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发表于 2023-1-12 22:44:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
22秋学期(高起本1709-1803、全层次1809-2103)《会计专业英语》在线作业-000028 n4 d, O' |' Z& J( W  Y+ e
试卷总分:100  得分:100
% O  _, q  \* [0 j& y一、单选 (共 20 道试题,共 40 分)
$ n3 D( `. W0 q6 Q! B& V1 J1.Sinking Fund Cash would be classified on the balance sheet as ( )9 i( y, N8 R' Y4 A* x# a
A.a current asset* ~$ s* I  w# V# e3 J% C5 Z3 g9 p
B.a fixed asset
# c+ b( I2 u, J0 x& lC.an intangible asset
( r5 x8 F7 u( ]" r' xD.an investment
0 ]" A0 L' |6 W1 ]0 B- Q) e- H资料:1 y" B* z. ^) ?

% x3 `6 |& [0 _6 q0 @& B2.Debts owed by a business are referred to as( )
6 b- G* }) w+ g' U3 a0 J$ NA.accounts receivables
" s! q- u( I7 n; g) M, M9 }B.equities7 G8 t8 w+ S2 \7 W! b" y: m. c
C.owner's equity
/ r. V' T* O2 R6 a4 U: jD.liabilities8 R( G& Z7 d1 |
资料:* n4 Q9 h( C! L2 Z

0 D& m) P9 G/ t* Y3.On the balance sheet, the amount shown for the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts is equal to the ( )2 `# k5 D9 [! P2 ]5 O: ~0 h
A.Uncollectible accounts expense for the year* G9 Q: j! T7 f1 x
B.total of the accounts receivables written-off during the year- L8 W' }7 `1 p
C.total estimated uncollectible accounts as of the end of the year& M( D. {6 b/ E+ R6 p! `% I
D.sum of all accounts that are past due.
  v& s9 N9 U0 [! }资料:: ~! q$ k) |4 s

/ G! J- N0 I! M. L1 p  b4.Which of the following measures a company's ability to pay its current liabilities?
8 w7 V6 v5 g# R) sA.earnings per share0 F; M' l1 T* ^* N$ R8 w  }
B.inventory turnover
0 u! y$ [. V) f( L4 ?C.current ratio/ S4 K0 M; Y, G! m* {
D.number of times interest charges earned
' L+ L! V7 d6 |: U( r4 S资料:& F% @! w* x# N% C
/ C7 l8 H8 E+ j+ X1 C( n
5.What is the type of account and normal balance of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts?0 P. D  R; Z2 j
A.Contra asset, credit9 X' C" ^' T1 r, ?! X0 n
B.Asset, debit* k+ L/ R. A  d  f. p; f
C.Asset, credit
/ @+ Z: B! P+ h: E: P1 kD.Contra asset, debit
9 P" w2 L- E5 w资料:
2 X2 l1 d3 C! o5 _- `7 Z$ |1 b; ~& T! h6 P# A9 o4 V
6.What is the term applied to the excess of net revenue from sales over the cost of merchandise sold?5 Z' W+ C" k: @3 L* b) w
A.gross profit* H9 R7 f0 T7 w# `$ x
B.income from operations
% E0 U: k1 `# pC.net income
. x! E7 G- l/ u( `* C9 c9 \4 g$ uD.gross sales
- W1 d2 ^% y8 W7 j7 ^% @资料:
  s! |1 a  [) \( O6 e2 P5 b9 M( @& L- Z: r/ [# y5 T
7.All of the following occur with a double-entry accounting system except:
  r1 z% G/ @; B  \6 _A.The accounting equation remains in balance.
6 C: b* a1 r& z& F( W. |B.Each business transaction will have only two entries.
3 a5 W; L2 x& }2 |/ j1 Y& |C.Every transaction affects at least two accounts
3 @( s) l& W, k! o8 p6 s  hD.The sum of all debits is always equal to the sum of all credits in each journal entry.$ [6 w" v8 |  |) m1 O+ K3 |2 i
资料:' I0 Q! [; [# Z5 |  K7 H
, A+ w0 i& j! p5 V4 `! K
8.Austin, Inc. made a Prepaid Rent payment of $3,500 on January 1st. The company's monthly rent is $700. The amount of Prepaid Rent that would appear on the January 31 balance sheet after adjustment is:/ P( v4 \/ I$ T; U# F# R
' }! u0 t# M' _7 x6 k$ m& }$ iB.$700
, I5 P7 W. n( s- m  i* b4 DC.$3,500; r3 X; N: U( o! x
( a5 r7 F$ {: Y! Y; k资料:
: ~( C/ s# [1 D
, i1 _& K: R+ ]8 y1 P5 `2 o, t9.Notes may be issued ( )/ t- E& ^# H6 o1 z" ~+ I" ~" B
A.when assets are purchased
% w, G2 ]8 f: U. N; ~B.to creditor's to temporarily satisfy an account payable created earlier
+ S5 X! g( O" LC.when borrowing money# N6 b9 s4 o1 h
D.all of the above
0 X8 X( X' b5 C" i7 ]7 Y) \8 B资料:
; s- t& ^7 m9 w0 C9 M+ z0 a2 F/ L
- Q8 y5 H  N- B0 q10.The ability of a business to pay its debts as they come due and to earn a reasonable amount of income is referred to as ( )
( U- S/ [) }2 ?8 g3 nA.solvency and leverage" {0 @7 V! x3 z3 a9 I1 x
B.solvency and profitability
. m$ ~: c& M1 `4 v+ [. FC.solvency and liquidity; z% E% k" }$ z- ^
D.solvency and equity" Q5 ?# Q2 R9 k- s. T/ _# A
4 e( ]4 t/ G' J
8 f8 y; ]/ z, E# i' \! x11.Merchandise inventory at the end of the year is overstated. Which of the following statements correctly states the effect of the error?
4 n1 C6 S( O" `3 _A.owner's equity is overstated$ U3 u- h, w7 `" f# i- ~
B.cost of merchandise sold is overstated
- @( {: V7 ~: C6 L( L7 NC.gross profit is understated% {( h/ F9 q! k3 U# e
D.net income is understated5 H1 U8 I. f& Q( @( b6 q- }; r
资料:& F# N% B* F% [$ p
! b, d8 v/ @( d& ~
12.On the balance sheet, the amount shown for the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts is equal to the ( )9 h2 ~5 B- _1 q6 X
A.Uncollectible accounts expense for the year
$ h# H8 y7 H1 o% |6 }B.total of the accounts receivables written-off during the year
% X& J7 N& d7 K  k* q# Z% [C.total estimated uncollectible accounts as of the end of the year! f$ Z1 z, ?" e4 e8 P
D.sum of all accounts that are past due.$ r$ Y8 B8 I5 K* `
资料:4 J; F0 z- u3 ?0 z3 B3 r, H

& E' `' F0 p% y7 g13.How does paying a liability in cash affect the accounting equation?
3 T" E' Z) r: T- ^; v3 wA.assets increase; liabilities decrease3 M* E2 U+ y& v# f0 \
B.assets increase; liabilities increase$ l; a) j3 q0 L0 b
C.assets decrease; liabilities decrease7 ~( A3 U# c1 W! t8 ?
D.liabilities decrease; owner's equity increases% b* _" t1 E5 y
' g, `  |( r# {/ ]% n' _. w1 v: e6 M6 n+ R. d% c! ^9 E
14.How is treasury stock shown on the balance sheet?* m2 {3 j: _  n# G/ g. q
A.as an asset
0 u0 N3 x2 O7 k" G2 XB.as a decrease in stockholders' equity( V, L5 M# e2 ?. {0 z
C.as an increase in stockholders' equity
) H5 i+ i/ h  t) x& AD.treasury stock is not shown on the balance sheet2 P0 K. f5 g! t) S! v( r& _) N
+ j3 D* B. ~0 A; ~7 O6 b2 L, n$ R
15.The amount of the outstanding checks is included on the bank reconciliation as a(n) ( )" i" E# F" j9 }" T9 _; D% \8 v
A.deduction from the balance per depositor's records* f' B" J- @* p- m& N
B.addition to the balance per bank statement8 [$ o! |( o6 V0 C) P* n/ g
C.deduction from the balance per bank statement7 U' J( h; ]  m5 Y1 B: @0 M9 J3 }
D.addition to the balance per depositor's records
, L) T' ^& D, z/ M  n" |% H资料:
) m0 I* s8 G/ b$ T, s+ ^& H) d" K6 d
16.Cash investments made by the owner to the business are reported on the statement of cash flows in the- C) l  Y& u& f- \- x
A.financing activities section( l0 O( t" v4 K! }. o5 ?1 |
B.investing activities section
3 I+ d1 G. E3 a" M; Y# T8 QC.operating activities section6 {( q! d+ l/ _. @1 R
D.supplemental statement
/ \% k$ B) o+ F& w资料:, L% y" |5 x2 ]: R' W3 m6 _8 [# i2 n

1 V& M, I4 S0 g4 \  |+ @17.All of the following below are needed for the calculation of depreciation except( )6 Y8 o! c: ~- o9 ^+ o
A.cost. x! l2 E  v: P
B.residual value
6 ^1 u( W% V3 i- H; F# P" |/ uC.estimated life
3 v+ i! \2 P9 b3 d$ g# ?  sD.book value
. I6 O' g1 A+ `资料:
; [- Z! d' e9 L" D* X
8 {' b; [# \5 P7 u" W; |" ~18.The two most common specialized fields of accounting in practice are( )
6 e) o$ z0 {) y; W- c) M8 tA.forensic accounting and financial accounting
( Z8 ~1 s( s% t4 C2 S. X2 k3 X& fB.managerial accounting and financial accounting
0 z4 G! ~1 e6 t" \1 B& GC.managerial accounting and environmental accounting
  M$ h1 j' [% c, t) bD.financial accounting and tax accounting systems
. ]( p$ B9 W; Z$ H7 A" \资料:/ Z4 z9 c8 E/ \; f  j$ T; n

! M/ w$ ^# q' J) |: B, J0 N19.Which of the following entries records the acquisition of office supplies on account?. _: c+ t) b' C9 _2 B
A.Office Supplies, debit; Cash, credit
. Y% [9 Y" X7 Y* T* A* W+ a, R: }B.Cash, debit; Office Supplies, credit
5 V% n3 C0 y( {' S* FC.Office Supplies, debit; Accounts Payable, credit8 M0 t3 F( b5 s& p
D.Accounts Receivable, debit; Office Supplies, credit
7 X( P6 t9 X/ A资料:
9 g4 H4 t: ]/ w% I$ t7 @" j1 P! {: B. K+ j) L
20.Revenue should be recognized when( )
; n! m! Y; A" s" q' LA.cash is received; p' w" x  A7 W1 G, O
B.the service is performed. I8 G/ A. b/ c
C.the customer places an order
& R9 F/ O; R3 U8 _% D  ]+ K7 tD.the customer charges an order* \6 u3 O& `  v4 _$ t7 b4 d
4 |( e2 a" q0 V* @, N2 |- z  e4 q( }/ U% S
二、资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com) (共 30 道试题,共 60 分)" U- o( G: c) g: x4 n2 F- o
21.Bonds are sold at face value when the contract rate is equal to the market rate of interest.
" C7 U8 Z4 I. c1 j1 {0 v. N资料:正确* {7 n2 ?1 r4 }7 \/ D

( ~" o2 @& ^. G6 h22.Investments in stocks that are expected to be held for the long term are listed in the stockholder's equity section of the balance sheet.
; A( L) R- W7 m5 \( H6 E资料:错误
6 A: Q! n. C; J9 @$ h" e2 L+ S7 V1 s$ P0 j
23.The book value of a fixed asset reported on the balance sheet represents its market value on that date.
! Q+ X0 V/ W% V# p6 Q3 g资料:错误4 ^& z9 {5 m. d) w, F# Y

. ~" x0 n  M* m* [2 d6 @9 y5 P( I24.Solvency analysis focuses on the ability of a business to pay its current and noncurrent liabilities.
- V; ], G- ]6 a2 g; U0 O: m资料:正确9 }4 O6 M7 [3 R& d* A8 K" T

; G5 m; P  m% ]9 T" m! [25.An income statement is a summary of the revenues and expenses of a business as of a specific date.
5 I, w& f$ S+ `+ H6 c0 _7 e资料:错误& E/ e) t; T4 Y7 Y  d" }0 v
- Z& C0 F( m& M
26.Merchandising businesses sell products that they purchase from other businesses to customers.( @9 g& F0 [" ~' {
资料:正确) o( `4 P8 A# j& E4 s! p
8 ?6 s# |% \2 j3 \7 v5 K
27.Sales Discounts is a revenue account with a credit balance.& T. r1 t; Y: x& S
# }+ ^! Z! n$ L9 f. }* t4 ~4 y% m% o2 [2 {# q. ~! q6 D# j% U
28.The cost of new equipment is called a revenue expenditure because it will help generate revenues in the future.
- u& Z) x* N' C8 I: ?: |资料:错误
+ i5 S: c& P0 S( q5 e0 _
; u, G( C& K: P3 J0 T/ r29.Liability accounts are increased by debits.
9 r/ R: b! e$ H& |; u5 E资料:错误
( Z9 N0 H8 D" L; [8 X+ F/ }4 a* K" r- Y
30.When using the FIFO inventory costing method, the most recent costs are assigned to the cost of goods sold.
( i# d* Y# j0 J1 e# f$ Q1 b资料:错误
" R. j4 }/ F8 I! K0 A" ^& C" _# U7 h9 l( D
31.Even when a trial balance is in balance, there may be errors in the individual accounts.
2 {$ D6 [& N' y- G* L4 l4 G- M资料:正确. ]4 J: u8 L: ^8 H& ~5 [  P* ?
' h# o& |0 L0 D' H  T
32.The equity method is usually more appropriate for accounting for investments where the purchaser does not have significant influence over the investee.
* s# l, ^7 }# x# `( ^3 Q资料:错误
! d9 v% c  ~8 C
5 e- l7 R- q- b% D( u( V( Y3 J33.If the debit portion of an adjusting entry is to an asset account, then the credit portion must be to a liability account.# d' ~7 E- U& c+ p1 }. J
& _# P  x  v; G9 R# B' D7 H# ?0 `/ F! M. O) V
34.The accrual basis of accounting requires revenue be recorded when cash is received from customers.8 n* H. w2 Q7 a  G4 e
3 Y9 P+ X' u- T
, V# H4 _% x  N35.Information is material if its omission or misstatement could influence the economic decisions of users.
7 E1 L8 i: Z& F; Z! y& R资料:正确2 d/ g3 q6 Z$ M- F2 [+ @3 `& ]
6 w5 i* U3 u6 P( r1 E+ y
36.The units of production depreciation method matches expenses against revenue the best.
) q$ G2 t: O  K: P* k: T3 ?资料:正确
& t' }$ o$ D4 D
( Q, I0 y/ Q& M- T4 K$ `37.Revenue is earned only when money is received.
6 |! _' t4 l, v+ x6 m8 M1 @- X资料:错误! O8 u4 B+ b1 X6 f

8 G: E  e% h: s6 Y: Y$ O* o* C38.The amortization of a premium on bonds payable decreases bond interest expense.
/ U; B$ D0 Q- E' y2 }7 B资料:正确, _! p+ `5 \" ]$ E/ T! r" M
* z: n3 T' }6 t: s9 p6 `
39.An example of an external user of accounting information is the government.5 X: U' X4 }5 j2 m$ F
) x+ z& V4 S- \) L# M9 Q# P, s4 u8 U0 Q5 B5 ?: [' X" D
40.Adjusting entries are needed to ensure that the revenue recognition and matching principles are followed.
! F5 t7 W) |# E资料:正确
9 ~* s' N0 R+ O) K. t7 Q
5 d) q3 l% q+ q/ _; T41.The statement of cash flows consists of an operating section, an income section, and an equity section.' p5 x$ F  _7 \5 I2 ?
资料:错误: q8 y1 {) \' H3 [* \% E3 w

' T* [7 k9 p4 B" i42.Bondholders are creditors of the issuing corporation.
; X3 a8 h* _8 q, x' L资料:正确
" z& x" {( n$ w' H" Z
* }# k2 K; E. ]; G43.The allowance for doubtful accounts is similar to accumulated depreciation in that the account represents the total of all accounts written-off since the beginning year.
0 E1 K3 h. \! `" z6 _) [! i资料:错误5 D! R( f& |) Q- y9 t9 K' U

) }7 \# C( y# G6 H8 D44.Solvency analysis focuses on the ability of a business to pay its current and noncurrent liabilities.9 u) }- |( @1 a% ?/ X3 l
资料:正确7 z- t! }7 G; P3 p' x

3 @8 A' {( u8 l7 V$ ]4 D1 q# ?% k45.The accounting equation can be expressed as Assets - Liabilities = Owner's Equity.+ l5 I/ B" J; w  ]
资料:正确$ o% }9 U' h/ {3 W3 d
& n: K8 W* y5 c
46.If the proceeds from the sale of bond investments exceeds the carrying amount of the bonds, a gain is realized.4 }3 b5 J4 }$ H% ^8 t! O! h
. N; z  ~2 k: \' K( x5 @& S1 k) g* o( K7 Y8 K
47.The declaration of a stock dividend decreases a corporation's stockholders' equity and increases its liabilities./ b' B2 i& [3 w; U# u% b  @! t. d
' A; Q! r" R9 I0 o9 J3 y$ t% W7 ~, [& t: W; D# t% E0 z; A
48.The day on which the board of directors of the corporation distributes a dividend is called the declaration date.% I- Y0 V6 e( u& j3 [' n# }
资料:错误; `4 P2 D3 V; v/ X* p$ Q7 e9 U

- X9 a8 k9 j! h! O49.Bondholders claims on the assets of the corporation rank ahead of stockholders.
2 g& U# p- Z0 q; y资料:正确
( A: D! [- ?- K9 h" ~/ N6 m, f7 Y. C4 |
50.A balance sheet is a list of the assets, liabilities, and owner's equity of a business for a period of time.+ B0 C/ V9 K7 k: w: K) w
3 h( S: x! U1 B3 d- u' ]8 s3 T
( R. D# H' ]( f2 [
. m  K3 L2 v7 [6 F5 j
+ ?. |, r# M, }! s6 A* F$ |. ]4 C$ L+ M3 j

2 d; v* v6 `8 Z$ _# V4 ]7 j% F: h" I/ h; A$ }/ }% _

' X6 F1 V2 i6 H5 ]# y+ S/ b# J9 r+ D& S0 m$ C
% {( ~; y1 p4 A

# \/ g8 j* U1 f% s" V/ P2 @4 u9 q
7 Q, u2 X5 ]& v6 a3 z: j$ x
) O2 N7 c+ B$ r$ f4 o/ a* E


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