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发表于 2023-1-12 22:54:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
22秋学期(高起?/41709-1803、?层次1809-2103?c)《大学英语(三?c)》在线作业-000017 o* l: V( N) l  a4 y, l- Y8 t
试3/4碜芊?100  得分:100
" _9 }+ ~' y+ [' C% N+ ~, ]% k?、单选 (共 20 道试题,共 60 分)
" I  ?  k  E$ ]5 Q3 E7 |1.Right now there is no evidence that those flu viruses that ( ?c) our pets are contagious(??/4的) to us.$ f8 R: [6 S. b) R
) |3 z" T# x) dB.inflicted
7 F( _5 f2 d2 r/ j/ S  S: {1 dC.infected- s* V8 B; ]3 O4 r  h% I
D.effected0 S, q1 |7 h- V  r. P& Z# f2 Q: R2 Y
资料:C% t" W9 s6 R$ c4 w
0 P$ z& X  m# [+ ?- K! K. p
2.This type of system which ( ) in the United Kingdom has been widely used throughout Europe and is gaining in popularity in the United States of America and Japan.
: D% S2 e" G5 G0 p' f7 pA.origin
: P1 l* u/ J# N6 `+ X7 m( N( yB.original: B$ n; F) Z7 Q/ R- t
C.orginated5 D$ f( f5 j& ^% p! t& i) }
D.oriented- k2 D% s" ?, i6 L' U
0 B$ {4 ~0 b8 @7 K! K# j
, e5 \1 \, g1 j6 ?% W" N, k3.People ( ) canned food and old clothes most frequently, but rarely do they think about bringing in underwear., s1 s# P+ c! S, |9 |7 N+ N, C4 B
% m$ G; x: a: Z$ O9 m" ]& s1 PB.devote4 H% e4 W3 t9 g( Z1 w
* D0 C: b0 M* C* i" d* fD.decide) ]/ k6 _- S( t( b( a4 }
资料:A8 k% {- s0 w8 |9 j6 S

: \9 w+ J; P- `" V% a! q& t% R4.The doctors are at a loss because so far no medicine has been found to ( ) the spread of the disease.
  i5 w" j: G- `A.inhibit
1 a- O4 i6 R5 K( OB.exit
9 D6 }0 w0 {5 z7 fC.exist#exhibit; p# Z- o3 h( O) J0 S5 y& {' Y5 d
资料:A# y4 e' {" R; Y2 A1 F7 q+ e
6 g8 U! M! S  Q) I) s
5.Ask your doctor whether a low-fat diet and a daily walk will ( ) to reduce your high blood pressure.
7 T; C! W$ }7 g4 RA.suffice
" F# p4 m- b7 a+ FB.surf( ^7 s+ ?. w* i5 N( u' U4 ?' ]+ `
C.suffer# y2 V# C8 P! I* f! w0 a
D.submit: i" O1 h( T/ K, I- W; Z4 G
资料:A3 d2 l% w  O9 d( i6 Y/ ^3 u. N% m
; f5 z# [2 v3 i* k9 o7 |9 C
6.One of the biggest problems for immigrants everywhere is whether they will be about to ( )with the local people effectively.
- |/ m3 C9 R/ e) h" k) H' SA.imitate! G0 {1 w% b% @; V
6 m. X: a$ Z7 m* z$ [# }C.stimulate
2 _  i5 [1 m5 g: h9 W7 \D.assimilate
1 k) p/ l+ [3 C. \  V0 D资料7 i3 j2 f4 i# x. X5 f3 {# L  N, J
% v2 e% h! D/ @; D; `6 v5 s3 {
7.For people who live in industrialized countries, it is hard to conceive ( )living without electricity and other modern conveniences.3 r( n& k4 {' S# p
A.from# ]+ h) R% g# g  s( w. r  Z  Y) M) ]
7 o  Z3 z; B1 I% b9 _, WC.at- g" T9 Y6 V5 d2 a% `2 ~6 k
% r. j; a- Z! p资料:B
7 V7 P3 i) p/ [. \7 P5 I* a( ~- \" o' X6 |, I8 S
8.Child mortality decreased due to improvements in medical care and greater attention to problems related to proper ( ).+ U/ E" q3 ^& a) }3 i
, @3 ^& G* c9 \- g. \2 ^B.malnutrition
/ }+ ]# |! m- V6 E, XC.nutrious' X+ ?. Y4 E1 I; C  R0 w& S% I
& m9 c7 a% Z$ Z. u资料:A7 Y& X% [- p- z1 T2 \1 u0 Z4 l1 c

8 r4 P# _+ m7 d; P: T6 A9.He has been ( ) by a horrible disease, from which one of his best friends died two weeks ago.; g  b9 E/ m/ J5 A' }
( h3 L4 a' D; }9 R. W  T6 r/ rB.confronted
, k, Z$ _" J' Q1 \$ e& i* i6 JC.conflicted- x# e$ \' M1 G4 C5 E
: V. [6 H+ [# {/ s/ [; n资料, N. d# k. a9 H
8 d- ]- R& t6 o. f# B: ]% a4 t
10.He was found guilty and was ( ) in the Tower of London, where he died very quickly, aged only 47.! {- e- L6 S% V8 B
A.impacted* x  ]% H- w# v* _
1 j- ^) M4 B% C5 WC.impaired
" m9 t, |- y4 j2 Z/ AD.imprisoned
: W4 d' l: a) Z* Z. S( j' @资料- E- `4 Z2 Y3 ]. k- {

: u( C- }: j" O- S11.We see many special education directors trying to ( )the quality of their programs with much less money and much smaller staff.+ c* U- ~8 h8 J! g3 }! {
( R; X: w2 h) ~) Z( [6 b4 BB.attain
8 i. x6 p: X( BC.attach
, L/ t& t7 x$ V2 p8 |% c* M* uD.retain8 S. W% K& ]" [$ d( y- q8 t
* T/ v0 y8 t0 h1 k- t8 q
4 D% P% ^8 H) q8 R# l  w; H  N12.After the war, Audrey and her mother left Holland,( ) London as poor immigrants.
1 C. q# k0 F3 P9 z. c+ N& VA.arriving in7 \& L  i+ {! `" j+ G
B.arrived in+ u/ A0 [# |3 f" m. f
6 m0 Q; P" N* _  c' x5 V% {* KD.arrived% P& o( C; h; H7 p. S' `
# v8 v: ?. x8 N
& ?% e1 y$ a- u# X13.The happiness in his marriage did not mean he ( ?c) tragedy: He lost his daughter Katia 10 years later.2 g! R3 Y) A$ J/ i0 E* m( i
A.be immune to# \2 [* q+ Y# d3 R; C
B.be immune from
) W# [9 L7 m5 I$ S: |. Q# M  ~C.be let through0 t& a9 M) H3 ]9 d+ w  K
D.be let out- }/ U" ?# \" Y% \, L, d( M: l# K  Z/ a0 e
资料:A7 J3 ~: @. Z- j; g! }( C- f' w

' m7 d) r( v6 v" D* L6 ?  n7 ~14.Children should be allowed to ( ) those few years of innocence before they have to learn the truth about the real world.
' {5 A0 W7 Y6 G, f# N5 pA.cherish
+ Z- m# G9 J/ d1 g7 Z8 ~B.chase
& i/ m$ s) [  H6 D  m) oC.chemist#perish
+ A* w5 H4 c  K/ C资料:A
) z. b( F3 {  H+ U! V  q/ Z5 F2 O* |, ]: Y0 x' {
15.At a conference in Beijing, Mr. Li apparently received more ( ) than any other speaker even though he made the shortest speech of the entire day.9 K1 t3 x3 W+ ~( k5 S
7 t+ d( U1 a& _B.applause) f+ t: d, q" z- w
4 x/ t, l0 x& n5 s+ a4 ~D.appointment
1 E' J' n, P6 l4 `; G+ I资料:B
$ J$ {; ]! t# n+ Y7 g
+ C  R0 N) Q' U' L16.Three more nuclear power stations were built( ) widespread opposition.3 r: ~1 `& ?$ w/ N) s
: u3 _( v: t# D4 i8 a$ ]B.even though" m, G/ h  u* R" F4 o  U
* ^1 c; G( I3 L$ T5 ~% w0 hD.even if4 f' {( N0 @7 H
$ o% t/ Q. w" ?" ]5 U$ v6 [
1 I8 k. v- g/ B  Z2 U- ^  v% J: }17.He was ( )travel literature.
& k) O4 I# Z; i5 [, u, U9 hA.relying on
. y9 c3 ]# }  H( GB.interested on
3 n$ x6 A+ Y6 |; Y/ oC.keen on
' h- f0 Q9 _. Z, H$ d% xD.keen to/ L) U' N7 a2 b% \9 c8 X
资料:C& l" ~* s, ?- b

. w# t/ ^7 K- J0 g! r0 }, _18.In general, smokers living in cities are slightly more ( ) to lung cancer than smokers who are living in the country.
9 y! f! W- h" [! GA.probe7 f: }) C3 Z9 ]8 j. m& b7 d
' n" _0 e; j5 \$ L& K( t7 SC.proceed3 y5 c- Y5 v0 ]9 c# B; Q
8 g! Z9 y' i, W; ~1 a  F资料:B
; n# B# l* ]: j2 a5 d0 S  N7 ~; O$ Q3 F( h: ?
19.Many people simply say that they want something, but they do not expend the substantial effort( )to achieve it.
- P; d( f) T) N/ a2 a' m4 p( }/ s6 MA.what is required
- C1 K: c* M( M5 D# z3 M/ v+ w. IB.that is requiring
9 L3 `1 e0 q1 u  M2 _2 O& pC.required
1 ]8 }4 j" _" B5 hD.requiring
- a& r: ]9 T  K8 h9 F6 o( j; G资料:C
8 O; q9 r% c8 P1 I+ c$ P$ b5 o" ~4 |$ p5 d: e  H0 K, ~3 y
20.Could you please ( ) an appointment for me to see Mr. Smith?
, x# _& f; h6 e, C" h; CA.manage4 o6 F- L* P- X. m* a: C
B.arrange9 j3 v( l" `2 Q$ Z0 F, {& o
C.take" y4 y0 [% j6 @' x! `7 f
& P( `7 o1 K2 E0 u) `% _资料:B) k! \  q5 j' J$ x" Y2 D% `

0 i. L" {9 L$ `& {: C二、阅读理1/2?(共 2 道试题,共 20 分)
9 n- I' u. \7 @* E/ s25.Everyone worries about catching a cold at the office, but if you’ve got a mean co-worker you might also be in danger of catching their rudeness, according to new research from the Journal of Applied Psychology.
! j+ Z8 D6 }/ U7 p: U8 O" P9 h/ l8 KTo reach their findings, researchers from the University of Florida tracked 90 graduate business school students practicing negotiation techniques with classmates, with each person practicing with multiple partners over 7 weeks. In the end, they found that those who rated their partner as rude were far more likely to be judged as rude themselves by a subsequent partner.
; L1 @/ u5 ~0 cThey also found that people didn’t seem to have any control over the spread. “What we found in this study is that the contagious ("崧拥? effect is based on an automatic cognitive mechanism—automatic means it happens somewhere in the subconscious part of your brain, so you don’t know it’s happening and can’t do much to stop it,” the study’s lead author, Trevor Foulk, explained in an e-mail to Health.% K$ z6 p) r# e4 s# K
Experiences with rudeness leave a much bigger impression on us than you might think. When someone is rude to you, the experience creates a bias (?1/4? towards future experiences. Even just witnessing rude behavior directed at someone else seemed to have the same effect in further experiments.: C4 @) k- X) ?4 v
Chances are that you’ve dealt with this issue: 98 percent of workers have experienced workplace rudeness, with 50 percent of people experiencing these behaviors at least weekly, according to the study.
' E& d! ?# _& S* f3 H2 aYou can’t do much about unconscious bias, but you can of course, make an effort not to be rude in the first place. Another thing you can do is to communicate as clearly as possible, Foulk advises.
- G, s% ]8 S, `5 I# k(1).What do we learn about the experiment led by researchers from the University of Florida?
/ Z' M( z. z; K. b. i! N' Z# C* WA.Students who have been rated as rude have to change partners.; B. {3 t0 {9 I
B.Students who are treated rudely could do the same thing to others.
* L* I$ n  k4 {7 H+ i/ v, r0 jC.Students whose negotiation techniques are strong tend to be rude.
% Q0 e) c) J) y! N6 j; x( gD.Students who graduate from business schools are aggressive.
8 z% ^+ @5 k/ o资料:B7 ^* t8 f% {: O' a* S- P
(2).According to Trevor Foulk, the contagious effect ______.
5 Q$ T% X6 A/ W; v" VA.has nothing to do with brain activities
* |; ]% @7 R, p' w; MB.is always ignored by individuals
; q. W4 K2 H& S# Q& rC.can hardly be controlled by humans
8 W% {7 E- k5 K+ D  f( u! W1 ~: CD.does a lot of harm to human brains: a# M3 P) D9 E5 d+ i
资料:C3 O( T9 {6 h' R+ ^
(3).If you see somebody else being treated rudely, you will probably ______.
( G! ~/ M9 b0 L+ cA.do something similar to others in the future9 P' {9 ~5 j/ A" k+ n
B.be sympathetic and do something to help him0 i2 ?; A5 r0 Q8 E  T  w
C.teach a lesson to the person who has been rude
# U( W, A5 p2 @/ [4 V2 bD.get far away from the person who is rude# w0 k( N, |% o0 P& k5 c8 ~
  \9 Z* H" Z2 v8 y8 H4 Y(4).What does Foulk suggest people do?
; A& i* S4 g, R7 ]' gA.Communicate with counselors as soon as possible.
9 J$ ]2 `) f% j9 B) |B.Try to deal with the unconscious bias.
1 b8 l* V  |+ R9 v. j* I6 U; \* YC.Never be rude in spite of being treated rudely.
; C/ V/ K/ S2 OD.Avoid being the first person to spread rudeness.
* N$ {+ J; Q0 E+ i/ W( K! u资料  {# T5 e& G7 J$ U" H- E5 R
(5).Which is the best title of the passage?
8 |- d0 C, W* O( O1 K$ C2 Z: j2 n0 JA.Don’t let Rudeness Spread' X# r' B' C! O- \
B.Why People Are Rude in the Office& G6 f6 i/ m! U
C.How to Get Along With Rude People
% n1 e! |3 u: P5 Q' J) V* uD.Politeness and Rudeness
. q1 F( q) R# }9 c1 D0 P- m+ w资料:A
- \" ~3 J# ^, j* u
: d  |& Z9 H3 ?" b2 `! W1 q30.This story began about 10 years ago. I was coming out of a very bad marriage. For seven long years my husband spent telling me just what was wrong with me. When I finally asked for a divorce, he answered by telling me that I would never find anyone to love me because I was just so unattractive. This went on for about two years. One night one of my friends convinced me to go out with her. We went to a nightclub and that is when I met him. Clint was playing a game with a girl. I sat in the corner watching him. I didn’t feel that I had whatever it took to get up and mix with others because of my self-esteem (自尊心) problem. Finally I got up the courage to order a drink for him. When he got it, he gave me the most dazzling (感人的) smile. We spent the rest of the evening talking until I realized that it was almost morning. I figured that he was simply being nice to me because I had bought him a drink, but the very next day he called and told me that he could not stop thinking about me and that he wanted to meet my kids too. About 3 months later, my divorce was final and Clint sat my boys down and asked them if it was all right with them if he asked me to marry him because he could not imagine life without the three of us anymore. I was so touched that he went to my boys and asked for their approval because they were the “men of the house” at the ripe old ages of 2 and 4. They said yes and we have all been together ever since. Clint gave me and my boys a second chance at a wonderful life. Not a day goes by that he doesn’t tell us that we are the best thing that ever happened to him and that he loves us.
& q, P/ Z, U/ G& U# c! ^! }(1).The writer’s first marriage was unsuccessful because _______.6 S  X7 a0 I1 z
A.her husband often woke her up at midnight) D2 [4 i5 ^4 M* {9 l" y
B.her husband kept criticizing her
, O8 Z3 P- {& B( w. IC.she was unattractive
* v" I+ X7 t) K) n! n, ?+ tD.she had a self-esteem problem
$ g2 E5 [; }& ?2 v" w资料:B
' P8 @/ g" l  Y. m' p(2).When the writer asked for a divorce, her husband _______.
, I& L! J( X: R3 pA.told her that she would never find one who loved her as he did; n' a5 x6 e; `9 F5 Y- q3 I0 E
B.delayed two years before giving her a reply
7 E- q* m# n1 @: F- f3 B; f3 n3 ~C.accused her of having an affair
* G7 P' b# H( o. @7 P. h" b2 z/ xD.said that she was unattractive and not worth loving
* s# W& e  f  v9 O3 t3 H资料
: y$ P; J( Z( @& Q3 M(3).When the writer first met Clint, she felt that _______.% m, D& k9 F! n3 u& B+ e0 O/ f7 ]
A.she should have listened to her friend and met Clint earlier
! W* ?$ K7 W% s$ M8 ]" @0 O! CB.Clint was a nice, dazzling young man
- {& }4 {5 j- p, [, k; yC.Clint could not be really interested in her/ |' I' Q/ k. V, _4 ]( @
D.she would find true love in Clint% T8 q6 U* p! V3 ?6 B+ \' C: H
资料:C1 N# W4 z; j5 A, C
(4).The writer was particularly touched by Clint because _______.
. N. R9 H# r! a/ z, p5 b5 _0 VA.he loved the kids and asked for their approval of the marriage
- @3 M0 }+ M2 m1 R  j& C3 oB.he said that he could not imagine a life without her and the kids
2 S+ X" r& K/ E6 K. X& jC.he believed that at 2 and 4, the two kids were the “men of the house”! K! \$ E( K/ n! H8 d
D.he kept her company and talked with her until the next morning: T7 A6 c/ l9 y" O) t9 K
资料:A; v+ n- {! F" m& y2 m
(5).The writer’s marriage to Clint is important to her mainly because _______.
0 k  N( x$ P* _  a6 M+ a& M; hA.it gave her and her sons a second chance to live a happy life
$ K7 f! R3 _  p' Z! XB.every day Clint would tell the writer that he loved her
* o" u: l$ r8 h- {! KC.it helped her to regain her self-respect; g7 p2 n- X0 c; H0 j% O
D.it made her children happy, which is all she cared about in her life
8 s% ]- e7 s2 M/ u: X资料:A
# _2 d7 p7 t, D6 }5 j4 v
! [6 x1 o  H3 f三、完型填空 (共 2 道试题,共 20 分)
1 @" p, c; I7 `; P. D4 ]0 D40.What is blood? It is the red liquid which comes out of your finger when you cut it. There are about thirteen pints of blood in a man’s body. He can give a pint of blood at a time to the blood bank for the use of (1)## who may need it. A healthy body makes up the pint of blood (2)##. What does blood (3)## for us? It (4)## food to (5)## of our bodies and takes waste (6)## from them. All parts of our bodies are made up of cells. These cells, which are very small, all need food (7)##. No one (8)## cells before the invention of microscope. Before that no one could make pictures of cells because no one could see them. What makes the blood (9)##round the body? The heart sends it round. A (10)## heart is the size of his shut hand.9 p) A/ H# L( I  C2 f, W4 Z( E& h
/ g2 S3 Y$ N; xA.other man1 \4 d. Q! n) G
B.the other men
4 n' C" a( b/ ~C.others1 ]' r7 t2 R1 ?; e* X, I2 l' d
D.another- O: c& n7 f1 R  x
8 V8 q( K; T. t0 }1 g' S+ I; x' s(2).: \* q9 H/ B3 j
0 z! T6 {' @( z: J1 ]+ E/ CB.slowly9 {. W+ L# d9 K9 Q* m! L
C.easily5 u) g0 |* T& W6 x
8 c; O+ n8 q% C  J" r: K, u资料, ~$ D+ c* E% x: ]
(3).* N% N6 ^& z4 }  d# M( r
A.do2 Z' W  K( v8 s
B.make* F6 B) V( L; {8 i1 e7 W- h
1 q* r5 Q1 q" l3 z' o: g) K% DD.find
4 \5 J- e& }( h' U: }& c" Z/ Q5 ?2 X资料:A: k! T& Q/ G' N5 r' |" F
' ~( Z  Z' l, H) F& V' n9 s! s8 s- [A.goes7 ~6 n% }, M0 `% Y
B.takes) p, g/ ~3 N5 z' p3 T+ q
6 q7 y' H5 Q; ~D.comes; b- }/ K, V9 Z# r
资料:B, d% ?; @" X  F7 n1 ^4 \
(5).9 \0 v) D" h" _( z1 u
A.all parts
9 o' _. V$ Q4 j  o5 A# G- OB.any parts
" Q6 b0 h. ]; }' D# rC.a part% v7 J$ o9 l. e
D.some parts- e% L1 A% U% [  H$ R
5 ~* [, ]1 X; C(6).% F0 K, N* ?, o: o! X! r
A.to  u0 U: x" g/ T8 V4 |" `* ]$ M
B.off! J6 r4 ^% _8 v" ?* J$ _3 V) B
+ c' [( u# {$ X0 YD.down# A3 w- [* b5 g$ x
5 x, k" \* X. X3 l(7).
& u7 h! Y% _( RA.all the time1 F4 v+ ~+ ~9 ~9 k
B.sometimes0 b" r' ^' Q% r. _; c2 B
C.a long time
  C6 ~  s' D# Q+ A8 gD.all the same time  c& x$ Y' x9 z7 a  X" ]
/ v/ D& l' H, y7 Z" ^4 Z(8).
- p2 `3 R8 s9 _/ `) o" c" {A.had found4 ^! d* z1 P% w* a. A0 b1 L
B.had seen( ~) L+ p; I: ^! s8 G8 K
C.had said
/ c+ N- O( Z  q; s) DD.had made2 `1 B$ f" a# q
* j4 @+ y( w  N' w; W6 @5 z7 d(9).
3 I7 z8 G& E1 H2 t) YA.come% {! Y" K& D. P: }3 y: _1 Z3 t  k
7 Y6 M2 I, {/ H; K7 Q- O. t& F& lC.walk
! ~% t1 U) `: a$ QD.move7 r: j, ?2 P9 y; d4 s; j' E
8 _8 H+ x* K6 J(10).
* H' e# I: m' _8 y% [A.men’s. b9 c) m# l' T2 F' k7 \' l
- E! G/ t) r1 t; QC.woman’s) s- C  i3 t" [+ f4 U9 \9 e2 v" J  ^
' ~9 O8 i1 z) E2 C+ Y资料:B
8 B8 F) U3 ]9 C
2 O( i& P; z$ a4 f) \50.Think of all the ways that you use your arms and hands. You use (1)## to open doors, carry boxes, climb trees and ride bikes. Jessica Cox was born (2)## arms. But she didn’t let that (3)## her from doing things. She (4)## to feed herself, paint and play the piano by using her feet. When she was at (5)##, Jessica watched the other students on the playground. She did not have hands to catch balls with, (6)## she did not have arms to climb with. Jessica imagined herself as a girl of unusually great ability. She would (7)##over the playground and take her friends into the sky. Many years later, when Jessica (8)## , she did fly. She learnt to fly a plane! It was (9)## work, but Jessica was patient, confident and brave. She controlled the plane with her feet. She made her (10)##come true., B* T9 S' G$ B2 N
5 k3 b5 l) b8 k9 ]A.that
8 ?( }; A0 e5 C0 t$ H1 u& tB.them
, Q/ X2 D- G1 T) ]& C' L. F1 qC.her
! I* `# U+ c* h) P. wD.it# d1 C4 m; a1 _9 l9 P* x
资料:B2 @& L# x* m. A, l- c1 ~
(2).8 g5 G' L1 c9 c1 E
( p/ U* Z. S$ K& k  n. {# ]B.along/ W" P/ b/ V& ?1 K- E
3 V5 e- S, _/ y) K$ sD.towards
. |9 D( f+ \3 h资料:A
. g% ?0 ^- T* _9 D; K# P& i. K/ G6 p(3).
4 y. R' x: f- ~$ }' I! a/ lA.divide* u. L+ f% |/ c* s
B.add- j  H) t& M% A3 B
% R* j2 f* w5 P1 G% k$ y' CD.stop: Z3 G* X% W8 l' M* Y
! H8 F, C1 `+ {0 _0 r(4)./ J$ T& F" J3 ?! q# U- b
A.paid) ?# J: R( f& J; X8 ?; L; D
. ^. A; O0 l  C# sC.learnt) N  l  P/ H8 C, ]4 p
) ~0 _# P/ h0 U3 J( C3 d# D, v$ D0 \5 B资料:C" L& g0 o9 P  }
(5).- f. O  `- f3 v+ z/ b3 L6 B
  F( B% d" e7 I# X3 X9 h, D% BB.bed
! U! J# v7 j6 dC.hospital
7 C% h! p" j" O/ FD.town7 j* E0 l/ Y- ]2 H! N  y
资料:A, G, _# R. M$ ?8 Z
9 @/ Z* x; I$ s9 z# vA.so
5 q/ r. r! C# v& }B.but
) I- u8 R4 Z6 W+ A! d( zC.and! A4 A3 r1 @" A  I! \' q* q
; v4 [  X8 P9 G2 Y资料:C
; D  i! p+ W+ c, o8 g* i- B7 v# t(7).
( ?  q1 P- Q* f5 j! I$ oA.fly
/ Y1 z; G; b/ T& K+ ?9 Q5 XB.knock
7 j9 e/ Q" J8 Q; t# n0 a, R2 GC.fall
% K( q( B! Z9 N! [& ]$ J; _- x/ B2 t$ JD.push
4 l" T3 w' z% w* B: W资料:A
* q  H8 F; ]; g% n# E& d4 R: E$ N(8).& A) b& w. {- p  Z) n; w( r
A.set up
( g7 H2 l, t6 L2 M8 R  RB.grew up+ g6 }: i/ G& S
C.gave up
- S+ R; W* R1 qD.warmed up- Q# s% }: T4 M% e8 u
7 q* J9 D9 X  Q(9).
4 O7 @1 L8 m% G' J) N; a; z* ]+ F& mA.comfortable
$ h; S6 \7 K. g- k5 X/ c- }B.lazy1 {3 f; ^/ ?6 }
C.small# ]9 v$ [! a9 |0 ^4 l+ ~
D.hard7 _1 P/ L8 t6 j4 e6 A) i* v: C& m
资料! m. I  y$ |& N0 s/ Z6 Z* U* s2 H# u
(10).# f- T" {# ^( R$ I
A.mark; j2 V$ k+ a/ H
B.advice/ Q7 @/ `9 ]: [1 c; C9 N- ^1 h
C.dream5 ?" }6 Q; d/ r; d8 \+ w4 t
) n6 T2 g* K, v7 g资料:C
* E6 h" O/ B( D; E3 r5 l" J! N4 Y) a3 B$ C0 |0 |/ N3 P
6 t/ e. _6 E4 k' b! b; f" a8 |* }

" x1 x' a/ F# s% g7 w& n, g( P3 u/ i0 |. U3 C/ I0 s
: u9 g7 V/ y6 j  m6 m

% w% @' |# H3 g; F* ^+ D+ ~1 f; q* L, T  s  }! p

, L5 h( }0 W" U9 w
9 k7 S, B# N( X. X' z) R! z/ B0 ^/ ?( d! Q% N& C

% `* n! N( ]3 @) x0 }" T* w# w" V, b0 N( j' f3 S


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