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发表于 2020-6-13 04:34:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
) V. `5 F! _9 w% H$ [' n! s2 T& m试卷总分:100    得分:100
, S5 T. N/ G2 I) M第1,The biggest problem for group work is the selection of group members. Below are some possible ways to group students. Each of them is appropriate except ().
; P# T7 }% u/ a7 z! b. RA、group the students according to seating arrangement% @! B: _# P0 m& ~8 R9 x+ C
B、students select their own group members (risky)7 u6 e5 \9 ]. A4 G& q/ a' n
C、group the students by drawing lots" {% l0 j# ~" O1 H, r" ^
D、divide the strong students and the weak students into different groups. A6 M: {% ?' v  B( D( D
正确资料:6 E, p  I" h5 f) r4 ?

3 G+ K9 b2 D2 C* _
! P8 z" \7 k# V  ]第2题,In the learning the established understanding is typical by _ syllabus.
' f3 G  _# X! R3 l  r$ wA、Formal and functional1 T$ z, w# j" x# ~9 U4 ?1 o, _
B、structural and functional; h* U0 B, A$ n3 G, i: v
C、formal and structural
0 ]+ b  r% h& V4 s' v5 SD、type A and type B
. ^! Q3 N+ `2 t- D- @$ k, |/ H( Z正确资料:
( w' d- s& G! m+ L
3 Q. |1 p. e+ l8 R2 k. ~
# _* @5 V3 A" c: u5 x& O/ W第3题,What  arenot the causes of an error().+ P7 e  x, @( G3 m
A、overgeneralization8 H$ C9 Q- p$ N- ^% k" Z2 ?
B、undergeneralization/ t5 Y1 T" j" ~! ?8 s* Y$ E
C、simplification3 F# J; b$ H0 G; K  R
D、deduced errors
& J% J+ x4 L  I% G正确资料:$ h+ B* `0 |5 A7 C
) w" C8 `/ T! S* q" `, }

8 h- K9 v7 T+ K) e( O第4题,One of the principles of the Direct Method is that  classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the  ()language.2 A7 I2 Y5 E! z3 p) c! u) ]
A、native2 `/ F6 _9 E4 ~, {$ j& Q; P# @
B、another new
# i$ z1 ~' s6 u' R" ?C、target) C: c7 y( x1 g/ P# Z
# S- f. t( J+ O6 j正确资料:
* j  u0 V2 \& Z  |0 K$ B9 w4 w! Y( D

9 j; ?! m) d7 l资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),How many crucial areas are included in the profession ().
" w) l2 V- y9 x) \A、6
% q, K6 H5 M5 z- K  W0 o8 p9 m) i8 _3 oB、56 y1 H2 o. ]2 h/ J. _
C、4) H4 [7 F$ s. |% v/ ~3 Q
D、3, x0 D0 X" t2 Z+ \
正确资料:( ]: }2 v. x; `. x$ d$ _0 n1 G

% C. e; ?" J9 p0 u: E- B$ g
7 F  [1 u/ U* n! U! R第6题,() relates to the truthfulness of the data.
: h& f5 ]# V1 G4 c2 g! iA、validity
8 j' p: C5 U8 f6 E& \6 @B、reliabilit
4 W# ?5 `  D, y" O% m! r/ rC、subject5 u: s6 G$ \9 i; R2 h; @0 t' f/ z, s
0 F. b% P% [! Z& n* l) G0 S9 N正确资料:2 ]  w. W1 P9 V0 a9 T" B; y+ B

5 _/ \/ H  ]# {9 G$ N( |% m4 z- [1 u2 r
第7题,Which one do you think is not the correct statement().
8 q; L- g) J% k7 P8 K+ p$ p* FA、as an assessor, the teacher does two things, that is, correcting mistakes and organizing feedback
" r( _( q2 q# F3 m- P" hB、the most important and difficult role that the teacher has to play is to be an controller
+ ]" p# k0 Y( ]% W& ^C、task-based teaching methods encourage the teacher to participate6 b5 P( o/ N/ e/ Y1 c2 f
正确资料:) e% L3 W5 h0 i8 U$ y- O& E0 A! T: _

: @# c6 L+ U& L. C. z0 n1 ?9 @2 m( V+ U  O% |5 U
第8题,In your opinion, which one is the most typical macro planning ().& F  _9 O+ s/ R. P; h4 [
A、unit planning
: u4 D1 l/ V1 B4 V+ ?B、half a semester planning
8 {! D: P  J$ k9 C- }& hC、one semester planning
- G( R6 `' w. w: \9 h6 t! t* jD、whole course planning
* ]" _9 p$ S% v正确资料:& o: J$ C$ T6 q  H  U- o( h
  i7 F0 @$ t# q( d: _

/ h9 [2 R/ x2 F, j6 Q. A( {7 Z第9题,Doing a () invlves achieving an outcome, creating a final product that serves some practical purpose.
* W1 h2 m$ ]' u0 m, |: ?: F: TA、homework
* l' `& Z7 n  vB、communication task
9 I; t; \& f! ?2 r' ~0 K7 o# O2 a6 p7 jC、exercise" h8 y6 |2 v! @$ O. ?
D、listening activity
; g' E7 N6 C. a2 D2 Q. O5 l0 H正确资料:
1 a8 m  f& v1 R5 F4 G
2 ?. [3 Z/ N- c* i* p( A% c
& \. t! J; F/ i) n# I, A" X资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Learners may be unwilling or even refuse to learn the language of a nation which is () to their country in economy, culture or social progress.
2 p( ?* E$ A# o5 zA、inferior% z* E$ m% }, i/ L* G& V
B、superior* g9 q% N( s2 ^5 V& u
C、more developed0 ~( T1 V  t  Y
6 F2 n. ], v7 ?正确资料:
3 P, M* [* y; {/ [1 F$ f6 E: q
2 g( i) Y7 r% d1 o7 r; o) x) m, j! [3 Z) k
第11题,________ is the adding of a letter or sound, or group of letters or sounds, to a word which changes the meaning or function of the word.
. F+ _1 h" {$ d% {% GA、derivation
0 }( p, i( E& W( ^  L) ~2 mB、conversion
% m! O* i5 ^0 Z! o2 \) n" tC、affixation
4 G: Y1 `5 @, {& JD、backformation
% ~8 S! W, [6 q正确资料:7 d6 r  K% \, r5 y) y9 `" l

5 a1 d& @% F' a' b
" `( D: _7 O$ x* Y/ X( @& v7 t4 H# o资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),The first of the "natural methods"is ().+ O5 N. F  p: h! C3 Y
A、Direct Method- b" Y) M) v5 p! n/ Z. l8 W- a
B、Grammar-translation Method' o- D& ]- e/ e
C、the Audio-lingual Method/ G7 l7 {  ]! Q9 \& v+ m
D、Situational Language Teaching
  J% p1 C  c( P: Y( S& c7 o正确资料:
2 N5 n7 C" v3 d, T  \$ ]' w: P$ [

# p0 |+ W" o3 K$ i  e. h$ Q; C第13题,If a writing task is more general (for example, developing informal letter writing skills), then what is the best approch of correction?' }3 I, c, m7 }* O4 ~9 [# U
A、teacher-guided correction
7 B3 `+ U3 v, l! D- xB、group correction
& R" |+ D& O: F/ Q& Q7 q2 o4 f  {C、focus correcting
4 ~$ x" q9 R, p( ?: i4 i# O( z: F+ ]正确资料:
% \5 E8 O5 z# I7 @' ?4 s+ S) n* [& k* F
  P: f* `8 K2 Y! O, x: c% |
第14题,()involves the organization of learning and teaching in such a way that the traditional notion of the "average student" and "aiming for the middle "in teaching is abandoned.
4 y* Z# M2 V8 e0 KA、pair work
% \+ j5 D* d/ p6 g6 H' u; OB、group work
1 s4 Z/ p) a5 x) w, D6 W7 qC、teacher's help
5 U4 K6 ^5 w# G( [) xD、individualization
7 Z* O/ j2 r/ \9 A: c2 U正确资料:( @* s* f2 m- j+ H% d

5 E8 ~: C7 M2 Z/ b# K3 b8 F2 A
  i( l5 F  @$ b; T( Z& d" Q3 ^" d资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Which is the pre-writing activityin which  a student or group of students write down as many thoughts as possible on a topic without paying attention to organization, sentence structure or spelling?( I# @8 s) Q& ~: K, E0 t9 ?
: G% B; h" V; _, A& A$ j! `/ dB、predicting0 p% v, u$ U( h. }1 B, R/ O2 A: S
% m# \/ I9 b4 q- A; J" b( g正确资料:9 _; ~7 A. j6 n8 g$ ~7 Y7 j+ y

; S5 _$ k% I: O5 K5 X6 n4 T  [! Q# I: ^* U0 H2 x! O
第16题,The Audio-lingual Method was developed in the () during World War II.
0 f# D+ i# F8 V6 E. Y4 b* P6 m/ {A、German
, I, Z( Z3 R- a! l. B. M, `  g! lB、China  e5 L/ U- y9 K6 x$ T
C、France! k' D& E; f. W/ Q
D、United States
& P4 Z& P: u, l4 U正确资料:
0 O& u( b, |0 A/ u& t& G: m
/ e* e0 ]: |- q4 n: {5 W4 a( U7 h; `
第17题,Which opinion of using English in the classroom is wrong?()
* L6 k8 w' n; Z" E+ NA、teacher-guided correction
2 l3 o. b* a7 l- _" KB、group correction
3 O' _$ l! b$ [9 v; zC、focus correcting
# X6 e. S& ^& V% g8 |/ Q正确资料:
9 K2 n, `3 I: T1 k" a8 y. j' g; E5 B. t/ X, c
% g1 N4 E' \, n; p' |
第18题,Students work in pairs, each having similar pictures, but with differences. Through talking to each other, they have to find out the differences without looking at each other's pictures. What is the name of this speaking activity* n7 _. C' s! e  k7 A3 t
A、Reaching a consensus
, l- x, I4 }% o& ]1 H/ g7 nB、Describe and arrange& q$ v7 B. a8 I6 r5 r. o
C、Find out the difference
) e# D% Y/ y0 m( aD、Work out the story
# I0 ~& w+ n. i# K( ?正确资料:
+ n9 V* t; m/ u% I0 y+ |* M' f* m' m4 Z; ?; D
' @3 A+ p$ T5 }8 e4 o# s7 Y/ ]
第19题,Which is not belongs to cognitive strategies?/ {$ C3 T. a) A9 x! g
A、resourcing6 u* n" x9 `; n) q/ X
& r7 j* C  M: Q; h& Z6 YC、translation
, S9 g7 y& e6 v% k$ ND、inferencing
0 w: _, e# P( r2 _. H3 F正确资料:
4 m% @! Y# B! f/ z  A+ F% H4 M
, ^& m, M" w# T& l! `# m7 C' v' k3 B4 m) f; Y% I# a- C
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),If we should not require native-like pronunciation, then what should be our realistic goal when we speak English in the classroom().8 y) T+ E! F% M% T# p$ J
1 U3 x8 m* x. x1 K6 bB、intelligibility. @) ?; r9 }- y5 ^) l/ u1 y4 O3 i2 d
C、communicative efficiency1 @: @$ x, u2 ?: Z9 Y3 ~( `
D、above all
& r1 E6 p2 S) F6 A( `( C正确资料:7 n# w* c- k' r$ {, H, \3 R

8 `4 R# B$ h, u2 ?. u
3 T* ]5 c% z0 H3 n; q1 D第21题,Which of the following are the characteristics of TBL ()  T- w9 \* ~7 @4 w4 }
A、authentic language materials/ b. V8 R+ ~: R
B、inductive reasoning
% t1 m1 @4 l/ S' kC、non-linguistic outcome' A+ G: i- h  `2 c& V. p
D、motivated students
4 m# r! N$ y( v9 z; e" e; u3 ^E、realistic situation. @" |3 X8 m& J
" b5 v. _) b$ \: W! Y4 Z: W  P: J4 L- Y9 S/ b  ?9 K$ C+ u# J
! s# T9 `7 _. F
第22题,The interactional view of language sees language primarily as the means for ()and for () between individuals.
( r/ W: F" k0 S. BA、establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships
( G; |- c. h9 u3 F# NB、performing social transactions+ V9 Y+ d" _! v7 H8 o  j- b
C、learning to express communicative functions
( i9 D& i# ~2 U  sD、learning to express categories of meaning
, }* t$ {# b, ^  b; r1 I) N* _3 I正确资料:,B+ r+ y! o' S4 B5 K. n  G9 j  T

* @# t9 M  w6 s: l2 }% I& P% _
: \/ o2 L7 l8 i$ m9 U  d第23题,Errors occur for ().) b* q1 G4 p( U: @5 J0 ^+ y
A、interference from the native language
* @) P0 E, I! ^/ V7 f. f# rB、incomplete knowledge of the target language
% Z, y/ p: z; B* p+ ZC、the complexity of the the language
; a$ \0 z: C: L$ |. vD、dufferences in writing system
( b3 X+ q0 S" o正确资料:,B,C,D/ q9 `( p2 e1 M* R- Z7 j+ g) l. E
  {/ c# B0 P# b; X! X2 l1 i

$ {; W% C; g. x- {1 O  S第24题,Which of the following options are  the ways to show the meaning of a structure visually?________
+ j7 S) f1 _5 d. u6 w$ m  H# kA、using the things in the classroom that the students can see( J( V/ M  I2 y% Q7 X/ Q3 t
B、using blackboard drawing5 F; a1 ?/ t1 J" W* X
C、think of a situation from outside the class, in which structure could naturally be used: ^' F& j- k" ]) S8 e5 O* d3 @
D、explain the differences between strutures
' }( E" i  |. z9 w6 c- `% v正确资料:,B,C
+ x4 H& U  q# j  k2 ?, v7 F+ w4 J+ H. Y

) [5 Y' {( C6 C  B. x9 x! m) o1 A资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),What could teachers do in class when there are still a few minutes to go?(); Y* y. i6 H  j9 _8 w
A、The teacher could invite one more pair to report their work to the whole class.
4 g1 a( s: m; N7 B* l& a" A. \B、The teacher could review what has gone on in class today.
  I& h' D" b& I: RC、The teacher could ask students study by self./ g, F% j- [* Q) w$ c1 B/ f
D、The teacher could the students what they will be doing in the next c
) p' L5 b$ I8 J5 e! p! ^正确资料:,B,D
1 F: f* n' x5 ?1 a  c, k9 x7 I
+ `! |+ N7 E3 v, o- D1 ]/ U$ L$ W4 Y& P  K5 o3 c( O9 C
第26题,Listed below are some possible characteristics of a disciplined ELT (English Language Teaching) classroom. Which ones do you think are appropriate().
- I( E  G& A& S( pA、the lesson is proceeding according to plan
) F! a( g; B' n8 sB、the class is under the teacher's control
; w' T7 q+ }' RC、the teacher and students show respect to each other: W* Y, e" Z* i9 p" H& W  A
D、the teacher appears to be the authority
/ w! t1 w% Z' `( S- E" S" h  M  w6 xE、undisciplined students are punished
" V0 i9 ]$ ~( b  Q3 A8 O/ y4 j正确资料:,B,C1 n* t& @  @6 X/ R$ g2 c2 j6 c+ W
2 b0 L  c% @, p) q) F6 \" d
9 C! _% y. i  X4 ^1 P
第27题,Why teachers should not correct every error().
: l% ?$ [$ X' H6 O. E' F9 VA、affective concerns
9 D  s1 u) s* x$ m9 X% r2 bB、attitude concerns
; }5 C% V$ D) q# [C、classroom management concerns: Z% ?- f5 q3 }, A) I/ S$ X8 o
D、teaching concerns
7 f! `, @8 Q; C( ~2 Z正确资料:,C,D* z& t4 ?8 @+ I' C( Q+ n# L: z
* k5 C. Y! h2 A5 [8 x
' G$ W8 i" @- ~/ f- `: s
第28题,What are the three different views of language()?
8 p6 _0 ~  H! ?: T4 d( xA、the structural view( o+ M* K9 v8 n/ k  p- L
B、the communicative view1 ~! S) D& Z( C
C、interactional view
$ O7 Z  [9 Y" y6 _3 R, E7 y3 H; JD、functional view
& g) b) x. L" C, E正确资料:,B,C,D8 H; n3 Q: p4 [! l- N
* e% @8 G, X$ _

6 o1 H4 b: f+ [& v" g第29题,The ultimate purpose of teaching is to assist students to become () learners.) ]  b, x$ K, U0 ^  n' l. X1 N
7 p1 F/ j, T* }7 A  ]B、self-regulated
1 P- R3 h' a9 [; p4 DC、dependent
' Z) m* N" `9 y& \( k8 uD、undisciplined, v2 G+ n  q" [( p3 \
3 h) U, g" }' l; [$ s; X6 [  s. A' g; o0 @5 R! n0 p

  v8 z' f4 w8 R8 q资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),The motivation of a student who wishes integrate with the L2 culture is what?
  N  H- d0 f- y7 X- |* qA、intrinsic3 v( f9 F3 @8 p! r/ D/ @
* V! J9 `7 ]- S; k: G' BC、instrumental
; I4 x) [) K3 `4 z  I# BD、extrinisic! y  C8 S9 D' ]6 k* T& ^
E、external  I$ F! i7 @, U0 J2 W
正确资料:,B& u3 N: B# L, L0 ]" h/ q0 K" l9 h
2 `9 ~% |+ q+ K. m& A7 s+ l# @& s
( [0 `4 e1 a0 T
第31题,We should learn words which frequently appear.
- R0 j' K1 K- D5 @! I2 KA、错误+ P# _# e' g$ @
5 W" q7 y- D2 [! A" F正确资料:6 z, n# }- K( |5 W

' E5 @$ _" Y) P( @# o% ?8 }/ G3 A2 Q3 @9 q& D8 H
第32题,Fluency describes a level of proficiency in communication which includes the ability to produce written and/or spoken language with ease.! N! N( K2 D; q8 j3 K* P! \- Y
8 ^& W1 X; ^" z! ^4 C! q1 `9 mB、正确* X: d  }" G* t
) Q# C1 F8 O; }+ w6 g
6 m) n" P8 d! y, u" b5 h1 _& H2 I3 e- S
第33题,According to what the students are expected to do, classroom activities can be divided into two main categories: those that give the student language input, and those that encourage the students to produce output., }2 l! o- I, k: n3 s+ q
A、错误4 Q- u7 w  I- @* H0 z  S& X- N
1 g& i. g2 }2 f  y4 a# @" Q, N! F正确资料:
1 E# }) N! J& F0 P. r, Y# G( R7 [9 Q+ _- h

1 F+ y% K3 H- e  I# B- V第34题,Learners can neither correct nor explain pre-systematic error.
+ Z6 C7 t: [9 e( f7 B9 `$ |: dA、错误
1 m( J+ L2 q; M+ ?1 wB、正确$ u( L; |' T& G( I7 @
正确资料:) B; j, L) m, g2 Q2 F# {& ~
$ ~/ s" I6 i# Q2 d2 C  J' d

" o4 s3 b% s, t! A& p+ q( j第35题,Introverts seek out company actively and enjoy the company of other people.
! F' R  k# i. }: `0 b3 LA、错误, B+ D2 ^7 v6 s5 V/ Z
B、正确% x7 A$ }9 c( c) X3 N- A
正确资料:/ M* A& F' y5 v) C
# v. B4 E1 f* V' A4 p# D: n

/ Z$ J" d; R  ~: X. x2 |  S1 B第36题,The analytic syllabus relies on the learner's ability to learn a language in parts independently of one another.
# S9 m) i: h7 j9 |  m# l) Y4 nA、错误
6 j+ ~: a& x( w  @) uB、正确! {$ p6 }- J) A8 ]/ e9 A
% m+ F$ S. s$ T9 i. e
% ]. m5 e; b& T' w  R: S7 y" l
% `3 l) G4 S* }% j9 f第37题,Chomsky (1972) proposed a communicative definition of language which serves as a basis for developing communicative syllabuses for language teaching.
; d% ]3 J. p9 y% U5 t  c$ mA、错误+ L; J5 H' G# w, O% w$ i. v
B、正确  a( E' [8 z" O2 ~; O7 y) R! b
正确资料:) T; J+ J2 r& y1 V

) \8 P$ ]9 t+ q; e# d! j: ^. h/ [5 b# r2 y1 A/ _* B  y- }
第38题,A lexical item may be more than a single word.
, g+ M$ j% H: E& e1 W0 U' LA、错误
4 @3 A7 f% t6 N5 P( x) HB、正确/ n, d! j3 p7 J6 ^+ r$ K
. F6 J: v7 n9 ^# r5 j- v$ U- ?) y( P) r- a  |) m4 d+ o1 J9 u
: a: F  M6 U& y- i2 R
第39题,It is important to show even to beginners that language can be used to perform different functions.
$ s& K- l4 g% u% o# @* W% e4 }A、错误: L) o" m6 t9 e7 a7 {/ a" u% C
B、正确! P! J- E% F7 m5 A+ d% W
正确资料:7 a! v# u/ Q, u0 M

7 @. F% v9 h; i
. `5 x$ m' V. N) B4 O& x+ ^5 l第40题,Teachers and students need to understand that learning a foreign language  means giving up one's first language or dialect.. Q/ t! M$ l3 B" B+ U) m
. k6 X9 E" X) h8 HB、正确1 b  Y5 H/ r- _8 H" h0 w- n
6 ?0 H' E) B. v" }/ ~7 v+ m2 k7 R) J3 I0 j

. e8 x- F$ s; _9 b7 q2 t8 d4 t' }5 W第41题,Students develop their writing skills gradually with the help from the teacher, moving from controlled writing to guided writing and finally to free writing.
' z7 _* q) ]4 `8 T1 ]0 F( C. wA、错误  N* [! Y' I5 b. `. d8 v3 o
6 l% M. V( p" p* F  R4 ~正确资料:
' o8 {/ \" H' {6 R9 z2 h
% ]3 e& U) a! _! K9 a+ i
4 _5 K7 e0 u  c9 s0 K第42题,Self-talk can reduce anxiety by using mental techniques that make one feel competent to do the learning task.4 w& e" B" D& a1 e
A、错误. R6 M# A0 p- c
- r( B5 D7 N2 \" d7 Z" S- R, ?8 V正确资料:# [% a  x7 [& @& i4 G$ _" {
4 X6 ?" W& V0 X% ?
  [+ }' m+ E3 [# T1 l6 o3 {
第43题,The presentation stage, the practice stage and production stage are indispensable.3 r, y7 L' l3 N* u  s3 l" H* c& C
A、错误* _6 ^3 P: }0 ~% z% c- V% Z( o/ L! s
; z  R, g9 c) ]  ~- L/ ~( I正确资料:) r8 M* q; v* n0 o! f# a' E3 B

; B' v' v* Z7 u1 f0 X: g
# K# U9 Q& Z0 `2 @; \2 Q第44题,At the presentation stage the teacher introduces new language for students to learn. Here the teacher is in complete control and does almost all the talking.. X! w7 `* l/ h! K
, T  q  ~6 v5 t3 T6 N4 M  AB、正确; p$ w0 c' P) b% P2 ]
正确资料:" i& D9 [; q5 L/ g1 N* B; F
6 i6 G9 B, c2 ^& z  H- O
3 r5 y% h* g. S6 W( ^
第45题,When correcting an error, a teacher may suggest an appropriate alternative word or phrase.5 w; q  k! d% J' M2 w) f- ?
3 h' l$ T- v+ E6 Y+ G6 \B、正确9 X" E( V5 I4 d$ o2 a% u$ D3 o
( G& ~! Y+ R% C& m
7 B# f, e' U* K6 X3 Q/ d! s, k9 ^7 c, T7 O
第46题,The role of English and other foreign languages differs widely from one country to another, X8 W& F4 ?- q" Q' J& p# N8 U2 F
A、错误3 T) w- N- |( v6 h
- N& E  J2 k, X3 S9 R) U+ I正确资料:
5 y+ X7 H4 f2 s7 p
8 a! x9 Q" i1 V0 X9 A( M$ z* _2 G8 p5 U4 Z
第47题,Experimental research seeks to describe existing patterns in the data; no manipulation of the variables occurs.
0 A& E* P* q1 G( i+ ^A、错误
+ s0 H7 J6 c* @  n2 K3 M) X$ \B、正确
2 Q* S* x4 x* W' p1 d/ p正确资料:( @% g% \# ]: p( T1 T# H

' ~& I" m- U6 j6 m3 K5 f2 X- N# I: Z5 c' @7 R
第48题,Indeed the most important factor in writing exercises is that students need to be personally involved in order to make the learning experience of lasting value.& ~4 {6 T+ o$ G; {3 Q( u, F2 W
A、错误0 i6 W1 B6 z; f2 c
B、正确$ V( A" r% ?3 A7 C. ~! k+ `; t; y& |
正确资料:  }+ V' y3 f3 r' P5 S8 V
0 J8 p" e& Y8 j: i; p' v5 r
. g% I; P6 u5 N% G6 @: c# j+ H
第49题,Foreign language learners often recognize the fact that a lack of cultural awareness and sensitivity can cause more serious misunderstandings and communication breakdowns than an incorrectly used tense or wrong word order.
. D, I: z# s0 }! m! ]# X* vA、错误3 S( W0 S) @) V8 W+ ?2 j( H
B、正确+ s: r( K4 I5 x& v! h. t
正确资料:9 c5 o( a, `' @
" W# ~0 G9 N8 y9 T: ]; y

( F: Z0 o* L" k2 c$ c资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),According to Noss , there are a number of facilities available to implement the language policy.
& U2 ?% _& Y' w* N) W6 m3 HA、错误
+ R$ \& `4 f( }2 ?B、正确
; s3 t( N& u$ n9 r$ R5 J+ c/ M1 W8 O正确资料:
3 Q7 J& v5 ~2 J! N# V! ?& N  ?
7 J/ i0 r2 R/ m" d
, d7 b, F6 V/ U8 q6 h% r: }( f& ]- z9 M

# [; |% p1 _3 m0 w# G" o! }) r: m/ a% G* h+ M3 ^
+ T" j/ x1 s6 M" n! ?5 I* X
1 o8 I' s; D0 t0 F2 S$ N: ~
' Z: W' b9 V! {

9 ^* F" r8 a6 ]: A
- `0 x2 S; g( |, Q  [& q. V) S
! b( h$ Z: t$ d3 Z, j
& @$ C3 ?4 L! d0 K

8 j5 P$ f1 C" ~/ S6 X


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