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发表于 2020-3-26 20:04:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
奥鹏】-[南开大学]《电子商务英语》19秋期末考核; ^, r) F+ m. T& t
试卷总分:100    得分:100
6 m# z3 a# p, \5 R1 e第1,Firewalls typically run monitoring () to detect and thwart external attacks on the site, and are needed to protect internal corporate networks.
, Z; K; c+ s, H" K% f" dA、software/ e: E. Y  W: I3 @, `2 m% Z
B、hardware0 Z# f9 s1 t( u) R" V& N# W! T
C、operation system
( j6 c5 f2 p, l" ~) a) ZD、internet
0 G. u+ E# i: @4 p正确资料:" X4 d4 I2 J& e; W3 n0 o
# E' s% d- c/ g8 z9 ?

, t; Y* o) e5 G# D$ V. l7 ]第2题,The Web is a large system of ()  that offers many kinds of information to anyone on the Internet or to a lesser extent on an inter-/intra-network." V' m! f: i9 Z
; p% W8 i" g* HB、telnet: n. D& P3 A/ M7 v& Q6 `
) a; A. r2 N  ND、modems5 l3 ^5 D- f+ n; E. C" @- a
正确资料:; U3 l  T9 c4 k+ ~

5 q- H  m' x' d, u+ w
% Q# g& D. F7 ^$ J+ l第3题,(  ) are market-makers: they bring buyers and sellers together and facilitate transactions.7 a$ {0 t) V7 y+ D* `, e) z
A、brokers3 ]* ^$ `# Z9 i
B、enterpriser5 t6 P+ h. Q% F0 p$ m
C、human resources departments/ R0 h- s" O9 }4 |. k
D、enterprise leaders
  }2 e! @- L/ |6 ]正确资料:8 L; t$ ]/ D4 p& ~4 c! S
1 ~- v" V* Y- G" M9 ~
  X6 o$ c3 z7 M8 f3 s4 U4 ]
第4题,The new logistics strategy requires the support of the relevant (  ),for computer provides brand new manners to process the traditional task.
4 f2 y% K: ?. q4 ]. ]1 C; F5 I, SA、firewall0 s" }7 z4 q. R4 V) d) m  R
B、logistic software7 U' t( ~. {) u: o
C、ERP3 f' B9 z" P9 @! h2 B0 G
( g4 i: V& O7 l3 z; f' c6 F# k9 z0 Q正确资料:
1 l% F% P$ g/ J! Y+ K/ b6 X8 J- H) y1 h( u' g) y

6 L' q8 f" y' H$ R3 U, s# t第5题,()is a point of entry to the web, usually a search engine that includes diversified content or services.
8 [  T. Z  j% T; L( |5 H; eA、portal
9 a% a% X' W% Z* L7 V& cB、classifieds
) ~6 r2 i% M" Z6 g/ lC、paid placement* j" y" s  w2 F& @7 F
D、contextual advertising
, ]* l' P7 p/ a4 Q! G正确资料:5 ]" ~; ~3 `- x' j9 P

9 y0 g2 y! f; L* c1 c# V1 d7 s3 T* u' g! f% {! j: Z" }
第6题,?Members of Internet-based supply chains will need to evaluate their security needs and employ ()and other  electronic security tools to protect confidential data.1 G8 z5 @8 }* l% U3 T8 }0 O1 q
A、patents  q% |3 i9 \$ k- O: |% L$ M
, F! V5 ~( E. |; \C、telnet
  Z7 D+ v6 B" M1 nD、encryption technologies
/ i% l8 v6 e; v2 p3 J正确资料:
6 M9 d- @1 }6 b" ]& g: e4 N* a2 [$ z) n

! v- {" I  Q3 a* Q5 ]. V3 i第7题,()is the flow of intermediate goods and services from one business to another.9 S" d' v! a: {" l
A、EDI  i( k/ ^) b! n) G& G7 s3 }! v
B、the supply chain
& U" T6 u3 I" g; [4 uC、EC% ]5 P. w) C6 |
D、TPN4 z: l$ y7 C0 S0 E. `3 ~" G/ |3 V0 x' f
+ s0 t$ ?, E+ o3 K; F- D+ ^( @/ I4 m# C. p4 j' b$ g! i6 z

' a7 G8 r+ W4 D' Y第8题,?Regardless of their basic purposes ― B2C or B2B ― virtually all EC sites rest on the same (), communication protocols, Web standards and security systems.
- X$ E) t! G& ^' \A、informaiton
1 n- R, e. H+ t2 lB、patent, b2 i! Z+ g0 g& r4 E
C、network structure
% _% I4 h% c6 P0 [6 _D、contract( {( [) y$ X! @! c' t7 [
正确资料:" Q$ l( U9 F& r# D' ?& r

" s; G1 a9 e' S$ I, _7 O# e, h. |
2 |( s+ A- ~0 N6 ?第9题,E-commerce was first developed in the (), x# G' U6 y/ l) p9 u2 a1 n9 I
7 W7 k, u, o2 M# B3 ~/ r. [) uB、1970s
1 P  G% F' h% xC、1980s/ C+ @( a5 Z/ {
D、1990s/ G/ Y* m# y: w# c
7 A0 @' B$ z/ E4 F: y9 s( O5 P# _- G6 J1 n3 u
* a6 j. ~. t: n' O
第10题,() is the financial institution that establishes an account with a merchant and processes payment card authorizations and payments.# {" j& e: L2 e1 d2 h1 G0 v
6 N5 P$ a5 B7 xB、Electronic Wallet
5 S; u7 B; ^0 |5 n! OC、An acquirer
& v$ x: F0 d5 x- X+ @. @' ^D、A payment gateway
- p: @) D$ O0 d- l" j/ T$ W正确资料:$ D/ Z) ~: B2 ^6 x9 _6 ]

  q8 u8 ^4 R  o$ w/ B; R2 d. P$ X, u! F! z5 u% r. ?; L) Z
第11题,The supply chain is the flow of () and services from one business to another." e7 A# h9 l. l4 F
A、money$ j7 q* n$ Y/ ]: g6 S+ t1 K
B、intermediate goods
0 @$ z+ l: X3 q/ A3 pC、EC
% {: |# ~. I" @, U! j) A! N) xD、TPN
5 _6 N! I7 C# Z: @正确资料:
* B4 ], H* g4 \7 ]- V4 Z) N' q8 Q4 q  P- f# z3 k  E. Z

/ ~4 ^9 T: h% L8 i& [第12题,EC set a high demands on the responsiveness, flexibility, visibility,and optimization of().
7 L( O3 x, w  GA、sales activity6 ?; k8 \8 |. a: X4 n0 M! |
B、tractions. r1 O! n# O& [9 ^6 i: i
C、security system1 b1 G9 d3 m' @' D' h% G& J
D、logistics service
! ~+ C# n% O1 F8 X正确资料:
# W1 H7 u3 k% r+ c. T4 O0 ^' C: O6 @; k+ ~, a

# L- y4 a( P6 A+ P0 H第13题,() is a key factor in successfully moving products through the supply chain.
. v  T+ \: B  m4 K9 b* I% FA、Information management! K) `8 G4 g' _
B、information opening  x$ z* d4 X7 m) S( R
C、information sharing' j/ A! v+ a) K9 Q
D、information flowing- O4 J9 Z/ h* ^9 T: n- C+ r
E、none of them: b2 Z9 `  A: I* P  S: Q- s
正确资料:1 A6 ]. S: v/ Y3 x3 r) _

3 |" H# I7 G6 y4 `/ x
" H' t% X' j. m第14题,On the Internet, a () is a site that consists of links to other websites.
/ q7 n/ w; d: R* kA、password2 B" I5 v& P4 Y
# Q1 \& D8 _$ M7 rC、portal
/ P/ ~. h% _1 Q9 x2 ~D、strategy" K( K  j4 L3 r  q  `
3 Q2 L' e/ |7 \3 T  H9 E. C& |
) D  a6 C  y% L/ v( l- D& y1 G3 U9 b1 z$ o: n- s& F6 X$ X& Y
第15题,TPN refers to()& p" b# X7 G7 ]
A、Trading Process Network Post
0 _- y4 Y0 R/ ^& s& EB、Trading Price Network Post
4 O0 T! b* H) eC、Trading Price Net Position; K, e2 ?0 _5 K- D( T
D、Trading Process Nigation Post
: v* |1 v! x/ K$ Y0 v! M, _! A正确资料:
4 k' |& P/ R; ~3 j" L- t. Q& v' M: \  n

( m+ r# P& }/ X第16题,In considering the underlying infrastructure, it is important to keep in mind that () is not the real key.. P; }3 _6 U1 j* {
$ [- @3 r; u6 G, E  }B、service
" t4 a+ j; i2 T* ]C、sales7 R) p( X8 u, i% x/ C" U- b
+ e; z' `4 z! W$ Z正确资料:* C" Z! {+ f6 A3 t: P% b& W7 p; d

  g/ N: y" k# A1 E& Y# K" p( `* _# l9 A: H
第17题,To B2B EC, the focus of vendors' competition has been turned from the products to ().
5 E7 |9 F' r, W$ \$ M# `A、profit( l  w. H% S# O2 f. K
B、service5 K$ G+ Y+ E) @7 d" ]3 a+ N: Z
C、low-cost* D" R! ^2 _: L4 R7 r4 K( j/ J5 w
* o+ C/ u+ Q2 \3 B4 m正确资料:
8 ?9 G3 o* i0 y3 _" X) a2 @/ w7 d  r& y
8 E  Z1 m% {1 E" I0 z, a& B* s; }: Q$ z* I8 ~6 d
第18题,Manufacturer model is also called ()
+ F) t: S; R& u; w' U) W2 BA、a direct model
1 X/ m& W( v* \* G' N. ~, MB、e-tailer6 ^( O$ a# l) G! Q1 Z" o# J) H
C、catalog merchant
; {; C$ {6 R! d7 y- QD、Bit vendor6 X) y% S' Z; l3 Y+ s  r
. ^* v! V/ t1 f! Y5 T0 G
) K8 J; p: A+ O& k' _7 A
1 K, d5 v6 q/ M- r7 b3 C第19题,Firewalls appear primarily in two flavors: application level gateways and ()  w- a+ k) G" j6 P
" B; p# n/ |: i, hB、extranet- }1 E8 @3 \7 l+ c5 V. R0 d1 Z
C、software9 w+ {" @' C- |; U7 v/ I6 _
D、proxy servers
+ E  h' [0 s* }正确资料:
6 v, `5 r# p2 j3 a9 K/ r7 p' u0 y& w0 I

) L+ C- H3 W- i' n' o( k0 K: G第20题,A search engine reads its () of sites and site information around the world for particular items searched on by users.7 \0 O- m. z5 p
$ O7 R/ e0 T. \. }; `B、database+ x7 z; {; \$ o3 F
6 c3 G* Z. }% w9 D$ @% n. S) @D、password
, f. I" h3 O9 W$ q4 X" S9 t正确资料:7 s) w( E0 c  n. C$ M9 {* ?; A
- F6 A7 u  Y6 L' m4 m4 f* u1 G5 X
+ q3 r: ]9 I/ P7 I+ H5 ^5 h
第21题,EC creates the customized new business model and set a high demands on the () of logistics service5 i5 C& }) O. C9 G
A、responsiveness( _# @9 H0 {$ L2 p8 f! T
6 ~6 @- p6 `! V% W6 pC、visibility
3 o& z% `0 `+ g9 e, N# ?4 zD、optimization/ `; e& {8 ]" A0 X
正确资料:,B,C,D( C4 q" |/ g" u$ D& U3 u0 {2 j
9 Z6 v7 P* v" x' o. e

3 t! A6 n3 i" _- G. Y第22题,Data about () and their  () are valuable, especially when that information is carefully analyzed and used to target marketing campaigns.
4 A+ i' t9 J& z' Q. S; W& NA、consumers
  i+ _7 C) f/ g! n0 vB、market situation6 t2 W. D3 V  I$ v$ a
C、consumption habits: j4 F/ B# p7 t. B  ]: ?
D、buyers# O3 Q7 d7 F  }+ B; I+ J0 }1 G
" R) F( O; U2 W* t, g
  n% T# E1 e5 |- W  Z; @
3 g/ f. V. J( Y+ [+ i2 X3 h第23题,Members of Internet-based supply chains will need to evaluate their () and employ () and other  electronic security tools to protect confidential data.
4 T1 T* E, D3 \$ {( L$ Z; v0 H( JA、security needs' c" c, ~0 D1 v. C
B、encryption technologies
1 `. L4 s0 R$ lC、patent
$ E1 A6 F- M$ N" q# cD、firework' \: j- q6 p; s1 n$ f
正确资料:,B2 G; n. R: K3 d, P7 P+ z

# C& X8 e( m( F) w
  c" @% @. d5 }3 d0 u第24题,all EC sites rest on the same().8 @) R& F) ~! U' F/ H, i
A、network structure: Y8 @7 b) w& @/ O9 [
B、communication protocols' J0 ^$ R+ C- e0 d5 l
C、Web standards
3 u3 u2 P2 I( _% z3 s( {; ID、security systems. d8 o* K) @0 ?* e, c) F7 [
正确资料:,B,C,D) k+ c$ C* N4 |, x1 f# x
9 \& n( a: ~6 ]2 r: q* K* S5 c) F6 Q
9 I0 l; {# G8 s" n' Q4 @$ s  J9 N
第25题,EC can be prosperous because of()
, e+ H( n4 `+ R6 ]% f5 S4 {A、wide use of computer
/ w$ D! f9 ^4 u( y0 [3 V$ @3 gB、maturity and wide adoption of Internet! Q0 e5 f+ |7 w
C、popularity of credit cards
9 @( R! [! |4 x+ Q. \. g. UD、secure transaction agreement
, p$ k4 Y0 H1 o2 ^, Q- O正确资料:,B,C,D
. f+ R( B" I& x8 s3 q" ]
2 s0 z" G' B; r" q3 x
! a, \5 R) U* {6 s) v1 h第26题,If you need to access information and know where it is on the Web, you only need to enter the entire www address into your browser's Uniform Resource Locator (URL) field.: s7 z5 a+ T; C$ T  ]
A、错误5 ?3 q- T" X7 A- @7 [1 i
B、正确9 n; c9 w7 T: [
1 l5 }$ k. c9 C# O$ `. T2 O
' z- p3 C3 b3 Y) ^, y
0 d; q( k7 b! O+ }0 W# X; s& {第27题,From a web marketing standpoint, one of the difficulties you face when you offer a number of products aimed at different groups is to facilitate the feedback speed to visitors quickly and move them to their own sections.2 ?& d5 E0 i+ S2 {1 ]' \$ p! Z
/ b; o* `% B0 J0 l% eB、正确% a9 a. r* w3 ~6 Z7 z
正确资料:4 I+ P7 \/ P+ `' g7 N' G& f) f

% h2 N& v) ^4 Z% Z8 C7 z) Q, I) x' o  {& Y
第28题,When dreaming up ideas for your e-business, keep in mind that everything sells well over the web.0 Z7 @! T: W; q$ \0 _4 `3 O
1 K$ }6 q; \% x- F2 s- N- B, ?B、正确
7 v; P: R4 I  S6 F. }7 Y- T) I" x& W正确资料:" P" E* s# N# {" b
0 G$ y' f9 }$ [8 V9 o/ v8 _

) a: F' f( a  C3 Y+ X" C" P  W第29题,Brokerage models include marketplace exchange, content-targeted advertising, bounty broker       and. information exchange agency.8 f2 D$ v1 J6 n  V
A、错误! l3 M" f% _% c
B、正确2 I: s+ K- v& Q* W
7 c4 r5 B4 E; `* \: Z  v( w
+ b6 X* k: O* W& s, j8 O
7 f/ i0 j4 m% e  k$ m: l第30题,GPRS can not charge the user per data bit of information sent and received.  Y% O5 x7 I4 E$ R; }# @( c7 }
A、错误2 `0 U3 e. @# \, U3 [: ]# _
- D( w% W9 T9 L* J2 x+ i2 }- L正确资料:2 V0 l3 _5 V: x, o

% m  ?3 C( J* _' F) ^# d5 G& w1 H. F
第31题,Mobile commerce is any transaction, involving the transfer of partnership or rights to use goods and services% b2 p% M* w" E# e
! y6 W/ z; g) t: AB、正确
) G" a' k* k3 c) M( I正确资料:
' D  W* C% J; J
2 D( M) d7 Y, E% M. @$ u
2 p! ]1 \% z# H! R第32题,Metamediary model can facilitate transactions between buyer and sellers, and it get involved in the actual exchange of goods or services between the parties.- U( _+ U0 w1 T: }8 w" H
4 A* T% m& }/ _* }B、正确5 \8 ?: k7 O" D  v% R" N" V5 [  N
正确资料:. N7 }) M' q, y" P7 e/ i
% n2 s: V& a: B; {. P- i

, D2 f5 T: C! v* I) W第33题,To participate in an EDI network, each member must maintain an EDI translator to convert information to and from its computer language into the common EDI language.
% i/ Z4 F+ T1 X" O- vA、错误) r* W0 f1 ?: W' {! j
  Z( J: r$ k# m正确资料:( H& F$ Z* S+ W( S
$ Z# y' j4 ~) H, O' w2 H

# r" T) b5 `" ^- j3 W7 d  ^/ T第34题,Despite their limitation, however, these systems may eliminate---or significantly reduce---the costs that companies face when using privately owned electronic networks, making it difficult for smaller companies to afford EDI.8 i) m5 |8 q# {4 m6 y
A、错误8 p5 n1 G% j/ x; ~1 W) B
B、正确8 e3 z5 h# B- L* B
4 e, x" C% T& i3 j* l! A7 M- H( H
9 F2 ~7 O  e# p7 E5 V2 V4 I! U! U$ q+ [
第35题,Two levels of network policy directly influence the sales, installation and use of a firewall system.
' ]( W9 z. ]4 k2 M7 h5 v6 IA、错误5 U& n% t( b6 o' x6 C+ m
+ `1 y# Y* U9 }正确资料:; [4 o4 m& ?$ j- _  V
: j6 Q8 X, S/ S: v1 t

1 G/ |' G2 B2 ~) p# }5 u! k第36题,What are the major benefits of B2B?
  j# Z7 g( e2 d0 ^, L正确资料:
; i, a- n; _6 `* Z# h1 I* \' O$ e, Z2 Q
/ Z6 o* N9 h! `- y1 R, R) A
第37题,What are the industries affected by M-Commerce?
7 q: n8 s7 u/ p+ B正确资料:
' L6 k! Q$ W' a. O& w' S6 ^$ S6 _0 k
: s- _  ]! Y  W/ q' i+ w
第38题,短语翻译(英译汉):online tracking% I& d4 Q! G' ^4 e
& n- k' }2 w/ v. C6 R. W, t7 n' `: J% |: @8 @3 X+ P

, J; A. \/ G' \1 U7 v6 X; ?  i- V第39题,短语翻译(英译汉):banner ads' I0 K  F$ o1 e$ M4 p
7 `* X6 c5 h( C4 c" C7 Q, b2 u! N8 G3 M8 _. y7 o

& e/ {; j  Z9 P* N8 b6 P9 T第40题,短语翻译(英译汉):joint ventures0 u! N7 F6 B" p
& Y! h3 k# ]2 o" U2 b, t# n& E7 c2 e+ i4 }" J7 r) w
" r3 F) L" _- m$ J8 r
第41题,短语翻译(英译汉):direct marketing:
9 T6 V4 E; F4 h2 S1 a正确资料:/ ?6 a% C5 A, H2 m% H  g$ f3 i
) w& V+ I& U/ A0 t* A
6 A: G1 q, y* \$ b
第42题,短语翻译(英译汉):electronic media
# j1 k, t7 E# z( h6 M5 J正确资料:
  x; J. k7 m: y" P' z0 k: x, A
2 Q" J; T* I  y: e0 L# h, g8 ^, o2 l0 A1 h  R7 S3 L8 b
第43题,短语翻译(英译汉): intellectual property:
) v3 p* ~) z. g0 w# ^+ E正确资料:
8 a: R' _8 `' q0 E. {
% d" O* U+ T8 W; n. Z& x5 Y! k7 A- O) D  C% h3 u# U2 J# n# v' k
第44题,短语翻译(英译汉):the popularity of credit cards8 C' |2 L# e) S0 K+ h
正确资料:, z3 i4 P. ?) f1 b7 i) l

/ d, t" L  A. x' h
1 E! a! s2 B. I. K第45题,短语翻译(英译汉):target marketing campaigns  W5 B2 X, E5 i5 n) y2 v: @2 ~
. z# f0 K- |' u
* R# ?% O2 W" O; l$ q7 i- e/ z: j  z3 |2 H7 \6 H9 Y
第46题,短语翻译(英译汉):multiple-language versions
  M. ]5 H( V: Q, [' e( v" m3 K" T9 S正确资料:" j8 A7 h6 o' A$ H
* x  g8 Q0 D& Z& Z% a

! K& q- h# A6 w# r5 n  l/ p7 P第47题,短语翻译(英译汉):mirror sites
. ]" ^9 s, \; ?9 m/ A; i0 C正确资料:" ?- ?) n# P$ k* i! M' J

3 g% ^; S. v" [3 R& a8 s/ p- Y
! ?& b1 Y4 }% @& s$ E* P$ l4 L3 A8 E6 B+ U
( @# D* U* ^$ [: O! l7 o- K. n

: t/ S; r4 e/ ~# a! C. }. O
, e0 e) Y: k6 X$ q/ q# w; `
4 f/ H; ?: x" k9 A0 I" e
' K- t! O, T, y1 U/ L- m9 H! ?. f% o, {0 G3 j" Z# a

; _* {  K0 M) O/ F- g; W9 N% Y, a$ i* A# x! o

- t# j" z: v% ]- {) p3 ]( F- K6 }# p* v) ^4 o" H

5 _* y! g1 b2 r! ^% I' B; R


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