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发表于 2020-6-13 04:22:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ N- U" _8 Z: `+ c( G试卷总分:100    得分:100
5 L/ |1 X( t" p8 |) `第1,Being a metal,mercury is not a solid.
2 T2 s4 ]) ~2 M' H" n4 _2 y: }- AA、作为一种金属,水银不是固体。
$ a3 J' S4 s$ ?5 l' j1 _0 VB、由于是金属,水银不是固体。, o% B1 |$ D9 R, H! |6 N% f
C、汞虽是金属,但不是固体。+ b' S3 u' x* }0 t
D、汞是一种金属,却不是一种固体。. z7 ]2 n- N) T1 s+ ?' H4 O. X
$ @7 n  o) i0 |, ~" k- @5 Q" G% x: x! `( i5 _+ M* k

: @, p9 y0 \6 J( ]. }+ t5 J% C0 D第2题,有关句子内部及句子之间联系的说法,下列正确的一项是______。2 O# o+ ]/ u$ D* r7 F2 n; [: H
, A, }" ~: m. S( b  FB、英语比较重视句子之间的联系
1 W- O" A9 I. ~' H# E+ V4 hC、在句子内部,汉语重意合,句内各成分联系紧密
" s- Q1 @3 V2 {0 Y, P& w% V+ TD、在句子内部,英语重形合,句内各成分联系紧密
& r" y/ s/ v* E1 n# l7 K正确资料:6 ~! l6 l- D' S, o

% z/ h- S/ D% O" T2 z# Y# h5 b4 |7 F3 I7 Q' m% T. R
第3题,罗马是建在七山之上的城市,拥有大小500座教堂,我几乎都去过了。3 S, [8 \$ y0 B7 t% I  _8 t9 j; P( j
A、Rome was located on seven hills with 500 churches, big and small, and I visited nearly all of them.3 @' o& o6 |. k# U
B、Rome was built on seven hills, and it owed 500 big and small churches. I visited nearly every one.
% `7 X! ]4 |  C, @+ i3 F& S0 jC、Rome is a city which was built on seven hills and owed 500 big and small churches, and I have visited nearly all of them., Q9 e* P% C+ v
D、Rome was located on seven hills with 500 big or small churches. I have visited nearly every one.
- n. o2 m* A1 S正确资料:) }( V; U6 p3 a

- L! W7 z5 F, ~. Y9 i0 j* F( O5 K0 X, _, W) N4 W9 [& x
第4题,中国饮茶的风尚,到了第七世纪的唐代,已经相当盛行了。  P5 g. g/ @( u, U* B8 b
A、In the 7th century of the Tang Dynasty, the Chinese prevailing custom of drinking tea was in vogue.# ?7 O# T7 C' D) m
B、By the Tang dynasty in the seventh century, tea-drinking had become very popular in China$ s- I( @# R1 U% j3 T& a8 k- A" h2 f2 C
C、During the Tang dynasty in the 7th century, the custom of drinking tea was prevailed( G1 T, l  \  j5 c  {/ b! c, U
D、The custom of Chinese drinking tea was very popular in the 7th century of Tang dynasty., P7 [1 e' c* l7 c, ~
5 z, v# J( C- y% e/ Z7 x1 ^$ u4 [) V% X0 ?$ W

/ j0 ]; e# l* t  u  x2 g1 u) N' g资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),The great use of school education is not so much to teach you things as to teach you the art of learning.* E4 c1 |* X' Y6 `! k
A、学校教育的最大用途在于不但教你东西,还教你学习的艺术。+ |  j+ o1 O( v2 b% o7 v3 x
  |. ]9 ]* k" ^C、学校教育的最大作用就是传授给你知识就像传授给你学习的艺术一样。
; k3 E7 k5 C7 ^: B% MD、学校教育的最大用途是教你学习的方法而不是学习的知识。
7 X; B/ b* z. X0 O7 h正确资料:
) A- y4 n' H5 E4 Y1 G6 u' N6 J. Z1 R$ Z7 h
. z  |- N7 G4 [- U; f% |0 l
) L& R2 H# l& ~: E3 A. TA、China has a land area of 9.6 million sq. km, the third place in the world.) r. _$ d$ E$ l+ Y8 \
B、China has a land area of 9.6 million sq. km, marking it the third-biggest country in the world.
% O0 |4 @" i+ \8 XC、China has a land area of 9.6 million sq. km, which was the third place in the world
( D0 w/ O$ A$ |D、China has a land area of 9.6 million sq. km, which ranked the third place in the world.
4 K' a; A, U9 R, f6 t正确资料:
0 }/ s" x/ N1 Y- \- x" ~: C1 `0 ~" b

6 ?1 _, P& ?( z0 _! d第7题,Anger and bitterness had preyed upon me continually for weeks and a deep languor had succeeded this passionate struggle.5 k( H: ^% v! y, n+ C' K4 A  f: w2 u
* Q4 f% F! b, j. f/ V: yB、几个星期来,我处在气恼和痛苦之中;遭受这种感情的折磨后,我感到浑身无力。. ?) M0 k6 d; P' n0 {  O
. c4 V4 C( e8 B8 g. ~3 n. KD、几个星期来,我经受着气恼和怨恨的吞噬;这种感情过后,我感到浑身无力。# p* O) x4 A3 q& d7 h9 h7 l
' n3 l( u2 Q$ @6 f  q7 o" x: z  G+ U
6 G( N  N2 \/ g5 O; p' v- h: z" H3 i5 G7 e6 X
第8题,我们都赞成他的建议。; P' ~3 ~0 n- T: H6 u, `
A、We are all in favor of his suggestion.. z; v: o, Z" r6 V( B; l4 {
B、We all approve his suggestion.
( Y- V; Y# _8 E3 aC、We are all approval of his suggestion.
. {3 `/ S% S" Z5 oD、We all agree his proposal.# m/ S7 d3 s. q) h& X6 a
正确资料:- f; q: u) ?, T8 ]! S# U% w
" ], A2 ?+ {: u9 N2 D& j3 g

. V% B0 z7 g" r- s) `' B! \+ P3 [# k第9题,仍有许多问题没有解决。" O3 P$ t2 i, Z
A、There are many problems still remain unsolved.( W) U: A# v- @! z' C9 p
B、Many problems remain unsolved.
7 o& I+ ^" ?& h1 ]C、Many problems have yet not to be solved.7 J6 @, R* I  |/ k
D、There are many problems not to be solved
+ o9 X! ?6 \4 C; U; |0 Z  [正确资料:4 B2 M) P- l+ G) s7 o' t. B
+ W5 n9 |& e- y
6 l5 `: I8 t3 t4 G  V
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),It was then that he realized what had sneaked through the shield of his slumbers.It was the sense of falling snow.
- i; f. b! u) `! vA、这时他才意识到是什么透过他的睡眠之盾将他唤醒,那是下雪的感觉。
' U) b" ^- ?* y+ Q4 jB、这时他才意识到是什么穿过他的睡眠的保护层偷偷溜了进来,是下雪的感觉。
* x  G# s  O5 z4 F5 }# ^& lC、他这才明白原来是雪花飘落时发出的沙沙声穿过层层的睡衣的保护,潜入他的耳朵里把他给唤醒了。+ l- i) Z- [3 w& b- a# h
D、这时他才明白是什么闯入他的梦乡将他唤醒,原来是下雪的感觉。* t3 o9 ~6 ?/ ^' s3 K6 P
正确资料:* U4 I) @  w/ I' t2 Z8 `) y7 c# p, s
3 \$ n( s( J7 c* Q% r! \4 n

2 n$ f( i; x, O5 _+ Q' c( a- F8 T第11题,如果发生创伤,最重要的是预防感染。 If an injury should occur, it is then very important to prevent infection.
6 D0 T& X4 v" }' ]3 |% EA、错误& h  S# P2 k& t& V% J
B、正确" ?$ U7 _6 m9 S8 h
" ?* ?/ E7 H/ W7 h, Y. D
  @3 `! `. o4 @/ D- h- W  y+ b% V: ]* h
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),You cannot have too much knowledge. 人难以获得太多的知识。! ^/ H+ j. m2 F( J
* b6 \8 j% r8 w4 _B、正确7 e6 V( S$ ^" m& {# S2 k
正确资料:2 n& |4 K) u  Z( P8 N0 T8 W( L- u

2 ?0 z( ~' a) ]% d3 P5 [/ ?/ Q1 n2 K( S
第13题,昨天我们去了博物馆参观了图画展。 Yesterday we went to the museum visited the traditional painting exhibition.
' s; ?$ _# ]+ }/ ~& U' lA、错误2 `; @- l5 P( Z5 w9 O% b7 l
& t* C. b8 x4 }4 b% Q, z2 N' p正确资料:
$ H  P( e4 L7 w- a8 ]" F% u6 n5 E9 m4 J

' ^1 T9 j! d* r* T- u第14题,He is not fond of playing chess any more than you are. 他同你一样不喜欢下棋。
' ~+ J, D- q5 TA、错误
8 |3 Y7 H# F. w1 y1 o0 h- aB、正确
2 P( x% \8 h) |7 C正确资料:* M$ f* x  k$ g' l

% ^2 T" S' ^" S1 j2 c5 m& I# f7 h# o* _8 I- O
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),I never do anything on the ground that is good for health, though in actual fact the things I like doing are mostly wholesome. 因为那有益于健康,因此我从来不去做什么事情,尽管事实上我做的大多数事情都是健康的。  X; y# ?0 @+ ]5 i9 g
' D) T# h7 r: bB、正确
5 a( _5 a& s% B正确资料:
; ]" l/ ^% V3 S- Z, m! `; d/ n2 l4 V/ s
$ s; N7 ?8 i6 g7 M5 }3 {$ h0 u! u! l
第16题,心脏病有许多分类方法。 Heart disease has many classifications.
: L6 ?# f: ^- dA、错误) M9 k( I$ f! s. q
B、正确- [' F! x/ M+ b( L: \
+ L# {* T; P, F2 }) N3 f- L: O4 U! A( X" m# [0 F
9 Z! F( {; U+ G7 B. h
第17题,My wife and I, as well as our entire party, are deeply grateful to your hospitality. 译文:我的夫人和我以及我们全党都对你们的盛情款待深为感激。9 c, u6 \1 ^/ u  e! l  j
A、错误: F4 u& P% d; z& _9 ~
B、正确2 k- _. r& F7 W
正确资料:/ H/ R1 F# @% i6 m' ]/ [2 I
3 ~# b% m+ J) {5 a! J7 h$ P
- s" {1 J& a' i: Z+ d2 J- q
第18题,Lincoln was a good speaker and student of political philosophy. 林肯擅长演说,又刻苦学习政治哲学 。$ j* S7 i# b- [: ^
" ]* @5 R& S& S6 R% MB、正确* G: w5 t+ g7 c, E$ \4 p* v
7 g3 N) i7 P4 d$ |3 A
, V* d# j5 H! n  M' d% D* f0 j* b
) v' ^0 @# |1 d# p, y# ?. S第19题,One can scarcely pay too high a price for liberty. 人们为自由付出的代价再高也不过分。
( |2 ?- B6 T9 `+ H( e. QA、错误
5 i" s# C9 S. y9 ~& a! qB、正确
& y8 W9 \, D! X' R5 G( W* w正确资料:
4 k% e: W. D$ D" I" U
/ w- E! m' ?% w$ M+ q' e& B9 p( [. Q+ W+ s: V  c
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Susan stiffened her face livid. 苏珊显得很不自然,脸色发青。
" S- c3 N) {+ y: C; S) m/ \7 a$ aA、错误
; F2 V8 v( ?& u& RB、正确0 a& }) P$ u6 H# c. Z% n4 |
% X5 G  O( K5 A. T0 H2 c) [: [, y; X! k9 l

$ _9 i. d/ N1 _; L: T第21题,From the shore-line out to a distance which may be anywhere from a few miles to a few hundred miles run the gentle slopes of the continental shelf, geologically part of the continents. 从海岸线延伸到远处,有一个从数百英里的大陆架的缓坡跑道,从地质学观点来看,它属于大陆的一部分。
% M& y9 ^5 W: Y* \A、错误- }& |% ]8 D; D1 E$ [
% F: c2 ]0 j4 B2 g+ v正确资料:
, ~7 i2 R0 i4 H# C1 ]" {  a- @' C2 F8 E) c; v" U

/ l( r$ v$ e- m6 T, E1 j第22题,During the first half of the eighteenth century, in the old age of Newton and the decline of the Royal Society, England basked in a last Indian summer of village industry and the overseas trade of merchant adventurers. 在十八世纪上半部分牛顿晚年和皇家学会衰落的时候,英国的乡村手工业和海外商业冒险正沐浴在最后一个印度夏天了。
  ?3 l% t5 W$ A6 y4 tA、错误1 R5 v/ f. n( {% {
B、正确: v; M$ }" p0 Y
! X" n' |' W4 X/ l  L2 z% t" \1 N4 d# d6 R9 m, p" H
4 c% F1 {7 {9 e( ~; h& u$ e% u8 j6 w
第23题,Almost at once the number of egg masses deposited on experimental goats began to decrease,as did their fertility. 正如它们的受精率一样,产在试验山羊身上的卵群数量几乎立即减少了。
. _* Y4 S& t, R$ L: Z+ z; Y0 qA、错误7 D5 L+ p  X  S* U( f2 E
0 ]1 s3 ~! Z! G% c  K正确资料:" ?) _0 |/ h# \9 u( u0 ^- j

" g* H( s7 r. x6 c8 ^
6 \7 m" {! j# {- T/ |/ g! m第24题,不久将来肯定会发生月食。 It is certain that there will be lunar eclipse in the near future.! \& P; X# y) ~/ q
A、错误7 [& o6 p6 n  ]. R
B、正确: m: o/ h% e% P6 O2 g
* Z# z+ T8 A( n& u+ w) n' A4 U; ?& j
( _# G0 a% F7 m' ]$ p. v3 K
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),他希望我们成功。 He hoped us success./ n8 x) j4 U) P$ R4 }
& |. ~' H2 Q: _! ?B、正确# }. \0 k, p, d( I  L' u: h
) D) N0 X: U. `( y/ e! ?0 @+ K! s2 g/ B- I) ^0 g

( E) I8 ?: E9 Z* z% W. e第26题,历史上的战争分两类  ,一类是正义的,一类是非正义的. History shows that wars are divided into two kinds,just and unjust.% c, p+ u$ N/ e: P# S' M8 l
' o6 o" s; @* iB、正确
5 r) q$ H8 q: o5 w5 g1 U  \& R正确资料:
# w5 @, R4 K! U9 D0 B, D; ?; `3 j% g4 o9 Y5 J9 a- n

6 J; f. W) H$ n( T第27题,产品质量稳定可靠,深受用户欢迎。 Our product has a stable and reliable quality and is widely accepted by customers.0 C/ i8 |0 e& u+ g) W% l! v: b
9 {/ x. h0 E- W1 `$ J% mB、正确
' P# g( C" I: N5 L' Q/ s0 ~2 R: \6 l正确资料:$ Z1 d5 Y5 E) D

" E% Q% M. V. R. }; L! ^6 m
. f' L* N# M3 z0 B: \$ r1 j) F第28题,她对化学感兴趣,但对物理不感兴趣。 She was interested in chemistry, but disinterested in physics.1 W! d  P, O; b& z' m
A、错误8 ?! W, }1 a7 I+ m( {1 D+ J6 N
B、正确/ `6 k5 q6 U0 W# O) r2 H3 r, V
正确资料:  U8 o. e9 u" z5 \
. ]/ b* i: }: `6 q
5 H7 p' H; q" i6 z9 @9 x/ [
第29题,His last book on building types, although fragmentary and almost unknown, is I think one of his important ones. 尽管他最后一本谈建筑风格的书鲜为人知,但却是他的一本重要著作。
; {# F/ f7 X7 f% p1 |A、错误+ z+ L4 d7 y$ K. ^' h% i$ y
. j4 q# S6 |  t7 s! v) v正确资料:
3 c1 _/ u' G- W- \$ a9 t
$ Q* b/ }6 V5 g* ~5 S. J$ K0 `& w
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),那匹马开始狂奔。 The horse began to run furiously.
3 }3 ?2 p* t, `& A! M- u/ o3 M5 yA、错误
) S9 e( x0 c' C4 zB、正确
$ y. ^9 L/ r1 i- F( {正确资料:
) T9 d0 [3 f" X8 v( x, }( r4 a/ m* r' [* ~, ^
! {$ O5 s1 }& Q+ t+ T2 b1 C
- i- M& G' M/ P0 F/ ]1 |! ]

  j7 x4 `$ M$ h) ?5 f" ]7 p9 z
- s2 R% u. k+ L; K! z( P* G$ V' l
# E! u7 }0 v) O
, q& C$ h$ T3 x+ y

0 o+ Q9 V8 X' h% `- h  l7 f
+ p3 e) u6 Y2 ~
( b! d4 c5 ]. r/ f
; e& X$ o. l9 Q- [' l
# V2 t2 s. a- c
) b  V8 x& ?4 k7 `2 A; l8 e


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