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发表于 2023-1-13 22:02:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
! a1 Z% j% M/ R试卷总分:100  得分:1001 h* a" b9 `3 O. M! O
一、单选 (共 10 道试题,共 25 分)
2 U1 }: x! P, l" u+ K7 t! T% Z+ t' \9 ~4 o1.-Who's that speaking? -This is Tom ____________
' G, Z/ w  N8 \5 ~0 EA.speaks
% v' y5 m/ \3 K; R0 DB.spoken
# @6 _$ \* z$ y# a! H, QC.speaking
4 c' T  j; [* `: ?7 J, @! yD.saying' v1 @4 U4 a) T. k. z& S& {
资料:0 n6 I) I5 Q9 i8 k5 F" |8 T
( x* x0 W7 P8 |- `6 v
2.-I'm sorry. I lost the key. -____________
: u' k- ?6 Q/ t; n6 n" w- gA.Well, it's OK.8 j! p& m& r/ d: z
B.No, it's all right.
$ O2 J$ [# y4 V' kC.You are welcome.! c8 u7 Z2 x- o- g! e
D.You are wrong.
1 m8 S9 I0 R4 P6 {3 d资料:
  d: |" l  Y. ^9 R) `
! O; O! ]. b, k7 m3.-It's rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window? -____________4 p- q) P4 q5 N3 h: I5 Q) i. F
A.Yes, please.' F6 c2 j+ X, O! g- t2 E
B.No, go ahead.
8 u, h5 |" D- p7 ^+ QC.Sure, please.
; a5 X0 b- y1 v; z  KD.I don't like it.
8 O- C3 n5 V9 ~5 l8 f: s资料:+ w+ \# u5 Y9 h5 a

9 ]2 K4 _& Z$ d' z6 o4.-____________ -He teaches physics in a school.1 P* V" _* V, f) P! O! y3 B
A.What does your father want to do?. y  i+ F1 H" j3 p0 r0 ~- t: x  t
B.Who is your father?  W* e, \: [( q4 t: L+ x
C.What is your father?- w  A' m1 _& K8 A8 u
D.Where is your father now?
  e$ A: U- K5 o2 J- c. `2 b1 u- r资料:
) g# j6 A5 R9 r1 c" }' z5 n
, @% _' L4 t7 Y. _5.-Excuse me, how much is the jacket? -It's 499 Yuan. ____________.
; C! x$ H/ M0 ]A.Oh, no. That's OK!
, B8 y1 `2 e, G; K0 U4 G* |5 OB.How do you like it?
  l- w0 i. ]' QC.Which do you prefer?! W) @: Z2 y: I; r8 N$ j+ C
D.Would you like to try it on?
. t$ s+ H/ }2 m" T* Z  C资料:7 _! v& W- g/ P' u: N3 Q& V

; f& T/ n+ v! d6.Jack is good, kind, hard working and intelligent.________ , I can't speak too highly of him.7 c7 {7 I+ J1 Z* g
A.As a result5 y( L: D8 u3 m7 u- p
B.in a word7 J* N% ^2 p- C: P, D
C.By the way
! A6 `  J2 R1 N" C- a5 PD.On the contrary0 \, D+ r$ R+ `  N& p
6 s; c9 _( R1 F0 V8 G
8 G9 D: q  O; o) x7.I _________ going to the doctor, but I wish I hadn't.
& W: |9 }. K% Y2 CA.pick out
- x2 z9 T+ F- H& m. ]B.make out  [, g9 t/ N4 E: f: \/ ~
C.give off& |! @  v" k, t5 r: k+ T* D
D.put off5 N. `; l: L) P0 j- X, e
资料:2 I' D7 R% t! v" N; G" o# v
0 H) [& N$ J5 W6 q/ u' c
8.Young children often can't _________ between TV programs and commercials.
+ W$ ]0 m% s. B; Q2 r1 BA.separate
+ v8 [. x& v1 q- @) J( ~B.distinguish
( L# T9 d0 X6 h* a2 ^+ ^8 LC.compare) W+ x3 h, A9 |  c
D.contrast3 p' ~6 [9 P. @* T/ ~, h4 S. `
! l& i9 k$ y2 z4 i. v! @
+ E( x. m, r5 r- W9.The morning paper _________ a story about demonstrations in New York and Washington D. C.$ x8 ]* ~% ~% T; n( L
A.carried: `0 ]  S9 a4 P' N
  j! R/ s  ~+ d  F8 \3 Z$ u- ^C.brought
, D  p& C7 v5 Q. _D.took! i# G% G6 a+ p8 r8 g; x1 \! O
资料:' s& y( P4 w" x, D, @: Y3 V
# [2 |: P; I3 V3 B( z3 J6 n
10.And what we got to _________ is a disgrace.! P5 f; J) ]+ \
A.come up with
- W; ]$ d$ H$ Y( F; xB.catch up with
- v* V5 J  S1 |: |" QC.put up with% f6 {, x8 c" N3 }9 d: v8 _) Q
D.keep up with
3 w# g- P' Y' p3 }. s# }3 ^资料:; P; c& B4 D" H( @, c: s1 q* i- ?

" `, S$ H. E2 \( e1 d4 R二、阅读理解 (共 2 道试题,共 20 分)
, f1 ?* K( K! P0 [15.Peter is going to take a special exam next week. "He will be very sad if he fails," Patsy said. "We must help him to pass." "What can we do?" Annie asked. "I know, " Patsy said. "We can help him before the exam. He mustn't go to bed late. He will be tired if he goes to bed late. He may fail the exam if he's tired." "He'll get good marks if he revises well for the exam," John said. "We'll help him revise." "How can we do that?" Annie asked. "We'll ask him questions." John told her. "He'll pass the exam if he can answer questions." "He mustn't worry." Tom said. "He'll be nervous if he worries too much." "Yes, and he'll fail if he's nervous, "Annie said. The children were very good to Peter all week and they helped him a lot. He wasn't tired when he went into the exam room. He was happy and he did everything very carefully. He passed the exam easily.(189words)
$ `( a* O  c& `(1).Peter is going to take the exam next month.3 [; K' c2 g( e, Y0 x
A.T& r' L6 F5 ]( z/ c
B.F; j  H' {- T& z# t
! k; T2 Q7 V: l# ~8 k(2).If Annie goes to bed late, she'll fail the exam.  _, ^7 ^5 Y0 d! n+ p7 L
" U' s4 E4 Q# L* U. uB.F$ v7 L# o; d8 L- p% m- g0 Y
: s1 u# ]. F' Q(3).There are five people in the story.! T* V. A, \8 r9 z3 g0 ?" p- I
A.T/ f8 M4 h5 z6 h
5 N+ R2 K1 E+ M- E- A; d资料:2 D/ }/ F$ o0 }6 X
(4).Peter felt nervous when he went into the exam room! c6 w. w/ v3 L, C
) B/ `2 x% ^( O" M2 y( h- \- D2 vB.F. A6 H; p5 N3 `6 O+ J. A
3 z! V2 G1 t8 u(5).The children are very friendly.$ Q4 c/ b6 o" x0 o+ u) h. b
* D/ ?5 W: k! o/ F; s$ C/ ^5 V" @B.F
9 q9 K% G9 L" R# F, s% j资料:
$ ?: S  o- z( e% ~/ N2 |
: h' i: Z0 P3 k- t- v20.Clowns(小丑)like to make people laugh. They paint their faces and put on funny noses. Sometimes they put on a sad face but most of the time they put on a happy face. They also wear funny clothes. Most clowns work in circuses. They do all kinds of silly things to make the audience laugh. They run, jump, fall down, turn somersaults (翻滚,斤头), and roll over. They ride donkeys backwards. They push each other in wagons or wheelbarrows. Sometimes they shout and sing. Clowns are funny men, and occasionally, women, too! A circus is not a circus without clowns! Children especially enjoy watching clowns. A clown named Cookie often visits hospitals to entertain sick children as well as older people. Sick people need to laugh. It helps them to get better faster. There is an old saying: "Laughter is good medicine."* S; ^+ B, E) F
(1).Clowns make people laugh by _____________.
, L/ ?; `, d3 k: t6 }A.making fun of the audience
5 }% E- L- H8 y/ X# ^B.putting on stupid face
! t5 h. r# G8 [5 h* RC.painting their faces
, |; G# P2 i3 Q, A! zD.doing all kinds of silly things
0 l& ]/ v$ D6 N) D# N+ L' t- P资料:2 g  Y$ p9 m, J- k: f' Z0 k
(2).Clowns are ______________.
2 v9 [- [% D8 m* K( LA.always male
: V8 b; v: r( ]; VB.always female. N$ ^7 Z  L' }9 n0 g* A
C.mostly female
' Q1 [5 X4 P4 I0 V3 x; HD.mostly male
' u" I$ ^1 }0 }0 _4 n! E资料:
) R6 O$ ]$ V, t(3).The sentence "A circus is not a circus without clowns" means ___________.; s$ z; O& V6 @$ p: _3 g
A.a circus will not be of much fun if it has no clowns
0 u- R# z, r# ~' A% M% |B.a circus can no longer survive if the clowns are gone; V1 n7 z. A, J: V& E
C.a circus with clowns is not the same as a circus without clowns1 y  Q5 I9 A2 f% G
D.a circus cannot attract children if it has no clowns
+ i$ i: P- A9 q资料:
7 x" u' O, C! {5 w% _(4).Clowns are a great favorite with ____________.
$ d1 [8 {! R9 o9 o3 IA.old people7 p6 H* t( h9 j4 U7 t: ^$ h8 g$ F
B.sick people
7 |& s9 v  i- N5 H6 HC.children' I9 L: X( h5 D! y
D.people of all ages and interests; h3 R  N; t5 d3 s( x
9 \0 o9 [8 ]9 \( e(5).The best interpretation of the old saying "Laughter is good medicine" may be ___________.% B- O; d# f6 S& |
A.laughter cures people's diseases
; @7 p6 b+ l" g0 b2 q5 hB.laughter makes people healthy3 {6 x) i# d! `
C.laughter is far better than medicine1 t' f5 z1 o; [+ h6 d1 ^" L$ f
D.laughter helps sick people get better faster% p* k( j3 V) y& v$ I
资料:' c3 ^% o' @& i5 A* \( d- S
% z* c: g5 \$ V7 O$ |
三、客观填空题 (共 8 道试题,共 55 分)
/ r- k1 N7 \( U8 g. d21.以下短文中共包含5个未完成的句子,针对每个句子中空缺部分,请从短文后的 A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出正确选项,每个选项只能选一次。 Time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable. If you go to a ____ shop, no assistant will come near to you and say, "Can I help you?" You needn't buy anything you don't want. You may try to find out ____ the book you want is. But if you fail, the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away. It seems that he is not interested in selling any book at all. There is a story which tells us about a good shop. A medical student ____ a very useful book in the shop, but it was too expensive for him to buy. He couldn't get it from the library, either. So every afternoon, he went there to read ____ at a time. One day, however, he couldn't find the book from its usual place and was leaving when he saw an assistant signing to him. To his surprise, the assistant pointed to the book ____ , "I put it there so as not to be sold out," said the assistant. Then he left the student to go on with his reading. A. found B. in a corner C. where D. good E. a little. o0 t! F5 O& {) K$ v
资料:、C、A、E、B9 f9 G0 D% o8 B; f7 Q5 a" w

+ Y* M4 T6 s2 O% ?7 Q" v22.The students are encouraged by their teacher to do more listening, reading and writing.____
; s  s, g9 v  [9 Y! _( k3 g资料:老师鼓励学生多听、多读、多写。
- _5 _% A+ q( U6 M: |9 I" C4 M( q
23.This street will be widened.____# T6 ~; d- Y: V( W$ U
资料:这条街将会被拓宽。1 i1 i7 y6 Y" L  d5 v9 f

( Q! b+ ^- P2 F24.When will the work be finished?____
  z" g, e/ o0 S# [/ H+ I4 @资料:工作何时能完成?  w, G0 \0 s  z

) H; s. P4 F: o9 y, y7 P5 ?25.The glass was broken into pieces.____
, {, C: x9 e* q" Z! S* f* _8 j资料:玻璃杯摔成了碎片。
( x* Y& J4 i' ^/ q/ X1 K" T/ N! P: O9 Y0 {& B9 w+ p$ D
26.Karsh was praised as a master portraitist, often working in black and white, influenced by great painters of the past.____
4 F' `6 l- e* ^资料:卡什被人们誉为人像大师,由于受到历史上一些著名画家的影响,他在拍摄中经常运用黑白摄影。
* P4 P, f' i7 g4 v/ _: m- J
& u, g1 @) N3 ]; a! v  N2 b% y27.When were the Olympic Games founded?____
2 }4 _/ }# g. i* ^: T- B资料:奥运会什么时候成立的?
; F) Q/ H2 H5 t  B7 D& v' _6 h% D2 Y# p
28.写作:要求你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 My Hobbies 范文: I have many hobbies, such as sports, singing, playing the violin and keeping a diary. I like sports very much. I go running at five o'clock in the morning. After classes in the afternoon, I play table-tennis with my friends. These sports have kept me healthy. At home, I like to sing and play the violin. I practice singing and playing the violin every day. Busy as I am, I am quite happy. Of all my hobbies I like reading books best. In my bedroom there are nearly six hundred books. There are story books, textbooks, magazines, and others. All these books have enriched my knowledge.____6 k& }: v. y# l* h: n6 y
9 y6 v( r9 I* ?$ j7 u. \" d6 `
2 n* h1 A+ h) F, c" S7 v4 H& i$ R" {6 d% A$ C9 x3 \; H
  n7 x: J# h4 C+ K0 }

' W  l0 \+ d9 K; |$ n/ S& u6 ^
: M" ?+ J* E8 |# Q! b+ ]+ |! h
+ p  H1 m2 O8 j5 T0 v3 B
, P5 E) g/ x2 Y/ @" Q
, c6 B# Y. H; f$ {$ }' L0 D- @: ~2 `/ j* o" f" h0 }
& X, c% g' H; n2 ]7 O

2 s( y, i7 g' {' i+ L  ]7 y7 {5 N9 Q# _. O, X6 e7 c


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