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发表于 2019-10-15 05:49:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ v2 p& ~2 e; ]' t7 W试卷总分:100    得分:100. P9 X" X: c3 T4 a! p& ]2 H
第1,In topical syllabuses, ____form the organizing principle—sequenced by the likelihood that students will encounter them.
% \) O6 G; D2 e& c$ QA、real-life context' m7 g: u7 j. T2 P, z% Y
B、topics or themes
$ i+ W2 V1 F! |8 j& ]C、notions2 a. R5 I+ Q: T! L
9 n- a- u8 ~5 }正确资料:
1 o2 d/ E8 s" O0 Y6 b! t- Z$ z, q/ _3 x; H) ]+ u
$ G+ m1 p4 G2 ]" b, @4 W3 M
第2题,The syllabus is a _____ one with grammatical items and related vocabulary organized in lessons.% }5 ~. B  V! K0 L1 F% s+ P1 }; c$ f
3 p9 W$ l4 C; @B、structural- B' q3 k0 _: |0 m+ r$ d9 i
  Y4 @8 Z. h. T3 `6 S, Z! U4 cD、contextual
' H* c: f- w3 W正确资料:0 A; b2 a9 a7 b' _8 O) o5 y  f* ?
% e* h; F. a% X$ h9 |

; j0 ?0 i: t* M& o$ a& F第3题,A high-powered software tool, called______, is used for presentation of information in a dynamic slide show format.
( |$ r( T2 g4 ?3 G5 e" GA、textbook
$ `2 U! ^+ e, qB、realia
7 j( S1 ^0 p3 JC、supplementary material
! a- U# p# @+ r2 U1 j0 O( BD、PowerPoint
. M# S1 ~. j& Y' u% r4 d' E正确资料:
$ O5 r5 k0 R+ z0 |" V$ c
& {1 Y4 o& K* S2 R1 S, R  x( `- I' f6 B
第4题,_____is the core of writing.
+ [) m9 C3 i3 F( P. LA、speech: u+ D. k! B. f$ W3 h9 j
B、text  X; ]& ^9 Z( f3 k
C、language1 `) d7 z$ m  M) K! \7 u
0 q2 _" J7 t! U' P正确资料:
3 h7 b% @" _. o8 T
  S5 D- @* ~9 V( P; y, A; }/ f: z: b
第5题,The ____ nature of journal writing lies in its process of discovering hidden beliefs and feelings and gaining insights about teaching and living.
& P' m% F7 c! V6 e- pA、reflective& D4 `: s8 t. W# v
# e3 w( E( x* E. k) }( zC、cognitive2 H7 z- D7 ^5 S" g' l; Y$ m
D、deductive% k# S% }3 ^% G4 m7 z( @
/ c5 O& k4 B- e. k5 k
, N& N2 l+ w5 i4 Q+ `& j8 l+ D; q8 y3 E* Y* d2 S0 m+ E  }
第6题,____means the observation of the characteristics of an individual unit — a learner, a teacher, a class, a staff room, a school or a community.
; z; l( p9 L3 V3 kA、A case study' ~( u! E3 O( l  @+ l. U8 T+ j& M
B、Action research
) t" |$ V3 S; x7 U" p. GC、Peer observation/ p, `6 ?. s+ G" D  y1 d4 X
D、Description% U' N2 x2 G, T6 @
正确资料:; g+ N3 W! F' `$ n% P

7 ]4 O2 O/ l6 z. f
7 H6 \, h; J2 @9 a* n5 f第7题,According to Grammar Translation Method, ______ is the basis of teaching and learning, which is analysis of grammatical elements and translation into and out of the target language.
" @+ ~; d4 L- [A、words
9 v% ~7 L2 n: v9 r: X: AB、phrases
$ Q/ N/ _" s) ^. q2 ~6 |! ^' a/ |C、sentences
! Q9 K! H8 u  i' G9 @8 h, C6 m8 M- TD、sounds5 Z, n1 B* a6 F0 t& h+ Y/ v
正确资料:# o; h7 V) y% q( p2 T: `

6 `) B  ^# e: O0 p$ k) ^" d& T1 B0 s' Z) P. F5 }
第8题,In studying the relation between fluency and accuracy, there is one point to be sure, that is, fluency does not _____accuracy at all.
0 K) Z% H7 c6 u: d& z# QA、stress
! U0 {# E& E/ Y2 |6 R% S, DB、neglect) D7 t5 ?: i7 b7 a
  a6 ^3 H0 M6 H$ G. x% FD、neglected
- |0 b4 i) _0 n+ B8 {' l正确资料:
! }3 c5 A1 r+ w! u0 |7 O3 n$ [
( F7 |# m3 H) U. }1 O& f5 c% H
. P5 w% h1 Q- _( p第9题,____ means diagnosing a problem in a specific context and attempting to solve it in that context, according to Cohen and Masion..7 z8 \5 ^7 f# j! y2 ^! D( N
A、Being situational9 I/ I. Y- J/ A6 C" I. @& _
B、Being collaborative, o0 P; Z; g- G2 \, z0 u4 j
C、Being participatory5 P/ M% G5 G; e' c4 p2 k
D、Being self-evaluative9 }9 d" g4 Q% o6 F$ j
% a; G4 x# X$ T5 E: ?  {; F+ r9 Z
; D( @4 I  P2 Y) o' {0 C; d" ]1 b, ^, a! m. R! u9 v! w5 R6 h5 P
第10题,The ____textbooks arrange contents around topics used by people from more frequently to less frequently.) d& a: {9 N! n- f* ~
A、knowledge type" }, P4 W: `1 D( t( L0 E" p& M
B、structure type% P7 b, G' T* @
C、function/notion type1 ~+ {9 L& ~$ L5 ]
D、topic type# s( a" s2 r* u# D% q6 I" M
正确资料:1 m9 ^5 V# @+ n

2 a2 Y4 S' C9 z3 O+ O, b
2 [& ^  Q1 T( G* @# n0 [/ I1 f第11题,When lesson plan are as an assignment, its components include ______" d) ~" W: E  x- x
A、a cover; description of the course$ d& ~) @: k3 f  Z: I( L
B、description of the class; recent work/ p* K7 D) P9 I
C、objectives, procedures
9 [2 M- n5 T& W  i4 ~0 r! V/ PD、evaluation.4 L, \* d  v1 K" t/ g: Z6 u" g
正确资料:9 y3 [( P8 k, B! Y5 h$ j- |3 u  D& S

* {) a7 Q3 P3 U4 I3 `) |3 C2 h8 E* w
第12题,Different people have different views of what reading is. Usually such views can be classified into _____types as follows (Nuttall 1996).# @- ~, T5 x: c: b% C; T
A、decode, decipher, identify, etc;, {6 g: s) ?7 o5 J
B、articulate, speak, pronounce, etc
1 P1 s: |% y5 E2 m0 J4 nC、understand, respond, meaning, etc;- x& |; |2 W- l- v" Q- ]
8 n8 K* `3 c9 ?# t正确资料:
, v+ K( z* `3 e( ]3 b0 G* v' j2 ?! e# y" m1 A0 o4 n2 N2 f7 \
: P" x* D1 W9 y- N
第13题,A teacher needs to be excellent in _____, k7 G: S# g: F  v
  a8 X; R7 d# x6 y! |B、speaking
9 w/ Y- u- M  TC、reading
- [  k  p8 A8 R- U/ PD、writing.
/ R& j1 z1 ]+ d: C" v正确资料:& E" y" P! Q2 |, a% e6 E

7 }1 C! O( M( Z4 u# G7 o. ~4 Z4 [$ L( \2 Q- Y$ \% w
第14题,The reasons why learners encounter difficulties in reading English text could be _____., Y; ~0 h  x9 a+ ~( }( w3 [8 r; b3 ^
A、linguistic level0 R$ A9 N1 J. ~0 @; Y
B、discourse structure5 G6 k; R1 P. G2 G# a
C、background information
( d- E5 a* v, sD、reading habit and EQ) P8 e0 _+ s$ k! j7 _7 U* v
正确资料:% z- S+ w3 v, R% j$ L

' `2 D' W* j( m* ?, o
: u" V7 i  s) G8 Q第15题,The grouping our mind among our intuitive feelings and experiences about people is a process of theorizing our____.
1 }2 M' t2 T2 v3 R; P) j8 zA、attitudes  Q+ V6 o$ c$ ]. N0 U* h
B、hobbies1 a9 ~2 C, S5 k4 j2 O+ k1 t+ b8 M- L
C、beliefs; w/ m3 D) o7 F; F' F2 E+ i
3 m9 D$ C3 M* `# P正确资料:- @7 h- \7 ]4 f* b/ ?: p2 K% X
6 y6 n8 J- Q5 @0 n

& T' t1 I* ^. C第16题,There are different types of lesson planning according to its nature and styles:) ?7 _1 M+ w8 r% R5 y! ~
A、Mental and written' H1 c) z1 P: @" Y( C
B、Formal and informal) P9 T6 n" I" h: Y" G
C、Personal and professional
! e3 {8 x; ~8 rD、Short-term plan and long-term plan
8 [+ t3 J6 i6 t. b, Y" P. i正确资料:
- S  b' R' K, n4 M( j2 ?6 X0 t3 B' m9 g: Q6 h
7 m% `7 k: }  |0 S" `! K/ l! ?* x
第17题,The main features in action research are____8 G4 j3 C5 A8 S! j2 f, l
2 {2 |* G* P8 w# o' z' K5 SB、collaborative
$ }3 u; |' n4 C  PC、participatory+ ?8 y7 `: l% F" `
  C1 |' r6 Q  n" q0 D$ X正确资料:
& O( l1 v8 i; \1 C2 G, _8 ]: v, t- T. p' x

# t6 ?8 g$ b  L5 w3 g+ P第18题,Classroom variety could refer to ____# \: m! W# h4 U6 B: X
A、different activities ranging from listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
" m( D4 G, r: P, BB、a wide range of materials to be used in class.
1 v2 W% [7 x- vC、the adoption of different kinds of interaction" L/ H, S# x/ U2 H5 g3 A  d9 A7 F
D、the activities such as lockstep, group work, pair work, and individual work$ H! M4 W$ }6 t! z- {
$ o2 R8 `" ^# G2 ~4 C
8 ^! a+ g$ e, m. N; c7 l, N
" U7 D5 u: s# O: d  V! I第19题,Qualities of quality education refer to        abilities, for example, discovery learning, autonomous learning and learning strategies; working with others, solving problems, building up positive and healthy personality.- U/ U6 J: D  T  k3 M5 n
5 g9 f9 |  y  J5 X4 wB、social
& L0 E2 r. O& ^/ [C、personality4 w- L/ y6 c5 w7 `4 Y
D、cognitive' @7 ~& [( E: o3 n4 G& e  _
正确资料:+ _  p- H( t/ G
/ U& h9 r8 w. ]+ ]  G
' U6 T+ @9 W+ i, g) U
第20题,____ decides whether you can conduct your teaching effectively and whether you can deal with unexpected events successfully.
; `+ ]: K) Y; Q& N5 P2 P" hA、Fluent English
! H* |( Q+ _& U$ RB、Proper gestures' j" T7 _8 e- q+ H' q( c5 j
C、Lesson Planning2 I5 u/ j9 P- y2 w
D、Classroom management& X: B! J2 r# C* `8 i! r3 m
$ h5 |! ?7 O  i0 M' M
3 e7 a( q! H0 o! [* _+ l+ U: y. D5 A' k+ {3 F& r1 Y
第21题,Participatory feature means modifications that are continuously evaluating within the ongoing situation (Cohen and Manion 1980).. p4 h9 w' V3 B& [4 m& [
A、错误. A5 L$ L+ R. Y
B、正确7 d8 }" e+ ?, M, \$ d
: Z) y( d( |( h  `( ?3 X5 A9 T, T8 v  Z7 K7 h7 O% _
5 B: ~' W- r; r* r) C
第22题,A teacher has  to get him/herself well prepared for each lesson and develop the ability to manage his/her class because teaching involves social and interpersonal interaction.  r) O3 M& L% ^
- }! B' F4 }* @" o1 [B、正确
& W1 l7 m. ?9 v- r正确资料:
9 u" v( ]( L3 X& _! D1 h- L' C0 L% _  }" d, O- V7 X; H# y
8 }( t3 s7 p9 I
第23题,A teacher equips students with capabilities.% w/ }* D: P" ^6 d
- S( {) Y1 V) C9 o: E6 C, vB、正确
5 h9 m, ]2 i/ G. |+ k; F; b正确资料:( N: a( P& w, I

0 H3 |! k0 |3 H
: M0 ~, V# v% O5 F- k第24题,Students who do not start writing from understanding instructions but hasten to come to the next stage will write an excellent article.
* H  t/ d$ V# m8 J% C, w* jA、错误& @# A/ r" C& S4 U
B、正确+ d  j: B) C* J$ b4 X2 [
正确资料:& O: X- a& a0 G6 O& r5 s

) h; e1 x; W3 g7 L. X! x" @, u) d: ~, M. ]' H& x$ y7 }5 e$ H' |- L! a
第25题,The major learning tasks and activities in the Silent Way are designed to encourage oral responses from students to commands, questions, and visual cues.) _& Q- n5 b6 t  R4 R3 j' o; Q
# g; q& c* x! h( A# [1 S/ oB、正确
5 e" ~( K! ^( H5 Z! J正确资料:
1 M7 F& s0 @* I5 {/ n4 O; Q  k& o; C* W$ O; ?, J% }6 O

0 f$ V) m- U. _- G% ?, F! t0 r第26题,The word “go” contains an open syllable.
2 S+ h8 v2 P+ r8 Z% W! UA、错误
5 G' z3 O& x" _$ R0 D& rB、正确& q' O8 h/ }8 O( o
正确资料:+ d- ~: D, B& F) Q
) t" \" \' E2 b8 S& m0 q2 O
/ F+ M0 Y$ X/ g) w  n, j% \# [
第27题,Making mistakes never helps learning.' W; H4 v$ Z! a. E- ?' t7 w
* d& `8 W0 q! ^: s+ CB、正确
) r4 t) e, g8 G; u0 o正确资料:
) w$ r* K9 O4 n% q! {; Q" G/ j' |8 g

, O3 ~6 R- T/ \: v1 W7 i第28题,Explicit knowledge is the L2 knowledge of which a learner is aware and can verbalize on request.& v: N- t" s- q! z  ^5 G" c+ q
A、错误* F1 M5 O  I5 P$ u$ r# X
B、正确, o( _" \7 W& _1 t# S7 ?2 u8 p
正确资料:/ B1 I& b6 x* M: A5 ]4 p5 Z9 H5 U& M7 ^
- m  S- B5 W0 G! h) F8 J

+ G% z5 e1 \! s第29题,The teacher isn’t required to theorize the language experience.
9 p- Z( H3 N0 c5 x8 x1 i2 BA、错误
& v) o/ X1 O5 y: T- X, J6 YB、正确
4 C, V+ z8 W( k* H- G; P正确资料:4 ~+ b; O7 c1 K5 e" [! k6 r
: P/ _+ v* F  P, o" Y7 X
. i5 [* N9 \2 W; Z" Y
第30题,It is necessary to deal with structures and usages so that students can better understand the language
9 N& L) m/ u0 \1 t: S' aA、错误
" O6 n6 m3 E; G+ DB、正确
/ m, j( a! k  O正确资料:; R% i: w  C& f. ~3 v

9 s9 H) n& ]  o* |
1 `3 F4 l4 g% [, @2 j( ~第31题,Extensive learning is to study words systematically.  I9 f0 I! e6 H9 y& h
' \5 j$ H" x4 d' A/ rB、正确
$ ~, i0 a% A5 Z* A正确资料:3 f& `" X, [+ G" Z7 F4 r' S6 e# y

' I4 {, F' O6 X! G
9 P8 @; \- l2 h' K" i" G0 m第32题,Peer observation is a tool to learn from others and to learn from oneself as well.0 l5 @" s3 B& y5 v+ k  o6 D
$ U* Z% P/ s- F1 C2 YB、正确
$ E5 a" L, O( r" d, N正确资料:
4 I5 z% \$ ]4 t1 D' ?
* ~1 M6 K; B8 R4 s# p, S/ ~$ b3 q
( ^3 I  |/ M$ y8 l: p第33题,There are 28-vowel sounds in English phonetic sounds.( i' l. P% ?" ^! T$ N+ ~& L# I
: E+ M2 ^% V. q+ SB、正确* \* Y0 z% q9 b) J' \
# F1 g( A: [2 k) `6 m8 x
2 Z  h' ?! X* i
8 c4 z* ~, w0 Y( p- I9 j+ c第34题,Vocabulary is rich, versatile and changeable.
7 W' V8 Z: s5 B6 i% PA、错误
+ n! v+ i% K1 p# u. C  C7 e: MB、正确/ q* R6 h: k- Q  a, i& o' M; F
1 s8 F, d* l1 v1 u$ j+ a: ^1 T! A$ W- B8 E' t8 n. ]

4 y. Z9 [8 F2 P" P5 r5 a6 ]第35题,Textbooks of function type focus on language usage instead of its use.
- V; E# E  e6 T& W3 Q) X# KA、错误" m+ c% @. w6 S, l: s- Y+ S' @
& ^" \8 c6 {' B% |% d; O正确资料:! x" l% t6 h9 X; o% K
! ]% u, A) |+ E6 q
  b  ^& A. o1 T( q6 L8 G/ e
第36题,A tone unit carried one central stressed syllable.0 |" l: f$ Q* h* I4 W3 ?/ M
( u3 g$ V6 r/ d- D  I" jB、正确
6 q2 T" s0 ~! r) g正确资料:
" j& t. ?4 V5 }; H$ f: p1 P9 h" \2 d! o9 k* i" i4 B6 U4 ^/ t$ b

1 T1 m# d& B! [# a第37题,Reflection plays a partial function in teachers’ continuous development.
/ D- Z* u$ O- \6 h% MA、错误
* W/ Y$ Q) _2 y% r7 W# z4 uB、正确
1 @) T3 g, v- _) q正确资料:) @+ F  a* \+ Y9 _2 j
# D1 }3 A2 u$ c# v+ ~  B. K" b
5 v3 M0 C8 |5 z8 a% r: L8 w
第38题,Objective testing requires judgment on the part of the scorer.# K& x6 }% D' \; D$ O, o
" V/ c+ l  N: J! G+ I9 z/ T6 KB、正确
, Q3 B) ^+ r% B; L& B" A  A5 L正确资料:1 {8 y7 ^, \" {9 \3 l

: L2 I+ m0 A$ v9 d% J* n2 R5 O- f2 K5 u1 K, p
第39题,The repertory grid technique can be a powerful deductive tool used to facilitate reflection in the sense that it generates a list of personal constructs.' W# ?, r8 Y: m: d1 w# a
1 t& N# U0 e) C% I1 HB、正确
( e; y+ W! j. O' j正确资料:) y, n1 R. N2 P
1 l0 g! c7 m3 ?1 W% e
$ X! @' L' a1 f) W. X5 n9 C
第40题,Information accumulated by the listener in previous experience is called procedural knowledge7 J  f/ y, E- ^8 K/ L6 \
( x/ ?8 e! B2 _* R) Q# a+ [B、正确) ^8 ]" M% q" q1 O
正确资料:" R  F0 Z- ]7 O! w- J' M! A

2 u! G( k" q6 V7 J


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