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发表于 2020-6-13 04:33:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
# D+ n; o1 z1 a( f" f' g  t试卷总分:100    得分:100
# k" B6 N: i  Z3 s& e第1,If a writing task is more general (for example, developing informal letter writing skills), then what is the best approch of correction?5 ?0 J7 r7 t5 r% X6 w( q
A、teacher-guided correction: q# h/ n: k1 }. H
B、group correction
3 d# M4 Y9 v: D$ g! \( ~C、focus correcting
+ j/ q7 f9 w! F2 i+ E7 L正确资料:
# Q6 ~0 ~, i3 k+ W& E9 c: D3 ?6 C9 G; C$ @7 w- }& z
8 u- C4 u& S- J; \- l5 s
第2题,For most people the term "curriculum" includes those act activities that education have devised for _ ,which are represented in the form of a written document .
/ c/ C4 K" u. [* Y  H/ N3 ~A、teachers4 n0 Y# B+ ?/ w) ?& z
8 ^! K3 r# L, y* b( S- CC、learners
. F4 a9 f+ r7 v7 p. c6 PD、students
% v- w1 ?" q4 Y' C! S! [0 v" s# G正确资料:7 {8 R" P& K: g$ \: Y+ }
2 c& d3 H! k4 U# E) X
. H6 l7 P7 F$ r- H" N( }4 ^* V; M
第3题,How many steps are there to teach free writing?
2 j) x3 I+ r7 P& H+ d, f. ?& hA、3
8 p7 i; ^: K! u  W$ J1 @+ o7 QB、4! V! V6 G& Y! p1 J$ I0 D( t
3 s" L- b1 w- w1 v7 zD、66 n4 J: V4 {* ~+ ~, u  m
正确资料:% q9 r- S$ p, ]* U, c0 c
. t* B. _0 W& w

# S8 K; u0 n5 c: G4 ^5 \( `+ R. X: {第4题,Repetition is belongs to what strategy?
# S/ i; H; \0 D, eA、metacognitive strategy
9 s0 H4 g( w. l" S0 Z% NB、cognitive strategy
2 l' ~- i1 e* I0 |! OC、social strategy
# t% U3 V6 ~1 E0 LD、affective strategy" `8 A4 S7 o% a% l
正确资料:1 c& _' H$ U  M2 r9 J6 b' }

! y$ L% J; g8 S' @7 c1 ?' o
( M5 k# ^) I) {3 }% X资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),()involves teachers identifying issues and problems relevant to their own classes.
( d# _3 B) [4 K* PA、Literature review) n4 r! L( j* b) P; C) t, y9 h
; @, {  i8 j. v) RC、Action research7 {+ K' z& X2 y; u3 d
D、lassroom observation0 v- [6 d. x2 p2 @
4 A. |2 J9 O" {0 a; e
) U8 y  ~1 h6 U: u% G8 ^% E9 L* I. A6 A" }$ I4 g  g+ Y
第6题,()research must be analytic
  k, l- O0 N" `A、experimental9 V2 j: ~% M. u2 C" b9 |4 e
B、descriptive/ }7 p* a2 p! H% N2 L% r
C、Action research/ }' L  y4 C0 u0 W- p7 S3 _% o
D、A case study
' c) J6 n; H# s4 s0 |. t& i- T正确资料:
, i* w$ h8 W6 L3 M6 |! s# H1 O8 F6 t1 d/ Y+ [0 K! }

( Q/ _; {3 z* Z1 ~8 i第7题,Among speaking strategies, which involves using alternatives for words which you do not know?
2 h+ i: o2 G9 }4 T- Y1 I3 eA、Tailoring message to competence% b7 m. o/ m. m& y! b
B、Paraphrasing+ W& c* G$ C7 f; s4 {" Z: `7 P; r0 {; N
C、Using fillers and hesitation devices
( O$ U; m9 ]7 V* cD、Appealing for help% I9 K' L" G' y
# P8 ~- [) n. X# _9 v$ @  k7 x8 }) z9 O6 z3 X
! f* U  R/ j2 P/ t7 d9 }
第8题,If we should not require native-like pronunciation, then what should be our realistic goal when we speak English in the classroom().
1 u: J, }% e1 ~$ \6 \' eA、consistency
) Y0 h( A( G( l6 C% |+ m  {B、intelligibility
3 F; z7 Y) a% x8 ~; `" m) i: v/ ]C、communicative efficiency
6 {& }2 ^, R; ]% c; t& ~D、above all% F* U$ F2 o6 b2 I* O: X- C4 v' C
8 Z9 ?! D+ u- H( [
& O% C6 V0 R5 x! S- i' ?7 B! V. c/ e- ]" l; z6 U8 k3 P
第9题,The Audio-lingual Method was developed in the () during World War II.
+ t/ x, y1 `9 J( Q  H1 ~9 N! ^- f, h2 IA、German
7 T; t" a+ U' z5 H2 G& KB、China/ e6 E% F% {# T# Z
C、France2 O- v6 Y  M) V% j. Q
D、United States
4 r/ j, j3 K& I* S. r9 R4 t  w* x正确资料:! h' b; `6 q8 \8 z

. |3 V% f0 I1 V# R' I2 y2 }% ~6 W" X( _) \4 t1 u
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Who found a strong connection between aptitude and proficiency?
8 u0 F+ G* r0 q. O' vA、Gardner
6 D8 b% h$ |0 ?' B0 B6 T. qB、Kreshen
3 \1 O1 j; h1 [$ O% a4 ~$ b; NC、Terrell
5 T( z% Q+ f8 K, cD、Carroll
( H: _$ {" f& k  D正确资料:
7 p7 T# p1 l6 l3 K
/ v6 k% p& h% ^( e% p5 s) U
# u. a) y; C  N2 _1 O第11题,In the language focus phase, language analysis activities also provide a focus on form through ()processes.
4 B8 y4 T% u9 q1 w+ I8 z5 x, yA、teachers' instructions
1 N9 D3 [$ Y. sB、language acquisition- B! e1 c3 R9 Q+ [0 D
C、peers' help8 w9 l* V% Q  |3 ?. e) f
D、consciousness-raising2 i7 I  X5 `  r$ I
" ?2 S0 }: `( S8 K" y, E0 g/ J
* k- M  o4 J) K, S2 ~$ Q  a; G- e! s: O6 R1 e) Q
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),() relates to the truthfulness of the data.# N2 W: E1 u. k0 P# g* e/ U$ }9 I
A、validity  R, T. ^, R3 T; N: s" F) H  K# @
B、reliabilit9 X0 v& Y: g- x& B
C、subject0 C+ O+ q, S5 y) m! s
- b4 S/ S: @& k* P- @正确资料:6 |9 m0 U3 B; Y. w( }
6 f3 ^5 R2 ]( t6 y/ H% g* q
$ n8 P/ P0 {/ \" Z  F+ F
第13题,Which one of the charaters is not belongs to a good language learner?. ]2 c" J. m0 c) f1 g
A、Be creative and experiment with language
* A. _$ h3 ?+ C" vB、learns to live with errors and learn from errors2 Z* G: H. ~: t5 C; ?
C、recites words without understanding
: P5 P" `3 C2 r& `, @" ^( DD、seeks out all opportunities to use the target language
7 a) \; m) r, X! J: V8 x0 p& v正确资料:
, ]3 R. [: C/ h  A4 u! X
& D9 f8 W; X2 X/ @' i0 d! y3 b4 j$ v
第14题,In your opinion, which one is the most typical macro planning ().
9 ^3 g! X9 s% GA、unit planning
- u$ m: }9 Y: i' V; m3 U$ {' bB、half a semester planning
7 j* w$ m" ?( T9 z+ o- SC、one semester planning
- m7 F" W6 m  |3 V$ ?8 x" _/ D8 GD、whole course planning
, `0 J0 [2 S8 T% S7 i5 t正确资料:& z/ s  u$ A  R% G3 y8 h1 Z* G6 ^9 p

4 P) b# a+ |) V. K! N, x, V$ z4 \5 l, V9 `4 L. _8 Q
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),The most common form of authority involved in developing language policy and planning is the ().+ a# J& H" n* u' o7 _$ A( p5 l
A、government& p' G7 L# W  A& [! R% p# Z! Q
0 C6 }+ k9 g8 U6 w6 [9 Z& W" CC、procuratorate8 I9 i; Q3 _+ F0 v3 ]% F
D、Public Security Bureau
. m1 K% p$ i5 D7 A0 A7 w6 M正确资料:
0 T+ q1 j1 ~0 s3 l# n# x0 N- [: l; \. n4 n% Q/ p  z- z

% j; r) V9 L5 L1 Y! {第16题,()involves the organization of learning and teaching in such a way that the traditional notion of the "average student" and "aiming for the middle "in teaching is abandoned.9 E  t' X8 ~; W4 n% c' d& n
A、pair work
6 Y8 M% p, O- Z0 PB、group work. y* s+ K2 j) Z8 j; ]
C、teacher's help
* v4 I1 P2 T; D) R1 _D、individualization
. x* \% B& v( C$ Q正确资料:. t1 {5 x. F/ |; S

! H. m; U, D' U
$ o0 d2 f  b; u! L9 S6 f) v0 \第17题,The biggest problem for group work is the selection of group members. Below are some possible ways to group students. Each of them is appropriate except ().
' j9 n- I% R# ?+ a: ]$ |' t& BA、group the students according to seating arrangement! X, q1 ^' v  ]6 \- p* i
B、students select their own group members (risky)8 S' e6 Y* O" b2 Y
C、group the students by drawing lots9 [9 L5 t/ q0 V# c6 a4 V! }
D、divide the strong students and the weak students into different groups: ~( Y  O4 n* }: J7 H! D5 [* q
; a$ t7 B) M% Z& }. z1 P+ |) g. N) q5 w9 d8 c% ^9 ^' V

0 Q1 e# E7 }3 N& r5 Q; w第18题,Cognitive and interactional patterns cannot affect the way in which students?) w/ T5 D1 j: @
A、perceive2 ?: J. X+ H$ ^( M) ~  v
B、remember( Q% W  V6 [8 w# Q& ]) E
0 y7 ^) X: i/ @+ R5 t' YD、practice
9 ~, y+ {' X) W( u# T+ Y1 b正确资料:: N- r8 \9 f3 ^" D# K" P% n8 ?
+ ?" P5 C) S6 f  B

) A! x) l9 K" E8 ]- H第19题,Which opinion of using English in the classroom is wrong?(): u- s6 V8 [9 N! [4 \# Q  o
A、teacher-guided correction, z" D, W: ], X) F# I
B、group correction
* K6 U8 \0 M- I2 xC、focus correcting8 q1 [3 ], Y# X
6 a' {, h) j# G* [% w1 A3 ~0 g2 Z1 A+ S. B4 a( q

; S0 O4 h5 h0 e6 ?1 D, e资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Which expression is wrong about learning students' names?()
. l2 c( \3 W) A; _  ]0 e5 G' m- l) `; yA、Help show students that the teacher is interested in them.$ R7 O8 z# b& s( @
B、It shows the teacher is responsible.
* a  x2 v  ?+ K# _; @C、The teacher could ask individual students to assist with demonstrations.& V$ G0 T% [9 e/ k5 N/ |" M
D、The teacher could ask individual students to assist with equipment in the class.
0 v5 n$ S1 ~$ ]正确资料:
. T( W! X2 m8 k) `* J# ~+ R
6 x4 K3 w  k* ^* ?3 X! L; L) g+ Q2 ?4 g
第21题,Which are cognitive strategies?0 i  D% o- X; z+ V/ C% V* D
9 T1 F* m: a" i; c' uB、translation5 [- z" @5 f2 w, f
C、elaboration; S, t  i8 k" A3 x, ]) r
D、delayed production
# Y- g4 g# X, V2 v  p: jE、question for clarification
  ?# C, ~* Z# y8 g) Z正确资料:,B,C,E' G" x6 s9 v0 H/ n; K3 _
) C5 j' o# z, h( H, a/ x- T6 }

9 k; b+ Q, F5 c) k第22题,In the language focus phase, learners could ()
& y  _6 [) Z$ M0 {A、notice and reflect on language features+ ^: @9 _+ |% _' J
B、recycle the task language
5 l# O' [8 ?" x! z% ?C、go back over the text or recording and investigate new items+ k  g, V; [5 c  Y# M  [# I7 M
D、practice pronouncing useful phrases* e( b: t. Q0 f2 k4 s
正确资料:,B,C,D: r% g- m! q6 q9 x

* S% u+ p/ e# u2 Y3 D% L) L' f8 X+ J0 x* u$ a& q: _
第23题,Research is considered to be a process built around three key features)" ^3 I4 _7 U. e
A、Research questions and hypotheses are clearly articulated
$ N. ^" ?2 I7 A) zB、specification of appropriate research methods for addressing and answering+ J, j3 o' I8 X9 Z! Y$ |! J* z# r
C、therory of your resaerch8 w; ^- A5 I: R; a! d, f; y
D、specification of a research context for the questions
; F: g+ H, }# h2 i; B4 I4 f( }正确资料:,C,D. q9 C. J, z$ K/ i/ ^! C! [  Z
# t+ [( ^5 N. V7 y" l

- o( o8 ^. q5 e  E3 }2 n' y第24题,What are the functions of teacher talk?()3 J- V& ]5 R  _
A、teaching8 @' v0 g+ R+ x( F* H
B、socialization0 I# q' q. ]& Z, X4 M: b7 p2 S
C、organization) c) q) b* r. F  J$ Z
9 a/ w; d) }1 J( F6 d正确资料:,B,C7 e( r4 u$ t+ d9 e! o

. ~! e. e! W2 e+ ]# ~$ v+ @$ O' p) b# j$ ?7 X& E: n; s
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),A typical class might be structured in the manner presented below()., D/ X5 ]! d$ X( P+ o
A、introduction2 {/ D+ U. J' y4 g. {" C
B、input6 s: C4 k6 V" e5 r6 Z0 X5 u
. T6 C  [6 _5 ?4 n4 |: {D、evaluation
% S5 X, H" l+ Q" FE、integration
1 P' r6 p+ \4 y. I. i正确资料:,B,C,E: D7 @+ q6 I: i& Z4 x
5 O, v$ o$ S; y

/ {% k0 @# {% w/ u$ c第26题,For most cases, teachers have to search for and develop their own strategies to maintain discipline in their classroom. Which measures do you think are proper for indisciplined acts and badly behaving students().  P; A# A, S: h3 [. U- {( h
A、talk to students in the class
, z1 t# Z! A2 d$ W6 f7 N$ I1 pB、stop the class
* l$ P; X% \( QC、change the activity* c  T9 l# w3 ^; p6 f
D、rearrange the seats
  B3 m9 S$ e( f  p7 D/ IE、putting them in the corridor' c/ n1 y, }% Q+ q; R
. j& s- h$ A! I  l+ o
5 n$ Q) m; U- Z  C+ X& b! J7 X, L
第27题,Techniques of noting an error including().
7 I% X0 k: K2 |" C4 u* p/ l" G+ TA、facial expression/ {- V" K- m- Q$ [! O$ U
B、sentence completion
  R- A8 M0 Q' AC、clarification request* h0 l" _0 j' u8 a5 G
D、explicit correction
8 h- g" J1 A+ y3 V! s$ L3 b正确资料:,B,C,D; t" m7 O5 ~- T# t) W% u

0 G( I0 o: A1 z: w9 L1 T6 q$ B2 E( P) ~3 v' B; f- g7 P2 [8 T
第28题,Which  procedures are recommended in preparing self-report forms (Richards and Lockhart, 1996)
5 L, u4 A3 ^' Y! S0 s" KA、identify in as much as possible the philosophy underlying the course8 V8 ^0 [$ h# k
B、identify different kinds of teaching activities, procedures2 o/ p5 I- G9 r+ c
C、prepare a lesson report form3 {) l: J- k8 P2 m+ K
D、prepare videos
' g! V' G2 ~' t9 _# {% t' E正确资料:,B,C7 Y/ \( s& I, u

" B2 t0 F1 e4 s+ |7 L7 |
) O$ B/ E2 d) r5 v- y+ W: p第29题,Errors could be divided into three groups,they are().
' j  K% q7 U6 k1 r& j! ?, QA、interference errors
+ u2 n0 }: h2 o, rB、intralingual errors
& a/ X% a2 [1 `3 OC、systematic errors
& S4 }; a; a! _5 H: L4 i" xD、developmental errors% v% ^; ?1 A+ o4 u/ Z
5 T: U% z- Z! f3 w; f$ [
  R+ D6 O% Q) E# X
' m& p3 p, n: r. J9 @7 E3 j$ U+ w资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),For the public use of language(talking to the whole class) students will need to focus on()as befits a public presentation., z% A3 `* T( W2 r: a# R
A、fluency) f! i8 n/ l! t6 W; G
B、accuracy* x: Y7 M$ h3 \3 b8 a
2 I* v# e# |, o( WD、organization# U* G  K2 I$ Q! U' N9 ^
& u$ P; w/ p' X8 i$ `+ \, K4 P
: V# c( p, N# _7 i3 T3 q- _6 E0 _$ l% V+ Z
第31题,If there is an immediate task at hand, such as taking a test, perhaps teacher-guided correction is the most effective solution.
. x2 i1 r3 T! i4 P. f4 s# `/ KA、错误; B4 H& E" |% A6 I# I- p- {
B、正确5 m1 g3 j- g& d8 g) d- C
正确资料:√8 }8 C' o, O5 f0 T/ ?9 l: w
( N& b; X8 E) D7 p% }
% B$ y9 h0 c8 b3 J5 E% G4 Q
第32题,The aim at the controlled practice stage is simply to give students practice in forming or "manipulating" the structure.
. F0 v9 d, R: V; v" @- i( aA、错误
: h1 A4 g; H% @2 J( l& e" {B、正确. P! Z! @! s& U
4 {3 f9 Y+ M' K& F3 ]  c
2 k1 B1 _6 h! U* B* O& r, S1 y8 o( }; A% `+ V
第33题,In  Communicative Approach , the focus is on language form, rather than on meaning.8 d, D. i/ p9 \: a7 ~
: E* ~% L  B+ @7 R7 H$ V: mB、正确1 O" Z+ M  h6 J/ m% E: P$ L# K; H
正确资料:" K4 ]: N4 [7 u% x, B
$ R# A4 J. _1 K) ~# B) Q" I
% e" x- a2 z8 k
第34题,English is described as a second language in countries such as Fiji, Singapore, Nigeria,America.
6 ?' D& z; r% Y. AA、错误
5 Y- Q5 b% D2 L7 Z  [B、正确9 ^" a$ Y% u0 n* A9 h0 L$ ?
正确资料:, ]; K6 H& E1 C2 W
$ _! E( E' U6 ^: |  e& k

% y9 A4 z' p* S. K! r  ]5 P9 |第35题,Learners can correct but not explain systematic error.6 R3 E9 o5 _  K: h
A、错误" m) t/ Y0 D1 v" B# k
B、正确2 ]3 t1 l! n$ _' r) v! m+ d* E. w
1 |* C5 S# x( Z/ F0 v! d2 i* a4 V4 {: }/ d
% f& L8 T8 k. ]0 f, [: @3 X# S$ E2 @
第36题,Students feel less anxiety when they are working "privately" than when they are "on show" in front of the whole class.! @2 W1 u* G; u' s/ U$ {
A、错误- b9 [! z2 g# v* X
B、正确$ b" P  S9 M& h
$ ^5 W8 \5 k) V2 Y$ `- v7 L/ S5 o, h/ W* D
# v4 y0 G! L) [$ L+ Q1 j$ i0 r
第37题,Paraphrsing is a kind of common speaking strategy.
6 g* |9 S6 r2 W4 o# T+ M# qA、错误
& t4 X+ w5 v' J% F% L7 qB、正确
# G, u9 B- }# u; H3 d/ l: p正确资料:√  L! n( Y2 b6 Z) Y
. \1 Y1 |9 P9 i0 v4 X
1 o5 }4 R+ U9 K- O7 }8 P( }
第38题,A distinguishing characteristic of experimental research is that it adopts manipulation and control to measure internal and external validity.
4 @3 B+ ?' ?' ~$ p' n9 v1 c+ GA、错误
+ m( _7 n3 b7 v0 E( [B、正确
7 H; {! c/ i# R! `5 s: L; G. P正确资料:√
4 D  K+ ^  w. h' _- h; {& b4 \1 X2 b2 X* M

* o" [$ M8 S/ B第39题,Inductive reasoning works from the more general to the more specific, and it is sometimes called a "top-down" approach.7 ~& b: k" X1 N7 d1 L& p# W
A、错误0 X* S; d5 V' @
B、正确& G7 R, E+ N/ B9 I% ?9 A2 f: i2 s
正确资料:' C- O+ u* z, Z
, Z# T: }6 k0 F) Y# t
$ {1 e+ m- Q: a- b
第40题,Curriculum and syllabus can represent the same theory of learning and can be realeased in various way.5 R1 }1 X2 s; F2 F, J
! |( w% ~. M# i& [B、正确# ^8 O& L  C6 k& K5 ^
正确资料:5 C- A" L$ O: G3 B( p, m! c; p

1 [6 Q3 X( d7 q$ o$ x& f5 \; O+ M, q, _0 _$ U3 {. b) [
第41题,At the presentation stage the teacher introduces new language for students to learn. Here the teacher is in complete control and does almost all the talking.
& y7 {8 ~3 o' Z- r- \3 nA、错误6 ]1 Q1 H  f% c0 m4 [+ s1 X9 L
B、正确2 e& ~! u' m" k( g. R# U
正确资料:5 {% P- u  I: b# X, ^$ G! z

6 |6 I/ [" t  s) s- S* r$ I) Y3 p# W- h
第42题,A normal role play can be called a task even if it does not contain a problem-solving element.
& g5 c) H3 v- m) U3 AA、错误
0 k  |# f) I6 u# _, s7 G# EB、正确
9 a, c. M2 I3 J) ^) U% D6 {" f( B正确资料:$ ~/ N4 b  q- A; p$ F8 Q: s

7 R2 r6 p9 \3 R1 P1 x+ ^* s1 [& A0 b% u/ l
第43题,It is the best to follow the order and pace of the course book.( p( C' _! X' _3 I; x; A) Y0 u+ x
; O6 B4 U1 O) w- I% y0 qB、正确
6 o; }6 \, c- k2 ^6 ]正确资料:
0 E; e' B7 }- w3 a: [4 O* V6 u8 [! W( z$ s
) \; S/ q( [/ h
第44题,Fluency describes a level of proficiency in communication which includes the ability to produce written and/or spoken language with ease.
6 ^- y, t0 |5 ~4 l) g( U% K9 `- bA、错误! T" n) L+ {' n7 E, ]
B、正确: O' m  e& Z2 y- l5 c) }  a5 N& N
/ }1 t$ _; n! u4 b5 A! a- |! {+ Z! j. F) P

$ J/ V( }) V3 ~: [第45题,The teacher has only one role to play in the classroom.
$ Q2 V4 X+ X" UA、错误8 h7 c3 ]# `! D- |
! O& w+ s& Q1 x正确资料:' ?: k4 S! d0 V
& W9 v7 }! c! ?

9 Q3 ]; u; D7 J% b' a4 @8 j7 A8 [第46题,Five elements of reflective teaching model are linear or sequential and always followed by the next element in the cycle.# c1 R+ F  b: H- G+ S" L
& J2 S' R4 |9 M0 _7 k5 R7 MB、正确( b& `+ D  _, p; j% ~0 n' U
正确资料:# Q& `/ q6 C/ x! B- M7 t# G' U- o+ v

: l, t& d% v" P
9 A( j+ N6 `" r( h" |, x+ T$ m5 x第47题,Intralingual errors originate with the structure of the native language itself.
& s( V. R  z# KA、错误
- x# a8 S. n: [* J* y+ B6 ]B、正确
/ N  [( \9 V# R, [4 g正确资料:
. Y& S. j+ [# C- k  h" K# m! F% B
1 d% j  d5 }# k+ E+ J" v! b9 Y* f- J' V1 Z! y, {1 V
第48题,If nobody corrects leanrners' error, they will never learn good English.( _9 M+ G. b* G$ h4 G  o2 L
A、错误  q) x/ a: |# X4 f. r1 \
B、正确$ ?6 ]1 U7 a' `- S. }
正确资料:  v! c: M2 x! M7 L7 f$ e

5 c- H1 n3 v, U
: P0 S4 ^7 [  ]7 q8 g第49题,Errors can indicate the student's stage of language learning and acquistion." M  e9 E2 q4 R
' I: Q9 e7 b( J* \; y3 dB、正确
* X( t7 }# C& v3 a/ R正确资料:
+ \; j( q$ C/ M. s2 l# H$ ^. E
0 e: Y) B/ J) d9 X, X
9 [" J" n0 h! X5 s. B资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),If teachers do not have enough time, they could finish abruptly or run on afte bell.2 j9 }' K' @* i
A、错误4 c1 f7 l% U. G( @/ h
B、正确" F- n8 y7 k3 ^* N, {
正确资料:6 w1 ~- C; x6 a
3 w8 T$ w! }  N: a5 G. Y

; T4 [% M6 `0 ^0 [" d# `5 P( D" A/ U3 l
2 ~6 J# U- Q: E8 L9 ^+ t$ e$ ]

' f" _' X, w+ @8 e4 @9 q% |4 ]" G' u6 A7 A3 @) W3 f

* n4 g* z; P7 C- j! O
) Q" ?) l  X0 ~/ K6 S- x, l. u$ a0 ?2 [/ l( r1 p  Z1 L1 N' j* D

1 e8 I" a/ Q& ]% i2 g2 O3 V3 ?, Y* m3 A3 u$ }

, E$ E# ?7 B: h6 E7 o' R( Y
; k1 v5 q4 M2 Q. m7 n7 N
* D* b! H9 f: o+ j


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