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发表于 2022-4-22 22:46:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com)高级英语(三)-[福建师范大学]福师《高级英语(三)》在线作业一4 y. p1 y8 l1 n/ a0 R1 }, {  X
试卷总分:100    得分:100# o7 A: @0 f: Y* ?+ \
; D; @. x! i& WA、filter  G& U6 e4 Y2 W0 X5 ]+ A
* |2 ^% ^; n$ V2 @% KC、partial& R6 x/ V. S4 E: r* w' I2 u8 ~
7 ^. Y0 H7 l9 U4 k3 D/ k正确资料:, M; ~8 W0 z  f( R

, H( g( S9 }# k+ v  X* S% ^( ~8 V% @8 G
( Y7 L& y1 x  S% a第2题,Theunpleasanttasteinhismouthforhours
8 @9 Y$ b, K$ x3 Q2 G  ~A、lingered" N0 P9 d6 o( [' p& n* Y4 n
B、prolonged$ n$ ^( I8 ^3 t* k; k9 d1 z6 n9 u
C、rested; M4 F5 F2 o3 f$ {7 ~0 X7 X$ L  e
D、vanished9 |& `. u2 N7 \, W. P
3 M/ r) R+ U6 f1 P& x- H% R( S5 `5 l: B' B- h% x* r. [* _" y

8 Q8 w5 E2 q; u第3题,Nobodynoticedthethiefslipintothehousebecausethelightshappenedto
( o% T# y: v8 s6 K' ^( a$ f/ Q- ~A、be put up7 ^8 M/ I; g. ^8 l7 b# h" p
B、give in
" g3 m& u" Y( g. F& S5 p% C6 n7 ~8 z$ B9 VC、be turned on
$ x( N, y% ~% k+ N8 FD、go out* M! N5 `/ h* Z9 E" z! h3 ?) N
正确资料:' g, f' p3 [5 ^9 h

& Z, e0 l0 o8 m* c' \9 U: d+ `+ W8 _% Z" W2 P0 I+ V
第4题,Thechancesofseeingahelicopterinmyhometownareoneamillion2 P) }7 G, h; `) R
A、for: A! Z4 e9 L  O$ U
7 C9 ^: t% [% p! D4 ^5 HC、in
6 I% q9 I$ |' B+ v3 M9 l) ~D、against, b4 b: y* l: i8 v% O0 w
正确资料:8 m( n' v5 B* v+ i( f: P: Q& u

; `5 t, k0 j" i' c; N* `! r. V0 _5 N/ u
. ?, _+ `+ m2 Q: O4 e+ d4 K. T4 SA、a patch of9 Z$ [$ k6 n, n1 j6 q' K
B、a bunch of
& c$ J$ o' J5 F5 R: G3 ~# V; mC、a pinch of
' r5 t& a3 H% V& H' hD、a packet of
1 c4 n8 t2 [# v正确资料:
+ g( ?( f2 Q  U5 x3 y# W
; o- I2 y' V7 i# [8 u  |0 Y/ W& M! Y7 V+ L' C" p' ^( @3 Y9 R
第6题,ShirleyabookaboutChinalastyearbutIdon'tknowwhethershehasfinishedit; d/ h1 K( j. `3 y
A、has written2 r9 B' l% f& M0 U3 o% x
B、wrote6 S! z& F+ _2 T2 ?$ x
C、had written
6 Y( d' `; Z$ i! G" yD、was writing+ `& c8 o$ _& {+ I
3 {* [4 J+ G) O7 F+ o  ?/ ^$ p+ S/ {6 e
8 c" V$ p1 j, |& f1 m. u
: o6 U5 F" n% g& CA、pretends4 N" q, J1 W4 K9 J
! U5 z7 L7 T% ]' o6 q0 _C、affords
: g; f. ?) k4 ]  j: E- Z$ cD、melts3 D: q9 a3 ]3 D8 }4 ~+ u
正确资料:+ e  W: {0 p9 x" a
7 W- p+ N& V( R5 _7 |+ |

6 q& }2 ~( A, v$ @第8题,It'sintheregulationsthatyoucantake20kilosofluggagewithyou
( |' ^3 w( H+ RA、laid upon
$ @' l5 n; }8 P$ N2 o- m( RB、laid out0 _8 k8 D. s7 H" p- [/ _
C、laid up
" o+ E& i1 Y' zD、laid down
" @3 A- B% Y+ W; A1 l正确资料:
' o- R) z4 w' S" f0 q; V6 G5 }
8 n3 W& e2 X9 F- y7 l7 P, J+ |! ~6 A. c8 w& L9 \
第9题,Whenyouchooseapieceofclothesthemostimportantthingthatyoushouldpayattentionisits( j. C: J" G* l, z- Y
9 W5 w1 y4 P6 Q6 l7 `% W; VB、texture/ T8 E5 h7 D. G) s, v
C、testable# I; n5 @9 v( t; q
# e. j# Y. w- X8 o" s8 m: [2 R* w' V正确资料:/ V0 q9 j  v. Q) O; V* h

$ w% R( A5 a" @5 ?& X3 `( w1 D3 K9 I6 i$ V; R
& }3 q% S1 ~1 |0 \4 p6 gA、exhibition$ R+ E- d9 s7 r! A3 v5 h
B、exception4 `/ x) O8 h! B  f$ G' h! g- [! K' l
" z! v2 I) {8 |( ?" [, T+ iD、reception
4 e- O& n; P. y- k! f+ l- n( K正确资料:0 |& j" F& |* a% \. B

- B2 ~9 S0 c0 X6 i9 Q4 H+ |5 l7 G/ E& E+ m
第11题,Withteargasthepolicemanthedemonstratorsinthestreet; N, A7 u6 l7 W3 h* Z5 R2 D
" D- V  H4 C/ N/ ^$ s9 ]/ |B、broke
# T0 G! q; m# C; v1 BC、assembled
/ @" h8 @$ v9 d3 ?, S) iD、labelled0 E# x9 x# X. O# O5 @, T. D. f
' ?' D7 i, V, p" }* I1 {# z+ q+ R; Q" G- Z

4 k9 O+ H& n! E' J% f# ^资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),ThepersonIcomplainedisthemanager/ b( A* }) v0 x9 j0 J8 Y" \
: f$ ]# B+ T: J0 x. ^B、to whom) @# \6 d$ ?4 \! n
C、whom" w. ^% f- v, Y
D、to who
" v* Z# V2 S5 l2 L1 W: A+ r正确资料:
' j, c! F! l3 p1 i# r6 ~
3 _) Y  u1 v# y6 q* f2 }
$ Y6 M; J# _$ W- c6 ~第13题,Inordertoincreaseouroutputweneedtoimportmoreproduction
# _  f6 a/ K5 E4 |' V/ v% e1 `A、facilities
2 ?2 m& W; w$ [& hB、hens5 ~5 m9 [3 Q5 ^# b: ^
C、votes9 y- o5 |" p7 H/ b8 J
D、artists3 a8 _% y+ }. l0 k+ N/ w
正确资料:* }* l1 X7 a* P" X

- n0 C& L# ~) G0 l9 B  u, N1 v' Y% c9 ~/ {
第14题,Lookatallthecorruptionthat'sgoingonIt'stimethecitywas) d% m3 P( b# M9 U; E0 W
A、cleaned out
; T9 G8 V3 t8 m( Z1 S" k8 M* y; |B、cleaned down$ o* N# P0 @3 J5 U
C、cleaned away
& u6 Y9 U) W& L4 ^D、cleaned up, i  E2 t+ e' i5 Z" S. y$ M
正确资料:6 B4 j5 h5 L9 n' Y$ T1 m  F
: h1 O4 g! V: t
9 r3 X! a. o  i' B) }. y
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),To some  Mary still does not understand this unit But she herself does not believe so
' X9 L% N% Q. M( m9 H  qA、extend/ [4 x2 p  n; F& _" ?+ v
: V+ s3 p! s$ g: M6 I, fC、extent. w: U! Z6 i8 t4 b) s. ~& I
D、content" G" `* U  k5 _  p+ S3 j* @
正确资料:$ Z/ }3 S3 H( U
: U7 `, s! S' _6 ]+ v$ a5 T+ P* o4 i

9 Q. N6 l: n5 j9 T5 |7 I第16题,Itisn'tquitewhethershewilltaketheadvice
0 N0 c  g8 I+ H. `8 BA、sure* i5 B9 K8 I6 b' t
% t% N! n) F9 R- U# }, b$ q/ jC、certain" l+ e7 E/ B# @( ?4 }) Q
  Z8 P' G- `" Y. A5 s9 G正确资料:
8 S+ d% w3 u( W, h) ?. h
% h1 k1 k3 Y( r) C& O" }
4 W  i! r: G, j) o第17题,PleasebeseriousIamnotYoushouldconsideritcarefully5 w1 S2 Z( i9 n
4 k: Y3 i( r, \" h4 b" m# nB、joking8 V' m. o( ^( Z4 ]/ M: M
( u2 M  E: s" x3 N2 wD、comparing- X+ a+ R; n7 z% h$ }; h2 f7 l
3 y# O3 f( t( p7 M. L9 Q; e: j/ t% P. K4 J" v0 z8 f) q

1 S" m4 R; s+ Q' g' i. C第18题,AsachairmanfornearlytenyearsProfessorSmithhasnevertoanythingdishonest
3 _- _% [( G( aA、beard- B- ?: q. @, A2 v' C) W4 y8 d) d3 o
B、attached4 g7 i% p2 D. P" E$ ]. \
4 Y2 R; F' v: v/ |D、kept
) W+ ]$ m: A6 _# |3 N& s) v( e正确资料:
6 d3 h+ Y  P' r: s% X: ^& b- [- U9 g+ g1 L7 J3 D
6 _  i% D2 I$ p+ ^: A
第19题,IjustmanagedtoaquickbreathbeforeIwassuckedunderthewaterbythepassingboat* w1 }4 M. r+ y
A、gain  |6 {5 |% u0 |& l7 f
) c; u" V. z, x; _' j* R* v) vC、grab
' o/ R& x* R1 k+ O. fD、snatch
4 h& T( ^; I" ~$ t正确资料:
, \5 l# t# |% ^: e! b3 H! I& O1 q. e5 X& b) J- {, L) L
' E8 I2 |2 H* p& ?, j9 R* j0 p2 y
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Whydoyouwantanewjobyou'vegotsuchagoodonealready/ X& a9 }" Q6 Y: L6 K* c4 T
1 r+ M* s, N' _( o. CB、where, U3 b0 h" V, c/ E
  p/ U! i4 M: l- d4 hD、when2 k' Q* H6 a! U
正确资料:& a! F: B- m2 J+ \' z

3 Q1 O  K( M3 _: R6 O* k: w6 a
$ [% \$ Y7 K- n, ~  z  }& y第21题,IntheUnitedStatestheforeignpolicyisdecidedbythegovernmentnotbyeachstate
' l, t1 z4 K, \( XA、federal3 i) {1 I% u" E- @
B、figure. i4 L6 T, G3 x; b' _' m5 f1 _, |
$ v, a  |7 d# q/ }# @4 pD、service
& ~7 d* N0 R0 l0 U$ N( a4 R正确资料:8 I$ @% {+ \$ }

- a2 N" [3 W+ a0 s6 a  R; w: v! @( K
第22题,Theheavylockonthedoorgaveher) \1 e' R( o/ \
A、a sense of inferiority
5 f% Z! F2 x( }  E: k. ?& {B、a sense of superiority
: \$ D, }% A; v! u! C' t, RC、a sense of security& e" d) A- @; n% l7 c
D、a sense of pride8 r' e+ F( y7 p; D2 R' u7 c' U9 e
# n. [- w4 @- q* H, c+ d
, G1 ]( z( k. w$ c! K& i+ v3 d3 P* K+ ~2 [5 u, m
第23题,wehaveallthematerialsreadyweshouldbeginthenewtaskatonce! z4 Z. y0 f+ ^0 \. i1 O; r5 S
A、Since that
! E  M4 l5 K4 l/ S& p5 ^4 gB、Since now
! p4 t8 r, ]3 t1 ^% D( CC、By now
. d0 O' D# q  d3 R# ]1 _9 s* MD、Now that
! u6 N, i  e5 K' Q! y6 S/ o正确资料:" k) |. B/ Z8 i% `
0 _1 X8 Q, {( F/ ]# b- u; F

3 v9 k2 _- S' P( Z" z7 g: z第24题,ThePrimeMinisterrefusedtoontherumourthathehadplannedtoresign
0 e7 b" C& r' }- M2 N7 ^A、explain! q1 h' z# T0 ~9 x( {& Y
1 C% s. s0 ?/ K# T4 o* R. UC、remark
  |" z. N5 ?# o: bD、talk6 o5 L6 {1 w( ]0 X
3 z, L9 M9 m: O) ]
6 P; v5 G  E- ]5 z  Z1 ~; }
8 o% p2 Y6 X6 N资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),whenhelivedinhiscountryhewasauniversityprofessorbutnowheisworkingtowardahighdegreeatanAmericanuniversity4 e  O" |: Z2 s
. s' U) W0 d) T! `4 m& \1 @: E: x2 @B、Former
+ q2 m* A- X2 |" CC、Formally
: c$ ]5 W: }' tD、formal
/ y& Q# j2 ^2 O$ f' |* T正确资料:2 `0 M( [2 E2 f& V# J

6 ]. J8 d, w( [& h0 E% w- R/ q$ A+ H
第26题,WhentalkingaboutChineseculturepeopleoftenitsoriginwiththeYellowRiver# h5 ]( W: m/ ?: ?" L$ H4 E
' v* U5 w' z7 _% HB、vain# i5 u4 K0 `  [
, }3 y& A, \4 L4 _( ?2 m3 ?D、associate
; \; V* g) ?% E  t正确资料:: ]& h  J7 f" Q# W$ S" M4 K& y

' y! b2 ]* C4 W, ]# t0 _- ?' a0 C9 A: q" O4 y
第27题,Itwasacloseboxinggamebuttheboxerinbluewastobethewinnerbythreeofthefourreferees  u' S: G1 E0 U6 D1 [- i4 V" [8 e. W
A、destined. k% s1 \! S) C4 y  a- @
B、deemed# ~1 |, g: Q! j8 l6 Q1 w: ]
3 G8 i3 r' L5 ^) l- B4 c3 bD、adapted
7 X4 b8 M4 d) ]+ Y4 U  ]& Z, @$ L正确资料:; `( o' `4 o% v: F, x- R

  D3 S6 }! G4 T: A  \; J% L
5 F0 T; g. U* |) l9 v6 [第28题,thechanceandthemoneyIwouldcomeandseeyouinNewYorkintheforeseeablefuture5 Y) Z) M& O9 l3 r
A、With regard to& ~$ j3 m! ~# J& k' k
8 X, B2 R* Q* R  T, {; k' aC、Given
" d8 r5 ~1 h, u5 `  V  s) F; fD、Assuming
9 m7 r- m* W/ _0 l正确资料:
: f" `, u% A9 j
& o3 H" l* }9 _8 j1 ~7 O+ J9 s+ a% I9 i7 f
第29题,Iamactingaswhilethemanagerisawayonbusiness) x! \9 |) O5 b5 v+ }" ~
A、agency% V0 }$ H3 b6 x+ Q# K/ t6 E
B、policy; ^( |6 P4 Y8 Q9 Y$ e
& x/ p9 u" m$ Y# VD、colleague
5 S$ x) s1 C' I9 ~正确资料:
  J2 Y" [9 h) z0 K# a& p* ?: M* J& \' _7 K9 Z9 A! u
! L3 f, D" ?1 g9 X) @- l
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Whenmakingmoderncameraspeoplebegantoplasticsformetal. Z+ I* Z$ u# u6 ?$ D& A% j  ?
A、surround+ g, |+ f# o2 Q7 h+ K' a$ _3 o
B、substance6 n2 m9 u' {% J1 a
% k& m6 _9 L+ Q/ i: e  [D、substitute+ F4 y! O% ^7 V; d+ m
9 s. b- Y# W6 ]# S
/ \9 F2 d+ m7 W& ?  q7 K# S  t8 s
第31题,Thecurerateofmanydiseaseincreaseddramaticallyafterpenicillinwasbymoredoctors0 j- n. d2 s" B" i) [3 ^
A、put into practise2 Z  H+ M3 m2 S: N! X5 R
B、put into effect6 ]; g$ M% Z. g% R! q
C、put to use
; J$ g6 o0 `" b2 N. N9 y) |3 N! M5 QD、put into operation5 {5 J$ n$ @0 T0 S; h! \
( A. s5 a# E3 t9 _
  s3 i5 ?& a, z
: p, }' m1 e( T8 J. j  ^" S. O- ~第32题,TheisnearlydeadsoIcannotstartthecaragain
6 M8 g! C( e6 M+ H, U6 P8 IA、bean
5 H) j' y# _) c/ o4 o$ l5 o7 B1 ^+ `1 FB、beam
* M$ |# Z2 n6 b4 i0 @: rC、bake$ F% s4 ]8 v1 I( ^
: \# R5 J, Q$ o8 i' u: R+ Q& V$ j正确资料:# q) g2 f/ c! h) D& \+ N8 h
' ~+ ^9 @5 H; [3 ?& e1 a
& ?. C  Q9 }, F2 D, B, ]
2 v+ ^' F. A& s3 K4 U; _A、lingered
# ?. U+ M& x* t! s# |5 RB、prolonged
# x, j: \" b/ n! o# A+ RC、rested
- ~  x" W1 j" @4 J! u# B0 {D、vanished
& A. Z' H( n& X5 u# H正确资料:
2 `& [$ P9 l2 c4 V" l+ K, N! N  R
4 K& T+ }7 g' f( A) {3 y7 P- c. A' {: e! V2 L7 ^) U  M
) {! [4 \- x$ GA、harbour
" x* j7 z7 z* I$ _B、kettle8 R# Z  Z% R: t7 c; v
C、glimpse% j: W# K* q+ ~) D- d3 U+ F  x, Z7 G4 U
, S: X: U$ H" U正确资料:! D8 `, z8 q$ o) q4 O, c
/ f2 e* j% g# H, H. g

) u7 w2 X8 u7 ^1 r- g- p第35题,Thechancellorthefactthathewasthecentreofcriticismandstucktohisreforms$ E6 W' [4 M- u; Y5 H: K
$ j; I5 f1 c5 p* r9 dB、disregarded( Y4 E& _7 Q6 X8 n$ l0 r: n* G
7 b( b% ?) O# X1 JD、disposed
; ?) V0 E! A0 X. C4 b正确资料:9 Y; j: f. E) E' A, m& N

3 x3 v& B' x! w& g3 v( G" P
6 T3 v8 D5 C' j0 P1 F第36题,GivemeyourtelephonenumberIneedyourhelp# R; D; \' Z* q% J( m- z$ i
A、whether) \" }2 V6 j, b6 S+ X1 X& ?
B、unless! w3 o3 }4 j9 s3 P
C、so that
3 ]" K& Z+ F7 ~- b% ND、in case
. C  N2 W: x% t正确资料:
8 w% E1 h6 R. W$ T( T; r! b: x& \, l- A: g" \
, w- \1 m8 C$ N9 ]( g1 v* `
/ }" ^1 Z8 R$ i3 `; v7 {; LA、resumed9 u; L, n7 q& c0 F
& _& y& {; c- N# x' c7 @  MC、presumed
, j% I  U4 C" w' U2 LD、assumed.
# O# ]+ @9 E' T3 S2 \9 @/ N. u正确资料:
6 [9 h: s0 J* n6 |3 D2 @# n7 @3 ^6 }- X! z0 X/ g. b
5 M" ~; D) r" R  }" p
; S% v$ M, E0 _7 H6 W' d' n7 I. }A、in regard to
* u# Y  v4 B8 D7 H4 v  d$ aB、with regard to2 U) Y# R- Z& G/ K, U7 M! Q& E* {
1 @$ L5 T% z9 A" |, zD、in spite of
. i7 I* I" ?  I' h正确资料:
3 V5 }' g6 {8 V* j( }2 i* [' `) w# C
  b% u, X; A$ r' ^
2 N8 N* e+ U( C  s6 _% xA、for
/ j2 D3 g8 v9 J. |B、to
- h/ M8 j. E  \  A7 |C、of
6 k% r/ n( q; H! O" gD、by, x! A6 `+ d9 I1 Z! A7 R# f. f- B
正确资料:. F7 \. p4 Z) o8 h& q: f5 \

* S8 g6 F$ D* i* d1 _. f
! f6 v$ H; |. Y! Q7 K第40题,ItismorethantwentyyearssincepremierZhoubuthestilllivesonourhearts
. O& z; w5 t" m& U. l- JA、passed away
( S8 r. S' [: RB、passed off
% j1 w' U9 M) B: o; E  L5 e; ]/ |% z( ?C、passed over
/ }$ ]' [5 G+ ^$ VD、passed for
8 H7 x! h7 W' Y8 y* z+ C" k正确资料:1 ~3 ]8 }7 A7 _/ y1 x# Q$ b
) w( Q" [# e& d- r

3 {; E' B. d9 N- h) r1 v$ E7 H第41题,Workpaidaccordingtotheamountdoneputsapremiumspeedandnotquality
# z/ B" x! W# [4 U: l2 }% AA、in,in( w: h1 A/ b, `9 U
B、of , of  N5 _2 v7 R- w' C2 A
C、on , on8 b! o9 F3 ]4 Z4 s
D、from ,  from* T7 l( i/ s$ ^  r
* v1 l2 [! ^* B1 j' @# w( w, W& Q+ o: V7 Q2 p
( z" X7 p2 c0 c# z" U( y  q  z
/ u. L- X" W# @' Q$ uthewindow
3 t2 w; ~" E" I- t  T. \A、should not break
" Y; I  n4 u( W; ~' nB、should not have broken
. `! d* \$ V0 w. ~/ _8 w% hC、hadn't broken# H/ V3 J3 u1 C7 }# D, F  }% w
D、would not break+ n1 L9 V, ^* w  I% i' L2 r+ R6 m
1 U. Y/ Q  K" E( c" Y: H4 m$ x7 [  `) M2 J+ m1 w* a  g
& |9 d5 X) U$ x$ o( c
第43题,Shewon'tbeafraidasasyouarehere' Y& h- R& g5 U2 u
7 v! M( Y3 L. ~" RB、well' l+ E5 i4 k# A; X( K8 Q
C、soon" O* I+ Z% ^& V+ r+ j
! o! _9 n8 K- d# _5 ~: v4 L5 t  r4 x8 c正确资料:, C8 m+ |5 T& ^% U* ]
7 d# D( r6 ?+ P& j- @0 @
7 Q9 Y, ?4 T* j% ^# f
+ {6 y5 ~. S. q1 ^9 R/ LA、severely. e, E; P& v. Y- ?3 R2 T3 i# I
B、heavily8 m+ K3 ^+ D& P( [
C、forcefully8 ?8 Q  j" P5 x
D、warmly5 p" U$ p, p) G# b6 [: {
正确资料:3 T- N0 Y" L* m4 Y' W% O/ p

! n& V% A$ z* c' t9 H8 x
5 s* ?. v4 X7 i! h! K" e" ~第45题,ExcusemesirCouldyoupleasetellmewhatnumberIshoulddialtogetthe) N9 H' r& ]" J5 V0 G# b
$ l+ N' x8 j6 `" _0 f( Z) \# G3 pB、verse# g; b* @3 B0 c8 N$ |( g( I
C、conductor% b) L7 ?0 c- |$ l+ j
( p7 y  C- v. B正确资料:* {6 A; \6 Z+ o7 I7 S( {' H. a2 o/ o

* L( u* z- E6 A
/ y( p# u3 L5 `4 z第46题,Thehistoricaleventsofthatperiodarearranged2 `" ^0 f; R' d! W8 |9 y
A、in alphabetical order
3 O) k- X* {* ~, HB、in an alphabetical order
" q# {' p# b: T; S3 S1 qC、in the alphabetical orders
7 P: F" e, e3 p# D" c* M& dD、in alphabetical orders) h' C9 p" |. @* q% b
8 k) S4 l! z" c" o; O. t5 l: G+ U. c4 \4 F& W  E

. S( O: d% p- _. O第47题,Thestoryyoutoldmetheotherdayhasyettobe6 [+ _# k7 _/ H/ G
+ g! [- }" a5 }2 d% ?B、confirmed
- h9 N! r1 e" r5 w2 a9 M; ^/ e; a' R' GC、conquered* j4 e) l; _+ K$ f: B4 o( k
D、conformed/ a" Z) e8 q; u1 T2 O+ {% Z
正确资料:; w' c" A  t; y6 u) X8 U8 I% l

( X( Q  N! A2 d/ u1 U+ [2 F3 t
第48题,Thehistoricaleventsofthatperiodarearranged& ?7 J. |9 \* r% ?* n
A、in alphabetical order+ f  J! v7 n$ Q4 n: c$ ?
B、in an alphabetical order3 D$ F8 T9 w2 ~6 D* x. Y
C、in the alphabetical orders
3 a. A1 M# ^) Y0 C( p: v# G  Z& UD、in alphabetical orders
/ m: m+ N6 O( Y5 G$ s! v正确资料:+ K1 w% L! K! d1 O. u

# X; o, Q+ b3 T( d5 r4 a5 m: t6 c7 X$ x- C2 n6 d
第49题,Thenoisywassothatonlythosewithexcellenthearingwereawareofit/ r0 m- K; w( X$ a7 ^2 S
% |. b- e6 S4 W5 D' ^0 `B、gentle
" n  `( C8 O% j3 KC、faint
/ W+ m( H8 h) @) T, V1 _D、definite/ j1 N" J7 Y# }1 p1 _  s
0 `1 c; F* d$ L( m* Z5 k  W0 p. ?7 g

7 ^: g- [9 z. B8 e: a资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Thechancellorthefactthathewasthecentreofcriticismandstucktohisreforms6 {; S$ [; Z$ m
$ b' }1 O3 i6 V0 ZB、disregarded$ E6 h( k0 T+ q4 Q6 J4 ]
C、disguised  u4 Q! }. y* I4 B- @- ~
% J$ \- |; j' g7 p  D" ]正确资料:
# v. Y- X; M+ a1 z4 m6 u* I
: C. ?: O% P4 j: a( G" i  k  [: L% A
. E! z/ J! V9 ~5 |, b) B9 N  P5 R2 R! U/ L

5 g: w% g. J! m( [4 d$ s( S& s) @: N$ K! x: S4 j9 S0 y
; l5 O9 s1 S; f
! m0 {  R$ K% j# M, U

; V. M+ O7 B2 q$ P2 C3 d
! i( y: r. m% a/ H. i: [6 k6 a/ V. u, y$ R/ V! g& J* y2 {
: E7 v. ^: Y8 }1 V4 W( B

5 i$ N9 [& y9 }6 W$ I( M9 D' O: U/ c$ p: f7 P7 @

6 Q; ]: b& }2 l


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