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发表于 2021-5-6 11:32:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 F8 ^5 B3 n* N6 z: A. Z7 O) x  h9 j试卷总分:100  得分:100
6 u6 `' E2 \: x一、单选 (共 25 道试题,共 50 分)' m* G  q# @+ o5 |
1.-- The shop is ________ on Saturday and Monday.
2 P( O7 D, d( d5 O7 u-- I see. I'll go here on Monday then.  t( ?( h1 S6 H) L
) L; U" X: m6 T6 z5 h$ f: N" L" HB.close
- p: u. l1 `& Z9 Y( v" ^( nC.opened
8 |; O4 H+ ~1 x6 V$ f2 zD.closed' S3 i* Z: [2 y3 ]  h9 ?
$ c# J( I/ k2 j2 N9 m: r
' S  C" h1 x! ~, V1 j" L2.He was _____ a gold cup in acknowledgement of his creative achievements for the development of the company.
: ~$ n7 g2 v& {5 \  kA.award0 g! k4 b# ^4 B# I, \1 o% [; r  U
. {8 t. n) k/ b' Z) R/ a0 L' L& VC.reward+ P# ~& B1 }7 P  @. W
! f  [; {9 q  B% N7 K) V资料:B. P3 [" |& Z1 M) [
3 ?1 T9 i0 _1 k# t' F
3.I'm sure the book is very ________ and children are ______ it.3 W# K; c2 o9 B  C) z: p, {
A.interested,interesting1 ^4 U% f4 Q! e- V
B.interesting,interested in
) {% K% ~3 J; A8 h; {C.interested in,interesting
; D) {  C1 f/ |D.interesting,interested9 L( p, ]) w8 h4 I6 L: f4 E( T# f
资料:B) ?. A1 s$ L+ _) `

7 v1 w6 ^8 |0 I4.Don’t feel superior             others. All humans are equal.
5 }, j% A: e! P- rA.to; z7 n  w1 Q7 v1 _1 v9 d& r, H1 x
B.over- x4 d7 j3 A& F& u$ j9 b
3 a7 g- m& m  ^( v4 M- G% @3 e+ oD./
# V- _+ F1 x! Y3 w资料:A( G, X# d$ ~3 G! z  S* S- Y8 D: O
9 |' d# u) P* G0 h7 u* T7 Z  h8 |
5.There are three ______ and seven _______ in the picture.  A/ ]# r( {+ {. X% h
6 m. s; X0 t9 mB.deers,sheep
% A7 K; {& I) [1 }* q, SC.deer,sheep* R& k9 D" ^# y) h4 Z
! r& P4 E1 W& \0 `资料:C
' s$ @- ^; ]0 O  K8 u$ O" ~2 ~7 I
6.Which is the best approach _____ this problem?
+ c" T" Y4 Z4 H' \2 f* ~A.by; z0 @* m# A9 P
% G5 W4 ~9 R/ H% X- v6 {7 z0 wC.to
( c" ]0 n- C, q3 LD.toward
$ V1 @# o" I8 w* f资料:C
6 p+ S/ H4 T0 n3 z3 P3 ~% |/ V* R, p! o' [9 W: y
7.Granny told the girl the moon ______ in the west.
, A" F7 v1 y7 J% @8 o: o+ z. x/ H* nA.goes down
3 R4 |* O  v5 X6 o4 s+ `. {$ LB.went down
) X% K- ~  j5 f7 U2 g3 W5 X. D( u8 x- JC.is going down
; u4 e, L% l5 }$ `5 wD.was going down* Z  Q: o+ o8 \* N
; q# [; c+ `1 G4 }3 z$ E" n' x/ p" y, y$ K( N$ @
8.The school turned ____ some first-rate scholars.9 {2 [. V3 a5 u* P
A.up1 q' C2 z: p2 U' }4 D; b
B.on! Y, X2 Z+ ?1 ]: j# w
C.off/ p. e, e- }5 S6 n5 {' Y
D.out* K- Z4 `7 S3 A6 i  k9 D% {
资料& }1 U! t' x* D3 N& d

9 M- O) X+ T8 n4 I' L9.Would you please ____ it in English?
1 m% W1 y# t3 c& I, m' A2 VA.speak
. N) D( g( E6 Z7 R% j# Y7 fB.say8 X7 G9 r& G0 A% t
6 V. _! k1 D9 z6 l6 I* |+ E' GD.talk, N4 M2 S" y, m8 X8 F2 ?
' v, c7 D  }" A$ ]4 Q  o- c' h: h, u( V# w8 |' @7 i8 X
10.Peter may ________ with this, but I don't really care.3 ?" P# \) q! b
/ `( V9 i  N  F$ J6 AB.disagree
& S/ }. l' w" H0 o) h; P# lC.dislike5 R( i, M4 }7 n* o
5 ?* c" w3 @6 `& a! e资料:B8 |! C+ m0 t. ?( z0 A6 }9 L; P

, U- X" Z/ p: M. ~  S; ^5 J) ~11.The two businessmen            the contract after negotiation(谈判).  O7 T" O/ r/ U
) ?/ x: L/ ^- p# f" G% lB.answered
0 G7 c% I1 R' I0 q* z/ g7 _+ [$ wC.got. a! a* u( g; S3 ]
D.signed/ i. D  _: P0 f
  p; l2 T4 g  J5 z$ S5 A& i  n# e8 _' \( ^" A. ]
12.It is always risky             the business.
. T* j4 z9 v( ]: L& ]9 h8 e# s2 R$ KA.to start
& j9 f! C" c6 S$ IB.starting
% k7 h; M" L2 fC.started
! a4 N  b& i# M+ [$ L  b; H- vD.being starting
2 f2 v! Z" G9 o& z' p资料:* P) b3 O) q1 A  T% x
4 {# L8 ~, {2 T% z! V3 K* Z* J
13.We agree          the proposal.7 ^" h. @7 W3 q8 T9 |: `
A.at2 A3 ?3 X$ t4 h7 A9 `& ^
B.with) I$ T- `" v; U' p7 `; F
C.to& W, u9 P  y9 @' V7 U) R
D.for2 f4 f9 `4 q4 X5 X( I, a( Y3 ~2 e
3 M9 U: V" j# h
% n7 U( I0 R  k14.There is little water in the glass, _______ ?( V. l9 b  D8 l2 O1 C$ i
A.isn't there
% F; c; ]/ }% [4 }3 g- AB.is it
  G6 v7 k& H$ t% X( rC.is there$ U, e7 @, D  [. Z4 r. N
D.wasn't there
0 M4 b2 ^3 c+ v9 Z资料:
1 E& T% x8 X" J  y' c3 V2 K+ ?; o0 ?0 [
15.If you want to know how a word is used, ________ the word up in the dictionary.
2 X; ?0 [5 b$ p/ ~4 n& JA.refer( c, A  s. \. e$ l! Q8 O2 f) E( U% K
! o5 _; B  W' g, ]1 l+ l! d* e& aC.search5 F/ ~4 t( O) U4 V
6 ~4 t6 |  h8 G资料:9 j- Y: J8 J- U3 E) X$ Y

( F  j, D% _) l' M% t$ d% {" E16.-- Do you still have a headache, Bill? -- No, it's _________. I'm all right now, mum.# c1 H8 g- C' d! Z8 ^% _
' u2 s3 \* Q1 B* h7 ?B.run
0 L" w3 D) \! rC.left* K7 w8 |5 ]5 ]. ^
D.gone) s% B( F: y: e5 Z9 B9 c
资料:( ]" X7 L/ A( }# T* x: y' E
. K  Q' T; |/ B" H( m2 }4 x
17.John swore            his honor that he will never let out the secret.
3 s1 R, W2 A& ?4 J. D7 d9 C9 }$ tA.with
" A) B3 w1 y7 f' v# B2 bB.by6 t9 ~* l) o0 r4 @+ X
C.to( ~  A7 |( O9 k. `0 g, r( z& g
D.in' u& Z% O# S6 m" g) p
6 j% I* {5 `6 G
% M9 C. L1 C4 x: G: N, C. z18.The bus driver is _____for the passengers’ safety." N1 v3 @! x& k
A.bounden" E: S! O* S3 a8 d- V+ ?+ u
7 k3 K* N' L6 c2 r1 a& X5 j1 O# mC.responsible7 ^9 t7 c, n( Y% W" b
D.accountable: L4 o! k! n, ~- h. s7 F/ m
资料:$ V2 m6 ]9 f8 ~7 D% g

! Y1 F- H  K0 \! F( h( I19.The marriage on the basis of money is _____to break up.
- N$ t( U2 q) gA.bound) l# y  J, {, |: Y$ y8 l- o  m
B.apparent6 q. E5 o  u( i, m, S+ ]& \4 D( G3 p2 {
C.obvious" U/ ^0 {  c5 s) I2 V+ y: u$ k# |
( w  k# y; P( _6 z; J  w$ {资料:5 `3 G. C: W/ @& v1 N' E$ x
6 V3 ?6 b; B8 Y3 k
20.________ you are familiar with the author’s ideas, try reading all the sections as quickly as possible.
' M( {% }+ I5 @  UA.as long as- I. K# d5 p* K
B.ever since) p# ?8 @$ |; \4 A& N' L( e( n
C.so that! A$ p/ r) D8 t9 V1 f7 O  B8 b
D.now that
% M2 H* }7 |; X, x资料:' N3 c4 ^6 c9 T! v+ R- @* u7 d4 R8 V) b

- k# b' N2 c! S7 v7 H, J6 Y1 `21.A boy with two dogs _______ when the earthquake rocked the city.9 X# }/ c! u2 D0 Q& g) ^; B$ j) P
A.were sleeping7 _5 ?2 M1 Y& R% L
B.is asleep
, q' {8 k. N1 Y4 A2 W$ wC.was sleeping5 X8 Y; x" {! Y! R" p3 {: p
D.are asleep  b8 @# ]9 ?: S) l; ]7 _
% |) L3 p: m2 R' P6 k
; |0 l( `2 K( E3 C22.Did you use to play the piano?% f% j5 K! R2 d8 o- o
- _____________________
1 G/ o- @% Z1 _0 ?% ^( G7 i1 A5 sA.Yes, I do.8 M, }( w3 Q+ d) K6 G% d9 |: O
B.No, I didn't.  S# K, {5 H- S1 G! u2 h
C.Yes, I play it every day.
3 n: y  a) A0 T; i! ]# [# z& iD.No, I do.
5 k" @/ E/ d! Z资料:$ q4 ?% z1 \# u$ r( G# C3 \% ]

9 o' Q& H$ B/ ~23.--Do you like milk or coffee? --I prefer milk ___ coffee.
& H9 |% P6 ^' ^: @0 Q" q9 z5 aA.with
4 ^7 }& h2 h+ T: X, V' |6 CB.to
# B6 Q) T- S7 r; r( q2 b7 CC.than
0 r/ ~* q& I" M: kD.of
5 l3 C& s' ~1 L+ c资料:
' u+ m- M7 h7 }$ l
: J0 `! ]3 B! a; {  n4 Y24.Did you notice the guy ______ head looked like a big potato?
) `' W4 B& y  f, hA.who7 J$ ^2 K) J# O3 ]! E  O
5 X0 F& G1 y' ^C.whose
" H7 y6 n8 ~4 UD.whom
7 c; u( ]5 d: O* G资料:
: A- [- c8 [5 p: K; F0 U0 |( g* r$ M
! s3 P3 E7 j" ]' O( t: g25.I'm______ happy today.
5 B, b3 L" G  P- \) @9 D( {A.quite
4 j  O- U. t5 P8 N) |B.quiet0 F/ a+ w4 a$ C& E% \
5 [9 r9 D3 M. t/ Y& t+ ND.quick
( p3 G" Q* B$ a5 ~5 A: z资料:
- _( C# F, ~/ `3 R& @9 g  {3 |7 X, x5 @
二、完型填空 (共 2 道试题,共 30 分)6 z: z; H; S& W9 f. c1 N
40.Do you know how to study ## and make your study more effective ( 有效的)? We all know that Chinese students usually study very hard for long ##, This is very good ,but it doesn’t##a lot, for an effective student must have enough sleep, enough food and enough rest and ##. Every day you need to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places. It’s good for your##.
# o4 C. z; G. B* K) jWhen you return ##your studies, your mind will be refreshed(清醒) and you’ll learn more##study better. Psychologists (心理学家) ## that learning takes place this way. Here take English learning ## an example. First you make a lot of progress and you feel happy. Then your language study seems ## the same. So you will think you’re learning ## and you may give up. This can last for days or even weeks, yet you ## give up, and at some point your language study will again take another big ##. You’ll see that you really have been learning all along. If you get enough sleep, food, rest and exercise, studying English can be very effective and ## . Don’t give up along the way. Learn ## you are sure to get a good result.
# h) W7 q6 v; U/ E' ~/ L(1).
. L. l& ]: F# G/ D& e! j/ Z/ K: GA.nice! T5 [( x6 i% z: ~1 ^" R2 e
" a# x& a# S/ B( eC.better4 Q3 w! v0 ~9 E5 J" }/ N! F
D.best7 Y, L8 K9 {! _. V
4 W: e4 w5 t9 d& s% j5 R9 ~(2).
# V, H' d" j4 k6 |0 Z+ cA.days$ A: [( A. Q0 D+ e8 h
B.time! E. B. k2 N0 J# p% X
C.hours: R3 R3 B& e' b- Q* K9 L1 V
5 K! w4 j; g. b! c0 I3 \资料:
, K& @% n6 h9 i+ d9 G(3).
/ G# z, ]$ w. I# U* V# fA.help$ f* X, s" @) y$ l6 X# k" ?
B.give1 Q) C( x# j7 \# n" ~
C.make* I2 P+ K; J" t/ ^
/ Z  i* T9 g! O/ a8 U资料:
0 N8 z: |2 |( e" l5 c(4).
4 [* p4 ~. v. C! {+ uA.exercise( s% i7 I, d6 g& x! G3 J% ^
  W3 \0 f( d  [; P4 ?C.running
# e: D" g5 J% w/ o# v! p. ]8 qD.clothes
. P2 V- h1 F6 r, A" {( k资料:
- a. k+ t! [- j3 p1 K$ h0 x! g(5).
5 s( ]; K6 v5 i+ ^4 a/ n( `A.health/ r6 n) D1 Q& {
B.body9 ?8 y' H/ B8 R* Z) y6 A
C.study- N; S+ x* O! w" D% m) J" K7 R
D.life9 G  j4 V* i! e; b/ Y" O5 o
% N# p% p+ {6 Z2 f* U! U5 d1 f(6).
8 s0 a; N/ r2 nA.after, c6 B2 X2 t  p# k: w& J
B.for7 H4 `& }. j0 i0 T. g
* H6 x$ U. {2 K, n7 rD.to* b: D7 u& {' p# T8 U; i  m
资料:3 p! n" h& U/ q$ b2 O
(7).+ I9 F6 I! C  s- @/ d' {
: ?! `( y8 S# N7 k+ QB.and7 f% F3 k4 C9 M8 g0 K, N
0 v& |* |0 Z% _$ wD.but
& C! o7 ?; `# A' l( t资料:
# B+ {2 y* W7 f+ s, F$ m- N7 R(8)." H8 q, u$ _: b* A# \4 x
A.have found
9 B$ x0 C2 R  q& U5 c. {B.have taught
. P- [) h3 T8 J& a: u& i( wC.told( P; P9 w1 b+ l+ I7 H7 ]
D.said2 I: @5 L- ]1 F8 d' s: M9 R& `/ R
资料:8 ]/ b1 w& z+ \* I9 {% o6 W
(9).# N- V. ~/ M, {% k2 ~
A.with) u: z$ E9 r; N7 P$ j6 v" k
B.for9 q9 @7 j4 D7 B8 _* r; R" n/ J2 Z
C.as6 O4 G  Y2 V3 z$ y! s
D.to8 z# p4 Q8 G3 _# o0 N
资料:* v5 y( H' D. q7 D
( }5 c* i8 m2 i  PA.to have& ~6 O8 J6 `" E! J- R% A, L. Y; J. F
B.to make- b2 h9 s: c2 J2 ^, c2 U* i4 x
C.to take& s% Q5 i  u7 ~, N% h! ^
D.to stay7 R; Y. q9 u* }+ Q* U" Y$ ~
资料:* x8 Y$ R( G$ }  W, D
, n* Y, M$ U0 L" }+ x8 GA.something
' ^" f1 H  U! x( hB.anything
$ T4 U- r2 g/ }C.nothing
1 [- ]6 R4 Y0 tD.everything
. C. ^% I: o* X& u, s5 T资料:
0 ?6 B" o% u- w: Q; X" s! C$ o(12).
+ f$ G: E+ P  V% v7 aA.mustn’t
% _+ W1 s% k0 o2 K& \5 U9 Q; IB.couldn’t. Q! s+ R+ g& U9 A) j# f6 s: s; _
C.needn’t/ |; h) ~; ~$ Q  D
D.may not
5 P4 y3 D  N" ]5 _( V' ^& @; a资料:
) u1 U. i& M6 f* F+ j; A(13).
2 Q- B) K' y$ @) h- X) |A.work
- d% ]& E+ i) N& x0 _B.jump  v* L1 v# z# m5 P( f/ L2 ?
C.walk3 q0 t/ n9 X3 A9 A  V7 ]+ C" F
D.result- M( M  |( l  t/ B2 W1 P: o6 i; X
4 F3 d& K; {3 {& M8 a  t(14).# T$ Y5 q! P2 u/ r5 v8 m
. s; N2 p0 R5 u) tB.common
. X+ u- b1 ]6 L- K3 A$ [C.possible
  c3 i! b" I9 v, ?9 M% ^D.interesting( v4 ?& V* d" U2 ]0 ^. E4 q4 w
- k+ \, I* x8 V(15)., p  L3 X3 O* ]2 e3 r7 Q' q5 K
; y* n' Z! W* P- o' [( mB.fast8 o- @3 A' t/ k. D# [( s
0 |) t" C) ]5 KD.happily
9 O6 ~  w9 G( F/ D0 K/ Y/ H( H资料:
  E' Q1 N' s9 D2 ]1 D# H9 D+ U6 M3 P, ?6 P; }7 {7 R
55.There was once a millionaire who loved money than anything else in the world. He didn’t know exactly how much he had, so he took on a little girl to ## all his money for him.
0 C. k6 P/ w% A       It ## the little girl six days to count all the money. When she told the millionaire that he had forty-two ## dollars, he was ## with joy and asked, “ How much ## do you want?” He thought that ## she was only a child, he could ## her into taking a very small amount of money.
, s1 H" |1 g* m/ |" Z. v% \, E       The girl said, “well, I worked for six days, so I think you ## pay me for six days. Give me two pennies for the first day. Each day after that, just give me the amount you give me the day before, multiplied by itself.% h% m. @( }! J' G' T$ I- d
       The ## thought that in this ## he would only have to give her a ## dollars. What a ## little girl! So immediately, he ## his lawyer sign up the contract, fearing that she would change her ## ./ J3 {1 H; H% K' x' n0 M# t
       On the first day the millionaire paid her two pennies, and on the second day, two pennies times two pennies, or four pennies.
- ~) z. p% `3 g  Q       Each day after that, he gave her ## number of pennies he had given her the day before, multiplied by itself. And by the sixth day, the foolish millionaire had to give the clever little girl all his money.9 ]. f0 N  o* E" ~$ J9 M0 I/ d
% d( D- s3 v! j+ @A.bring
  [8 G$ G; L$ x& iB.count
' M6 n# J& x6 M! xC.send
3 b3 v; l1 ^/ _D.hide
$ n/ |+ L8 @( Y' l% b资料:
2 B6 E8 s9 [; T9 C(2)., k( `9 _0 h! l1 b  ~3 s
& Y! Z2 l7 C' P, v2 b( FB.needed5 t! j9 z* {% E' ]" v
* A1 ]' a8 R- y3 JD.took
+ ~- o4 F* O6 o8 m8 P资料:
) F8 l$ ^; h. p& Z1 d. @+ F(3).
# _9 h) `* ^1 R/ P0 WA.million% v+ f+ O  [- u& N4 g+ t' k* c
B.dozen* D/ b" x# e, m4 Q. G
C.thousand0 ^/ i1 k1 x8 E- j; k: T) c; E) T6 n
! q3 c( m, Y* I( |5 R4 V4 t4 I资料:
* o/ V; H7 r/ c9 f# g(4).. g" z6 \% ^8 F3 y) x$ V
4 s' S9 O- O7 Q6 u' o9 t3 OB.wild
( s4 S, |! X, b! pC.surprised/ h: u$ f7 T2 b0 A4 p6 f
  h+ ?: c! d+ d3 G! X' b( M资料:
! u( y7 V7 f+ @(5).1 M& m: w4 P/ a1 T# N7 d; w
1 I8 d8 F" V9 I8 m, u- y- H3 sB.number+ p5 [4 U& l( E2 U% ]
( b5 p9 @1 R: q: q6 ~" D3 y( FD.pay" i* r( e9 }$ ]4 ^  H  w
" r, B1 ^9 S1 ^$ C6 G' ?9 X(6).6 q9 Z+ Z' X- m$ @  j) n
A.as if
) d2 w( a% C& }( ?! ?. q5 F, DB.though' G- A  \$ V2 X2 ]: A
% ]' v  Z( N8 {" g! J. c( y* t$ }4 HD.because
2 U% I7 @, a$ T9 L4 ~资料:
) [4 V+ Y5 x8 D. X(7).
1 R6 K) w4 a+ M; O8 c- FA.warn
7 C$ I% M! `- Q  Z+ Q7 f" h+ oB.advise
! w  d3 l# E! P4 ZC.cheat' m# T- r0 s: j) `, J2 k
- i; _& d) o6 N. u# j6 p资料:6 |5 h  [/ P3 y. P( B. X9 c
( B7 v' l2 g3 s  a% @A.could- A7 j9 ]/ Z" o8 b0 `8 j% Y
B.would# Y3 [) f( m. w2 s
# @; U% ^3 T' {; E! D3 p; ND.might0 S) x  V3 ?0 X% H
资料:/ I4 R! u% F7 d5 X* V2 N
(9)., d5 E- h% d/ H- E# R/ b- m; n7 m/ S0 E& S
( I- r8 A" U; d) aB.millionaire
6 q2 F: ~! K" _, {$ cC.two
' O0 ?* d+ m) `" DD.people8 Z! `" N  F" O. x* T; e
. P8 b- f  T# G6 A$ C(10).( I7 m- S! j8 y: f- x) s- \3 [
A.measure$ H) q8 J) {# z" ?! L
+ F$ ^3 L2 ?8 I* f$ R# qC.point
' l  O9 U- s" v5 }6 MD.means0 g5 }6 l2 Z# h
( I5 P+ R, X- m( ]/ v% P* A(11).
  o& p1 j# x0 HA.few0 |# d. l  E/ l8 w# G) l8 k- }9 M
1 ~: g+ H. G5 j) i* }C.less" Y0 g7 `  @' {( b) G& {
9 R, @! r1 q1 J1 \+ f  {. J资料:
+ {: U5 g/ s$ X4 B% r4 u/ m/ w3 M(12).
7 L6 l8 V7 g6 t; ZA.nice+ h4 b; j- d# J) J* U3 ^# ?
1 z0 |; I. u7 A  QC.fine2 e, r5 x3 c) [. m: j# E
D.foolish; _& z0 t2 T$ `
& ^/ V2 |8 T1 o3 s3 W; c$ t: R(13).
5 P3 F6 U, y* a+ M5 R: qA.ordered# s, J* \, d, t! H0 V; n
B.asked; n9 ], M, g0 |+ V1 B/ |* S8 A
C.had$ A! o4 E9 w& t$ i! W& _
& \! V3 b0 A6 O9 u5 {! [. ?资料:
1 N# H) n% D4 N1 s3 N/ X# ~4 `(14)." Y$ i3 B# b! e. ?/ w+ u" ^
A.mind" R! A; O2 R* v1 q
B.heart+ h6 m* V5 V* h1 N, ^& v
C.word& m" Z& U  v+ c# p; B
5 H( L4 }: f- A资料:
, S3 L5 x# D6 L) w9 S! L3 o+ {(15).
% ~9 {$ k! \( b6 VA.good
' ~5 N; N& t( y. L  v; Q7 \B.great/ O2 }4 [  j  n" s8 p
C.a% y# I+ `, ?/ \) f+ U
D.the( L4 @& Z/ G) I6 |: m
资料:3 M7 y# r6 g* R3 w# z

7 w/ {# h2 I; M3 X4 J* t2 |# i三、阅读理解 (共 4 道试题,共 20 分)4 t* n+ q: o# R
60.Two students started quarreling at school. One student shouted dirty words at the other, and a fight began.
/ b" W5 I) o( A% qWhat can be done to stop fights like this at school? In some schools, disputants(争执者) sit down with peer mediators (同龄调解者). Peer mediators are usually students with special training in this kind of problems.
# v2 u9 j: L* F0 OPeer mediators help disputants to talk in a friendly way. Here are some of the ways they use.
* b' v' u& {! i9 Q8 z6 |1. Express what you think clearly but don't say anything to hurt the other. Begin with "I feel" instead of "You always".
* ^* ?) z5 a' \- I1 O5 [2. Listen carefully to what the other person is saying. Don't stop the other person's words.
& r, L" m( c- `# E3. Keep looking at the other person's eyes when he or she speaks.
$ b/ r% r9 k" j4. Try to see the problems on the other person's side.# X- K/ N, W3 B5 p. L2 E2 M: b
5. Never put anyone down. Saying things like "You are foolish " makes the talk difficult.
4 b: q# ?. ~, N" T6. Try to find a result that makes both people happy.
2 }1 ]6 `. ]: p8 VPeer mediators never decide on the winner. They don't decide who is right or who is wrong. Instead they help disputants to find their own "win-win" result. A "win-win" result can make everyone feel good.  B3 X% ^/ G% n! ~1 R
Peer mediators' work is often successful just because it gets disputants to talk to each other. And getting disputants to talk to each other is the first step in finding a "win-win" result.4 B, ^: k+ b- K
(1).Peer mediators' work is _.
  \! F4 @$ c$ b7 H: s; AA.to teach lessons to disputants7 W4 t8 {' E% o* Y, M+ m: `- G# i
B.to help find a way to make both disputants happy; u: k# \" t$ o* y. d5 I
C.to find out who starts the quarrel
" C/ D  h0 p) w6 Y3 X+ i- T2 bD.to give students some special training% Q  A+ v$ p9 J0 Z6 f' ~' s
资料:7 W( _, b" m% H  x# u' j! t' T
(2).What does the underlined phrase "put anyone down" mean in Chinese?
- ^  k6 T! }. T; L. h5 t+ VA.贬低任何人
0 ?  f% [, e$ KB.落后于任何人) u, [# M: A  H0 w1 O: v+ a
C.奉承任何人' w+ Q" x! U7 C# s+ E5 y
, c. Y- j( O. R" {$ P' H资料:+ o# w9 f8 U5 U+ S' ^. a3 a
(3).What's the first step in finding a "win-win" result?
! g( `  i7 M- x! @3 Q' p( yA.Letting disputants be afraid of peer mediators.
. c# N- O$ q8 L1 d/ ?0 D6 hB.Letting disputants feel peer mediators are kind.
8 H" O; ]# J0 q9 \! bC.Getting disputants to talk to each other.
* f7 m) J9 y* {7 a" Y) eD.Making disputants feel good by telling funny stories.
. {* f! u8 k! k3 A$ w+ ?资料:) z! \* V& X) r( t+ L6 U9 N$ T. M
(4).During the talk, if peer mediators say "You are a fool.",_________ .0 E' V0 l; B0 d& K% o& O4 {/ t$ f) H
A.disputants will realize they are wrong7 S! g1 ~; }$ s! ?3 s& r; v7 T
B.disputants will understand peer mediators better) S& @. `3 }& r7 Z! z
C.it is easy for peer mediators to decide who is right( k# h6 |4 T5 O. T. r
D.it is hard for peer mediators to get a "win-win" result9 S3 y9 k  t7 P% y$ T; U- F3 R# [
2 J7 P7 N) |3 i2 g5 W" b/ T! h; |3 O(5).Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
$ f3 }; e; j5 h1 i8 T6 BA.All schools have peer mediators.' b3 A  V6 I8 F3 e6 u
B.Peer mediators are usually students.2 [1 c' k5 Q1 K& [% L& N2 `7 B
C.When disputants are speaking, peer mediators can stop their words at any time.
8 L8 P4 Q' z/ W# {5 [- U+ a- rD.Peer mediators can make disputants get a "win-win" result every time.) l: j" L& Q; M  y' H7 L9 ]" n( C
8 j2 s' \& ~1 v/ u1 j$ _1 A5 ]. R6 M. P  B! I( X1 x6 e
65.Most people want to be happy, but few know how to find happiness. Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness. Aristotle, a Greek thinker, said, “Happiness depends upon ourselves.” In other words, we make our own happiness. Here are a few suggestions to help you be happier.
. G. \% p1 E1 U  V* x9 {The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often, we spend too much time thinking about the future-for example, getting into college or getting a good job—that we fail to enjoy the present. You should enjoy life’s simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends. People who have several close friends often live happier and healthier lives.
$ L/ _# I) e) ]# H5 L# G" m/ TAnother secret to living a happy life is to be active. Many people go dancing or play sports. People can forget about their problems and only think about the activities.
$ C4 z" l6 R( s+ nFinally, many people find happiness in helping others. Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time helping others. If you want to feel happier, do good things for someone. You can help a friend with his or her studies, go shopping to buy food for an elderly person, or simply help out around the house by washing the dishes.
8 L" W+ u+ F% p# l" Y5 b5 [1 Y' L(1).The best title of this passage is _____________ .9 a$ J: z0 l/ Z' @- d
A.The Secrets of Happiness) A# K- f% C+ Z. m' U  q: }
B.Money Makes You Happy
0 o' z7 X' n3 P# L2 y5 vC.Ideas for Helping Other People to Be Happy! i. P, V) T/ ~2 I( m5 u$ d
D.Good Friends Make You Happy4 z) J1 v! e3 D7 d# d
2 q+ }1 {. P; S- d' a4 N(2).The second paragraph tells us that_________.
0 D% I& W/ Y  P8 \; R" IA.the more friends you have, the happier you’ll be6 k  B& S. z8 |: ?; n- x0 [
B.we shouldn’t think about our future
. S0 H  G9 }( h4 xC.happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life( B+ ^' Z6 b  [8 _9 G8 X  a
D.some people fail to live a happy life9 L0 r. O/ P5 I
资料:, ^& W% w9 G6 x2 v
(3).The passage gives us ______ pieces of advice on happiness.1 L6 h) T8 s- K& o. H  _
7 B* `( P9 F! Y3 F+ [/ aB.two
0 ^* h% _* Y- N2 k  a! ?" FC.three) M) S# g& t0 l2 n* U/ ?7 k
D.four+ U3 X6 g; {0 W0 Q
资料:$ x3 x, ]6 F* e" B$ ?
(4).The writer thinks that _________.( u; k0 f  C( Z% R& {% _
A.everyone knows how to live a happier life/ G7 Y; u6 B  I% m. `
B.It’s wrong to spend time on work& D6 s2 T, f' `( u
C.hobbies take up too much time; g! @) }3 H1 B5 A
D.doing good things for someone can make you happier9 \4 s& j: ?  ?2 s. B6 G
% H9 C% \1 e, o/ Y2 m% a# z(5).Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?
' N+ m# A7 Y6 U4 R$ CA.Reading a good book
; ?- a0 B6 Z8 d; p, P7 ^; TB.Traveling to a foreign country
) x4 [  i* w5 rC.Playing a sport
. o% I4 w3 P3 X- n" xD.Spending time with close friends  N/ e% z7 z& K4 L/ H% s9 G4 S
资料:8 z4 T6 h; r$ `& ~" Y  c6 M
3 ?0 D/ B. S7 I$ e/ L; L* n
70.Like most teenagers in the world, Joso Montanaro a teen artist in Brazil, likes reading and drawing cartoons. But he is special—his drawings get published.& e! A" m7 e; D& j2 v* U' l
Montanaro is now drawing cartoons for Folha. Folha is Brazil’s largest newspaper and is known for its cartoons. Montanaro has already been working at Folha for two years. Each week he draws two, there or four cartoons and sends them to the paper. From those editors choose one for the next day’s page.! @! c2 L! b. a0 @" H
Montanaro draws about the news of the day. Recently he worked on The Wave—a drawing of the tsunami(海啸) that hit Japan. Montanaro also likes to draw cartoons about the funny things that happen in Brazilian politics(政治).
4 j* t8 ]% s2 \: Z* S* s. Y1 X: b“I like doing political drawings because you can joke about somebody bigger than you.” Montanaro says.& U- X1 _5 _+ Z" B, d: _2 `
Folha’s art director ,Mario Kanno, says editors saw something new and different in Montanaro’s work.“We brought him in with this idea to show that, yes, young people also read newspapers and can show their ideas on politics,”Kanno says.
; o* Q" B; X# C4 T2 r5 aMontanaro’s love for cartoons began when be was only 7 or 8 year old. His dad bought him comics. Montanaro says these books gave him the ideas that got him drawing.“I think those great works have really helped me,”he says.“They remind me that I should draw something in my book every day.”
) l/ o; w; b- I3 d- _8 Z(1).What is Montanaro doing for Folha now?
* n" o# ]" o3 \3 ?( H* q- GA.He is publishing story books.
) D- P3 G4 P0 e2 N& D4 T! OB.He is drawing cartoons.
+ ^- H: ?1 D2 s, ^/ wC.He is sending newspapers.$ S9 ]$ u" N4 v  D8 E: l
D.He is writing articles.
- D  y3 l% |! T4 t: H: b' \资料:  [& ]' P; v8 V0 Y% R
(2).Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?4 U% }5 Q, C5 L6 z% n
A.Folha is famous for its cartoons.; s" ^2 e) ]7 ?  F+ u) s1 |/ g
B.Folha is the largest newspaper in Brazil.
7 N+ R1 w; z7 S' K2 z+ k) Z( N& |# x( fC.Montanaro draws one cartoon for Folha every week.: u. v& ]8 T1 |  y- B0 H+ J
D.Montanaro began to work for Folha two years ago.
# t- x6 T0 B+ k' a' a5 c7 M' H资料:/ K9 W  _( d# o1 {
(3).Why does Montanaro like drawing political cartoons?
5 O  W  a. o0 zA.Because he can show his ideas on politics.5 r' \+ X5 _' \4 v# H
B.Because he is very interested in political jobs.
* V: ]  G) {1 K, YC.Because he thinks it’s easier to draw political cartoons.
$ @- H4 ]) ^& [# [3 W/ u% aD.Because he can make fun of some important people.2 Y) x$ ?+ i" S& K* s# P7 ^9 z
资料:" E3 m8 o; N. t* E* k7 `
(4).What made Montanaro draw and helped him a lot in his drawings?
. A9 D1 ~/ E0 G$ Z$ LA.The comics his dad bought him.5 e& Q9 s, }! e3 ~& y- T# F- A
B.His interest in cartoon films.& p9 M% q2 X1 z$ P
C.The fun of drawing cartoons.
( F; B! o1 m* }' o% zD.His dad’s ideas about cartoons.
4 S! M- g# t* P' C8 ?0 t资料:
% [, o- g: ?+ v& Y1 h% S(5).What’s the best title for this passage?
  ]3 }4 i0 j8 T9 R- S, z$ WA.Folha’s art director.
( o2 I! q4 @2 y. zB.Brazil’s largest newspaper.- I# G* R% N; _
C.Teen artist in Brazil.. {$ C3 q# c9 e1 d9 h. ]
D.Montanaro’s great father.
' H8 @  K6 u8 I+ M" H4 D2 j( K资料:
8 G: F4 f+ g+ C- T9 F& F9 }, l* `; q0 U
75.Foolish(silly) Freddie lived in a small village. The people of the village laughed at him. They liked to show visitors how silly Freddie was. They thought this was a funny thing to do.- k4 ?& l  r2 q5 @: q
One day, a visitor came to the village.4 K- X" V2 h) Y# ~
"Watch this", a villager said, and called to Freddie. "Come and play a game, Freddie, " he shouted. Freddie walked slowly towards him, a silly smile on his face.
. Z; }# j# w; }* T9 D* h"Look! Freddie, "the villager said, "I've got something for you." He showed Freddie a dollar coin and a much larger 50-cent coin."Which would you like?" he asked Freddie.
$ p" p; D! Q8 e% m$ [* I- {$ {$ \Freddie took the 50-cent coin at once.
5 g0 h' b9 \; k. D% vThe villager laughed."See how foolish he is," he said."He always does that. He's too silly to learn anything." He walked away, leaving Freddie with the visitor.* _3 q. t) P6 f9 E' m; d
The visitor felt sorry for Freddie and said to him, "Although the 50-cent coin is bigger than the$1 coin, the$1 coin is worth(值) much more.Two times as much."
8 {/ m- n$ F5 s- y2 e, i, s+ F5 p# F" W(1).People laughed at Freddie because__________.
1 V. D5 z4 B9 y$ @8 x6 iA.he often made up jokes
. k% ^) g& d9 o0 JB.he didn't like money
' s7 [0 I# L% e  ~. f  l- h) M$ ]/ ~C.he looked very funny6 W, X4 ?! b0 a% ?* c! L2 G
D.they thought he was a fool5 v7 b9 Z/ T/ F$ r9 M8 n5 T
8 a/ }. Y. @4 U. l* w( j7 L* a$ u' q(2).The villagers wanted to show the visitors___________.
9 E3 ]' T/ T! XA.how silly Freddie was3 i! x! x, k5 W" D: {1 X2 Q- Y
B.how clever Freddie was
$ Q8 L8 ]' \+ h* r/ Q! d8 lC.How kind people were to Freddie; u9 ]1 ?2 l) M8 q7 K/ W
D.that Freddie had much money
/ O( s0 W3 U/ w3 l资料:
4 ]* x- I: R2 B$ R3 i) Y(3).The visitor felt sorry for Freddie because he thought _________.  o. j7 _0 P* t! Z! f/ V
A.Freddie did not know money was useful
4 b" N" J- q" S9 b6 KB.the villager was not kind enough to the boy
- r1 j: h8 v: C" iC.Freddie did not get along well with the villagers; ^+ e3 F6 S/ _
D.Freddie did not know the dollar coin was worth more7 j6 I+ g1 [, n/ N6 Y  K1 w4 _
7 b0 A/ s' ^( j( i9 @(4).From the story we know that Freddie was__________.
0 @0 c4 O9 ]) n8 c& a- _A.poor
$ |* s' v! V/ J6 EB.kind
1 k& w; {$ m7 c& [1 IC.clever
( N- [. Y- ^0 [D.silly
! j  V& r0 {0 P% J: g- J1 T, E$ i资料:( p( U7 r6 b4 q  \6 W5 H
(5).The best title for the passage should be __________.0 s6 y4 Y5 E- @2 M$ [6 |
A.Clever Villagers. B* Q9 p% A6 J+ I
B."Foolish" Freddie8 n, [/ V! b; d* @( u1 Y+ _4 r' l
C.Freddie and a Visitor7 ~& s$ H* w6 `' l8 ?- G6 k
D.A Visitor and the Villagers7 e) f0 b/ d: v/ `
资料:. w/ O: Q! m3 U& O


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