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发表于 2023-1-13 22:02:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《2022年11月统考模拟练习-大学英语B》2: K) U. }  O, I# f$ ~
试卷总分:100  得分:97; ~0 j% h) t7 e2 L" G1 _
一、单选 (共 10 道试题,共 25 分)
9 n8 c8 H0 `7 ]! m  k: C1.---How about a date to the movies tonight, Jane? --- __________________.# A3 A. x) m3 w
A.1 don't think so1 g4 w1 B# }9 O! _) ?4 A
B.I'm sorry. I have to drive my mother home tonight
  v& C& ~) G+ ?* d# v# b6 ^C.Never mind5 Y! C. E7 q2 c
D.Take it easy
) u6 u2 ?9 H4 ^0 }0 P资料:- h% ^- y5 k+ Y0 `

$ ~/ {' S/ I# h! K2.--- Are you ready to order desert, please? --- __________________.% I2 H  Z) v! M1 F5 @3 C
A.Yes, please# m. P7 x2 n$ B
B.Please don't order it
/ ]$ I9 }# f7 JC.No, don't mention it9 |" J7 I  D; F. {6 `
D.Yes, I'd like to have some chocolate cake  Q, r) X3 C3 n. K+ G; g
资料:/ l- {3 Y# D' f8 X

! j% W& G8 J( v: e- W& ?3.--- Did Tom tell you to water the flowers? --- _________________.5 n8 n! _. s! }5 C3 I- }' f
A.No. And so did I
# E1 }' ~/ X3 p" c* AB.No. And neither did I
: h, Z" i6 x9 W" dC.He did. And so do I5 Y, M( x9 [9 a4 W: g% o+ M/ s$ z* t
D.He did. And so I did
! E( F4 `& B( ]- ]资料:% |% L% q4 f- O" z5 y/ t

5 f: i  ^4 @# h) y' h9 N3 {4.--- Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water? --- _________________.4 ]$ x% R0 j6 g) r
A.I'd rather stay here if you don't mind
% P4 ?& @5 h1 Q- G' W+ S; f* EB.Sorry, I don't like neither
1 |+ _8 v0 Z3 |* X6 SC.Certainly, why not?
- ]% |' S3 @+ ~3 W5 \  F1 v5 A9 V2 {D.Yes, we like these two places
( q- o* p' S9 T/ v( u资料:6 a" g. y. S! ^( x
1 C  P  ]' h4 |8 o3 c3 g
5.--- Would you mind changing seats with me? --- ________________.
' |4 j0 [9 ~8 h3 N, U% MA.Yes, you can
! J" U: |6 b+ B: G( p. y( HB.Of course, I like to& n/ A4 Y7 d0 W' g; m* g# b$ J
C.No, I don't mind
! U: x" E) Q! X. u# C( iD.Certainly, please do$ n2 \7 G, v& g4 e  {. M' w5 c) E
资料:, j& ~$ h, X* W8 v$ i% V- R" ], `
7 _. q1 q) E: K: ]- f
6.Isn't it about the time you ________ to do morning exercises?, N2 s5 B4 L4 E
5 A& r$ v7 a6 Y; u6 PB.begin' i5 ^5 b/ I) }" Y
C.should begin
, Q! B; F3 |: c6 b! z% V: ]D.have begun
. K4 _& f0 D+ S" ]$ Y资料:
3 K" J+ R) b- c& O& B# n) m: k6 [8 t% Z9 n; q8 K' z; C0 T) ^1 S
7.I am very grateful to you for what you've given me and ________ you have done for me.% W: Q, e" _* P( b4 O: x& o2 n% v+ M) A
A.which0 o+ r3 i+ s. D$ }; ?
& `) G3 G; s+ a5 WC.all what
5 H+ ?/ [* V* GD.all that
7 R6 i4 V+ l4 z  g资料:
- ~. y- r4 {$ j; t% J4 x, F' k5 C- z" C. v) s) }$ Q+ t; y+ a* J, r
8.It was not until she had arrived home ________ remembered her appointment with the doctor.* J. l6 ^: N9 y. e% X; s8 ?5 _3 }- t
A.when she
- v" T" R8 f$ b3 A7 OB.that she% E7 u: }( P) i- [
C.and she
% `7 R' v- u, m) HD.she6 a9 `" V) |0 Q) ], R- f
资料:3 R6 L% ^* Q/ ^# m1 Q" J! ?

, L7 a+ _& ~) ~9.Determined to _______ as if everything were normal, he responded with a kind of indifference.
7 b4 Y; s! M" F7 v# H4 @A.carry on0 ]' c9 L; ?0 L
B.account for
  y) W" r3 m+ ~) QC.bring up
' z# o' h' q# T# BD.get through
( v' Y2 G4 q  n5 r; d; ~: g资料:
" ~8 M5 }! p+ I' o! W* ]
4 ~: N, u4 L/ E9 M' P10.He _________ to arrange a loan through a finance company.
" i3 g& e3 P$ r$ G4 M& x4 O6 K2 [A.tried1 X8 |9 I* w, u1 X4 E9 x. T
B.succeeded* \6 e1 H! J" g! v1 ^' ]( {6 B
C.managed! Y. m: Z* h$ M1 S' W! |; m( D
! ]% I' ]# s* P# Z% A资料:7 ?: P+ S7 i# j: b9 W. M* \
8 u$ C3 Z- E1 Q# `; F
二、阅读理解 (共 2 道试题,共 20 分)
7 w* W+ k) T% K) Q+ I15.December 25th is Christmas Day. In most countries it is the most important day in the year. All the people come back to their homes to have the day with their parents or their children. On Christmas Day bells ring everywhere. The ringing bells tell people Christmas is coming. People sing and dance day and night. They have a good time. Most families buy a Christmas tree for their children. And there are some presents hanging from the tree here and there. People also put presents in children's stockings. In many places, Father Christmas himself brings presents to them. He is a kind man and in red clothes. There is a big bag on his back. In it there are a lot of presents. Christmas is also a day when people enjoy all kinds of food, But some people have no homes and have no food to eat. They die of cold and hunger(饥饿)on Christmas Day. (160words)4 _, l: |1 L- S2 `2 b# w& f
(1).Christmas is a very important day in some countries in year.
& I3 q" F( b0 T( G! mA.T) E4 Y" o7 V; R6 r0 I8 ~$ C' f
$ A3 I, T2 y0 B6 S+ o" l资料:$ ]: R9 D9 l/ W- e8 q/ n) R
(2).Many people have a good time on Christmas Day.
1 Q+ F- |0 `) y! WA.T! H7 i% [$ R6 |7 F. [- O$ K% G) t/ B
B.F5 {7 K8 l1 w3 `0 _
资料:, G8 c( y7 J6 u) D  k
(3).Father Christmas wears red clothes.
7 z% R& T, q+ b* P; u+ k. aA.T
$ v. \; Y6 }3 yB.F
5 [8 @, P4 n6 e资料:
  F: a- |4 |! K8 j(4).There are a lot of Christmas trees in Father Christmas' bag.% `& h; g$ m" _" [' W9 p( k7 k# t) f
A.T8 H  J1 C5 D$ S" @  H' r
B.F5 p! y! j: I+ a* w# U
+ z( p6 _! ~" [(5).Some poor people die on Christmas Day because they have no homes and no food to eat.
7 {5 p2 `7 M8 p+ \" W; kA.T- q# h6 h/ F! `- w2 [1 X! ]. J3 @
B.F: R4 L+ V, }8 M$ W6 {3 L
0 `/ z  M$ j# }$ o0 q$ s5 [  A" j5 |* o+ U( t% Y
20.No one is glad to hear that his body has to be cut open by a surgeon and part of it taken out. Today, however, we needn't worry about feeling pain during the operation. The sick person falls into a kind of sleep, and when he awakes, the operation is finished. But these happy conditions are fairly new. It is not many years since a man who had to have operation felt all its pain. Long ago, operation had usually to be done while the sick man could feel everything. Soon after 1770, Josept Priestley discovered a gas which is now called "laughing gas". Laughing gas became known in America. Young men and women went to parties to try it. Most of them spent their time laughing, but one man at a party, Horace Wells, noticed that people didn't seem to feel pain when they were using this gas. He decided to make an experiment on himself. He asked a friend to help him. Wells took some of the gas, and his friend pulled out one of Well's teeth. Wells felt no pain at all. As he didn't know enough about laughing gas, he gave a man less gas than he should have. The man cried out with pain when his tooth was being pulled out. Wells tried again, but this time he gave too much of the gas, and the man died. Wells never forgot this terrible event.: Q) @7 n$ b9 L+ B9 c- c
(1).It is ____ since a man felt all the pain while being operated .
, P9 [& k" ]. `" n. f2 fA.a few more years( L* I1 B' C) f, v5 l* n
B.not long" ?# r; u2 Z* [: y& x# ^& r
C.few years+ b9 a* v: F- A  y4 `0 h; _. ?& f
D.two thousand years" m3 x& i: i; I
" p" y7 w) j! G(2).Long ago , when the sick man was operated on , he ____.
" s5 s: U" l7 v$ X- |A.could feel nothing) R; @5 w6 R. v( [
B.could not want anything
7 o) N" a& q5 o* A( ~C.could feel all the pain; O$ U) F+ B3 s7 K
D.could do anything
5 `+ u0 p5 s" O* e. ]" X) m资料:0 b0 }, P7 T$ c  |1 V& {
(3).Using the laughing gas, the people did not seem to ____.
2 _3 m, J7 b" ]% b1 u7 C* qA.be afraid of anything
8 A) `/ j. K4 kB.feel pain! p) ]0 x$ y2 A8 j+ R; N
C.want to go to the parties; v1 Y. a% ]2 ?2 Y; S/ ]
D.be ill
: c- v' _  z0 x) V: l) m+ w资料:
+ z2 Y/ q9 Z8 U7 x  t6 `/ b* a' i: t# X(4).If a man took less laughing gas than he should have when an operation went on, he ___." v; }5 p2 q' x
A.felt nothing
1 B3 a& ~) [  H/ ]# `/ xB.felt very comfortable& m" D  a0 T9 s0 F! ~
C.still felt pain
& E8 x0 v* I) K( M& [2 n5 rD.would die& I& p* H8 d! \
/ O. v4 I, y- B6 I5 l: D$ W6 C(5).One who took too much of the laughing gas ___.2 Q, r6 ]& ^. O( i8 Y: P' e3 O
A.would die
  v7 p4 P8 ?0 WB.would laugh all the time$ B% v+ n) N0 U( }4 M
C.would never feel pain
! F' K0 _$ O. ?* h# AD.would be very calm
( W4 O; o% F3 e. f: \资料:
5 \1 S9 S( B# m* t/ l, L4 p& r* B, H6 B  s" r. [( N
三、客观填空题 (共 8 道试题,共 55 分)
. U3 i7 l% p1 i( ^% o9 g21.以下短文中共包含5个未完成的句子,针对每个句子中空缺部分,请从短文后的 A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出正确选项,每个选项只能选一次。 I have been in London for two weeks. I don't speak English well at all. I have great difficulty in understanding people. In fact I don't catch a thing they say. I find their pronunciation is____ strange for me to understand, and they speak____that I can't keep up with them. When I am on a bus, I ask the conductor something. He answers, but I don't understand. So he says it slowly in a high____, I still don't understand it. Then he gets angry and goes away. But I haven't lost heart. I still enjoy____English. I must keep on working hard____it. I believe I'll speak English well soon. A. voice B. too C. speaking D. at E.so fast
) M- ]4 ?  |1 L- _  e. h资料:、E、A、C、D
3 j# N9 }9 l. V6 L- @5 x: `
$ u$ U* b5 @6 S9 Z! F2 u22.If you travel by ship across the Pacific, you cross the International Date Line.____
+ t* e9 v* \5 S! ]; T资料:如果你乘坐轮船横渡太平洋,你就会穿越国际日期变更线。, D5 _( ?5 r# w* D% j4 Q* {

5 [8 V% ^7 U* G* p# ?' Y23.Economists study the way a society uses scarce resources such as land, labor and raw materials.____
: Y) S: @! x' t8 W+ `: i1 i资料:经济学家研究社会使用土地、劳力及原材料等稀有资源的方式。, L6 [+ U1 i( u6 e& U

6 P* x2 h, C! e7 k- G24.I took Mr. John to the village where I had spent my carefree childhood.____
0 j* b- D  g5 ^- H4 Q' v资料:我把约翰先生带到这个乡村,在这我度过了无忧无虑的童年。
7 ~4 m/ X5 Q2 M+ h, o4 J
- }6 k) B- D0 S25.In Foreign Language Department, a checking machine is used to correct the student's test papers.____
% @# R9 q- A: @/ H( _资料:在外语系,使用阅卷机为学生批改考试卷。
, f( j0 {1 W7 W, ~' B5 ~- |; P5 k" f1 A% Y2 H
26.To mark students' test papers, a checking machine is used.____
8 Q0 ?8 \) ~, f5 G* @资料:为批改学生的试卷,使用了阅卷机。0 _6 R5 r- K$ `7 I$ F
# z3 U5 `' R- v7 n
27.The students are encouraged to take part in the national English speaking contest.____. G. ^8 F+ S2 ^! v% n( }3 m) a
资料:学生们被鼓励去参加全国英语演讲比赛。4 z1 V- }+ F! n# E- V

' J3 Z0 Y! j% {: \  w28.写作:要求你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 A letter to a friend 范文: Dear Tom: Haven't seen you for long. How are you these days? Do you still live in the same house you rent after your graduation? It's hard to find a suitable job these days. What about your job? Luckily, I have just found a new job in a computer company. Though it is well-paid, I have to work overtime now and then. I like my present job, because the boss and the colleagues are easy to get along with. By the way, I have just moved to a new house near the city center. If you have time on weekends, please drop in for a visit. Hope to hear from you soon! With my best wishes! yours David____
- p8 B: q* f7 C+ G8 B+ C  E% t. r资料:请线下自行完成作文练习
8 ?) D, v% F# F# |$ h7 f& h
! L7 o: a: G% a: d% o0 k9 A- a1 {( q( y/ A& b+ _

# M4 x1 i' H+ r! u8 f4 `, p& G$ _7 d1 S: I+ `

8 X: N, I1 w, T' t3 \" `& f9 S* m. E0 K& [0 |1 M: X$ K. y" R

' H$ _. ?) H) x& R5 H" o% q7 \5 e4 a3 N0 l& D
) o% W/ P6 ?3 g, P

8 K5 j. ^( d3 U9 S# D0 y1 A  Q/ d  _; _9 U9 A" _$ j4 D
" }5 |; F7 v# \, C! A% m+ ~


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