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发表于 2020-6-19 21:25:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
" w: O% K' i# K- @4 w6 I
3 [$ G& t/ ?! V( U
西南大学培训与继续教育学院课程考试# N" _% e( H" a1 ^! I% W. P$ |
' {  ]1 p0 I. S- C  @) y: h        - }* y& g& P. o
考试时间:150分钟0 j7 h) y8 ?0 p  \% b
        0 Q" U' `4 f- j! T
更多资料下载:谋学网(www.mouxue.com):100分" i' V9 E# w. B! q
* R' F& S) A; T" i8 b7 Z
9 y% x! k$ i, _, N# I9 H* x) i: z
        ) B( F; o/ x: H. z: h( E3 Z
3 [* z& r* ]+ {! E6 x1 t1 V0 B7 o3 u
一、" {6 B$ L' ^7 f  e) W
更多资料下载:谋学网(www.mouxue.com)(本大共10小题,每道题2.0分,共20.0分)* d' z" K7 J: c) X# [6 x* l
1.1 H$ X) x* q: ~; @6 f, ^" k+ v9 g
(   ) is a fast and powerful operating system, based on the UNIX O.S.0 H0 G# k+ B( S. q/ L! l
A.Windows: c" L9 B* V1 b; {
B.Office$ ?7 M/ U: S/ B. l
C.Windows. M3 Q2 N0 X/ V: ?+ G; S. w
8 M* f; Z2 _  J/ T; o; V" \$ w2./ |& B" k+ t2 R! F2 K. ^" p& |
The RGB value is composed of (  ) components
* f. v& S6 }/ N9 I. n* p+ WA.one
; ?7 Z& B5 t  Q) g( o$ tB.two! O& M( p' Z1 X2 Z: {
C.three! K8 q: C2 ]3 k
: F5 v$ J9 d4 A" s1 I3.& O5 y) a+ K1 I
The (  ) turns the object file into an executable program
+ P: i4 [$ s$ y5 n) oA.linker
$ w2 c1 `" G  E. A( gB.compiler; {, B- ?( ^# d$ Q; ^
C.interpreter; n! c: J7 \6 X& V* J2 v* j  F; C
D.computer, _0 ^& \' S# S! \- C- d4 f' ~
* k% E! v7 h9 L. i' d0 ^" N) }(    ) is a word processing tool that helps you to create quality documents.' J5 v2 W( X+ m+ e3 s1 c
A.Word! A+ Q& K3 t" p4 j5 U
B.Outlook) d7 v$ Z) D/ h6 w( H$ L4 `
, |) f6 D1 F" _! f& H* B/ h, ND.Excel0 R) {8 O3 w" h% c6 [  O
5.0 G5 }- V; p) ^2 D; r8 q
The OSI model has (  ) layers. R* F) Z/ ]0 r+ U& ]4 _2 L1 j, t' X
A.four0 s+ \3 _5 Y; R# h2 ]
B.five! X- h8 _7 Q! h3 _% r5 ]( E( k
% |3 L0 j6 O) j% d  S9 _D.seven2 F# ~+ S0 ?8 g. \/ q
6.  ]2 z0 E. Z" b8 `0 r
(   ) is used to communicate with another computer over telephone lines.
- c% w; E6 V) B$ H0 j- aA.Keyboard
1 @5 \( j9 Q/ H9 }; bB.Modern
0 @, j# ^1 x8 q! c8 t2 V/ ?C.Mouse  f6 L. ^6 ?5 F, c1 k$ g
D.Printer* o3 p1 _( c) D! }7 X( q
$ G  ~& [) n! o8 h6 c1 a( l& N* x- i  pVirus is a (  )0 v0 f  Y3 I# t7 k& S
  k2 p9 p; ~" Q: m* p  P9 |B.Computer
$ v/ q# j! `6 c) V9 {0 u' w' }C.Bad man
: h1 @! C7 p' q+ s8 kD.Beast
+ }9 n" D  O& X9 A7 K% @; ]1 N8.. z7 Q! w- B$ _! T5 a9 Q3 e) I
Which one is not a computer languages?( )$ f! w) T9 S4 K# V
A.word0 N; c0 z& |( [: w1 ~
B.Python7 A5 k" q* |9 U, [$ Q& f5 u# [1 C
C.C8 ^* E/ w& j. ^
; a+ a! h9 H8 W. x9 X) ]6 U( d* b9.
) {7 Q/ z7 u  \; w! w+ P0 GThe purpose of the (  ) is to provide fully integrated analog services to users.
) V& v( ~7 t( `8 eA.ISDN+ A, J4 E# v  r
* }' n2 F  F" X( ?4 q: yC.FTP6 x# r% b# W2 J4 H$ g% ^
! [' X/ y1 I5 M7 H$ ~" c4 {10., K  m1 b: j# F5 j
(   ) is a device that enables the computer to handel sounds
  R. [+ u, P/ zA.network card
# `/ R2 u$ r+ ~% iB.video card3 B$ r: Z+ d+ c
C.sound card
+ I6 R; w& }& xD.monitor% \( d+ h" G( L/ t  J$ \
二、/ K1 S, O: R- H. C) p5 O  o
填空题(本大题共10小题,每道题3.0分,共30.0分)& V2 m8 A$ j. O! S/ y' R
6 K, @, L  C9 R0 T0 ?' v$ fThe increase in (  ) connections in homes is a key element in the second wave of electronic commerce., n  J5 F+ S; e6 n

, X# ^, @  S0 j, v* V) D提示:点击工具栏中相机图标拍照上传可以使用手机微信扫码拍照上传照片,请确保拍摄的照片清晰。& F' i0 l4 L6 R6 \/ R
2." t) a6 Z* H1 ?$ o( l
Security concerns with respect to data encompass availability, secrecy, and (  )
1 A# X5 b" ^1 U7 g# o* R1 l9 W) K; D
提示:点击工具栏中相机图标拍照上传可以使用手机微信扫码拍照上传照片,请确保拍摄的照片清晰。0 N1 Y' C- ?5 Q2 t7 ~/ ]+ q
5 o) K: U' A: q+ zIn computer security, integrity covers the two related concepts of (   ) integrity and system integrity/ E- ?0 r+ A4 J3 Y
: d7 }$ \9 H+ l1 \; @2 o$ e! w
提示:点击工具栏中相机图标拍照上传可以使用手机微信扫码拍照上传照片,请确保拍摄的照片清晰。' r  b3 e0 B( y
* D2 s2 V; X3 C  l& `1 EThe three most commonly used categories of electronic commerce are B2C,(   ) and business processes.
9 B: i6 K! S2 x3 H& `1 e. U  P. K. G6 p
提示:点击工具栏中相机图标拍照上传可以使用手机微信扫码拍照上传照片,请确保拍摄的照片清晰。1 a5 i+ v" t( X7 P0 @* R
5.& U& m+ j5 y( ~3 t) T
Ecommerce, also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce, refers to the buying and (  )of goods or services using the internet5 R! P4 c+ @' o- y1 `! }: h

: _0 X+ |- T/ q- a5 J4 c: \7 d提示:点击工具栏中相机图标拍照上传可以使用手机微信扫码拍照上传照片,请确保拍摄的照片清晰。0 m0 M( {8 q  }5 @$ [! \
" ^% C- O* L' u5 t" CA (   )is a string of characters used for authenticating a user on a computer system.
8 b) ^7 J. S1 R  w+ p
7 S) `/ Z- L$ B7 i' _: Y/ H提示:点击工具栏中相机图标拍照上传可以使用手机微信扫码拍照上传照片,请确保拍摄的照片清晰。
1 a2 a6 q# Z) X" W3 @' v7.7 c, B5 ]0 ?( y5 H
The year 2000 was a turning point in electronic commerce. It marked then end of the dot-com(  )
' H7 E1 L/ a, o; l/ Z8 S, n' D
' u' _' L0 `/ g# F  j, k提示:点击工具栏中相机图标拍照上传可以使用手机微信扫码拍照上传照片,请确保拍摄的照片清晰。- S8 E) D; j$ x9 G
8.) v9 N  _% `+ d7 J7 V' `
Most people use the terms electronic commerce and electronic (   )interchangeably
" H8 ]# r/ p  M* V. O+ h7 O  X2 t; I' q' t4 }
% v1 o' F, N. E4 }( ^- u& e% G$ n6 l9.4 C2 [4 ~( f) n1 r. ~' l% s
When a consumer sells a good or service to another consumer, the model is called ( )
( z9 A) s1 V5 |3 M/ y/ u0 j
& d5 C& h% z, E) W: W8 M, D: [提示:点击工具栏中相机图标拍照上传可以使用手机微信扫码拍照上传照片,请确保拍摄的照片清晰。  D) ^( f2 `5 F, @* F8 N; t
$ q. Q1 P8 Q8 W: ^% x5 K! U7 [In C2C transactions, one party is selling, and thus acting as a business, so they are sometimes treated as part of (   )electronic commerce& G1 i" ^) R9 C; _6 G5 T$ q  z
8 I& R5 p7 G' s# ^- P
提示:点击工具栏中相机图标拍照上传可以使用手机微信扫码拍照上传照片,请确保拍摄的照片清晰。, C: I- w4 k# i' s2 _
三、, u9 V' Z3 ]% Z+ D; I
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com)(本大题共5小题,每道题2.0分,共10.0分)+ l) g5 k5 a( V' }
1.3 W8 T0 L( E$ |5 N! H6 `
Your computer uses two types of memory: primary meory and secondary memory
$ R# ^$ h% s; x对   3 c# ^0 L1 m0 n% r
& E; B" N- e( }/ u2 L: I, m8 H# X2.
% U' r4 \9 V+ P' h: N( z& f8 LWhen you send an email you should provide the sender's email address
* ~; c5 [! @9 x2 `" K, \+ e对   
5 O$ o7 Q+ m  X. q, H错    : F. z* w- D& S- y6 Z! s
- Q7 w: f3 U9 P! j5 FViruses can cause programs crashing but cant cause entire hard disk deleting5 B) V& o7 M" `$ I$ p4 f
* x" E+ A5 y+ s4 v* K错    & |9 t/ @: \& V4 V, q( O3 A
4., k3 T7 I3 C) t; y" @+ z7 _
We can use multimedia in Education, Entertainment and and so on.
/ O) ~& J0 _. Z3 v对   % q% @( |# R8 B$ W! K8 x- b+ n
错    ; a% U2 R  u! ~
5.5 ^0 Y# ]  U9 z& X$ W9 B
The TCP/IP Internet protocol suite is formed from five standards
' a, ?* _; x6 M对   . i5 |! r- r8 T$ u1 C9 |
! b" V4 P) @" E1 }6 X四、
+ i) w- a( A3 H8 t( m6 h9 s9 U9 n翻译题(本大题共5小题,每道题8.0分,共40.0分)
% W, @! Z% H) h) M+ E1.
& M0 O7 W; ]7 R0 f7 v9 @- fPlease translate the following into Chinese
! X2 u. f3 e2 B. Z/ j2 u. E
" Z0 ?4 U; f  R- j& E& wThe word "mobile" has a storied history in the computer world. The term was intially used in the 1980s to describe computers that you could take with you and use while you were on-the-go7 T+ F4 M4 Q, T# S2 S3 `) k

8 [/ D3 A0 [6 N  t8 T提示:点击工具栏中相机图标拍照上传可以使用手机微信扫码拍照上传照片,请确保拍摄的照片清晰。
5 Z1 m  e/ v1 a" B; l# b& ?% n* B2." E% d' u* }; j) R# F- c  g1 _2 D
Please translate the following into Chinese
0 q6 B5 ]: Y; f& z! }" H* @  s4 I8 E: q! o" `' F! Z0 Q' g
Before digital recording took over the audio and video industries, everything was recorded in analog.
- Q. X. _7 x. D/ z  k
$ x! J3 }4 t1 t, F: R+ s提示:点击工具栏中相机图标拍照上传可以使用手机微信扫码拍照上传照片,请确保拍摄的照片清晰。+ |* {" u0 P% x3 T: k
8 ^8 D& f3 G$ f; nPlease translate the following into English; C' Q0 U5 H% u; f! p- L# u, E1 e& l

" }& H1 t! P1 Y; A, V8 h蓝牙是通常用于无线键盘和鼠标、无线打印和无线手机耳机的技术。" S. v. |! s2 q9 q1 v7 T& ~
. t1 m" P0 R) o
9 O7 b9 O+ A; ]4.
- N7 a& v9 y# m! L% n# G/ a- SPlease translate the following into English
+ d- J8 Z. z$ u! _+ I- T1 e& w. O
! {3 o7 S  R9 t, }百万像素是一百万像素。它通常用于描述数码相机的分辨率。, b; A9 R3 Y8 T8 I
: n( u. x- X& J9 n* W! a5 s" ^
& B0 j* r5 \- J* i1 j5.1 [' A5 b7 U" p3 g9 h) C! a6 v" c
Please translate the following into Chinese
' s. l  [- c, n. K4 Y
& S0 B( |1 K  A, x# sA database management system(DBMS) defines, creates, and maintains a database. The DBMS also allows controlled access to data to the database. A DBMS is a combination of five components: hardware, software, data users, and procedures.
1 d: t. g" u; v  v9 c3 A( V( I. v& O3 @
- ~0 H% |- x" O. X* v+ ^  u# ]# v% g4 Z


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