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发表于 2019-10-15 07:52:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
奥鹏】[东北师范大学]高级英语19秋在线作业25 T: n# G5 r: o, z4 B2 [* H
试卷总分:100    得分:100
9 g/ p3 s2 ?* ?% p+ _8 T: Q  Z& k! ~第1,Analogy is NOT used in ________., z/ V/ Y' e2 d& q
A、Good prose is like a window pane.
1 ~& g: V4 o- EB、It is not so with me, to whom sleep is a coy mistress, much given to a teasing inconsistency and for ever demanding to be wooed – “lest too light winning make the prize light.”
, Z# C8 l5 p" P8 o: @. R2 t1 dC、Who would want to remonstrate and argue with them?
6 r0 r. O( F1 b6 C% gD、I stare at the reproachfully blank paper until sights and sounds become dim and confused, …' `0 _$ f2 F! ^  W" w7 h7 M7 u9 n
正确资料:,C,D. R3 ^$ x! O" s0 V) k$ H4 |1 e

7 G9 A0 L0 N) x0 h9 n1 F5 v7 E# E4 W; M) M' Q( m+ x) ?$ r
第2题,Transferred epithet is NOT used in ________.
' T, p9 p$ x  g) u- o5 rA、But there is a man in my office, a Mr. H., who proses it away from morning to night, …
) F/ W6 a/ V; D, Z$ |9 RB、Surely, humor is the saving grace of us, for without it we should die of vexation.8 G" x3 c1 H+ l  \
C、I stare at the reproachfully blank paper until sights and sounds become dim and confused, …
  A8 G( {. d/ ?9 p) v  y$ A+ P/ mD、… and I would pass ours in tormenting sleeplessness.
  w0 z4 C- v9 c+ N正确资料:,B
) V( U; x. B+ s: _& s. I1 w
/ M; D9 l& B% a4 O( F$ ?9 ^' S/ {4 l" r& {
第3题,Synecdoche is NOT used in ________.3 J' ^0 o  f7 s4 E9 O5 Q
A、But there is a man in my office, a Mr. H., who proses it away from morning to night, …
! ^- y, ^% f# k" n& KB、Surely, humor is the saving grace of us, for without it we should die of vexation.
1 i. t4 i+ N/ ?9 F) x$ m7 }C、It would be worse than beating an anvil with a sledge-hammer.' O. w8 g1 k; }) u' c7 ?/ x0 C, t+ w
D、It is not so with me, to whom sleep is a coy mistress, much given to a teasing inconsistency and for ever demanding to be wooed – “lest too light winning make the prize light.”
# {: p& G/ N' N) s正确资料:,C,D
/ G9 L- s5 [" V
/ V8 R4 |* K9 z5 Q( w9 Q; k% m& T
第4题,Allusion is not used in ________.
! I0 L+ y6 H7 s! t/ xA、Who can quarrel with a medium that so brilliantly packages escapist entertainment as a mass-marketing tool?
. X7 a2 y$ k0 Z2 f2 _B、When before in human history has so much humanity collectively surrendered so much of its leisure to one toy, one mass deivesion?
- x" N$ `# w: ?/ J! x: z  PC、When before has virtually an entire nation surrendered itself wholesale to a medium for selling?) _- b1 p! Z$ a# b+ G- r
D、… had bequeathed to us tablets of stone commanding that nothing in television shall ever require more than a few moments’ concentration.
4 b" _: L* L% N& P$ T% q; z7 r, T正确资料:,B,C5 g1 [! R. e% A& _( ^' x' c" `

- {7 [1 R+ t  ~/ f3 K% R( E& P0 a  m
第5题,Marguerite was a sensitive girl and was upset by Momma’s behavior towards Mrs. Flowers.0 ~0 e6 E* [2 V' d
: @0 W' g- R8 q: [% NB、正确5 B2 D! [; {4 ?! ]0 K  n
. i. |& ?2 G$ D; A$ k% h2 L
2 w6 M) @) r, s  _9 p* |# D, G, C0 r
第6题,Besides political issues, rock music also deals with the emotional life of the American people.
9 W9 y5 w4 h8 @! z+ pA、错误% u( Z8 _6 w' J8 Z) C
B、正确# F: b" g" X5 g" B5 r
正确资料:√/ q7 n% z0 {" K& a
' d. C+ O6 Z  @* N% R( b9 e( B
% U: R  H4 D9 q7 j0 ~$ f/ K
第7题,She is not satisfied with the present status of women in the American political world because she despises the tedious and specific jobs.
3 b' S/ x, j/ ^" YA、错误8 k( \- A; K8 X. {$ R
B、正确5 L6 e* ^5 T! [4 B: w
正确资料:( G3 Z5 ~. B! M4 b
2 g* K' `$ T6 B  j
. n$ G/ O4 o2 h- R0 p
第8题,(A Most Forgiving Ape) The mountain gorilla lives in an area up on the volcanoes seldom visited by the local African tribesmen.
- K1 o) r& L8 u! ]4 x7 mA、错误
9 v1 ?, y; p! W2 W1 ZB、正确/ e3 I! g$ @6 t0 V' D' O) p
2 j& y6 [" l: ~# d, O6 z
' q) `1 w* I2 }* }$ R4 v# l7 t- c7 O, k5 X. D
第9题,(Four Choices for Young People) Few unspoiled places remain in our world where the escapists can practice plain-living and high thinking.
& A( h* v/ t: ]* g! XA、错误- L( _- E) y7 ]3 R5 i
B、正确* v" a* g1 m8 R  }
正确资料:√3 B" x! n& r' L* q. ~  W! k

$ t( _4 r8 J1 G0 g; U) ^0 M  z' a
% ^7 V) I+ [- Q. e2 h5 T" y第10题,To amuse herself and to tease her teachers, Clara pretended to waver between Arts and Science.
' y( B% J5 T. oA、错误$ A8 z( o/ D$ E# \
B、正确9 b7 s& Q% L2 n: Q! [" L
! T' G5 l, X( ]& ?% V1 l
2 C1 c1 K- F6 V! B
) d; G" ?1 u* M* E8 T2 `第11题,British high school students wore uniforms provided by the government." ?- B9 R7 L+ v( r0 U2 `
% v+ B* M8 D( D5 P+ Z' _' GB、正确
0 k& t5 E4 i. P% O8 C. ~正确资料:
7 }3 g5 y/ |) k& T# \
) {$ T; f, S4 P  A# e" N
, n* v3 [1 i; Y- @+ V第12题,(What to Listen for in Music) “The fateful hammer of life” is a precise description of the first main theme of the Ninth Symphony.0 Q. R* l6 x+ z
A、错误; \( a* d! v0 j0 t. ]$ H  S
  e) b+ r' [& {# g6 L正确资料:5 X$ z6 I4 {, X! X
# b, X; C/ f* h* b
6 T4 M+ S1 {. \- {6 R0 e$ s( B
第13题,Though the infliction of pain in itself is an evil act, it requires no justification if it can be done for a good purpose.# Z3 {& g' T! a, M2 f: h4 r
A、错误$ Y- Y  R+ [9 R+ @. l2 V$ x
B、正确5 v! y' N  D* \; v
正确资料:1 n9 W8 j, ^/ }: ^7 b$ ^$ S
; Q  _1 u8 q2 K2 W8 w+ U
) u& Z( U- T* w$ {
第14题,(Vivisection) Protest against vivisection used to be strong, but today no one dare show any opposition.% I3 B3 m2 q+ g
A、错误; u! `. o" P9 |" p
B、正确  H1 c: C/ A  M
正确资料:, t) ]" D+ G, z3 O3 i9 N
/ o  W( T# G3 e6 r& n- l8 H7 l

9 D- s( u' E" e' w第15题,Clara had a peculiar taste of the physical world around her.
* R& D, w% q- [$ U; GA、错误. `& _. b9 U1 f# ]" K' e& U4 |& V& a
B、正确. I" N4 p2 C+ n7 p1 w& i$ a: H+ t( I
: n- U# M) q0 E
% V8 Q- ~) G# S' j0 q1 u: I5 {; V2 U; b* w, t# O
第16题,The teachers of the school were equally respected and loved by their students.% _% P1 d4 X; Y  Z
A、错误9 D6 }% s0 h2 S2 {
B、正确0 Y9 M* Z  M7 h: K, h4 ~6 g& V
正确资料:4 `9 h3 `1 h9 {- u* D  a9 o( j" \
/ m: c% ~/ h' C/ x' n8 X

  O2 t+ T  \/ P9 u3 r6 N第17题,It takes no effort to be an ideal listener, as we can do it instinctively.
: d( m# |- m* E- [9 \, W) YA、错误! W4 ~0 {2 T4 T, z
B、正确6 f6 m2 m0 L/ O4 c
正确资料:# z  s* z! o: U; ?7 ]
% T" d) E. d' |: D9 i! _1 t) |3 a; [
. v+ |3 n2 J% o9 g. _
第18题,According to Orwell, all writers, even writers of railway guides, have aesthetic considerations.
3 F( ^" {8 S% u; NA、错误3 p7 ^& @2 r# {2 P
B、正确* |2 \# }; m, A
正确资料:! @3 g0 c4 o* M& G5 f* B

* U9 h2 Z! X$ ^% Z3 c( i5 ~7 B8 ^
第19题,(Rock Superstars) To become a rock star seems to be the fastest way to fortune and fame.
" o$ d* {( V& m2 q+ vA、错误3 x/ b# ~7 a1 J: K3 `+ _
5 r. @9 o( E6 l4 M+ _; w: i3 v4 N正确资料:√
8 t+ J* G  V/ R% V+ U" @7 s0 g/ }4 w  j, t

. N! W9 u8 {3 n第20题,The more lovely a musical piece sounds, the more value it has.
6 o1 d8 f0 ]) ?2 f  {5 sA、错误
. s% v( G5 r2 b# k* @( IB、正确! s; H8 [. q) X" A3 r
$ P0 ]  e2 M0 n1 E# o1 [5 K) J: b" y9 q* E

/ I/ X4 y. i2 W, a5 K8 v第21题,Many elderly Americans do not enjoy a satisfying late life because the society itself is too harsh for them to live in.) Z* y/ j, I7 A! _
! u- O: `4 }6 j2 T. }* c+ n# JB、正确0 R; ~9 J2 W7 \( X: ?# a' ^, b
! b7 m$ X+ F/ H* I$ g9 c2 S( m5 D. B* g# v
+ i$ l9 Y. e- l( r' H
第22题,Mrs. Flowers understood Marguerite’s feelings better than Momma did.
4 k( z4 f+ U: J0 ~A、错误4 F+ _+ R1 y" K* j# c2 \
# c5 x* {7 J* ~2 Z正确资料:√9 }1 @5 Y, p1 h5 o& l* f. P. ^

# |7 j* n- Z! x% Q7 j! x4 Z0 O/ }  k' Z% F! E7 F. a1 U8 a& [  B4 w9 F
第23题,The American public is not well aware of the adverse effects of television.
, @, g+ ?5 p; P1 I6 e. c3 bA、错误
. H$ c: [. m. a- E% K/ BB、正确
( R5 L2 D4 x; a正确资料:√
+ Y; k1 T4 [! B1 k' F! \. F. y# @
' A& K0 N* O2 z. `4 ]" d$ D( T- G! w& o- i" ^8 L
第24题,Priestley doesn’t think he has an iron will, and he is not sorry about it.
- k/ d7 R# {5 d7 T( |% mA、错误, ~- A0 M$ H; N, {0 f5 o) X
B、正确0 B6 f. n# p! [) U
正确资料:√$ E1 M% Y4 x3 i7 |+ S3 R4 Z# B' B; i; g

! H4 s" K) b$ y/ i7 w* p$ J
( O% P& r$ |0 j/ a. _  W4 m第25题,Priestly doesn’t like Lamb’s letters.
6 L, i/ t5 z' Z: p5 i% OA、错误% a+ Z) ]* \! ?8 p: Q
B、正确( E! |  {* |9 k
正确资料:" G% u( g0 r: O! A( R$ O; K: e) V

, ]& D- Q8 k8 d  O! M. i
, ~0 c* e. F2 P' w第26题,(A Lesson in Living) Mrs. Flowers was an intimate friend of the family who frequently came to chat with Momma.
  X( L7 J5 a6 K* r2 v0 [& XA、错误
* ^6 o3 u! D, ?B、正确4 J# S/ y% ^. j9 |2 R
正确资料:% S8 P  s7 m: f& u

/ k6 M" Z5 Q. o3 X
4 w4 ^1 O( t1 }第27题,(On Getting Off to Sleep) Priestly doesn’t think he has an iron will, and he is not sorry about it./ X9 f' @; X& l& f3 R4 @
  `/ V8 I- B- b/ h- [B、正确
5 |7 x6 p+ E4 L: e& K1 O/ f正确资料:√
2 E' _, V" H. z; J: Y
" Y5 \  h( q* t! B1 b8 N& {( n( ~3 f  _) W
第28题,In New York, and in a couple of other cities in the U.S., the newspapers have ceased to play a significant role as a medium.
" z6 {) Q4 ^. |6 Y; Z4 B( u2 E* {* FA、错误
2 Y6 Y8 Q5 i: N: LB、正确" O. k8 v; J( F8 ^
正确资料:+ h% P' o" J, S$ x9 D
$ e& W) u; U1 }0 w/ l

! \2 \$ ^1 g1 ]7 h( i' I2 I第29题,(The Spanish Bullfight) A priest prays for the matadors before the fight.
/ \" _) n+ B, oA、错误
$ w6 t1 _5 }, p# v5 WB、正确
6 A# h* b/ R+ K& P, _# `& ~9 F正确资料:" a" U) d3 P; u( c( o5 N
% n; ?8 A& I% i( I, L

( T2 m! K* u# \) C& Q第30题,Priestley thinks he will become more famous if people know what is in his mind when he is sleepless.  a$ e2 i' \6 H9 K
( s3 ]7 E; F& A6 R9 JB、正确/ x1 k+ U6 a) R4 k1 S
正确资料:/ ~/ d  g: Y8 z' D' ?' q* C

" }- {  H% x) L; r: g
! E- q0 _" [: \0 A% Z4 I: I第31题,(Science Has Spoiled My Supper) The most notable device of style in this essay is hyperbole, deliberate exaggeration for effect.% L  D# R  {* V3 @4 ?: V
A、错误7 G# P4 [. A& Q7 e
8 q8 k+ u$ a, t3 K/ b正确资料:√- a9 R+ f' L2 `$ W" t* b" @
- P# |( ~4 c- j! s+ z
2 P( a- w+ d% |+ a0 a/ F" u$ v+ V
第32题,(On Human Nature and Politics) Even gods love to be praised.
% @; V9 g5 Z' o7 e1 BA、错误; H! v9 P% x' o0 \9 \
B、正确3 X0 @8 j( H+ Y2 z4 \
正确资料:) t- F9 A* \# h+ k/ v

6 {+ q8 K) C8 _8 j' }
& Q8 H% h- B4 `9 P" ^6 a$ r第33题,According to Jim Binns, young people today are ever more conscious of the “generation gap” than young people of the past.( k" K8 l3 s, I9 L! a2 m5 D: j  F
A、错误! Z. L  j  J  @1 g
B、正确. b. I% J2 {2 d8 j8 ^
正确资料:√+ N2 n4 q, G4 j( `
5 I1 g& g' e# h* m4 k
( x3 X# L" }$ k/ {) G/ t, f3 d! g
第34题,(The Trouble with Television) The American public is not well aware of the adverse effects of television.
( H( Y  E0 Q* I# p) wA、错误5 u! v* e# _3 |2 }3 z
B、正确9 J3 |% w8 o$ [% Y
正确资料:√- A4 o1 U# @; o

' b/ h2 {- ~) ~5 R4 b# z  J2 ~/ W, o- I( s
第35题,She thinks, however, that most white Americans are now truly aware of prejudice against the black Americans.) O$ Q) J; H  H* l3 T
' I- M0 j8 c' e: N. I) LB、正确) A4 m6 E4 k/ v7 G% |, h8 K
; _7 B$ _# h+ F- I" T5 g
/ y- t4 @# q; c8 F- ?; y3 l- S1 A9 J' r
第36题,Protest against vivisection used to be strong, but today no one dare show any opposition.( z$ \5 M" v1 F+ W/ J! h9 n0 N
! j  z: e% \0 [! p; R+ S& W: FB、正确
. q% r) D9 X- F6 h+ A) v: Z正确资料:8 o6 x4 y  |/ |1 h
2 E3 }. h; A( R
1 g; o, T" V% i! l# h/ h
第37题,To the author, the best thing that shows how a man is full of contradictions is the matter of sleep.
; r3 {  e7 A5 Q& b+ ^7 UA、错误
+ x. z! W" E' L2 o, q/ [0 LB、正确
8 t. p# ?: W5 I" m' ]5 u正确资料:√7 H1 ]: N2 S, T$ G' e
$ k) Y, k8 ^: F% S

; S2 n" M1 ~6 ?第38题,(On Human Nature and Politics) The condemned murderer is displeased with those newspapers that make a big noise about his trial.
$ l9 A) E2 P; Q: T* T  n9 dA、错误
2 `) L5 n' k; g4 WB、正确+ W) s, t4 C# t$ i* E6 R
& i& Y- S) o- F5 a$ K$ t
6 G! g: g; K0 d1 v( U5 ?. |
4 J5 J( U2 ]& `0 U' Q* u/ F3 F第39题,An American is exposed to about 10,000 hours of television each year on average.
$ Y" ~7 {' i* mA、错误
2 t& r$ ~9 j) U6 T5 W' i, g( e& o8 qB、正确, d' F0 r2 |& z
% g: U$ a3 Q3 I8 H. r! v8 W
, }' a  G( t" m7 ^. T# j
1 l) N7 z) P  S8 @6 c+ T% {) l第40题,(I’ll Never Escape the Ghetto) Racial climate in England, especially at Oxford, remained relaxed until the author wrote this article.
+ M& ]  d% D6 S6 N) C% j) C7 PA、错误* e" |$ O9 U0 O! V# g* Y$ v7 y
B、正确4 L4 _; `8 G" m" t# d8 p: F9 D
9 q/ G8 N: k9 r/ q& {
6 j/ u4 ~8 F* i% z, m5 K


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