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发表于 2020-5-28 21:48:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
(单选)1: Friendship is () the basis of trust and understanding.
A: on
B: up
C: off
D: of
正确资料: A

(单选题)2: What he said at the meeting () me a lot.
A: took
B: taking
C: touched
D: touching
正确资料: C

(单选题)3: All the people () not to touch the lion.
A: are requested
B: request
C: requesting
D: have requested
正确资料: A

(单选题)4: Students should () steps to writing the essay.
A: taking
B: take
C: avoid
D: avoiding
正确资料: B

(单选题)5: Let's () this famous  fictions.
A: read
B: to read
C: reading
D: to reading
正确资料: A

(单选题)6: People spare on effort to get () of the troubles.
A: come
B: walk
C: rid
D: around
正确资料: C

(单选题)7: People in Shenzhen live a life at a fast ().
A: place
B: piece
C: please
D: pace
正确资料: D

(单选题)8: Please rinse () all the dishes carefully.
A: on
B: to
C: off
D: about
正确资料: C

(单选题)9: Honestly speaking, this boring job is burning me ().
A: under
B: shout
C: up
D: of
正确资料: B

(单选题)10: My parents and I were having dinner () my brother came here.
A: where
B: from
C: since
D: when
正确资料: D

(单选题)11: Tina's ring is missing, she has looked for it many times but still ().
A: find
B: found
C: don't find
D: haven't found
正确资料: D

(单选题)12: Sometimes I go to the gym to keep ().
A: food
B: fly
C: clothes
D: fit
正确资料: D

(单选题)13: The internet power will make anything a ().
A: snap
B: nip
C: nap
D: map
正确资料: B

(单选题)14: Jimmy told me that the () plan was put forward by Dr. Chen at the meeting.
A: rejected
B: reject
C: rejecting
D: being rejected
正确资料: A

(单选题)15: Lisa was () to Cindy than she was to the others.
A: kind
B: much kinder
C: more kinder
D: kindest
正确资料: B

(单选题)16: Tom, could you answer the question that when did the Pearl Harbor ()?
A: take off
B: take out
C: break off
D: break out
正确资料: D

(单选题)17: Tom is such a handsome boy except () his short legs.
A: for
B: on
C: up
D: off
正确资料: A

(单选题)18: Susan () to be the best leader of our school.
A: is choosing
B: is chosen
C: was chosen
D: was choosing
正确资料: C

(单选题)19: The history of this building dates back () the period of Qing Dynasty.
A: to
B: with
C: of
D: about
正确资料: A

(单选题)20: Lynn () Jason with arrow of admiration.
A: shoots
B: shotting
C: moves
D: moving
正确资料: A

(判断题)21: Many stores are trying to attract the consumer's attention.
A: 对
B: 错
正确资料: T

(判断题)22: Tim is play basketball with his friends.
A: 对
B: 错
正确资料: F

(判断题)23: We should save water to protect the erath.
A: 对
B: 错
正确资料: T

(判断题)24: Basically, a light heart lives long.
A: 对
B: 错
正确资料: T

(判断题)25: You would graduated from the college next year.
A: 对
B: 错
正确资料: F

(判断题)26: Lynn was more taller to sandy than last year.
A: 对
B: 错
正确资料: F

(判断题)27: Every problem you have is your responsibility, regardless who caused it.
A: 对
B: 错
正确资料: F

(判断题)28: Lucy give me a new coat.
A: 对
B: 错
正确资料: F

(判断题)29: I'd like to having a date with you.
A: 对
B: 错
正确资料: F

(判断题)30: I sincerely wish you a happy holiday with your family.
A: 对
B: 错
正确资料: T


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