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发表于 2020-9-11 20:47:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
! D- [+ F% a4 s9 z( y试3/4碜芊?100  得分:100
8 A& t: G# s# k5 ^# v?、单选 (共 30 道试题,共 60 分)
  V* P; S% W3 E& G7 _7 H* r6 t1.The organization performed an important _____ in protecting the rights of children.8 G& T% N* h; F# V; c7 @
9 [- |. W0 X, T& E1 c& [/ v) lB.fiction
' A- F9 }! I& ?3 VC.fraction
2 L% q& h6 r- w+ y6 t5 HD.friction
: P: X6 T$ g/ [  V; E# ~资料:A
% B! q4 j/ B) |) r5 B# E' ^6 c, S: ?: d( g) d6 q# P5 V
2._______ cold it is today!' v2 @& s1 v8 s4 h5 J
: T7 |3 u( V: K% U+ OB.How a
  k4 m2 A' n* |C.What
1 s2 y! b' Y8 K  z; f) xD.What a
( e, ^: v: j1 G5 j& i资料:A
& C# z4 Q& U1 S3 {) y5 W' T1 A' P2 \: B; R6 a; n
3.________the new computer, travellers at the offices of CAAC can now buy their air tickets much faster.5 O9 n2 t5 a2 B9 K6 A! [( q
. w4 l& _& ?2 ~4 UB.Thanks for9 G) c$ G. A$ g- n, v
C.Thanks to8 n, {7 N3 N, ^2 F9 U
( x; l. Q1 K: k/ A. a1 Y' G资料:C+ u/ r4 }" X" J% u

/ t7 i  a; N- s# Y8 U# L# A( D' X4.Miss Hunt bought some ______in the market.
7 R) G+ n' g( ^$ Q8 E# q  Y 
- {1 F/ Z: _2 MA.pear
6 L* m$ m. [2 M0 A/ A5 o( ZB.tomato
" N' E' _; G0 m" P1 {* |0 _C.egg8 y5 l( D/ Z9 _- j' @9 G
# ]' I8 f/ Q& }0 D1 d资料
6 G, _) t( s. c# h* w0 f: Z5 g/ j2 p0 s3 F2 C
5.Does he often _______ his mother ______ the room?
. c: [8 C* c: p6 f( `A.help, cleans
2 m/ d/ \9 W# T9 wB.help,clean( E: [6 Q$ m+ E# ^5 s% f
C.helps, cleaning: M1 Z! q& C( j, I" f
D.helps, clean
* G6 ^9 P7 R* s5 I4 k资料:B8 U# F0 R! Y1 O4 c: s

3 D% f5 n! s2 h- k6.-- You are not going out today, are you? --_______. I want to go shopping., T/ @  l5 T& v
6 Z& E- N  Q2 q/ k+ `" aA.Yes, I'm
* v% M  U; b4 _: Q! FB.No, I'm not
& `0 A. p: J. Q" NC.Yes, I am: w# B9 \: @0 g2 W' N6 w+ `; p
D.No, I am3 }" q2 Z' X. h3 d! v5 w2 u
* i' K6 ~: }" A5 b, s0 B! f- U
# v0 Q3 i* K+ o" I7.The experiment involves _____ on some mice.
! N* |# D0 V& {! B) [% E/ ~' q$ OA.to operating+ `0 ^: h* o" @* [, ~3 A
B.operating4 Z6 l" Z2 ]1 C6 _2 g
C.to be operating
! r) L6 f6 ~. h, OD.in operating
& d% R7 v; z1 m: H- `( U0 J7 D资料:B
' \4 B5 ?$ M3 K1 l
5 j! h& v+ e! c& w% J$ H8.They gave me _____abuse for no fault.
8 i4 L8 N/ f5 r/ n# f' p0 L8 JA.many6 ~8 }/ l8 d; ~3 I( M0 p9 }
; X6 W6 f' T& b! e/ }" c! bC.few" h, R& Z9 \( ^) ]4 `
D.a few
6 I) |1 I! ~4 K/ `0 H& \7 D3 v资料:B
4 S" y5 a5 q3 Z2 P; k) e
( f, |6 ]4 l* J, }9.He learned how to use sign language to ________ with deaf customers.
& [5 c  @, W8 p/ k4 DA.contact1 _3 J: d! E2 C/ ]. h7 J4 _
- `: z2 y  |1 Y; ~0 w9 X$ SC.connect
7 a4 y& P! \. Y7 f3 t% }D.communicate
. @$ Q6 @/ X0 W4 J6 W资料
" g3 _4 d0 \! @9 L9 V9 `, _9 X# g" [# A( c  E* h/ D
10.--Where' s Mr Green? --Oh, he _________ Canada.
0 b0 b$ x$ Z$ F/ j4 `2 KA.has been to
9 |% c/ k$ ~% n3 i3 j* YB.has gone to
% z3 o! ~" l0 x1 ZC.went to
* w9 Z$ X$ M$ P3 d) n" e) FD.was in- A0 s5 u3 P4 r# D+ c- d7 Q, n
/ J+ z9 H+ O. y6 D4 W: u( t" [5 O1 n" V! o3 X
11.To a doctor, the most important thing is _______.7 O9 v3 S( w  f; a
A.to be saved
3 a0 _9 X3 K' a; H5 K& ZB.saving& B3 H6 ]: j8 @" c  K: \. _
C.to saving
/ J% E- g% ^: Q% j. B; M( g, XD.saved* j. c5 I9 j$ d* c
资料:B% p& u" E3 m6 y% f3 ~
8 e' v( M9 a% a( u2 K1 W2 h$ d/ a
12.He had really been a sociable type, so he is not accustomed to_____.
2 o4 D' |3 a) U4 qA.solitude
: A  O& J* {, g# j0 b/ x6 ~6 }B.solitary0 E4 y$ V, |# x4 m
C.solvent- Q. Z  \2 q9 u+ N4 w! `7 G
7 S- H" \* t6 d  t! ^资料:A
$ Q5 q; T7 @% c4 {- c% ~; h. y( F1 c# F3 n; k. ]2 f; L/ }9 K
13.The room is too small. There' s no enough ________for another desk.
6 l; k, t$ s0 y# d- W  N. HA.place
* z, \+ k8 A* v0 sB.room
1 L, h  Q% T1 FC.floor9 l( @* a: Y+ h. I6 L. C* [
- ?9 F+ H) W5 a2 _5 v6 C3 n  L资料:B6 i2 r0 d* v- r' ~& |5 ^; N& n
) }' Y3 ]: Z% I- y! C
14.What _____ you from joining us last night?  b7 s$ z6 i& m4 {% X7 g5 E
3 u1 Z* O7 B( [! U7 @B.prohibited
! G4 v' |4 ]( `4 {. p" yC.turned
9 M* H' S1 I4 ?. u. _. S' DD.prevented
0 }9 l3 e" }3 j. _$ s4 R9 R; }) q资料- y$ k" u8 v0 K8 o# f6 I

$ U# s% O7 n* V0 \1 d3 S% B0 _15.There ________a football match in our school this afternoon.6 y4 V9 K* \7 J4 ?
A.are going to have
7 M6 T' B8 F$ a: L1 n- W) a0 qB.is going to have( j/ j( f. b9 p  g- ^8 ~9 l: V
C.are going to be
# ?+ R, b8 G! m, ~- zD.is going to be$ n+ h/ U* `. K: g' l! v3 c
资料# w3 F& O+ c  U: ~5 n- L
' m/ M5 c( F0 s
16.How can you convince him_____ the death of his wife, since he was with her a few minutes ago?
8 W8 D/ B% f+ G+ `* G1 j; TA.of
# w( z. d7 L1 RB.on4 x+ b: ]4 L0 N8 ~" u% u
C.in0 x( _! O6 a+ H# l
9 ]) f8 @% s8 H) D+ q8 y1 c资料:A# C( D0 _( f9 c  S$ i
2 ^' S- B. q- t% t. j
17.He is        with his new beautiful house.
) N5 A4 r! R+ nA.pleased8 ?  F2 s7 P# Y6 ?$ f; s( M* l
& |/ P; g$ O5 s! d+ k* p4 M, ~C.pleasing' p% r; ?! D8 ~0 G% X- g
/ z. j1 U( u- F; F5 t- c  `! }  A: h资料:A
+ v4 s% x" K: _# B" y( f! ~& r2 q- Q' Y2 e* }
18.The nurse doesn't feel well today, _________ she still works very hard., G1 d5 e- F1 T4 a* @. c) l
A.but1 h# o  a6 p/ K! a
6 u+ s  E! b" n0 k- j9 xC.or5 N( B9 a) ?, F8 F" |* w+ b/ N
% l) u+ ~% Z$ z8 @资料:A
$ H& x/ O  I2 b& R
, i9 L% ~; |, [- p% F19.The film was _____ for the fine acting of the two main characters.
3 L  x2 ?! g7 c7 q$ e) b2 \A.memorable
* \* ~" F! ~' ]) e, H. o( kB.memorized
* j# @1 g* k# Y8 {/ cC.memo
( Q$ y5 d3 ]# c3 P8 B! S6 @( t  n: fD.memoir3 q/ r  o4 J: U; l3 h" p% a/ X
资料:A+ N$ t& Z5 g* z) Z9 a

3 U" w; e. t3 w6 ?3 z20.Neither he nor I _________ from Canada. We are from Australia.
0 O6 A8 J! V9 c* T 
' E: o4 @7 ^. h0 ]$ @8 N! y1 ]A.is
6 c% ^$ [7 R" i1 P9 aB.are- ^6 |) ^, l5 x+ v
  e0 B* ^3 `1 g! d$ AD.be: d2 D5 W8 a: M6 Y* m5 F' Z5 o" B
资料:C" R3 }6 O% [/ t3 Q. L1 l$ g
3 F1 N8 s$ j1 V, w; H
21.Fish and chips _______ the most popular take- away food in England.
1 L0 ^1 W" E0 R8 T2 i( W " E- q. O  V8 e3 t* D' @' @' s$ i
: n. t4 @% {6 Y4 PB.is" B0 s7 X5 [) r$ F2 x* B
C.were. U8 u# K% K& D6 ~
D.was7 m0 r0 x: Y& N7 N
/ z3 B9 \' f9 h' M
7 F9 x$ V5 B" d; F; R. c6 Y22.Indeed, there are many _____ advantages to a five-day week.
2 _3 H" L/ v) a. W0 v6 D# pA.obviate
2 Z1 u3 ?- A/ Q. oB.obviously
  c% l  m* s. U, G0 |C.obverse# g7 ~' ^8 B  b" I& s# V" Q8 W0 n* y
D.obvious5 L6 o7 B! g7 M6 g0 X) b+ `
资料/ C  z# Z6 P( b
* Z. r# e& u+ w% y
23.It is better to teach a man to fish than ________ him fish.
9 L' @; Q  y+ \4 \& W7 t2 k; G/ g$ m7 PA.to give
4 M& V' r, h+ QB.giving
, g# E8 z& n" \1 l1 W" Z; gC.to find/ \- c1 k0 W  u
D.finding+ E2 z. I0 B5 B  o! m
资料:A& J, a# D; s2 J. X5 K# a! I) k# h
) C  l6 w% h4 c% L' L
24.Many girls like __________ skirts in summer.$ J' ?& }1 k3 t
A.wearing5 ~/ |7 X8 P. `, u8 d
B.dressing4 R6 j0 T! ^( ?
$ G& Q- i* T7 C& B2 B, ^D.putting on  G4 M8 Z: j6 D1 ^) s9 l5 q1 {; Q
资料:A* j8 W3 w5 B2 J8 G

+ k) e( C8 k  }7 |7 h25.Scientific discoveries are often applied_____ industrial production methods.
( ?$ ^( w% _1 ?6 W7 zA.for; `& O. T5 W& x' \2 B3 B: N
* }& x9 X# }$ R) K2 nC.to
5 r& h6 F5 p! q' {- M- t. L: JD.on
/ ?: b3 g4 @, \* J( a3 }资料:C" ?( {* B* m) G; k, S' x

! c& a; ~0 R+ f9 W" I2 A* T26.He could_____ neither French or German, so I____ with him in English.
1 I6 D- ]) g- L. R: L9 }6 OA.speak, talked& f( ^! h% E2 y, `- R
B.talk, told$ B8 O5 v, L7 c+ L- i0 L' Z
C.say, spoke
( }) f: X6 s% |( R' eD.tell, talked: r& R; R( z& X1 u; B; Q
; u" A4 T# \' {! g: |1 d3 F+ m0 j& L
27.There is a close link between a rising_____of unemployment and a rising suicide_____.: O/ g6 Z5 ~5 z% I$ H0 b% F' S2 S
A.ratio; ratio
7 H( \4 i  U7 N: B. n% zB.speed?speed
# {6 ^3 D  J  \% @0 i4 G+ m' }  `) eC.rate?rate
( ~" t% }6 p2 B/ n8 Z. lD.tendency?tendency# L' l( p( Z- o4 C' v0 P
资料:C  ]# ^9 ^4 @. q+ n/ d
3 ]/ M1 q6 O8 b1 f+ N; p- p& E, f' U
28.What a nice garden! How well it _________ after!5 u1 ]1 `! H% [  c: Q
A.has looked$ p1 [, O) w& G" C: m5 |- B% U" ]
B.looks2 l( K# \  l' v
C.is looked/ X) B2 p$ ?1 _7 P0 ?
D.is looking; q% Z0 g+ N; K$ a& R8 _) ^
资料:C( D0 N2 _" S7 M+ e# v

7 N: Q) u9 b: A5 P# E29.More information becomes _____through the use of the internet.; r6 v  f9 W) u- _  T7 l: f% a0 w
- I5 M  }+ A7 X5 j- p. i1 A: CB.available/ z6 @, B: v# ^4 A$ Y% u5 \" s
C.approachable# U( A# v( r* y+ _& i4 T3 _
3 _# y' b3 g9 J资料:B
9 \6 v" o' y1 n/ ^4 M) e: u' D' K) A5 z" ^. q/ O
30.--What about the food on the plate? –It _________ delicious.
4 V+ ?9 u/ B5 }0 s7 AA.smelling
5 b" ]5 d/ V/ a' @2 NB.smelt
* G8 U# I, R! G8 y; d. G% p  [C.smells- X9 `* ]6 s0 n1 l6 q; [
D.is smelt
1 p" N% Y2 g0 c7 @$ I* L资料:C
" W6 s7 n* t9 `  Y1 H2 [- H6 l8 _7 U6 t. H0 E! _3 Q
二、阅读理1/2?(共 4 道试题,共 40 分)* \3 m$ j8 @* h/ W( O3 R
34.When you are curious about something and want to know more about it, you can use the way of asking questions. Asking questions is the first step to make discoveries and find interesting answers. The following steps can guide you during the research.
) K0 g3 D& Y: j- b. C2 X1 g& [2 lStep 1 Write down the subject that you are interested in on a piece of paper. Just get the main idea down. For example, you might write:* a# o1 }% Z/ A0 t% O; n
Discover more about robots.: M! c+ K8 @/ z0 Z$ S* i; g0 p
Step 2 Stop and think for a moment about what you have already known about your subject. List what you have already known like the sentences below:" z" ~5 f5 O- h7 U+ N4 u
1. The first robot appeared in the USA in 1959.
+ V6 }9 p7 S: ]8 x2. A robot can do housework and act as a teacher.
0 ]* \6 `# Q  C+ G3. Sometimes a robot catches viruses and causes a lot of problems.
7 W% {6 y9 j! o1 pStep 3 What can you do with what you want to learn? By asking questions, start writing down questions about the robots on the paper.* ~; \) m8 G! C% h3 U% E
1. What might robots be like in the future?' e. H- Q! G4 u5 b1 |* g* E. B
2. What other things can robots do for people?5 v, ]: @* O* o
3. What kind of power will robots possibly use in five years?, y+ H2 k# I& @! Z
Step 4 Armed with your list of questions, you can now go to the nearest library or computer to begin your research. As you learn more about your subject, you will probably discover some new questions./ z% A3 o! f4 f3 z6 ]
For example, you might discover that robots can help scientists explore dangerous places, like the sea and outer space. How? What happened? Asking new questions can help you research your subject more widely.6 Q' L6 P- D4 ?# e
The next time you find something interesting to research, take time to organize your thinking by asking good questions. And remember that learning more always brings more questions.
9 I& w' z$ M4 \  b3 O6 U, c(1).What does the writer advise us to do when we're curious about something?
% f) C7 z+ h/ j0 l& WA.To read more books about it
4 `: x* R3 r/ [8 s' _1 F7 AB.To look it up in the dictionary.
6 i' u9 Z& A- |, UC.To turn to the teacher for help
0 l' A3 v0 p1 P1 v/ pD.To raise questions and find the answers.
: |" q0 u) v7 s! c  l) T2 r资料
7 t) m2 I/ p6 s(2).What does the underlined part “Armed with your list of questions” mean?4 A' z3 S: o* g5 X4 ^
A.Writing down your list of questions.
/ i" i. M, l( K# y  l. p" {B.Discussing your questions with others.
2 e( b7 y' f1 T( {1 DC.Taking your list of questions with you& Y0 P2 N  M" f2 t- H) l
D.Putting your list of questions under your arm./ w' L! F* L# L" L5 B9 z! v9 ?
/ q% Z" D" Z9 B: B  J4 B(3).What might be the correct order of the steps when you do research?1 List what you want to learn. 2. Find new problems. 3 List what you have already known. 4 Write down subject you are interested in.
" N/ b$ \. M1 V; J! bA.4312. ?: y8 k( N- K( M+ s1 ^( t( C
- r. I1 z  \! P; T' Q7 l  YC.2341% b+ c1 N! @' g$ H) t9 d% Q
4 K3 y; K/ T$ w8 g资料:A
% d, u# ^; T9 _) e" L(4).What might be the best title for this passage?
( v9 y$ w0 Y" }5 rA.Doing Research on Robots
- Z* \6 Z1 J$ }B.Asking Good Questions While Doing Research
+ {- U9 T9 i- I8 ~+ o/ QC.Having Interesting Answers on Robots, ~: d" a1 r5 b5 ^2 m
D.Finding Subjects before Doing Research
4 a0 V4 ]4 H- I7 o2 H- |6 R8 r资料:B& i0 M7 @5 U0 K: Y
" s+ O+ s/ k) e3 {8 j
39.Because earthquakes happen without warning, it’s important to take steps now to prepare. Because you don’t know where you will be when an earthquake happens, prepare some supplies for your home, workplace, and car.
, U7 Z) i7 k' y5 u  u$ [    1. Water.
# _4 ~) j: a  W& d% [    A person needs at least 1/2 gallon of water daily just for drinking. Store at least 1 gallon of water per person per day and be prepared for a 72-hour period. It is suggested that you buy bottled water. Keep bottled water in its original container and do not open it until you need to use it. Also, do check the “use by” date.
7 S2 Y7 q& z; s3 C7 |: U) h5 z$ t    2. Food." g  t# _7 r0 i) w
    It’s always a practical idea to keep a supply of non-perishable(?易腐烂的) food on hand. Have an enough supply of canned food, powdered milk, dried fruits, non-salted nuts and canned juices for at least 72 hours.
+ e5 i9 Y" e( W! v$ V    3. Flashlights(手电筒) and spare batteries.4 ~- m2 a2 V6 b2 c1 \
    Keep a flashlight beside your bed, at your place of work, and in your car. Do not use matches or candles after an earthquake until you are sure that no gas leaks.: ~( ^( [/ m/ B: ]7 l& [/ n6 e
Prepare a battery-powered radio and spare batteries. Most telephones will be out of order, so radios will be your best source of information.6 L; R' o9 H$ z8 y& R  K
    4. Clothes.( g8 S9 `$ d) p! u$ o7 D# N" U
    If you live in a cold place, you must think about warmth. You might not have heat after an earthquake. Think about your clothing and bedding supplies.
6 T& @' ?$ \0 N% x: p& @: ^(1).Why should people prepare themselves for an earthquake?3 D6 s4 A' n) z( L1 J9 ~* c7 u
A.Because earthquakes can be known before they happen./ s7 O) V+ E; h3 m
B.Because earthquakes take place without warning.
" ]. }' ~4 v( ^6 RC.Because earthquakes usually take place in the neighborhood.
# [0 A; i, p7 q0 ND.Because it’s people’s daily work to prepare the earthquakes.& y% B  j2 q( [& x, c& V' G  l
& w7 S8 u9 @$ T! R8 i% H& i(2).About the prepared water, which description is RIGHT?
* O: w2 U# j( r8 _! cA.A person should prepare 0.5 gallon of water for one day.+ T+ I4 |( @' d# _/ F- @0 P
B.You’d better use your own containers to keep water.
" {- f# f% f5 ^) Q5 x' eC.You’d better open the bottled water when you buy it.  z! S* d# V5 z
D.You shouldn’t open the bottled water until you need it.# I  ]/ B5 g, Y
3 m8 b2 d2 X- ?: k. {(3).You should prepare all of the following except ______.
. _( P0 p0 f1 z9 q0 }A.powdered milk5 B: V6 m- ]' o; h! s! f
B.fresh vegetables) T& C6 L6 U! j
C.dried fruits
2 l& R" @/ A4 ]2 q( o) TD.canned juices
# P4 g# C( ^! K6 m资料:B5 g- p; P) U, t* v
(4).According to the article we know that ______.
# E4 N: f6 X) HA.we need to prepare some supplies only at home
  [! _; u, |& s. ^' FB.a telephone is the most important prepared thing
) H; `# L4 Y9 J. `& _C.flashlights but not matches are first used after earthquakes
2 w# Z1 c+ p- p4 }$ }' {' fD.clothes are used to protect your head
. H' i$ H! }9 w0 r资料:C
4 P9 r" W2 ^* U9 ?8 h(5).If you live in a cold place, you should prepare _______.
! T* `: j0 C. f1 gA.some warm clothes and bedding supplies
& h4 M) C7 M# q& z- H( Q" e9 MB.some hot water" l  M% n1 J$ b7 p9 y
C.some batteries) [- x/ i, A* {$ z* d
D.some flashlights
8 H4 l6 D' ?% |. m资料:A
1 y* p* ]' ^; H1 V( V! a2 P; J
4 Z7 p  I) B$ I; \44.The seasons in Australia are not like ours. When it is winter in china, it is summer there. Australia is a southern country, it is in the south of the world. July and August are the winter months; September, October and November are spring, the summer is in January, February and December, and March, April and May are the autumn months. The north of the country is hotter than th e south.
% U- }/ R' w8 b& l# oA very large part of this country has no rain at all. The east coast (海岸地区)has rain all year, and there are no dry months there. The southeast winds blow here all the year. They bring rain from the sea. There is not much rain on the west side. The southeastern part of Australia has summer rain from the southeast winds. They only blow here in summer. ( v) u' b0 w0 J$ P! [
The southwestern part of Australia has winter rain. The west winds blow over the southwest in winter only. In summer, the southwest of the country has no rain. In the north of Australia, there is no rain in winter. The rain comes in summer. The northwest winds bring it.
' z" ?: ^3 D) l, M(1).In October, it is ______ in Australia.
  j2 t3 k: H5 t: Q& h3 D1 B' BA.spring
1 G/ h# Z7 x+ H- C( w. d2 FB.summer5 `' R9 e; y7 F9 y
5 n( H; L2 l7 t% t* TD.winter
3 w, s. M5 I) C9 @) |. }资料:A
) a  U( [4 N9 p! Q" e, K(2).It is ____ in the south than in the north in Australia.% J7 k3 S% q" ~4 b: j/ F9 q
A.warmer+ E" P3 i6 o& ?/ |# [) j* Q  y
2 h5 \, Z  Q2 U$ C% @C.colder1 k. b  G/ ^, U; C% \- g
6 @! |! z+ V% s: R资料:C9 a2 O3 y  C3 P8 v* }
(3).The ______ part of Australia has the most rain.
% v# q, D& G8 M' j0 H5 H( j1 ~A.eastern  H) M$ |# q4 p7 g7 C
9 G7 k& N' A" @$ |( Q8 m; \C.southern# `/ J1 o. P( f( I  B
: b% c0 O% L3 i4 P0 S0 C资料:A
+ N' \9 m6 _, Z/ l& y: w(4).The west winds only come over the ____ of the country in winter.
2 P0 m0 O+ g; g3 TA.east
4 H( C! O% u- D" x: G3 cB.west* ?/ A5 Q, V) |7 K
: K2 `) C& x3 sD.southeast" ~' G  A: g7 w( v8 ?0 q
资料. [! F2 l4 X7 i* u# a* Y
(5).There is _____ rain in winter in the north of Australia.1 C; c$ B- O( p* b: k8 [( C, W7 p5 G
6 _2 v+ `& y, \  t+ \' P6 U# hB.a heavy, _; ~4 I' G5 {3 C5 M
C.more# ^& M# I- q$ z
D.no/ w/ z' V; @" h+ _. i. q7 E
# X1 v8 I% r" ~% \# N6 b5 A" G9 M
49.This is a song millions of Americans will hear this New Year’s Eve. It is called Auld Lang Syne (《友谊地3/4锰斐ぁ?. It is the traditional music played during the New Year’s celebration. Auld Lang Syne is an old Scottish poem. It tells about the need to remember old friends.
, h% e! {* v; B    The words “auld lang syne” mean “old long since”. No one knows who wrote the poem first. However, a version by Scottish poet Robert Burns was published (出版) in 1796. The words and music we know today first appeared in a songbook three years later.- C( t6 j4 P- l
    The song is played in the United States mainly on New Year’s Eve. The version you are hearing today is by the Washington Saxophone Quartet. As we end our program with Auld Lang Syne. I would like to wish all our radio friends a very Happy New Year! This is Buddy Thomas.& `. {( O8 j5 H% d
(1).This passage is from__________________.% w  V$ O- Z! J+ I7 I; {9 Y7 O
A.a newspaper.
% _2 w* J7 q3 s/ x  ~& ^% kB.a magazine.
4 ]# b$ ]" h( \* w, b/ HC.a TV program.
+ K, F, F2 n$ y/ @$ I5 kD.a radio program.1 W. I' U0 A' H
4 f+ _( H! H; X0 p  w0 S8 w' q- N(2).________________ is introducing Auld Lang Syne to us.
5 @' _2 S' y2 q7 D. b7 WA.Robert Burns.
. x/ r+ g: }% E) J+ OB.The Washington Saxophone Quartet.
. x8 _0 O( C6 X9 e1 A7 a) dC.Buddy Thomas.
# E3 F0 O) r* u  QD.The passage doesn’t tell us./ a$ s$ x+ ]( F2 T2 ~
% W; N; [. q* h/ c4 E(3).From the passage,we know that The song Auld Lang Syne mainly played in the USA: j& K1 x/ H/ X+ }! Z5 ~
A.On New Year’s Eve.' E% I' Q4 b, x: }9 T9 }
B.On Christmas Eve.3 e; v; {3 P5 J% A( ?. R
C.On weekends.
* [; K, I+ }; \D.On holidays./ I- a+ |3 B7 o  Z  }) V
资料:A& M- T+ T4 O  S9 }
(4).The words and music of Auld Lang Syne we know today first appeared _________$ y+ K4 I; ]9 Q7 c( x  D. |8 A3 g
A.In 1790.
5 [( {# T  E9 s  Q# z" xB.In 1793.
# q. X9 r" y+ d* |6 P: mC.In 1796." S" c, j+ d4 ^- Z3 J* W, F; E" c: k
D.In 1799.
2 V1 h5 @. J9 H. J0 @资料:D# \, l  [. J3 d3 ]0 w2 L
(5).The song Auld Lang Syne is about ____________.% D3 C, `' s4 _) l: j, O
A.the history of Scotland
* y2 n+ L/ E/ YB.an old Scottish poet
9 ~7 r7 B1 h; c( }4 HC.the need to remember old friends
2 V  r8 H, {( G* ND.the wishes to the radio friends
4 b! q  n3 z# A- z" \! _$ }2 ?. E+ O. q资料:C
; t6 T& g& Y0 C9 o6 |3 B; N
2 U, l/ u3 N% Q; \  y) ]
5 Y8 L3 z; J& g7 }' Y, h* {1 A8 w& E8 v2 U) K9 \6 p9 M
( U) M, N, y0 [) T' [, j' K

. V# [/ Z- F. g) G1 Y7 _/ d+ ~( \. p& ~4 d% v0 r

9 d6 F. f7 L) k: G* Y0 G. p5 m1 S; r

! c* q6 p; {4 U1 b# B8 x4 O2 h3 d& E7 p: L" h: e
9 [! i9 `8 P0 |5 ]0 L" r

. v9 f3 D8 @. \7 d# C
/ _) ?/ p) I+ a7 Y, p, n5 L! g* \( [; b9 [  J2 H
. k4 B0 k0 e# R5 ]
2 Q9 r. }" l) e. c3 Z3 P) t
0 b* n& e/ T; a1 E& ]2 O$ k1 l( K
$ \/ D8 J$ d2 m
$ v8 M" i$ M, T+ s: L- V

$ j: x5 L0 p6 z# D" h% ~6 y6 M  j2 n" ?  K; O. u
7 p5 z3 n6 M9 Q; M

+ b" @+ m8 _" H0 U7 e: m* x- a3 g; @# y, r; N' m, _" _0 r2 b


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