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发表于 2020-9-11 19:19:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
0 D1 R5 I& G1 l1 T4 O试3/4碜芊?100  得分:100) F" @) Z! N( A4 e9 n
?、单选 (共 25 道试题,共 50 分)* _$ y% L6 g! F9 J8 I: F
1.The marriage on the basis of money is _____to break up.: l- P9 {4 p% i5 B2 F6 `2 |2 X
9 r$ r8 n2 c; X: mB.apparent
( N# c0 z: k/ oC.obvious/ x" `; G( U. `' y, n7 y
D.keen$ z7 |% x, `2 F7 f8 b
: }8 I  F& u) n. b  Z. y0 ^& W# g$ d
* e$ u( s1 w! |5 A' G2.The supermarket managed to            its sales by cutting the price of their products.
" O; x: N8 `7 O% v  }A.boost
0 X; @* ~: ~2 \- j. rB.release
! M" @- J$ K& F% u4 gC.get7 W% P1 [: N# E' a; x/ m
3 u, H! h  D% n" m+ F0 m  t" |% _资料:  ^* ~+ L( }: G% D. h+ n
( B5 d' R, x6 A
3.Where _____ cotton ______?
2 [1 l/ g# A# S* l5 M4 D0 y: i+ g 
* V* g  _& y- f. r4 m. b& @( }7 JA.are,produced
: g, N' M5 ]  t0 p) T6 O  I2 SB.are,grown  g5 H3 I! k3 ^) D: w2 }
3 E4 \0 l' Y9 KD.are made in
! h: j4 z+ r6 F0 e  h2 W- z; H资料:
$ p9 E5 H2 \% L2 P& p9 _; Y$ u4 K" s  k) V
4.-- Hi, Lucy. We won the match yesterday. --_________!* P( Q7 ~. f0 F* I- l- m
A.Congratulations/ W4 C  I/ r! D, k( B
B.Excuse me
7 s) e" a4 E. {" `8 H3 U& d- xC.No problem+ v' c1 _- N9 C4 K+ Q. h
D.Never mind+ _( B. e! M+ f0 o$ l/ W
资料:6 ?( w% J! o  I9 [5 n' K2 b

* B8 Z' L# h6 R& R; y& H* Z5.There ________ great changes in computers in the last few years.
% P: M) I6 ]  w; p' U! m( {" |A.have had
  {) }9 [% l4 \% V4 F2 r  iB.have
" O) Q3 p' @: ?( {7 F( N: [C.have been
; \( p% a" @5 a! ~D.has been
/ P7 {1 H" _" v& s, q+ y2 i$ r( I资料:3 G" h3 N" C% C) |+ r
, Y* l1 h, _' E; k& y" [3 k  l- j
6.My sister’s professor had her _______ paper many times before allowing her to present it to the committee.- P5 {% y+ Y( k8 `: f7 B
A.rewritten& H0 ~3 i% e  Z7 d! ^
B.to rewrite
. Z" c3 t% `7 r6 j- EC.rewrite# K" f) W; ?3 I9 }5 Q0 t, c0 W
0 }* \1 Z0 P; R资料:5 X- ?- e! D: z% g

" _2 n! b* O9 u# X9 w7 f4 ]# e" y7.He _________ harder this year than last year.& D1 u, {; Y6 L% s+ H4 t) T2 z
" s/ o& q% v5 ]$ sB.studies1 I/ P4 |% O. G$ _9 \2 V
C.was studying5 \& v# @# h$ j  I1 m/ D$ y! e- a
( z6 {& F& J! X( W9 q8 V8 O) \资料:' f3 t6 m% ~" F+ ]$ V' T6 u8 ]

4 T9 d) k; h7 a1 }# `" }8.________ wonderful music it is! I like it very much.- W, R  o4 `$ s$ q
A.What+ E) i' l$ K6 D: k
B.How a
  I- p2 A: @; U! r$ M" aC.What a
/ P/ s4 h4 O2 VD.How9 T  M- x$ ]. O8 }6 c
0 p9 }6 V; w" c8 m$ u0 Z$ f; L3 H0 n  A/ v6 w: |, E
9.Never before _______ see such a terrible car accident on the road!
& g4 X( }- a$ F7 K  _5 B) I/ SA.I have
" c; l6 n0 P$ W+ X+ Q3 I0 t" MB.have I# N+ A5 X+ P( ?3 W
C.I did
  E7 I3 B7 [4 Q- WD.did I
6 a6 _, e0 R* p  V2 f0 l资料:
# y5 K- L9 v1 d# t/ M* R! D8 J' D" X1 a) E1 B
10.The elderly lady passed ______ peacefully in her sleep last night.
& _9 k/ @# n- r, E+ S8 |% G8 Z. `A.away7 J  E$ r! t9 R& r
0 M# T9 a3 Z/ uC.by
5 ]  _0 S: c& X% CD.over& w1 x9 u% o6 ?
资料:. ?" \! |+ p0 `/ E3 O. B

) }# n4 f) f( [/ W9 t11.How does she manage to keep her ________ when she eats so much?5 }) B( Q' W! V) B5 d
A.figure/ A/ m/ I& t8 w8 \) ]
) v. v) H. Y2 L7 u6 xC.line
3 X! \1 K( t" x- W0 \/ O2 SD.body
! F8 v+ d/ |+ b+ K# d' E资料:& e, q/ X& p- p

+ [+ X4 K/ t% z) n12.Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a ______ and disorder!
: ~* c+ y5 a9 E. wA.mess6 y7 }. J5 W! z- c6 \: u0 w8 r
. Y- B# g# x  QC.guess
" z7 m: }" [* K$ h0 K! O4 PD.crash, @& K6 e: _: |( E7 o- S3 I. D6 b0 w& j
. c4 s' N- T' s7 j' p& F
2 l/ J2 u8 U  r& c6 h  n13.The dinosaur’s eggs are found by explorers in the _______
: i6 H* C! ~  ~2 N4 NA.1920s
  y, \# e; {3 q4 v3 ?7 u0 QB.1920's
* P4 z( T- ?% I9 h. r- fC.1920s'7 b0 d3 V& X. ~. n) d
D.1920'" }8 x. J0 r6 |) _2 F# Z
1 F5 Q) B, u5 w1 z9 t) ]
, Z9 V  r' r9 t1 A% M14.He asked me , but I didn't know _________. ' P* @2 J# N: Z. B( q7 h# V
  % M8 @% b- f" P8 W' ]; b8 J
A.how to tell- o$ d; {: I: t; u  Z8 C; N9 C
B.what to speak
' _3 r) W! C' E9 o9 y9 WC.to say what
  R4 k( A* p5 @7 ED.what to say4 j9 h  V4 A' h' E9 K
. n! F  K3 @& H& N/ j1 T) T  W# G' ^. z  |6 n& M) @- }2 W' O
15.I did not have           time to finish all the questions in the exam.
( p) C1 k6 {; l. N7 X3 EA.good
- w( r% Y" ]0 ^B.right
% {9 C4 v7 V# V8 p' yC./
! M7 S8 p2 e8 D+ g8 dD.adequate/ Y# G, A8 G/ |  r0 A) f
% @, R7 A7 ]7 w3 d4 F9 A* y& N4 ]& I% M9 \+ u
16.The prisoner’s fate rests_____ them.
* V' o0 a+ ]& A) fA.on
% P  [1 o8 @' `B.for/ X7 Q, w# R# v& f* C
C.to3 C9 U0 m) r) Y3 u8 s
D.with, Y) Z, [8 Y. Z/ v! t# G
资料:5 S2 r, W: W4 Q2 u

+ Q0 U7 J' U7 A: l: v+ u17.You can take a _____ calculator with you in the exam.
" Q: a( ]6 m! x+ A9 D' Z$ w7 }$ x! tA.electric
0 D, G3 r* s/ u; f; X; ~* kB.electrical
4 |" n9 [7 b- ]2 v) }C.electronic
4 a, E; T( \! r0 ^$ `D.electrified
' k  k6 r2 I6 J  p) E+ J资料:
8 Q% u6 P( X4 c% d: H& m5 ~+ |; a" C- ?8 V
18.The great profits they got is mainly          to their new program.
7 a+ z* ~' o" e/ ]1 R: z) uA.aim! c- ~+ u& \& c, q% {9 h6 J; X
B.due4 g5 b4 g3 \, p
% L0 \/ q1 @  @$ `6 l3 VD.suppose
6 h& x0 S  o2 n& P, q3 k资料:
3 E$ X7 b" k7 w8 d
/ H5 L$ p$ k! A, W0 ?19.When Lily came home at 5 p.m. yesterday, her mother ______ dinner in the kitchen.
5 {* b1 b" U! B5 U9 Z7 `A.cooked3 u- j; X8 e; M- Z7 ?# [4 E+ @* A
B.was cooking; }) h" k3 O- y# u% W4 T- R
. r7 o! X# q2 P- y0 I  C. LD.has cooked
- z8 ^4 R) z# d: |7 |3 X资料:, ]+ g0 V! H4 W- M7 m4 K- ^5 O- K
1 Q( ?$ i  N3 T
20.________ he was very ill, he still went on working..) \1 Z  Z4 q4 V! T4 f& e- y# T
A.Because3 T. Z7 e3 m, ?* V! D
0 U8 G7 N6 V* N9 y; V) B. F" G& dC.Though
; G1 k+ m3 w/ o9 \' I! mD./, P- Q& ~: `; c8 k) i3 v. s3 v
8 m6 X. l/ |) f
, U3 O; _2 n* l1 F3 L9 j; z21.30,000 dollars is a large amount of money, but it’s _______ than we need.
6 f9 `0 }4 i$ R5 M) m, [ & g# w. a3 A4 V# g$ U
A.far more
# I& s( E: f& l* L3 yB.very much
4 J8 W4 ^- q3 J* V- s/ JC.far less/ q9 C; d- x0 [! n
D.very little
6 v: M8 x* M6 p) ?1 [- ^) `资料:* M5 o/ j) {: Y' E

4 C( }& I: A$ \: ?1 O22.She picked _____ French when she lived in France.
0 q& O. K% |: V/ \. v) PA.on
1 b! j6 f4 L, l( q, ZB.over& c% x+ H' s  H# T
, n# Z4 v9 Z% _4 J$ a6 `  Q' CD.out
. H! d& l' R' E资料:9 F& d8 \8 K8 d' h, z
, o& n/ z7 c+ N2 B
23.We found ________ necessary to protect the environment.7 D$ r% c# M1 Y( A" N: n6 s1 k
A.it4 l, }2 x* `9 T+ J
' _3 b: D( Y# ~  ~2 aC.that- `" z9 P3 }) X3 {, }2 P
6 P$ S+ p  }! n) q% H; |4 L# C- e3 u资料:1 y  L( x6 S/ e! S: N1 Q
; m/ O: A1 L' ^
24.- Wow! This is a marvelous room! I've never known you're so artistic.' g. l1 X7 Q  u3 F; h
- ______.4 w0 i: A. v( e, I6 g  |, @
A.Great, I am very art-conscious.
' }. M) E; ~# P" z: S, {4 V0 ^B.Don't mention it.2 Z# E8 u% @' v0 Q
C.Thanks for your compliments.: d! Q( a' Y8 T, v0 h5 U' [4 X- r
D.It's fine.$ N0 D# W  q5 W' `  G4 l0 c0 b
( U: n# w* `& {" r- S( F$ d
4 i# @$ p5 @4 v25.Much of the day was ______ with classes or study.
; V0 B2 s9 c# z  P* S5 t4 bA.turned up& e8 e" ^6 ?' V0 U0 N% J6 p8 d- C
B.taken up/ o1 T# y1 ~5 v! o: p; C1 O( w5 K
C.hung up$ e/ A: i2 Z) `- A* ?5 w+ U0 W4 @
D.brought up
1 Y9 [( W0 ~$ O: y  N( w资料:- P1 n5 {- k( \8 b

9 q8 T9 \; H, B6 M* `! \* r  T二、完型填空 (共 2 道试题,共 30 分)" T( J7 I; Y6 c6 ?
40.Do you know how to study ## and make your study more effective ( 有效的)? We all know that Chinese students usually study very hard for long ##, This is very good ,but it doesn’t##a lot, for an effective student must have enough sleep, enough food and enough rest and ##. Every day you need to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places. It’s good for your##./ b" i, p9 x7 c
When you return ##your studies, your mind will be refreshed(清醒) and you’ll learn more##study better. Psychologists (心理学1/4? ## that learning takes place this way. Here take English learning ## an example. First you make a lot of progress and you feel happy. Then your language study seems ## the same. So you will think you’re learning ## and you may give up. This can last for days or even weeks, yet you ## give up, and at some point your language study will again take another big ##. You’ll see that you really have been learning all along. If you get enough sleep, food, rest and exercise, studying English can be very effective and ## . Don’t give up along the way. Learn ## you are sure to get a good result.
$ ?& ~3 |- V4 Z; `( d0 X(1).9 r; m2 o2 y0 X! ?& `
A.nice4 g( D) p3 u/ k* r' @, Q
) e5 S" c1 \/ \; r  ^# w& q' TC.better3 K; V& r! O: b, ?- `) F0 o# q
D.best) q0 E2 s$ A! D
资料:2 b7 j% M2 B' A8 [% i* Q  g8 \
  q/ h, y, ~- H! @  J& G5 UA.days: p! o1 v' z% u/ h9 I& U
8 e3 u3 q# |; y: x# R7 i6 y5 Q4 SC.hours2 c5 H) O4 R. O/ F) w, B) L1 p
/ h/ c; J' e- a$ o# w/ x, j! D. h资料:5 b) T3 m6 T/ b& q1 u
(3).0 T+ q9 E( z  v2 e% [& [, z
3 J3 g6 x- f. KB.give
0 B% _. W  a$ A. N. V. G- fC.make
1 I. y6 R# |% z" _D.take
, L% y* j$ M7 {& R( b& j& Y8 I资料:
. w3 C; v) K2 ~* z(4).( w6 B0 {0 N9 p, T/ Y4 b
A.exercise( a  p. R6 q2 t/ P3 C2 f! K# F
B.homework% ]2 K0 u0 a9 l2 l# w0 \+ w& s+ S: l! A
- I. m# q! [% {D.clothes
: b$ o7 W# X  Z: A1 K) ~资料:
5 e6 ]2 A. E8 P& R  ](5).
9 `; R/ c; L3 V1 _+ Y) JA.health' i& r1 x0 h2 b0 ~# `: F
B.body1 A2 {, T: K( N4 `
  G9 D2 ?: C" F: t6 AD.life( K: M, i6 v  E/ B/ X2 B5 p. M& k
/ ~2 g& {. l2 y(6)." m' S5 c- s. ]6 k+ ^* t
& i' Y; Y- L! N# V+ q$ R0 \8 K( q! }1 GB.for$ \4 Z7 @9 g6 N2 j& f# B
C.at0 n/ G( W, U& J, j# Y
0 X5 h8 n$ d( P资料:9 v2 m% `8 w9 ?. e$ L
(7)./ O, J$ o. g6 i
6 }. f+ B* [+ S4 ^- KB.and
4 Z; t% A3 T! P& D# I' W3 ?C.or
: t6 z1 D  X' T) c) g8 TD.but4 n: o& g+ t* f) |8 l* I: J; U- X
' q5 l& m3 G! Q% k/ v(8).7 f1 H8 E- `2 z/ r8 L& |$ g5 b0 y
A.have found
1 {  i3 {/ I) Q/ t! J/ U9 k  c3 GB.have taught- W' i+ T9 `. J& j2 V' x- ]2 \
, ^% q7 {( I& P) yD.said
( c7 i+ p1 j4 Y* p- B) Q. t. R6 g/ T3 G资料:
2 K9 ?3 U9 {5 S3 W(9).
4 n  f1 }( c: }; O2 MA.with
. U5 o. p$ s3 M7 iB.for( D& r4 a; y. R& R  e
) z4 L1 p$ {  U+ h- P* r" v" E; h  H  eD.to* O5 _) ~7 V8 C! i  w* u. k/ l3 ]: E
/ h5 `5 F5 Z1 _$ z) n1 [5 M(10).1 H) j+ t& ?8 \; v' Q) i
A.to have3 i  c. D$ x# B7 l
B.to make1 d- U5 H: }- f/ g! G
C.to take
1 h6 Z! R: r5 Y- ]/ V. V. d, ND.to stay( \) x+ N" \' o' Q' ~
资料:+ O9 z  D8 q& D7 k% g( ^
(11)." `4 V2 h9 A# A9 l
A.something6 \) C: `, L  T( v3 X8 k
4 ~) o4 @% f( l; A6 S* K1 k% ZC.nothing. T' y! F9 e3 j! B
' o( O0 V) O! L" v& h: z! S5 q- i资料:! X% O# R# J' ^) J! _) B+ Z6 |
& J1 W, s) i$ `6 V* m' h0 rA.mustn’t
# K" e7 s( o5 _1 i" S* T  k% AB.couldn’t3 t/ g# u" F5 i$ ~  V
% h: q5 j: s5 |4 W, U! SD.may not
  r$ c# X& A; b5 J9 {: ?3 P资料:
7 L; \/ R7 g% n9 r5 K(13).
$ `! V  o' F4 P- C2 U9 PA.work$ k9 G% K3 N: t  G  \* S
/ |7 }3 c  O) Z: |* o# JC.walk7 U/ e, q. L% ^, Y# z6 p1 e" p1 F
D.result% j1 E/ U/ C$ R4 O6 k
资料:/ i+ r; M7 P. P& Y0 v+ m6 j
( u3 e8 `% b$ D- z9 Y' vA.hard
, C5 _$ b$ T! g( w; x9 y( ]B.common
& {$ o: \, V" U/ D% C5 S2 E- `0 ]C.possible
5 d8 Y$ d$ B/ u) {D.interesting
. u# f* h- g1 L( ]9 g" d) O资料:
- b! o% Y/ P" F# b( ^6 [(15).5 w/ |9 n% e2 V- ~, h
A.loudly/ {7 H6 Q- G# c# f8 x( D$ \, e
6 u, L# G; X4 N" L: e$ H' dC.quickly/ H4 B& e6 R" q5 ^- I
0 S. z6 g1 Y9 {4 m/ E& j资料:
( ?2 n: D5 U5 k5 z. o4 Z& |# q9 _& }5 w0 x
55.“Where is the university?” This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge(1/2G牛(c)ask. But no one can give them a ## answer, for there is no wall to be found _##_ the university. The university is the city. You can find classroom buildings, ##, museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of ## members are the students and ## of the thirty-one colleges.- _; \% O4 g) p9 f+ D8 W& s" R3 r
  Cambridge was already a ## town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ##. It grew up by the river Granta, and the river was once _##_the Cam. A ## was built over the river as early as 875. ## the town got its name "Cambridge".
7 j5 w! G. {! O  In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and ## land was used for college buildings. The town grew much ## in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845. Cambridge became a ## in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100, 000. Many young students in ## countries ## to study at Cambridge. Thousands of people from all over the world come to visit the university town. It has become a famous place all around the world.
" k. y8 ~( |' z( O3 Z(1).
9 M1 N# i; _$ B5 l+ U' z3 I3 [A.clean
1 r' v& U+ f2 \6 {* [+ aB.clear- y$ C) n2 N, G2 C- g; A( y
C.right# }+ {7 b) k' v; U! i3 n
  w- @* f& d& B$ q/ O( `1 v资料:B/ s: L; k# G( [( l8 ^$ v1 o! Y
(2).4 S& q: ^4 @  s% I  v
A.around$ `1 ?8 x/ P+ I+ w& U
: L! Y) r& k, d8 L: w1 qC.near( M" U+ l, C% K1 m- N
% y2 v3 m" p$ d7 @# E% ]$ e资料:A
3 g! h* Q# w8 p+ M1 V' c8 \: W(3).
  `$ B1 _- e, NA.cinemas9 g* [9 m) R) \2 o: `+ N8 i  s
B.parks# s8 |) Q) l: g
8 |) Q+ A9 S+ K8 t5 }% m: sD.libraries
$ b" [/ X4 w) Q2 }- M& a资料
3 v- V& V1 S' X- O# z9 N. a(4).
" c3 }/ k+ Z& y7 KA.their+ d' c, U. }9 \, j+ p
/ y: Z5 t# i0 {( M2 W0 u* kC.its7 i/ E# g. J3 q9 A* b3 g
# q8 |2 S# _- B8 p8 Y资料:C$ Z, u% Q. V7 B, H# L
* E# Y4 u8 Z( l& ]! jA.parents2 }, M, U* g( v2 \
! x9 ]5 ]* E# k1 UC.workers
) L) ^; F8 q1 R) Q* s# HD.teachers
: ^- V+ C, J  X资料
; j9 p+ W) Q0 u1 l( r0 ?(6).
4 x' k8 g- H5 Q3 KA.interesting7 I6 J- f! n. O% u6 Z4 {' b9 K% [
5 @! I# ^9 i4 [. u) p; IC.developing* `' n9 J: m# a+ Q% `8 w, [- g% {- J
D.common1 o" _8 f; J1 a% R! v
( t- W- a; `  J(7).* C! F2 O' }& B, R  n
A.before) U0 I. i/ z- q3 O$ P, M
B.ago: b8 u- E5 j$ R* `9 ~" R
* C( @* G* h3 BD.after
+ T& K& M+ Y, g" r/ @资料:B
. ]2 u) F, J, s  f8 w5 C6 O0 s+ h(8).7 g: M& L. P! X& n* j. \& I
* ~8 ~- c5 Z# O* j3 l1 S1 oB.called% u3 ]" Z/ I# ?) ^- [
C.spoken1 N& e, I7 X* U. W( ~8 ^
" S9 W0 o: R" j+ X/ J6 W9 a资料:
' ?/ s1 p4 g$ U7 V4 O" i, V) N(9).2 w8 p- r7 s% j+ n. n
A.bridge  ?7 t0 q: ]! V- a) S
B.building- o( j- o2 L: f7 Q
2 i$ a; r1 P$ b  t/ Q2 t9 B$ qD.house
# q& q4 N5 H* Q% D$ ^! S8 A) v资料:: k$ Y; y  H. ~( U& N
(10).$ D+ p! ?7 b% }6 \
7 t. b% W. m% J' \  o  E  nB.But$ s) M  `8 C0 G
C.And2 Q! L3 Y5 g: W( H. {
; T7 S) l8 r2 T8 _8 [2 U$ c资料:, e- N- s4 w* Y" u
(11).9 |  c7 ?! r, u8 a, H
A.less( g& ^9 R! |6 I+ n
" `4 ~  K+ V8 V) EC.more, _7 ?4 W4 }& x# F" U$ o5 @
D.bigger6 }% C4 j+ i2 ]2 c  D
6 p$ |$ U$ M4 z) J2 s# \) h- ~) s(12).
' d0 v4 T! |% G7 m$ hA.smaller7 v# h9 }& e( g0 J
B.slower0 l* j/ N" F, v# ?  k5 T% `
C.faster7 p1 @5 F" L) p/ S2 J
8 f( J$ ^) A3 ?- [( t资料:8 Y0 f9 d9 r* A& p4 Q% a8 r
(13).8 c; k& X' |1 d% p5 v7 ^5 v+ ]
A.city: u2 I' J7 a# O! b7 ^( w: q
5 M/ Z( [/ M% H6 f7 C; [C.university$ V0 A- _3 i: z% {
' v( B4 o! G4 w资料:+ P2 U$ o# m4 m! s( h4 G' a
) S7 N- L4 z' y8 N' o1 I+ nA.another
8 _. U7 y" T- {. C' vB.other5 h2 L+ k& C1 C/ \7 V
C.the other
4 Y: W# R1 U0 u( q) G. z% TD.others
0 m, H' D; p2 C( T9 p6 n0 k: Q8 x! h资料:
! [2 p! U* d* [5 O5 \  [- z# ]* x(15).
$ ~( g0 v: K1 s0 j+ @  R, mA.stop! W& b; [/ h3 V$ p
3 V7 M' _% t) h3 R( s/ C( ?C.hope2 c- C) k' ^- a/ N( Q# U# V
D.need9 ~/ i- F& X6 s: o) e+ w5 e! \
; l% w  n5 g( H. U9 g2 P+ Q; D" g$ h$ L: W
三、阅读理1/2?(共 4 道试题,共 20 分)
0 ^* y7 R, t! l3 P, t60.Do you still remember the terrible earthquake in 2008 in Sichuan, which killed at least 87,000 people and left millions homeless? On the twelfth day after the earthquake, Premier Wen Jiabao said, “A new Wenchuan will rise from the ruins(*闲妫(c).” Now his words have come true. Three years has passed and the worst-hit areas in Sichuan have risen from the ruins.
# D8 r. y  ?9 O1 C) n6 W     So far, 95% of the reconstruction projects(重1/2ㄏ钅浚(c)have been completed. Nearly 3,000 schools, 1,000 hospitals and more than 5 million homes have been built. Now everyone has been provided with a home, a job and social security(社保?c).# k5 w0 |+ ?' ^4 z
     Dong Xinjun, a villager in Qingchuan, said volunteers from Zhejiang taught him how to grow mushrooms and now he makes about 3,000 yuan more than before every year.
2 W! c4 O4 W3 ^( V9 t     Zhu Lihu, the headmaster of a village primary school in Qingchuan, told us that teaching equipment had been greatly improved. Now they have new classrooms, a library and a computer room with 20 computers.9 K/ l7 D9 T: F5 a9 x
     On May 8th, 2011, Premier Wen Jiabao made his 10th visit to Sichuan Province after the earthquake. He visited a lot of middle schools and neighborhoods. At Beichuan Middle School, Premier Wen embraced a student named Zheng Haiyang, who lost both of his legs in the earthquake. The students told Premier Wen that their new school was very beautiful. And they would never forget that it was built with the hearts and strength of people across the whole country.7 m4 O1 b. r- Q( ]6 x7 Q
     Premier Wen believes that the people in Wenchuan have a “strong will” and a “bright future”. They will never back down, but stand bravely on this land.( Z8 L$ B# @+ ]) y3 I
(1).What is NOT provided for everyone in the earthquake-hit areas?
4 Q- E+ h* [* J1 JA.A home.
. [' [* r- Q, L% z  wB.A job.+ a) X" `4 [7 W, h
C.A computer.& q/ v  s/ u' a: K& |: `1 b
D.Social security., |9 E5 {- A1 C: R/ T$ G
资料:# \4 Z' U& {; a( T' o& p$ R2 y3 `: Z
(2).Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
/ V4 i: F9 L3 _' @9 B& e5 CA.Nearly 1,000 schools have been built.. j$ S& x1 B& d* J( \
B.Dong Xinjun makes about 3,000 yuan every year.5 o0 l* ~3 M( `5 k& h! _8 v  o0 J! G
C.Zhu Lihu’s new school has a new large gym.
# j, g* E& f8 l/ aD.Zheng Haiyang is a student of Beichuan Middle School.! C4 e8 [7 j: Q1 y0 k* J) ?4 V7 U% J
资料:0 z- }$ \" \1 y
(3).How many times has Premier Wen visited Sichuan since the earthquake happened?3 H: N; {8 Q8 Y
A.5 times.
9 x3 f  v5 W8 y8 s; iB.8 times.
! p2 q) F+ l. I, H  uC.10 times.( `8 B9 Q( C8 L. u+ }) @; {
D.12 times.
! t# ?. F/ N; d* P! x& `资料:
) P& p1 O7 Q" ?  q( ~% p2 z(4).What does the underlined word “embraced” mean in Paragraph 5?
( E+ u- Y0 t! [/ I5 B+ x, ^" \A.Put arms around him in a loving way.
+ O/ y" E( l9 c, SB.Shook hands with him in a friendly way.
- ]; ^: x% ]' Z% AC.Bowed to him in a very polite way.
; ?, p' w* i+ n5 D: S3 M0 aD.Smiled at him in a very kind way.
+ F% r, i/ ]* X7 L7 R3 L资料:
" [* q2 h- I) o) Z7 p2 V(5).How does the passage show us “Wenchuan has risen from the ruins”?& H$ B4 [5 @  O6 X
A.By giving facts and examples.4 A# F. t. N& l. t5 h$ Y' X; L! B
B.By comparing different places.
8 `9 n4 i) U: d# n6 `; ~C.By describing people’s looks.
. n: ^! N6 r0 |% aD.By using volunteers’ words.
& J. g% m! B6 K* L% x2 |3 J资料:
; j- C$ m7 c4 g8 @- Z, g/ U1 D# u5 j( l8 W! ~: g+ N4 T
65.Pearl and June were good friends and spent most of their time together.
. f$ [4 V. L# k8 FThey were both very old and they worried about their health. Most of the time they talked about nothing else.
" T! g+ i2 ^/ hThey worried about their food. Was it clean? Would it give them pains in the stomach?
8 r1 K& Z+ v2 X) k1 _6 f" oThey worried about the weather. Was it too cold and wet? Would it give them pains in their bones?5 e% o' L" Y2 o- C  u. ]- }* h
They worried about pollution in the air. Would it give them pains in their chests and throats?
& A6 `4 ~, u$ Q- }( ~They worried about being hurt in a car accident, killed in a plane crash, getting sick, and so on.: @3 C) ]% P8 z4 ]
All they could think about was being ill or hurt.0 F" C5 S1 x. w( d" T% T2 E, q, Q! t
One day they went on a train journey together.) U  ~/ q% w5 \* |- N7 C8 a; T: b( ]
“We’ll need some food,”Pearl said.
/ \8 b, ~( H6 Q“We’ll buy some bananas,”June said.“They are good to eat and always clean.”0 b" X0 ?  Y( F% B2 a4 K/ W
And so they bought two bananas to eat on the train.
; F( V& y0 M" H" ?' `% VIt was not long before they were hungry.) w" Y7 M+ q# x" U. n3 [, O! \0 l+ w
Pearl took out the bananas and gave one to June. Then she peeled(剥)the skin of her banana and took a large bite of it.
3 J$ n- q6 V! [. ?+ P! F1 X: CAt that moment the train went into a tunnel. Everything went black.“Don’t eat your banana,”Pearl shouted at June.“Mine has made me go blind!”; |, v; @" B* c, r8 R1 s; K) y
(1).What did the two old ladies talk about most of the time?
! ~7 _( v# I( f* Z  J  Y9 CA.Themselves
7 t3 k1 M; w$ `/ pB.Other people) @) L. Y. Z( o9 i' l3 S. p+ _
C.Healthy food. W0 X+ h$ t9 n9 A- S/ t8 k
D.Dangerous drivers
* G- f7 ~0 b* O: w3 f  X资料:C+ M' A; F8 Q/ o& N' I4 q3 ?
(2).The old ladies didn’t want to ________.. |2 r* \6 \7 }, G) u8 w- u/ P8 R1 Q/ h
A.eat any bananas
+ x0 e' x& E3 e6 x' AB.travel by train
. p3 G: b' m! h7 _" Y( L/ [C.be young again
4 _) K. z9 _+ F2 v. BD.get sick
, E3 J/ ]) U& B4 |' B资料
7 w1 I' `3 Z' |' ?4 O* L0 F3 y8 _3 ?(3).Pearl ate her banana _______.6 S  a- q/ O0 F5 R" V2 w4 U
A.after they came out of the tunnel
; v3 a3 h' ]9 }( q' L5 b# b3 I' ]B.at the station
( N- |6 H$ `! {! W7 ?8 @C.before June ate hers2 w9 y) l6 ^  w6 v7 t! {8 f3 `( J
D.before she was hungry
" O4 k- \8 k! p9 j) D3 N( r- j资料:C( ~' }- k) M  b1 {( i
(4).Pearl thought that the banana ________.& N$ Q# Z7 Y+ `& Y+ y
A.stopped her from seeing. k( E/ P9 ]' Z4 z/ Z, r0 R; m0 C
B.would make her hungry! Z$ y8 E, }3 X6 Y
C.would be good for June
$ S- r# m0 n6 K3 s- I8 \D.would make her ill( n4 u5 u6 P! C6 {$ t8 R" O
资料:A0 Q. x1 a, P& L6 v* A9 G" {
(5).What’s the best title of the story?
5 z( e$ ?2 `' I5 j/ JA.What Good Friends
/ ?8 g# ]3 ?0 YB.What a Bad Train Journey& q4 d: R8 a' o' t" Z# P8 I
C.Bananas Are Good for You
# H. R1 R& d% f  m6 HD.Bananas Are Bad for You
: g9 X0 B  M' G$ b: h# i, y资料
2 U! H( M* f1 L& K
/ C7 z- ^+ E, {# {& K70.Two students started quarreling at school. One student shouted dirty words at the other, and a fight began.8 }4 ^/ d' s& k1 ?/ Q% d3 C4 z+ d
What can be done to stop fights like this at school? In some schools, disputants(争执者) sit down with peer mediators (同龄调1/2庹?. Peer mediators are usually students with special training in this kind of problems.
. s6 z0 }3 u% E! S# {& IPeer mediators help disputants to talk in a friendly way. Here are some of the ways they use.
$ a1 f1 y: u/ l4 j% e- Z" `& P1. Express what you think clearly but don't say anything to hurt the other. Begin with "I feel" instead of "You always".
$ w" r- J% c3 s; W6 G* o2. Listen carefully to what the other person is saying. Don't stop the other person's words.
, w1 \7 S# Q% B: z9 v2 q) j3. Keep looking at the other person's eyes when he or she speaks.- Q" T2 q# e3 s( T# r) T; Y1 Z# B
4. Try to see the problems on the other person's side.# |5 ~" j/ @. s7 d( H( p8 b$ H
5. Never put anyone down. Saying things like "You are foolish " makes the talk difficult.
; M5 E/ n& v8 f2 G6. Try to find a result that makes both people happy.
6 T7 `, ?. Q/ M: ]3 W' S- aPeer mediators never decide on the winner. They don't decide who is right or who is wrong. Instead they help disputants to find their own "win-win" result. A "win-win" result can make everyone feel good.. O7 Z2 e0 t% d. M* g4 V
Peer mediators' work is often successful just because it gets disputants to talk to each other. And getting disputants to talk to each other is the first step in finding a "win-win" result.! }; n0 e' L" R( {* S/ D* O& o& H
(1).Peer mediators' work is _.
2 _. ^& G+ W0 U% X; S# x+ W5 r6 b* |A.to teach lessons to disputants; J, Z9 `6 [9 H' ~: b/ p
B.to help find a way to make both disputants happy
6 J! F7 A% q" `& K8 u- @+ kC.to find out who starts the quarrel
- E& p$ S! U8 f  i' ]# ~$ \D.to give students some special training
. ?6 @4 M0 H" v+ h资料:B
% _; a0 W/ I0 O9 N/ ^, `(2).What does the underlined phrase "put anyone down" mean in Chinese?
! Q5 }1 c- I9 E, E9 ?+ EA.贬低任何人
( j6 k& X8 D9 q" }7 cB.落后于任何人1 k, M! X7 \3 u& x
+ S/ a9 X3 ?; k0 e2 s% aD.向任何人低头
* s$ _: v# `. L资料:( }; s7 Y" s4 U/ z. x
(3).What's the first step in finding a "win-win" result?" e0 e9 w' X% Z' ~
A.Letting disputants be afraid of peer mediators.0 ^& y2 Y0 `7 h# y
B.Letting disputants feel peer mediators are kind.5 q' c7 g3 T; y
C.Getting disputants to talk to each other.
- Z4 O: B9 w  O* f1 q- KD.Making disputants feel good by telling funny stories.
, Y3 L" Y8 c6 }0 `资料:C# z( h8 d9 Z: [  U# u; y: Q
(4).During the talk, if peer mediators say "You are a fool.",_________ .1 Q, t* ?) F( }! @
A.disputants will realize they are wrong
, D& U/ }8 p4 P( a; UB.disputants will understand peer mediators better
/ d6 p; I' [; sC.it is easy for peer mediators to decide who is right
5 z# m" e  s0 i; jD.it is hard for peer mediators to get a "win-win" result
8 W' d' a9 J1 K' n资料
- T0 t1 E- t5 C: ^: {* c9 Q/ x! @(5).Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?' U$ `. ?+ n6 I6 G
A.All schools have peer mediators.
: T( B5 s  Q4 l) i5 Y/ Q. rB.Peer mediators are usually students.
2 y- B4 F% l3 l4 \+ |- n* p6 V4 \C.When disputants are speaking, peer mediators can stop their words at any time./ l8 d. n! q8 @/ T1 [5 j
D.Peer mediators can make disputants get a "win-win" result every time.
7 U! |% v- u& Y4 T资料:6 E$ l4 Y% \) }  p* o- K

6 T# X+ B  j: O4 i5 @) @75.Do you have any foreign friends? Do you know their characteristics(特征)? ' o& \; y! i5 z' @8 K! k
The Germans are very quiet and they always keep calm. They don’t like to speak more words. They look very serious. They like different kinds of amusements. The Germans are very hard—working. They like tidiness, especially the women, who always keep their home clean.
4 T' ~! f. y5 A# o7 t) w) o6 MIn some ways, the Englishmen look the same as the Germans. They are very quiet and never talk too much with the strangers. They are really polite, so we often hear they say “Thank you.” Or “Sorry.” The gentlemen are also the Englishmen.
8 @% B+ ]: Y, y$ M+ i$ bThe Frenchmen’s holidays are very long. They like traveling and usually spend their long time staying in other countries. The Frenchmen are more outgoing than the Germans. It is very easy to make friends with them.
1 K1 A5 b% y! ^# y7 u; u, zCompared to the Frenchmen, the Americans are more outgoing. And they are even opener than all of the Europeans. They don’t like to depend on others. So it is very common that the students do part-time jobs in their free time. And in Americans’ eyes, success is an important part in their life.: t1 D# @3 Q7 G; T: m8 |
(1).According to the passage, ______are very quiet.2 @$ ^; w3 n8 Y* f6 W9 Q8 M
A.only the Germans3 @' r7 A, }8 d- q2 N
B.only the Englishmen7 A1 A6 f1 b8 C& r' Z# y6 o
C.only the Frenchmen
/ F! C2 S7 ?2 _6 jD.both the Germans and the Englishmen
( q9 u0 c9 j2 f1 U/ L. g资料:9 k( ?! q! E& o- H! h2 A' x
(2).What does the underlined word “tidiness” mean in Chinese?7 L# h1 h  ?' m
A.整1/2?* V5 K& v( _! c1 p- k* u
5 {. O& A$ ]& y. @9 p3 kC.时尚
% \) q0 Y* U3 q- X" PD.随意4 r5 p; a3 Z" R5 b) `: m+ S3 q
' W, i  C1 n' [(3).In the writer’s eyes, the gentlemen are______.
$ K  P# A$ e+ L$ F" r) jA.the Germans
2 t% I6 H" [* F" i" M) G3 |B.the Frenchmen
  T: Z+ [& {4 K6 ]: c7 ^C.the Englishmen* L; I( v5 f! b1 F' F% R2 x
D.the Americans3 L0 G' R) G0 M. t6 T
8 A; ^" ~* o3 e/ H' C* ^# ~(4).What can we learn about the Frenchmen from the passage?7 K" \+ R( o8 r9 `6 ~3 T. x* u  `& @- c
A.They are more outgoing than the Americans.
) j% o) Y1 \) w) j! n  T! wB.It is very easy to make friends with them.
$ f& z; B" G0 P, XC.They like traveling in their own country.
$ U% e8 D, t& X5 BD.They look serious and are always hard-working.
  e: B& h. \; i, ^  B- K* b资料:# }/ T7 V+ V6 Y
(5).Which is the best title of the passage?( T6 R6 |! _& C( Y! O6 G5 G
A.Foreigners’ hobbies.' d8 G3 |/ a: I& [5 r/ P
B.Who are more outgoing?
& }+ ~9 y3 g1 W( v6 ]C.Characteristics of the foreigners.) Y& w) ]% B! H% R) U
D.Success is an important part in Americans’ life.- E6 M$ V9 N& L% @7 C" n
! A$ c/ C) c8 S% A/ w) P! G" T5 y5 f  ~6 P1 B1 f
6 H5 P' L7 V2 T
6 s8 G  Z7 a* {; \/ N
0 f- ?% N$ M% b& G# t$ w, \$ i2 ]/ A

% b2 u5 i6 G2 o
) u) h! ?: i+ r0 ~7 a
+ c+ l2 U; c9 T0 h) z& f$ D9 g, @0 V0 U) \& V8 m8 C! Q
7 z8 f5 d8 e$ O5 y) G
* P8 A6 G8 O. b5 M. r
, }- v  A! I% t, y9 _% M6 h

0 E' ]7 W( o" |$ `/ J; M
% M5 v3 r7 H) |
0 n6 X  n( a  K7 q+ I- N; N$ p4 `/ }$ d. Q1 x
: O) X% _1 E% m! p

9 y4 d' k$ y' `/ m0 H1 z1 z/ \: u4 o8 G1 a! c6 j' H, S
0 e( x1 I* K. Y" O6 Y4 R
7 T0 Z: \! T) v1 y8 g( \# ^

4 L) V9 [) y2 T$ d
1 M( O- z+ S2 E2 p2 u. U) l- r- K5 l
& e4 N% Q0 m% _, b0 k


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