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《会计专业英语》20春期末考核(参考资料)南开大学 资料

发表于 2020-9-3 15:08:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
& b. M3 v" L( v试卷总分:100  得分:70
, O5 j  w; d7 J* E7 a- e一、单选 (共 15 道试题,共 30 分)
  _' a# q, \- J. Q8 ]# w( e1.Using accrual accounting, expenses are recorded and reported only( )
/ P, }/ H  t* ~A.when they are incurred, whether or not cash is paid( R% P- Q+ c' M" ^5 @* ]" A
B.when they are incurred and paid at the same time
8 K7 |; `' n% }8 {( nC.if they are paid before they are incurred3 j+ c$ w3 Q6 H0 e
D.if they are paid after they are incurred
) J9 [# w+ E9 v# D正确资料:. R; N2 l# O. |, M; B1 D# n6 q

: ~) `9 Z! D6 M4 G3 i2.Notes may be issued ( )
+ P' Z* q: e7 M8 e8 S8 x3 bA.when assets are purchased
& v5 x. V% O% B% O& SB.to creditor's to temporarily satisfy an account payable created earlier
5 D# d3 z) S# c/ f: Q. ^: U5 h! qC.when borrowing money
. Z6 S* N  Y* v% ]* L6 Y# I9 ED.all of the above) f: m+ W6 O. r- s% q% F
1 e' W/ H: s5 B
0 M" b, E, y1 J4 R2 }3.A capital expenditure results in a debit to ( ); s4 L' Y! T' w  g4 G
A.an expense account
* o' u3 c5 g% ?! b" M4 V1 HB.a capital account
3 s* G) }. ]8 ~7 ]% rC.a liability account& E2 o$ T/ W( Z( O7 A
D.an asset account
1 g' A/ ^2 o2 H  e正确资料:9 G: Q- Y! f' X) D2 b
+ @- B0 s7 _, t' H/ R. X% A
4.Which of the following should not be considered cash by an accountant?# Q. e* P# {. G- f$ t
$ T: K4 B2 d9 t) d9 lB.bank checking accounts
% h% `/ {1 m% N* _% P' `C.postage stamps; b/ w4 Q1 ?+ {- v( a# M- ]- D
D.Petty cash funds3 A+ E$ D( l$ w
正确资料:* ]& O9 t" L. V
1 t9 p# H4 n$ L' X% W; k
5.Current liabilities are( ). F, y" k5 w9 v" ~  K( Z
A.due, but not receivable for more than one year
! ?/ y# h- C" m- |  F" ?B.due, but not payable for more than one year
9 Q& I! s  Z% [$ |, X7 aC.due and receivable within one year2 Y. r1 F& }" c8 H$ t4 q
D.due and payable within one year1 ?% W7 f7 q: W% h( f1 G
正确资料:9 O$ G5 @0 o0 a  R

5 j' d( U6 q/ x. x5 h6.The excess of issue price over par of common stock is termed a(n) ( )+ @$ |- K* P7 ?6 c; {# W! e! ?! q
A.discount! g& o5 I% b1 j
B.income7 ?3 _& @& ^% I+ v  f
1 d; ^9 l" a/ }( K3 D+ {D.premium
6 I  S, H; M4 E正确资料:( v- H. c; P6 Y7 o8 B4 q8 a# h6 C

& Y7 l  g) I8 s1 \! W7.All of the following below are needed for the calculation of depreciation except( )
: l* Y% l: t2 x" D* b. CA.cost) T( g  d8 C0 f% M( L/ }
B.residual value
, g0 f7 W$ I1 k) nC.estimated life
- L2 P+ y4 j2 U: B$ yD.book value
- v6 L! w" P( H' z. d4 D. _7 r" y正确资料:
/ g3 r# F& q7 w8 s5 J7 O, L& j2 \& r5 a  i
8.In the accounting cycle, the last step is( )* `$ B8 f$ Z/ c1 W% `, P4 i. N
A.preparing the financial statements9 Z; A; ]  }. c; T* h% U
B.journalizing and posting the adjusting entries
4 }* M3 S4 y% ?* Y! ?7 pC.preparing a post-closing trial balance
5 ]. H6 l& ?0 L3 j& K3 eD.journalizing and posting the closing entries
7 p' l) u' a# y正确资料:) B9 B- v4 `8 Y" c& [  }' ~
- g% ~, S, |. t$ d8 @  j! l6 h
9.Stockholders' equity ( )9 U/ p0 A& c! B* R1 e3 `* k
A.is usually equal to cash on hand
5 r& X: U  s* m  {5 n- nB.includes paid-in capital and liabilities
6 F+ ?5 h; m5 ]! b( q8 w+ ZC.includes retained earnings and paid-in capital" C; ~1 h. l" h  D( G4 \& j
D.is shown on the income statement% a0 d! |2 _! R6 n
- c; j2 X2 e" Q7 m4 ^4 Y+ c* J! m: a, K# ^, y# S
10.Financial reports are used by( )
- v+ [, x4 o! ~* f5 \7 _. n6 RA.management
+ [2 {  Q* T, z+ W9 p: HB.creditors
, [: z6 X' T8 y) ^* Y9 t& a; XC.investors
6 F' G& G* I0 v3 w# N( [D.all of the above
0 v' Q- p9 a8 w, E正确资料:8 g8 m$ A8 z. k  f4 ^# j

1 U* q. ?8 U; F11.Which of the following financial statements reports information as of a specific date?6 B7 i& V0 e" C' @* t, ?
A.income statement6 m' j0 G$ U& ~! T! ^3 n( O8 S
B.statement of owner's equity
. `' F5 }7 Z) q; k) I0 l: |C.statement of cash flows2 G4 ]; h) L1 l( Y& ]) q; O, L
D.balance sheet& L! }% ?9 p6 y+ s/ W$ Z' [1 Y
: @8 m, B$ r" k4 U8 N" e
7 u# [3 J' z0 T0 U, l5 O) ?7 ^12.Low Company owns 40% of the voting stock of High Corporation and uses the equity method in recording this investment. High Corporation reported a $10,000 net loss. Low Corporation's entry would include a ( )3 X+ @. ~/ @6 P8 A
A.Debit to the investment account for $10,000% }7 v& }6 v! k+ K7 W
B.Debit to the investment account for $4,000
; p$ l, @6 W  R1 o  C; ]C.Credit to the investment account for $4,0000 @% h4 J* V$ X" `) P' V
D.Debit to a loss account for $4,000
( Y7 N: l+ S) J, V9 H, n- z" B正确资料:
& N2 w3 ]9 A8 W8 s
; ~& t, y, Y! j1 W  o1 G8 V13.The two methods of accounting for investments in stock are the cost method and the ( )
- n& Y4 Y: _* qA.straight-line method% r3 x( {* t7 K+ J  F
B.equity method
; [  t% p# Q! aC.liability method
# f7 R) i( A( ZD.interest method8 Y; S, H7 D3 J8 m* g! l: z
# I. b; S' r1 n  U) W
, G9 L% W) a2 k) H14.Expenses are reported on the( )
9 Q/ \! x+ @5 e( T. p- Y+ s8 CA.income statement
% s) U! X0 L; `9 {* S0 {: [B.statement of owner's equity/ a8 p2 b* J) S, K8 `1 r0 F
C.statement of cash flows
" c- N; }; n# b" ZD.balance sheet9 |3 v1 {- V6 C3 w
正确资料:  `9 H% Q7 ^, b4 ~9 f* {
4 l0 ^2 |. O3 `; B" D3 B" H# m" d
15.The cost method of accounting for stock( )  i& J! \' E1 P& v( w
A.recognizes dividends as income/ q! _& |! O- g% }# @2 c
B.is only appropriate as part of a consolidation
0 A" O. j7 D# W7 [+ VC.requires the investment be increased by the reported net income of the investee. {) Y" Z# S$ Q" u4 w
D.requires the investment be decreased by the reported net income of the investee
" k- M0 g" ~0 @- r正确资料:; U5 B; H- h' q: F5 u- J( }( y
+ ?: c, U" s8 b! V& ?# {8 ~- P
二、多选题 (共 10 道试题,共 20 分)& K9 o$ ^, i) b# w
16.Current liabilities include( )
* S+ G/ z- p7 }( ~A.accounts payable
# S: f" M; `, e1 I( bB.short-term notes payable, o# y* r$ c/ r6 V
C.wages payable7 i: e# Q" |5 A# |
D.taxes payable
9 \* @3 B, x3 Z- KE.bonds payable( r- o) ]( `/ @. M: _
  [8 y1 F* {# ^' t( C$ ]& o
- u: e3 k7 `* M7 r0 \17.Which of the following should be considered cash by an accountant?
* w% z$ f+ j" R% GA.coins- D  [+ h, z" R
B.bank checking accounts1 N: T1 U4 M' a+ x* u
C.postage stamps3 Y$ P, W2 g9 t! S, e9 @4 c. e' \3 f
D.Petty cash funds, ~* R/ y$ a  d, H
E.IOU(I owe you)9 m; v2 z9 n7 y$ `0 P5 m
正确资料:BD) R. T9 C$ m0 A4 z0 ~

, L6 }0 J8 g. z, `( n$ p18.Trade Discounts ( )
& K1 x9 c, w! o& t7 G$ }A.reductions from the list price
5 O8 E) C- i% aB.not recognized in the accounting records8 V  W* Z4 M9 f: I: M; Z
C.customers are billed net of discounts" d" {; l. q; h# W5 i# S
D.gross method vs. net method
4 w' p1 I/ z1 i* `' L" cE.same as cash discount
# x9 T. j* k4 I6 G& L正确资料:BC
- V; J- D/ A8 R0 v, ~
3 D! T/ l( O6 a+ v" f7 Z19.Accrual Basis of Accounting ( )# l& y$ ]- v) S! C0 b" K9 a: a
A.revenue reported when earned
$ N9 e; {6 V% Z3 t' @1 H2 Y6 KB.revenue reported when cash is received
9 G) E0 \% \/ {* mC.expense reported when incurred
6 O( G/ ~/ o" j* ~; v6 oD.properly matches revenues and expenses in determining net income
9 p$ X+ z8 I! r& S1 g& xE.requires adjusting entries at end of period6 q- q( l# l+ A# Y2 l6 L3 v" f0 Z
正确正确正确资料:E6 F# f7 C0 }1 x4 w# K9 Z
$ d1 y) ?- u$ D: j  D; _1 @! T& w
20.The term "inventory" indicates ( )
7 {$ P5 ^( n8 T$ K2 ZA.merchandise held for sale in the normal course of business+ b0 c6 T' M4 W3 N
B.materials in the process of production or held for production
; k' y6 |8 U1 \* C. `% Q3 J+ aC.supplies- h" w$ M7 m# s  a
D.fixed assets
; [, M0 _4 @( m- V5 J* _E.patents
& K( C  Z* P6 b1 l5 e7 l1 [" z" {正确资料:B
4 m2 g! Z" j) N8 Q$ p
/ |' Q8 A3 g9 |" k21.Accruals fall into two categories, they are ( )
) K/ q" D6 S! qA.prepaid expense. u. G6 R+ ?$ `6 _1 e, M  W
B.unearned revenue: Y+ a! b/ ^9 b8 N
C.accrued expenses4 E$ F# N0 c4 D# U# s% H4 j! }
D.accrued revenues7 E. i$ y; d1 B3 g4 Y% I% K
E.deferred revenue4 m9 I( z  |  J. }# g3 w( r
* A: u8 @' A+ [' G$ y9 J5 i: d( P7 v/ P
22.Merchandise inventory at the end of the year is overstated. Which of the following statements correctly states the effect of the error?* d9 H. P% c" O8 V4 I. N
A.cost of merchandise sold is overstated0 V8 B$ B5 _  C. w  q. a: O+ N
B.owner's equity is overstated
& B! Z, N( ?: @) |8 P5 CC.net income is understated
2 u' C  }  q9 _D.gross profit is understated# y3 a: D( C' v# F+ Y* K& H
E.net income is overstated" F. U4 I& v% C& z$ h- `
正确资料:E* F6 `6 @( k1 Z! l% v% _$ C
7 J& T) K. b" R1 r: {/ g
23.Notes may be issued ( )8 s3 o0 s9 |8 S
A.when fixed assets are purchased
% U/ N* l; ^5 cB.to creditor's to temporarily satisfy an account payable created earlier+ J/ ?' h' X' |
C.when available-for-sale securities are sold# Z( J1 }7 J1 A) ?. K
D.when borrowing money/ M; r. o# C8 D! t
E.pay cash dividends3 z/ C3 S7 V* R$ v  Y
1 N; _1 p" |9 z6 Z+ y
0 u" J" W6 A+ w4 c& j: W24.Current assets include( )3 h: W$ L# A* s1 g) l# y0 \
A.intangible assets1 j: V# r6 V$ V2 z; h0 U
5 l8 M1 ^5 b8 ]! y' I5 B+ _C.receivables
7 a& J4 g0 w' D: K( nD.short-term investments
2 K3 s% z" r  U! CE.inventories( X% u( x0 S. G( k* `( [
F.property, plant and equipment
1 a0 i! }' p3 o: V1 J正确正确正确资料:! E  \+ w7 H+ i" g/ \

8 v3 U: S' |+ t+ f8 Y25.The primary purpose of a stock split include ( )
  Q8 j# y" w5 B# }A.increase paid-in capital
8 @2 e, T! Q8 C, M! zB.reduce the market price of the stock per share2 r" c* M4 }) l, {- r
C.reduce earnings per share7 y4 J# t9 |0 m- }' T" h
D.to increase the number of shares outstanding6 K) v7 ^) ?: v8 `5 b) ]+ A
E.increase the market activity of the shares  M: K$ P) q, c; e, U& ]
正确正确正确资料:E/ W9 |2 d. v) \2 x- @
4 U: u' x9 d4 b8 C; r& ?
三、资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com) (共 10 道试题,共 20 分)
9 y* ~' e* {: g9 U5 K) K9 P# \0 ]26.The double-entry accounting system records each transaction twice.  \2 ?% Q/ T% G, p6 l2 x
资料:错误) x8 a$ q5 r0 h9 \; G' K7 |

, N/ w. L$ v$ T+ r27.In establishing a petty cash fund, a check is written for the amount of the fund and is recorded as a debit to Accounts Payable and a credit to Petty Cash./ `" X0 G4 a7 X8 J& B
$ G+ N6 I$ x$ t. M! W; ~" s/ G2 v1 y% m8 i% f! k
28.If the bondholder has the right to exchange a bond for shares of common stock, the bond is called a convertible bond.
" Z+ f2 x9 Y6 U) O: F$ T/ |; c资料:正确+ j6 x; P2 n# l
, ]7 g4 Q; k* G2 u
29.Investments in stocks that are expected to be held for the long term are listed in the stockholder's equity section of the balance sheet.
: d2 }: u- L; d6 H- l% J资料:错误
+ B/ i) [6 [' v5 l( p
3 {* c' m2 e5 r5 r( T30.An income statement is a summary of the revenues and expenses of a business as of a specific date.
& N$ p3 x& w( P/ b& k资料:错误, F# A$ g! Z* y; @, C

+ W. y2 F7 d4 N+ d31.When a stock dividend is declared, it becomes a liability5 v9 R- r, i: K. N, I" H
5 s5 b( n  @8 o  R3 G9 a* K  p/ t, @+ M
32.Intangible assets differ from property, plant and equipment assets in that they lack physical substance., o$ \6 ]3 J5 R8 ^" q$ R1 s  O& f+ J
资料:正确% y) s9 D2 ]2 {; q- k
/ X! P0 p- U% o
33.The difference between Accounts Receivable and its contra asset account is called net realizable value.
# T* v! I% Q1 _资料:正确
6 d0 G9 E' P6 Y3 K7 M7 r
2 e5 X6 l1 ~: Y. ^( m" ]' S34.Allowance for Doubtful Accounts is a liability account.) \1 E  d3 \5 E1 D& [4 g. i4 a/ m, h
! K9 }, _7 O% j
/ O- o, w, r, ~( Q35.The allowance for doubtful accounts is similar to accumulated depreciation in that the account represents the total of all accounts written-off since the beginning year.
3 N, W+ C( u, O) P9 f; O$ g/ h: ^资料:错误; L- u) B& d! W/ u+ r" I
6 k5 B  c0 t0 q. ~% l
四、问答题 (共 3 道试题,共 15 分)
4 L( L* i8 W7 p1 E6 }( e9 {36.汉译英:: V, C; R# t; b( }; e7 P
1 d4 H* I* M! V- r6 I(2)银行余额调节表
* h8 j: {+ w4 W4 a3 |+ D6 H. A  j资料:(1)Stock Dividend&nbsp; 股票股利<br>(2)Bank Reconciliation银行余额调节表<br><br>/ `4 G9 N. F1 w$ j+ I* I$ h! q7 ?( u
4 ~. ~* r7 ]& n$ r
- i% Z, J. N' k% l& q(5)Double-entry system
; I+ Q" i- `9 A3 G6 i  R(6)Quick Ratio& e5 A$ ^: M) E2 H
资料:(5)Double-entry system 复式记账<br>(6)Quick Ratio 速动比率<br><br>
4 ^: h( {; G6 Z" Q1 }# p- W4 \5 M9 }  E: l8 r! w
38.汉译英:) ]8 G5 G; y3 w) P3 x- b5 M% j7 c
, k) S1 r; _  C, i  C(6)纵向分析. T% s; [# H. f# V7 ?7 q* y8 T' T
资料:(5)Accrual Basis of Accounting应计制会计、权责发生制<br>(6)Vertical Analysis纵向分析<br><br>
2 ?8 O( [+ Z7 F. I& k* v4 n9 z; h4 Z
+ ]$ n! f) R" H; \6 i0 u0 k- o# z五、更多资料下载:谋学网(www.mouxue.com) (共 3 道试题,共 15 分)
0 N$ ?3 H, R  v% \& A$ _: E39.Describe the major rights that accompany ownership of a share of stock.与股票所有权相应的主要权利有哪些?
' l/ e& h1 f) l0 s! ?' R资料:The major rights that accompany ownership of a share of stock are as follows:2 d) H+ J* ~- P! s# F
(1)The right to vote in matters concerning the corporation.(2分)1 |6 V1 V/ a/ R8 m/ [) i
(2)The right to share in distributions of earnings. (2分)
* J/ Y' j1 M" y6 B! Q(3)The right to share in assets upon liquidation. (1分)
- Q$ U7 q* T6 O  _! C
  N) x% I7 m! z$ M7 `0 t/ @- Q40.Explain the meaning ofa) the objectivity concept and (b) the unit of measure concept解释如下概念:(a)客观性;(b)货币计量概念' J" j; _) z1 {
资料a) The objectivity concept requires that the amounts recorded in the accounting records be based on objective evidence. In exchanges between a buyer and a seller, both try to get the best price. Only the final agreed-upon amount is objective enough to be recorded in the accounting records. (3分)
7 l: ~' D5 M& x& D* `* }1 q(b) The unit of measure concept requires that economic data be recorded in dollars. Money is a common unit of measurement for reporting financial data and reports. (2分)$ [6 m8 |6 }0 k7 B# j
7 Q. l" Y6 K, X% e, Y. N
41.What is the double-entry system? 简述复式记账法的含义& W2 I* @; Y0 b. M' ]
正确资料:ll businesses use what is called the double-entry accounting system. This system is based on the accounting equation(1分) and requires:
- P- u, w9 G/ C0 R3 T: z! a2 _* Z(1)Every business transaction to be recorded in at least two accounts.(2分)2 m9 {1 q$ M. T2 N- J, x
(2)The total debits recorded for each transaction to be equal to the total credits recorded.(2分)
: z5 d2 q) h0 Z* ~' V; O, K' H: @0 j

' P; g: n0 j( u- [5 f7 J
3 \' V9 m: I/ p. T! t0 |
% c* t. B0 V% L) ~" u+ m1 i! l/ g- f* r2 S

1 F5 m, n7 [, _5 Y* _% ~# @4 }' \( o6 f2 s" Z% z3 z: U3 B
- O% J) w3 k8 g3 L. M  e8 [; e# {& p

* H8 G8 Z0 x9 `7 Y! d3 g( C, I( [, I6 L* w
, k1 ?1 F0 P% H* {2 A. d2 W, x

! ?, j/ ~# R% g- C2 U


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