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发表于 2020-6-13 04:22:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com)-[东北师范大学]英汉翻译20春在线作业2& m# D" i, }' O
试卷总分:100    得分:1001 F! d8 C2 U; Y+ R" H5 B
第1,关于直译与意译的使用,以下不正确的说法是( )。6 y6 u. c3 ^" D- Z
A、能直译则直译,不能直译则意译5 m! x! i/ |2 C9 G
, V" g1 C5 Q6 g0 g+ i- v- sC、必须坚持意译为主,直译为辅的原则2 V7 I3 k8 B+ K! F* R- x5 U' d. O& `9 e
D、直译和意译相辅相成/ e' R, W# V1 _
8 @$ S" ~, E& `5 F$ D! L
% y% n# K0 w7 e: o# Z& B1 X! Y8 V/ X
第2题,《心目中的河流》写出了他对于小河流水的深情,这使我回忆起我所热爱的无边无际的大海。$ z6 h5 t* \- ^* a+ f5 g% F
A、"A River at Heart" wrote out his deep feelings towards the small flowing river,which reminded me of my love for the boundless.vast sea.
1 Y& U/ R  u# t$ N: `4 H. c; cB、His deep feelings towards the small flowing river in "A River at Heart"reminded me Of my love for the vast sea.
8 Q/ E1 U( S2 I) h% xC、In"A River at Heart".he expressed his deep feelings towards the flowing water of a creek,which reminded me of my own love for the boundless,vast sea.1 m) F$ \7 m. u1 i
D、He expressed his deep feeling towards the flowing water of a creek in"A River at Heart" and reminded me of my own love for the boundless sea.$ K1 L, ^% @/ V! Z
0 ?" Z! `! f: \5 f2 O1 L0 Y! @& z
9 U' o2 \8 h8 w# v
第3题,虽然时代不同,我想历史古迹总该是依旧吧。/ R- O) e3 Z! E0 L$ M+ R) @
A、Times are different, but the historic sites, I presume, must have remained the same.  ~4 ~  ?; W" q
B、Even though times are different, I think the historic sites should be the same.
6 ^) ]1 b7 ]3 v0 j) ]C、Since times are different, but the historic sites, I presume, should be the same.
2 h2 f5 a1 e! `, w0 O5 b' i! ?D、Since times are different, I think the historic sites must have remained the sam; l1 J: E/ a3 V  x' `
正确资料:: Q. f, W3 q/ w8 ?
3 e  W8 Y) ?, s$ u4 [# ?/ s( I5 A; D
. n8 [5 b1 T7 x( w6 q  P
第4题,Potential energy that is not so obvious as kinetic energy exists in many things.
) ~% ~6 J3 d( r4 h! I$ XA、许多事物中都包含不如动能明显的势能。6 }4 _# `4 ^3 c
6 `$ Q8 n# ?% n7 B7 |C、势能虽然不像动能那样明显,但它存在于许多物体之中。1 c; ~! f( N# \/ F2 @( w* y
D、当势能不像动能那样明显时,便可在许多物体中找到它。4 ]6 E* D& @9 x- k4 P0 b. V8 N- x0 E, k
9 d* L4 s' z: q' v' X" }: c* E
4 W0 X7 h; q) P. z: G: c' h- Y! M  F) h& y; O8 \6 {, m& o1 c& F/ K
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),虽然时代不同 ,我想历史古迹总该是依旧吧。
7 k  q# }# Z9 rA、Times are different, but the historic sites, I presume, must have remained the same.7 Q* {3 ?8 J( g- i- k3 K
B、Even though times are different, I think the historic sites should be the same.- d+ M0 g4 G* F3 n& {8 |
C、Since times are different, but the historic sites, I presume, should be the same.9 l/ N( v4 I4 z. L, b
D、Since times are different, I think the historic sites must have remained the same0 v1 Y) C& R, ?+ M/ r5 E. z6 O' X* w) \
正确资料:; |5 f4 g1 F! `" C* p8 ~
2 g3 e! P7 b( R$ Y
! b. J. |, q8 T8 u2 S# m* F) r1 H
第6题,王佐良认为,一部好的译作总是既有_______ 又有_______的:凡能直译处坚持直译,必须意译处则放手意译。
) ^# ~/ p7 m6 _8 s- `- i- E" v+ @A、死译,硬译/ S& R6 a( n5 l
/ {: [# d8 _0 M! |C、直译,意译
5 {5 ]  w/ v+ t6 g+ n$ v8 q6 [; I, cD、归化,异化
3 P; @5 k9 o) |  m# K# x% M正确资料:
, h& g7 o  k) x5 h) n
+ O; u! o" {9 ?% Y3 }. I: Y& ^" t9 k0 ?, Y
" W8 m. n) r3 TA、The development and the progress of China does not pose a threat to anyone.
9 X, X% a: j, D1 m7 ?B、A developing and progressing China will not threat anyone.
1 a5 u! o, G1 C. i7 iC、The development and the progress of China will not threat anyone.
3 E, ]9 W' m' e2 q* y6 ~D、A developing and progressing China does not pose a threat to anyone.
$ @! p2 {# d1 {4 r* H7 h4 J正确资料:8 z$ C3 P6 \: \: ~+ U! l/ l
% g9 A0 `: }- ^! z) F1 Q

/ P$ X" L) I3 S第8题,It is that wrote Essay on the Principles of Translation in 1790.
2 @3 ~9 m2 y6 n! NA、F. Tytler
! ~7 r* d5 w' T, M! e' _2 C% iB、Charles R. Taber# ^0 ?+ r. T8 X% a/ U4 N0 d
C、Saint Jerome
* y" i5 q+ H6 ]3 X9 k) B. \2 ~D、Eugene A. Nida! e( P. G: e/ b/ ^' G1 K
$ E/ R: R' H' _2 R4 q/ U* C
" R; h3 x6 d4 W: C# W6 {5 v! ^2 c, G, H9 ]* p  Y! l* |5 v% q8 Y
第9题,中国作为疆域辽阔 、人口众多、历史悠久的国家,应该对人类有较大的贡献。
6 n: x' X* i0 d) \2 y+ |A、A country with a vast territory, a big population and a long history, China should make greater contributions to humanity.
: F0 Z: h! J$ [: CB、China is a country with a vast territory, a big population and a long history, should make greater contributions to humanity.  R, w- K: |9 O0 ?
C、China has a vast territory, a big population and a long history, and thus makes greater contributions to humanity.& K8 F$ K2 ]! j; G: n, `- e
D、As a country, China has not only a vast territory, a big population but also a long history. Therefore, China should make greater contributions to humanity.( K0 W2 }; `& ]+ v- w# x, n
正确资料:' }% o; X  s1 {5 E1 z* ?

7 [  F+ w3 w- Z" q9 S
. W0 X0 Q7 p9 a$ o" ]& e2 k资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness , thrift avarice.
* A. ]. M4 m0 K- `A、勇气过分成为鲁莽、热爱、虚弱、节俭和贪婪。
& C3 i- S( D- B5 D0 s% @- JB、过分的勇气变为蛮勇,爱变为溺爱,节俭变为贪婪。
, i0 H, y6 g. h$ J/ Y6 lC、过度的勇气变为蛮勇,过度的爱变为溺爱,过度的节俭变为贪婪。8 e5 f( N3 P' `" E1 ]( k* S
D、勇敢过分成为蛮勇,爱与虚伪,节约与贪婪。' ~7 k/ t5 t$ J9 X/ Y5 {
正确资料:. K6 ?" x+ l( w- D1 r# l; S. p+ y
" K+ {% g% q; ]
! t+ V) M% X7 [) K. f4 K: b, N
第11题,He contrived an eager, ingratiating smile, which he bestowed on Mr. Squires. 译文:他装出一副殷勤、讨好的笑脸,并把它投向史奎尔斯先生。
; h0 M, |9 ^7 }, r' B5 lA、错误" ]% l! C! B) n
8 f7 y! N$ E( T  d& `  t正确资料:
: R- N$ D5 {, f/ ~3 N, m: [. q! z$ c( K) L, E9 I
0 a" S* Y( L5 h* S- Z2 @! R
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),None of his arguments seemed to me to hold water. 我认为他的论据似乎没有一条站得住脚。5 m/ W+ V& x" U) B& T
A、错误4 f* s4 S  R- C8 z1 u$ U8 m
/ p4 m! V& L' K3 v正确资料:
" y0 f$ E# |: b+ C5 U4 x% [. }7 u3 ~
( I6 T: H) P- p% ]: V/ u/ e0 E! z  j1 s
第13题,夜里下过一场雷阵雨。 There was a thunder shower at night.. o* b9 E; Q" A! h2 K+ P- T( o
A、错误; G, `5 j' R- p7 C) I5 Y' s
; L1 Q1 E  [# I$ ]; u正确资料:( J( F/ _5 B. K5 A1 l! A
  }# p5 G/ k! |, ~! A
1 P, k8 Q& ]  k, z) i% v4 a
第14题,On entering the door I remembered the doll I had broken. I felt my way to the hearth and picked up the pieces. I tried vainly to put them together. 一进门,我就想起了被我摔碎的娃娃。我摸索着走到壁炉跟前,拾起了碎片。我想把这些碎片拼在一起,可是枉费心机。
8 j( |% G. Z* C5 A7 oA、错误
8 X. {- B: E- V# D7 s$ V" KB、正确; U1 w6 c, X7 ~. P- x. W0 \+ m' c
: O7 `# d& o) ?. r  Z
* o! R8 \. K" o, ]0 z: I2 M
& z% b, `4 u1 ]资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Brindley's improvements were practical. 布林德雷的改良是实际的。
- e% M4 X- M+ x. h7 N9 ~A、错误; }+ i2 ]: b4 t: }3 F9 H* _
0 F5 s- Z) i* m) w6 q正确资料:9 ~, o7 N( y; i* P3 {0 |9 r

  B+ Y& N5 W. a  f3 G% s* h5 o" \6 |* f" n7 H, X- U3 o( G
第16题,他们意识到学习知识的重要性。 They are aware of the importance of acquiring knowledge
( c: G% w; S' h4 AA、错误
- _! M# U$ G* @- z2 V: R7 A: uB、正确
& r1 c; q! U' x' ^6 ~正确资料:
% u3 G4 P1 u: q% H6 k9 _9 l2 r$ {. K
, _: u- `4 L/ ]8 K7 x4 B1 R) u: O
第17题,这些原则一直是我们民族的精神支柱。 These principles have been our spiritual pillar.8 Y7 t% \2 Y; d' y# `2 J
A、错误& v" R3 M( D/ A$ S5 K) @5 s
3 j. B# J! W% N8 Q$ I( J正确资料:
" b- S5 E6 S, Q4 D  h
6 \) A- J1 d; j4 h9 ]+ x0 G: x% s$ M
第18题,革命是解放生产力,改革也是解放生产力。 Revolution means the emancipation of the productive force, and so does reform.
8 s4 \1 l9 Z* [A、错误
( U  I* m! O. G/ vB、正确  {7 I' b0 `6 E
6 ?$ Y7 t+ t# N& t
9 V1 }* O$ l9 X( D; F- E" O. {0 {3 w& K
第19题,For over half a century it has proved almost impossible to achieve any broad measure of agreement on a definition of democracy. 半个多世纪来证明,要就有关民主的定义取得任何广泛的一致意见几乎是不可能的。$ n; [/ W4 M0 N
6 m5 c1 m  ]- U1 o7 @& j! tB、正确
  k1 y# C8 g) W1 q/ J3 o  O正确资料:' b# r% ~& g/ u' L7 C' n" p
. y, K1 n8 J: t# b! O7 ?

) a3 s3 O" }' g, o$ N  ?( z资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),老师要我们把这个句子用自己的话说出来。 The teacher wanted us to paraphrase the sentence in our own word.9 j) [5 v, v: L, P
4 u8 a! q) \! U5 [B、正确
+ Q8 L: M( a# k4 t正确资料:6 }* N$ J( d$ O8 t3 S7 u) V

9 {% c. i& b4 M$ t
7 R* u$ V, s, R+ ?  I- B- ^) z第21题,现在有很多的产品领域出现了供过于求的情况 。 In certain areas of products, the supply is greater than demand.0 R: G  v: y9 _/ g* T9 r# z1 Y! ?
A、错误; U5 N! e- E9 G, q
0 r8 }- u0 S' O- G! b正确资料:
2 Q, b$ C# l" W. I& B8 N* r  v
/ J+ f' R. Q5 y3 y" h
$ o3 S. D" c0 {第22题,我们已经从其他国家有计划选择地进口了一些成套设备。 We have imported in a planned and selective way some complete plants.
4 o) u6 Q( l) ]) o; `0 h0 j; OA、错误
. D$ {' Q3 @& P2 u9 B5 M6 y4 ZB、正确
0 S7 F0 ?/ R7 B. w+ U8 z正确资料:
$ d1 n! L$ a; P3 M- c6 V: b# P" @; e4 i* o3 c

: O, W% D2 d1 S1 v/ p& i第23题,He became an auto baron--all by himself. 他成为一名汽车大王--一个白手起家的汽车大王。
/ S4 D; `& P0 L% X% y* d. O1 VA、错误9 w& I# |& |1 C3 p7 j2 w& I
B、正确+ \4 }4 `9 r: M
正确资料:$ M  E5 ?2 T8 F0 k

/ C% N& _# \* f" O, G5 R9 \2 j; Y* J4 c- n
第24题,在月底前完成任务不成问题。 It is out of question to fulfill the task by the end of the month
' c: G, x3 X' F+ y1 IA、错误* \4 h& q$ x! l* Q
( y" W1 z# n# h: M) r正确资料:" u: \& X  \* [' p2 y6 b
3 ~7 F& B9 Q  P9 N. y& K8 P
. |6 K! p( ]4 k1 \
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),在改造自然的斗争中,人类也在改造自己。 In the struggle to transform nature,man has also been reforming himself.8 L) _9 p# T* T6 ?4 T. T0 T
4 ~- {; g5 F8 t& QB、正确1 X/ ~5 L# L4 N* @- }' o0 ^+ z% M
8 p  B9 ^: o4 k1 ~0 J" j, t* `  W* l9 S: G) r2 Z
" V# R# [4 @0 ^: f2 C* Q( [9 ]
第26题,相互了解,是发展国与国之间关系的前提。惟有相互了解,才能增进信任,加强合作。 Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to-state relations. Without mutual understanding building trust and promoting cooperation with each other would be impossible for countries.
' p& f4 {0 T+ p% K+ Q" _A、错误
5 M) V& t4 e0 Y$ }9 Y0 c% h+ o/ UB、正确
  {0 K9 t' B5 L7 V正确资料:) M! p7 T5 V! o# Q$ z# v9 V
* R) x' A$ K; \, F! R8 o, F

! g1 {5 J, x. I* C( S. R第27题,她对化学感兴趣,但对物理不感兴趣。 She was interested in chemistry, but disinterested in physics., j7 {" y8 ^7 N* a" C
2 m$ Y) m& y$ `( W& QB、正确3 W0 s2 H9 B: `
- g/ j) ]. u) L' }  E: E. ~# k, q( S7 x3 S

- j) P0 ]* `% q3 Z! C第28题,五四运动是在当时世界革命号召之下,是在俄国革命号召之下,是在列宁号之下发生的。 The May 4th Movement came into being at the call of the world revolution, came into being at the call of the Russian Revolution and at the call of Lenin.
* H% ~+ b& w- Y1 k* J% w5 t: WA、错误
8 ?. u/ f  e0 g' I  _7 J1 YB、正确9 x& A* A" s' q6 c
正确资料:: d, X: h* h# q, Q3 W7 y, ]2 c9 r/ @

6 p* V2 K; `- K, z/ t/ J! t
+ M! i1 I! K( t- k第29题,Lock the stable door after the horse is stolen. 亡羊补牢,未为晚也。7 X! K/ a  m; f
A、错误: d# p( K+ ~& i3 U* e) C. z
/ @) E+ ?7 ?' A) N正确资料:
! w5 o' q9 x, T0 V# y3 i6 t/ ^9 U8 m" v

% v. j, x  j, e: o3 l& L* t' }& N资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Miss Mary was proud of her blue blood. 玛莉小姐为其蓝色血液而骄傲。1 C4 m+ i/ o  ?$ Z
8 A$ ]8 S  Q' o  X0 SB、正确
3 @( n9 \+ r# y9 V: s3 e正确资料:
5 o' L0 x2 k( G+ @4 Y) S! I1 A; I5 U  C/ J  v" t

( z" v6 o/ Y. K2 U" i( f
* t7 E' t3 q& Z) ]% W
. P) O4 H" f. J! n" C8 W: j# M( M6 Z; L5 w8 q4 t# [

$ G! \1 X. @' @6 ]. I3 O8 x3 Q  G7 c4 T+ W0 v4 M

$ K/ V8 [  B& r9 b  A
) {3 D8 M  v  \) v; R7 x+ Y' O# a& w& \9 _* `3 s

$ \$ M3 s% p7 ?4 o5 d& d" K/ C4 S0 w/ j+ }. p! X7 o
6 f6 C  F/ u1 H

0 {& r/ u8 X4 c. ]6 Q6 ^1 u


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