practice./ V5 e" i" I" @* u
7 Q4 K/ V) h5 i" @8 ~* a$ N. ^B、正确
) z8 f3 Y9 S. }% D0 `正确资料:
+ G5 z+ P5 }6 C. f& n* }+ B0 z8 o" N

! W+ m- Z( A  }' P1 U第29题,The features of implicit learning include long term storage, acquisition high and level proficiency.
0 }9 d: u0 x1 F- \  P' D" lA、错误. y- i' ^! g8 E
6 S" h9 M8 d4 x1 N正确资料:
! D2 H, f" `$ k* S) q7 `
# z6 F; c+ l4 T# S, b( L: p) K
" q' {( J' Z* h第30题,Introverted learners learn more effectively by working individually and independently on ideas and concepts rather than with people.6 ~+ C7 ]+ F3 ?4 @  w4 q
A、错误; u2 ~) N3 V! c
B、正确8 e# ]& [! ?; A% N+ @
正确资料:. `2 U5 i: c* k9 O8 a
: s3 M$ |  v# c" t& T, i: A- t$ l+ W# R' W

4 v$ i6 {# _& r, x( m; c第31题,Different types of textbooks are suitable for different learners at different stages.
' N, F0 C  S. V- AA、错误8 r5 ?, u$ |' i) `& Q
/ ?0 x- s8 C, j" ?正确资料:2 ^9 T4 _/ {* {$ t* s: q+ Q

) s/ j. Y( f% P
$ d. t- P5 |9 ^1 C6 t第32题,Reflection fosters teachers’ judgment and autonomy, which is necessary to teacher development.
0 t1 J2 h; q! ]; O1 sA、错误
4 w7 V5 n9 I6 w# T2 E% N( d: `1 ?B、正确
" \% O/ {8 b' K; e# _正确资料:
5 S' h" W* ]8 ]7 T* \
# `! `' r0 h- L- G( S) d- D
& g- J6 D5 y- F6 t/ O第33题,In linguistics, cohesiveness means grammatical and/or lexical relationships between two elements in the discourse (Halliday and Hasan 1976).
2 E: f! k! R" S0 rA、错误9 n, a- |& E* m# H( H( `  F8 J
7 \8 w$ k8 {) ~( }8 j# Z$ d7 G1 N8 r$ R8 N正确资料:
* n( Y, }$ Z  s: C* L5 u9 t
6 l+ ^# i1 D4 J# Z1 E& B* W! s, J) a5 Z, u1 w
第34题,Accuracy of writing is not easy to achieve. It takes years of learning and practice
9 f7 Q9 I0 x( W* Q) gA、错误3 \5 P: {" B! c; w
B、正确' {3 A0 p# e) d0 k) h! L& @! e* J
正确资料:2 m' }+ h0 {; k

/ O( C1 E4 R9 k( Q8 w2 ?$ |7 ?' Z& `6 F7 ?7 f& b
第35题,For Piaget, the acquisition of knowledge means externalising experiences through the physical awareness of the experience or reflective thinking process of articulating and generating personal theories-of-action.4 i: m5 ?, R8 c0 w. Y
A、错误9 u6 v: c% g0 e7 r
( {: K/ j/ u2 |( s; Z正确资料:6 q6 |& |, V2 }; }2 K
8 N, H" b! W) p) A& ?5 G
, n8 K2 y" h- E4 q/ T2 M7 E% v& u
第36题,Teachers will use the L1 to present and explain grammar because L1 is convenient and helpful in certainly and clearness, and there are too many grammatical terms.- V0 ?* G/ I7 G8 b! I3 Z
A、错误7 x: n& l. n1 d9 S9 b3 Q  I, x1 U4 Z
# h( ]- l# X) E+ ]- c' |正确资料:
( w0 j. I' `9 P8 N. n1 a
5 j: p, U1 M* C9 ~3 r% u% v6 F( J# V  K; `- \
第37题,A teacher should facilitate students’ personality development and social abilities to enable students.; L! d! ^3 v! M7 a8 I0 R+ k
A、错误2 i: |: N3 X9 t* ]( U
B、正确- B& c0 z9 k9 Y+ h$ x! b3 J
正确资料:% k5 J+ Q/ ~1 I
7 o) s! h/ M1 Z: v; P  {% y4 e
* C% b1 m" k- Y+ O! A
第38题,Instructional materials are resources for teachers and students to use in achieving course aims and objectives.5 E( |3 C6 x) S
# c. K+ J6 k' |2 n0 T0 q$ `) s: zB、正确
" R6 N" K* Y$ n9 i8 x正确资料:
( R1 A# o& k, r2 c( m' y- f+ H1 f1 N) T# e  v  y; @

8 m; O& m6 T/ O3 A; r9 H( x第39题,Reflection in Kelly’s theory is a thinking process of eliciting and conceptualizing personal theories by interpreting past experience and anticipating future events in a framework of environment.# e0 @% c# G0 e) _6 r
A、错误) j) M! d% [1 |4 Y
B、正确9 r* i5 I' R* m4 G
正确资料:5 v0 K% @, g/ y% v; ?9 R' ^+ ~
0 b( w& ]1 I9 b7 c3 U  D
$ [1 `$ X( f' M
第40题,All types of textbooks have their strengths and limitations for different learners and in different situations.' B4 ]3 m- w8 s) Z7 K5 i
A、错误- g" A) R) X; D' U
; O4 @8 {4 M& N+ v正确资料:# b- d: u9 @! ^. ^, c9 ?- F6 f2 U0 m- k+ _
! X9 G2 w1 l2 o


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