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发表于 2023-1-13 22:00:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8 n. ]" T5 t( e; V' O5 a9 `试卷总分:100  得分:100
/ ~4 y" N6 h) V6 P4 k3 E9 B一、阅读理解 (共 2 道试,共 20 分)( p6 w. z/ z9 o1 h
5.Halloween (October 31) is a holiday widely celebrated with different names in many countries. Although it originated as a religious holiday, it has lost its religious connections in the United States. It is now celebrated largely as a children's day, and many American children look forward to it for days and weeks beforehand. The orange pumpkin is harvested at this time of year and is hollowed out, a funny face cut into it, and a candle placed inside as decorations in the window. City folks, nowadays, sometimes use paper pumpkins for decorations. Some years ago, the holiday was celebrated by dressing up in strange and frightening costumes and playing tricks on one's neighbors and friends, such as ringing door bells, throwing bits of corn on the window panes, and in other ways making minor disturbances. More recently, children come to the door to have friends and neighbors admire their costumes and guess who they are behind the false faces and receive treats of candy, fruit or cookies. They say, "Trick or treat", meaning "I will play a trick on you if you do not give me the treat." This practice has even more recently developed into a significant international activity. Instead of or along with candy, the children collect money for UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund). This special collection of money by children for needy children throughout the world is known as "UNICEF Trick or Treat". Begun only recently, it results in several million dollars each year contributed to UNICEF. The collection box is orange, reminiscent of the pumpkin.* H( l6 s/ S4 m
(1).What does Halloween originate from? ( )
" ~2 u  b0 Y8 i9 MA.A children's day0 t& y$ N5 m2 W0 M3 s0 a# p
B.A children's trick6 G# X# q, |+ x3 i
C.A religious day
) Q# V1 T6 {/ l) K8 n9 aD.A UNICEF day! z1 |0 E) ]7 t6 C% J' V6 C; {
资料:# H& k7 t! w2 f1 \/ G
(2).What is the symbol of Halloween? ( ).4 }8 Y/ R4 K. u% s
5 h8 S& K* g8 z/ {2 M3 ?: HB.Candle7 K' g* J9 m% O5 W
# n1 D9 E2 \( nD.Money
/ K4 q: C5 {% m; ]( k# l) h$ T/ ?资料:! q6 i3 p' l+ f4 u3 i# U3 ?7 ~
(3).The holiday was celebrated in the following ways some years ago EXCEPT ( ).
9 V' ~0 f+ t% q6 W5 S) U) ~A.putting on strange and frightening costumes
7 W8 f1 E+ i6 }, D0 w1 d+ B% cB.receiving treats of candy, fruit or cookies( p: X+ ~# ]2 d5 {/ P" c
C.playing tricks on one's neighbors and friends# z, G6 O3 L) q/ W
D.ringing door bells( ]- D; p: B& E! h- R
& ?: K* T# ]6 X: x, b2 e/ b3 h(4).Why do children collect money in the Halloween?( )& `2 y* h% m! ^
A.They love money
" u5 R4 T$ b: c5 aB.They want to get enough money to buy themselves candy9 E6 e! }1 }* E4 J# V6 w
C.The adults are willing to give them money.9 E7 U" T0 H- p& ?( _
D.They want to help other children.
* D' j8 g8 C% k; B6 a$ `% E- f资料:  l0 J. f$ V: o2 v* G  \9 {
(5).The collection box is dyed orange because ( )
" X9 O3 s7 ~" WA.children love orange7 P: U8 a' B0 k( S# e
B.orange stands for happiness# L3 _$ X6 s. P7 O1 G: U# }9 u
C.orange is the color of pumpkin* W/ P+ I, m5 Q8 p( t
D.orange is loved by adults6 B0 T. P9 ?. E% d7 g  `8 G
' ]& v* p' _# W& k4 d$ R( a3 }3 x& i" T2 S2 Z6 Z
10.Regular child care provided outside home or by someone other than the mother does not in itself undermine healthy emotional connections between mothers and their 15-month-old infants, according to a long-term national study. The finding holds even if care begins during the first 3 months after birth and runs for 30 hours or more per week. Among infants who receive unkind and unresponsive care from their mother, however, the mother-child relationship may be damages. "This research helps us put apart complexities regarding child care that have not previously been studied in detail." Contends Jay Belsky, a psychologist. The investigation consists of 1,153 children and their families living in or near Boston. The youngsters, no more than 1 month old when they entered the study in 1991, will be tracked until the age of 7. Experimenters administered questionnaires to mothers in their homes and videotaped baby caretakers interacting with the kids at ages1, 6, and 15 months. Independent observers rated the quality of each child care efforts and noted infant nervousness. Unlike most previous studies, this one allows researchers to observe each caretaker's personality at child nursing, and kids' emotional reactions by the equipment.8 q$ O4 w* E7 l1 E  Z
(1).From the first paragraph we know that ( )., v" s. s& x- u2 w! p% f1 L
A.mother care is the best according to a national study' K9 O" J, Q. t$ X0 m- ^
B.child care outside home is the best in accordance with the study.
' R2 S; Q' K: m" M6 y- ^7 k2 I: VC.regular child care outside home does not in itself do harm to mother-child relationship; Y) g. H' |5 A) _( o* q/ p
D.connections between mothers and infants are damaged by outside care.$ b) o% A' f  T0 r2 D! @) {
资料:. @, ]" F. h2 J; H+ w
(2).According to the passage, unresponsive care from a mother may( ).: `/ l& O5 F( B* d- q
A.ruin a kid's growth4 i+ S. V/ Y+ v0 m5 M
B.harm the mother-child tie+ x% y% ~; w3 g2 W# X6 N. w# O& M- b
C.hurt a baby's emotional reaction
! X1 H% L3 n4 eD.spoil a child's personality
6 W/ i+ m, p  P, ]资料:, ]0 ]% b8 W0 }$ C8 F& I) o4 g
(3).Jay belsky implies that the study of child care( ).' G8 p; ~7 j) i
A.was never carried out in the past
. x6 G# p- I+ ^; p. ^7 sB.was not done much in detail in the past
5 K2 \8 s# x2 @" i% P1 X# JC.was greatly ignored by psychologists sand researchers.2 i& ~2 e5 C* \( l2 o9 v
D.was interesting but very difficult to make discovery% s* Y! {4 X# p5 W
& w, w8 c# W+ e7 C( [(4).The main difference between the investigation and the previous ones is that( ).
8 [: w  T( X0 Z; L4 D0 wA.the researchers started with only one month old infant.
2 m1 x  V; U0 ~5 p* aB.the observers could rate the quality of child care efforts and analyzed them soon
+ w; |, V7 x$ ~) rC.the researchers were able to give the questionnaires to mothers in their homes.
2 H1 f! M/ u9 @2 eD.video equipment enabled researchers to observe what was happening directly.. }3 t4 i1 G# q0 I) `6 Q
资料:2 c* G% V1 t! d$ y' ?1 L8 L
(5).Which of the following is NOT true of the investigation?* J  S7 R* }+ p9 x8 g
A.It will last at least 7 years.
( E1 t  W2 O! s8 M; W& nB.Cooperation from the mothers is also necessary.9 B5 K" W% X9 m$ }3 ~5 l3 F
C.Some independent observers play a part.. }' e! q5 t) A4 d3 T
D.Researchers paid site visits to see a caretaker's personality and kids' emotional reactions., d  f  g* M5 N5 a5 u0 L: x; t
' L9 B. y) T5 u6 a1 k5 x0 Z. c. P, s+ B  u8 Q7 y$ X# {
二、单选题 (共 10 道试题,共 20 分)
0 I, A3 @1 l$ j- Q11.Football was ___ the most popular sport in the world.
8 d* S3 x8 z; F3 w" _A.so far
* i  j; _) c* f! h7 eB.by far
% K8 p. U% o3 `5 ]4 e: `: Y; M6 jC.far from
3 D+ X6 ~. @% f2 g' U+ g- B4 ?D.much far' Q, q7 O9 E' B
资料:; r' H0 ^# W3 Y

( x1 [# R  i, }5 \& M3 a; {) O" y12.The girl will get ____ her nervousness once she is on stage.
* Y7 X; [( T# G$ V0 f2 b- y) p) `" XA.over
4 P. q' @* r) O: k6 `+ v+ q; A$ bB.through
3 E9 x2 W" m# @/ \- j" QC.off
% Q0 u3 p& N; j! l- g; }/ [D.away
" o3 [2 v- V4 o5 m  o4 p资料:
9 T% n9 ]3 }( E% d5 g8 Z* W
# R( ^/ T% I! H9 |13.He won't succeed any way, _____ hard he tries.
" i9 _, f  t: _. _& m" K& YA.whatever
9 d. [8 R0 y+ U5 PB.no matter3 y3 Y- f2 b( c, z* m7 O& J
C.as# i6 a5 m( Y) l0 F& i) L
D.however. r! h5 {" U6 g0 D" D; o2 b
资料:: ^4 }- C0 f1 R' C3 }- g

( I9 h" z# I. t3 O3 [. ^  @14.____ his number for an hour only to hear a busy signal, she became impatient and called the operator for assistance.
: y2 r4 j! [% t& ?* b$ jA.Dialing
/ d1 O/ c1 b! U" cB.Dialed1 y7 N8 |  [/ ]4 r  z' R) J6 O
C.Having dialed" N! a. d. _% o% H1 z9 i
D.To dial1 j) Q4 s, K* ?
资料:0 ~5 t8 n% ]. L% Y) S( m' c

8 g# ]+ m; a4 q' g+ ~! e4 {! w15.Purchasing the new production line will be a ____ deal for the company.# U" L- Z. [6 B6 m
A.forceful+ ~, r/ U& N: m8 [. X) O; z$ {, f
B.profitable" h6 G" N9 o6 o% c( o
% ?( P, P% O8 z) g1 d" b6 CD.favorite5 ^$ A1 F; j2 r7 A. h* B  B" f9 C6 `
% w6 L1 q3 P! i1 w6 B- Y" Y
0 ~' _% B* d6 g16.Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert ____ it means standing in a queue all night.
$ E" v+ `# k5 Q7 c$ Y! {A.as if" o' q( k6 t) x+ u& V
  s* \" _" n: m' R, RC.even if/ R: I& K1 _9 q* Z9 g$ d
D.whatever0 z3 |* v+ K) x: }- j
) \( q7 G* h2 ~8 P8 F  o% h7 _& C* T5 }' \+ G- Q9 l( l0 b
17.It's sometimes hard to ____ one twin from the other.: k4 x$ Y+ P" g) Y
A.tell( _* _8 C& y' h5 v
1 h- W9 R5 E5 UC.speak
4 f8 n; |2 q6 O/ g" G, b; ZD.talk
* L2 B6 c+ k* @) z资料:/ B$ U+ n$ a$ c( j, L- W

5 L$ s( n, l/ X: S5 T' r9 A; ^18.I suggest that she _____ in next week.
. N6 ~* r) `3 }7 L* tA.will do
6 w/ A7 `. q* G9 z) p; WB.does
2 _' d- t- ^, C: rC.did( Y# F4 a4 ?- B6 u1 X
D.should do3 r* P8 s) Y' W; _* A
资料:: y. n+ {% o- F& M. c$ Y6 a) @
  W$ a+ B8 \1 S9 B: E) _( @  ]
19.At the end of 2004, there were around 6,000 foreign printing companies in China. ____ up around 4 percent of national total.1 V- p0 Y9 b* j  `
- F( L, v, K' S- T9 B4 O( E- wB.to make9 G1 S) x7 ^0 O& @$ F' \  P8 r
C.making0 J/ ?9 _$ w3 Y* k0 @* B7 o
D.having made
- y4 T; ]; a8 x: g资料:
9 K5 K, g7 S1 I9 [8 v4 g7 K0 I1 ~2 e. ~. |; Y6 t
20.How did you like the ____ of the interpreter at the press conference?: l) X; j0 p5 ~9 O
A.performance) A% K" m. v4 e5 ?" `2 ~* H
B.achievement- H. R- E2 z: U7 {. G: U
0 ^* \( }3 l; P& y7 m+ U, ^D.words: |5 h% z  J9 w# L! c
" A+ c: j% N  @5 `" ^9 ^1 Y- K. k6 `  j0 {4 o! L
三、完型填空 (共 1 道试题,共 20 分): c1 o" @( B/ y1 f0 P) L
30.The human nose is an understated tool. Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with animals, but this is largely because, ## animals, we stand upright. This means that our noses are limited to perceiving those smells that float through the air, ##the majority of smells which stick to surfaces. In fact though, we are extremely sensitive to smell, ##we do not generally realize it. Our noses are capable of detecting human smells even when these are ## to far below one part in one million. Strangely, some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another, whereas others are sensitive to the smells of both flowers. This may be because some people do not have the genes necessary to generate ## smell receptors in the nose. These receptors are the cells which sense smells and send messages to the brain. However, it has been found that even people insensitive to a certain smell ## can suddenly become sensitive to it when exposed to it often enough. The explanation for insensitivity to smell seems to be that brain finds it## to keep all smell receptors working all the time but can create new receptors if necessary. This may ##explain why we are not usually sensitive to our own smells we simply do not need to be. We are not aware of the usual smell of our own house but we ##new smells when we visit someone else's. The brain finds it best to keep smell receptors available for unfamiliar and emergency signals ## the smell of smoke, which might indicate the danger of fire.& c$ g: m; o% l' t8 Y
* F) y& v6 m% h/ F* `) N0 g* p# zA.above
* L. z( Y- R$ s" WB.unlike
5 w  m3 a) Z& j0 C$ r9 I/ F  G  ?: DC.excluding
- n8 D( X# A- q) G  a* N( S8 oD.besides
4 m. z# q9 k5 s资料:, X* S5 e. O7 g5 ]2 E
(2).& }' t  q3 D" G9 ^) w2 p
A.catching3 }. |6 W% {% G/ W
B.ignoring6 M, |9 r5 A5 ]- t$ L9 w: B  \. e
& U! I1 ]* W$ E4 W7 N+ I/ KD.tracking
% B* M' _: S$ `( V8 q* g资料:+ O% ]  h' {" H8 M* s
(3).5 V/ _7 P4 U1 n  k2 r
A.even if
9 q1 ]7 s; R  F4 \) tB.if only
8 d' ]9 N8 R! ]. R9 sC.only if
! O8 W# g+ O* q  D; o: }; |D.as if
# z  c- f+ b& ~9 ^. Y资料:3 k8 f( P& S7 x8 V! p, S
5 Q0 a+ n5 Y  B- ^A.diluted
; Y  e3 Z4 D: ]B.dissolved0 D3 d$ _% i* v  x0 O0 }5 x
C.determining2 C* Z8 L  z. y: _  b( d( n% ^# }; K5 L
D.diffused% g. v6 n2 [, w* H4 y' o0 g
# P2 z9 t0 a- C$ ^. N, @# [: I( V(5).
7 C9 Y, G2 v5 k; S/ j1 ~A.unusual
- }1 z  p7 p  b* g% XB.particular
- D  h- w& E: I& JC.unique$ {2 m- k3 p9 V7 {
# V/ j$ y+ Q8 @资料:
, ~+ {. ~$ i' m6 n# G9 j' ?+ Q(6).) N5 Q6 R: L8 I+ c
A.at first
0 @: q! M2 [1 U7 `B.at all
9 g5 k' F& R: k% R* P. rC.at large% ^7 L  {9 I6 C& @$ _
D.at times9 K, Z, M& p# t* f
" t. v$ b8 o6 M# W, D9 \) C! z(7).
+ N/ l8 h+ ^, H3 J& L7 hA.ineffective
: y" o1 z' A- eB.incompetent" T. M  s4 A5 I' O3 w
C.inefficient- z7 T* f3 W& w1 U* G$ j1 A
% @3 {( H  E  `, D* |资料:
9 J; W" K; ]0 n- E# S8 n0 [5 z(8).
8 w0 x+ a7 d2 {! tA.still" z! \- _; r$ F- |8 R- U5 Z$ l3 f
. N: _6 \9 e5 U: L, O6 sC.otherwise
/ K3 F8 ]$ {* T- V' YD.nevertheless. {9 y& g) V; _( P
资料:0 K+ |& m5 r/ V
/ O' P7 V3 [6 \; a, [( V2 p! H( |A.tolerate3 B0 k% ?" F2 w2 W6 b6 U0 @! N/ o, V
  E* a) w. w/ bC.neglect
; C2 ^2 k) T2 Y, p) |% j2 d# ID.notice6 f3 g4 I+ ~! C* p
* B4 J- E0 C$ A) X) N8 y(10).
4 M* n8 o. p1 WA.similar to
# Y  h5 X% i& [: t' P  O; XB.such as# ]7 A' B1 s% J  Y
C.along with
: d( y/ \3 [- G9 q% rD.aside from
# z. c7 n3 Y7 E9 [/ o资料:: v0 T' V5 U& Z# `, K2 `

, Y& N% H) x3 a0 j5 h9 Z4 C四、客观填空题 (共 5 道试题,共 40 分)
  w, L2 M# |0 y7 ]! [6 u31.有了他的帮助,我们就没有其它什么可担心的了。____9 V0 Z) }+ Z" E4 T
资料:With his help, we have nothing else to worry about.
. g, p  ~( X$ V. Z9 X% b5 h6 b) {$ E% q
' A. g3 O( P) Z1 \% o+ A4 o+ k资料:The boss told us that the work must be finished before Christmas.
) t. ?; [: X- I1 g1 c# l6 r$ l) w" ?7 S; i3 v8 `7 {, J- [
' A8 _6 M4 O* Z6 o资料:We must study hard, or we will not pass the exam.- u. n, o7 ^7 U6 i( p6 S7 x$ @6 m

. e3 n2 c, U1 Z: w- L1 j34.昨天我去拜访他,看看他是否能解决这个问题。____( g& d; k! j' C. Z0 S, t( N* n
资料:I visited him yesterday to see if he could work out/solve the problem.
$ z8 V; i! ?6 ~% m4 ~$ V0 K
0 B! Q, \: Y) L- R: w: t1 P% Z35.Writing : Your essay should be no less than 150 words. Mass media is becoming more and more important in our daily life. But different people make different use of it. Write an essay on the topic "The Role of Mass Media in People's Modern Lives". You should base your essay on the outline below: 1.有些人利用大众媒体获得信息。 2.有些人利用大众媒体得到娱乐。 3.比较二者,谈谈你的看法。____
8 D. R+ h& F; G' c0 J资料:请线下自行完成作文练习
( _4 m/ s/ r* ?. [; z7 |% o6 U2 y
) S6 g" z6 U/ t  d9 r# g( Y/ E/ x& O% v% w; |

/ x+ U/ c4 i. A" p$ v
3 Y7 M8 k" M2 u, m
3 h3 H; z- x0 r" T& K  h/ ^( j, P; A7 T6 b# c8 o( g. h
) \  E# e; z2 ?# b

  [$ `1 M4 i3 }8 w/ k: b) f/ C
/ c& Q, Y- Z! J6 A! a, t, K
% Z5 A: Y, U4 P7 B  ^+ H( j
: S3 J7 L: n+ @/ Y$ _  q7 ?
5 J- P% r. @" Y4 f. x* r


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