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发表于 2023-5-12 09:45:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com)大学英语(统考)-[福建师范大学]2023年5月统考模拟练习-大学英语B-51 o" T9 y* J3 I; x( e) k: C- v
试卷总分:100    得分:100
5 u2 u& F# m5 K: T- H" E! `第1,MayIuseyourbikeforamoment2 h9 q$ ?9 f9 m
A、It’s well." P" P) u! q, E6 Q) _/ Y
B、It doesn’t matter.8 P' j/ r3 o# Q) m  V4 @
C、By all means.
$ j2 ]; {# \+ S* lD、I have no ide& M. E) N7 Y( |: ?; v+ K' l" F; F
7 G. f8 ^. u2 _( ]% r$ r2 a, {7 K. S& F8 F2 F9 g9 C

8 P* ?/ A2 b; j5 [. F1 w" N: ^第2题,HowdoyoudoGladtomeetyou
1 c! x( C) x. hA、Fine. How are you?& j; e; D7 U9 R! K2 F
B、How do you do? Glad to meet you, too.& Z. Q+ E. g; }, s
C、How are you? Thank you!
8 I& o9 `, K. w1 B  Q) AD、Nice. How are you?: W+ x8 G2 D. C# I" Z( ^7 u4 w
正确资料:5 j( f' w9 o+ J- y% X4 a2 g6 g
8 a2 ]3 }! T0 G; ]% C# m+ Q
7 |2 P) s( D2 v( C; R1 \
第3题,HiisMarythereplease" ?- s9 |% a. S. f( o/ D3 p
A、Hold on. I’ll get her.0 a: e; g: X0 Q. ?4 W
B、No, she isn’t here.% R1 Z  k  F$ E
C、Yes, she lives here.
5 v* ?; p) ?4 {D、Yes, what do you want?1 H1 ]. [2 k% y! n8 l
1 D/ M* K. O" |2 n) P9 M- X8 d+ X
. H. q* w6 V8 r
2 [1 m8 \# ]& ?$ r第4题,Doyoumindchangingseatswithme
0 p; p3 R, @- h' P* _A、Yes, you can.
; s4 _. r- I. y' c2 Z& @B、Of course, I like to.$ V1 ~$ T$ }% @
C、No, I don’t min
; t! f6 w. k9 b0 UD、Certainly, please do.# K6 n; U: t. `  @5 E
正确资料:) E8 u7 f8 Z% o. h6 `' H; Y

( C% ]9 ?, a! x$ l1 Q: V0 k& Z. X! k- u! f$ w9 x( m
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Shallwesituphereonthegrassordowntherenearthewater% z+ \6 D9 r) u2 k& C
A、I’d rather stay here if you don’t min" V# K  m" r, a0 I- E8 c
B、Sorry, I don’t like neither.5 k* ], ^7 h' f! W/ d
C、Certainly, why not?9 ~9 Y: B+ v% ]0 ]7 P' ^- `
D、Yes, we like these two places.
+ L- e( @  B% T( ~0 x: h  C正确资料:A
6 L) @( t" `9 @9 N6 T2 t$ W+ T$ b: A6 Q
  g& b4 g0 d4 ^+ C2 F
; Z& t# h# Z2 P! M; E2 K/ |( KA、lay
" X* {$ j4 S1 B$ |( F4 \4 _' kB、lain
/ |: e, ?* N& J' rC、lying% S4 H9 v, q+ N7 K0 S; g* ~: A  n
$ R$ u  |( D# G  f正确资料:9 R# K. i$ c& A3 E& R
& {0 D2 t" b7 n& K

+ n+ k( i, ?& A; n4 }$ F5 v! s第7题,Isthelibrarynow$ G: p, t5 G5 {/ T$ E' k
Noit’s# \; ]8 |) x; m! [) A
A、open; close
4 i/ `) z# @4 p- Z/ s2 @: L3 y  L, XB、opening; losing
% j7 A* `' z3 q- AC、open; closed  J, A8 B; j3 v4 Q/ x6 Q/ ?& \
D、opened; closed
, A, r, h: u$ v1 r7 ?, d) n正确资料:" G& q2 ?( |* \' _* S

1 m$ W# B% g2 a/ x6 B5 e  `3 }7 L' c# E2 W/ b9 V/ @
第8题,Whenshallwemeetagain  Y+ N) `+ l: G' y$ F7 R$ B) Y2 h# T
" o- Z1 s2 }3 ^' x% nA、Do- H- r# T; b9 p6 O% H( k
B、Get# Y0 m9 }+ G2 R) j$ Y
C、Meet! K/ |2 |: R8 T$ y  T3 L+ i
2 \7 J& ~3 a, x" j! {8 |正确资料:5 X" [% q* F+ N' B+ s( R) N1 U% u* ^4 x

+ T: N0 M0 H$ H5 f* z: z" c4 t
3 a' Q, @$ ^4 f& t3 m第9题,girldressedblackishersisterRose: m* Z. z, f0 @; `/ c
A、A; in
9 s- u4 c( l- M$ i" a' e6 UB、A; on
/ G. @2 _$ ]6 ~  v; a# `4 ]C、The; on  @! r8 C# L" X) q7 d
D、The; in9 X+ r' U' @8 r. G1 i0 ~6 `
正确资料:" M6 {' ]# K7 D" j, K2 W; q

- o& k  `" i2 T, u
) Z' P5 e6 V1 f5 B资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),AlthoughhedidnotknowLondonwellhemadehiswaytotheairport
  h0 V6 A$ z8 q; Y3 vA、easy enough
  V. ]/ r+ h+ p3 H& bB、enough$ M) A9 u* }: s5 h+ t/ Y* o
C、easily enough
6 b& W2 X; C; {, HD、enough easily
6 e9 A6 C) T( a正确资料:
% `* Y9 x, I* f8 N  d1 M. M: H. X3 ~0 o4 A

5 g' q5 s* d) n4 B. [- B第11题,ForaWebuserthehomepageisthefirstWebpagethatisdisplayedafterstartingaWebbrowserlikeNetscape'sNavigatororMicrosoft'sInternetExplorerThebrowserisusuallypreset预置sothatthehomepageisthefirstpageofthebrowsermanufacturerHoweveryoucansetittoopentoanyWebsiteForexampleyoucanspecify指定thathttp//wwwyahoocomorhttp//wwwwhatiscombeyourhomepageYoucanalsospecifythattherebenohomepageablankspacewillbedisplayedinwhichcaseyouchoosethefirstpagefromyourbookmarklistorenteraWebaddressForaWebsitedeveloperahomepageisthefirstpagepresentedwhenauserselectsasiteontheWorldWideWebTheusualaddressforaWebsiteisthehomepageaddressalthoughyoucanentertheaddressUniformResourceLocatorofanypageandhavethatpagesenttoyou160words
1 k1 O7 U2 u% c正确资料:
5 E/ E0 O1 i  ^  W$ S+ y, z3 X
+ B% h: l0 F5 `" o% k' c, `8 ~' j2 f7 t% p' }  Y5 P( o5 [
) Z; O# b& m! x7 T3 lAmoreenjoyableformofentertainmentisthepicnicAmericansaregreatpicnickersandalmosteveryfamilyhasapicnicbasketSummerinvitationsareoftenforapicnicataparkorintheopencountrysideUnlesshamburgersorhotdogsarecookedoverafirepicnicfoodisusuallycold-sandwichessaladspotatochipspicklesWatermelonisafavoritedessertfollowedveryoftenbybaseballfortheyoungandactiveandnapsfortheoldandweary
7 d3 b: k/ s& p6 |, [正确资料:
# _! i6 d* M2 e4 u5 [( y7 e2 S+ B8 H, C9 L
6 Q& ?  N1 A8 N1 {: P4 V
4 e# ?0 z( P' z3 b  I7 ^2 [( s" SThelastpatientlefthisofficeMrSouthhadalookattheonthewallItwasaquartertosixItmeantthathehadtostaythereforfifteenminutesAfriendofhisaskedhimtodinnerthateveningOfcourseheshouldsomeflowersforherHebroughtoutthepurseandcountedthemoneyinitHehadsixtydollarsanditwasenoughtodothatAndthenherememberedheboughtanewspaperonhiswaytothehospitalafterlunchHewastoobusytoreaditNowhebroughtitoutbutthencameinamanfortyHelookedathimcarefullyThemanlookedstrangeMrSouthdidn'tknowwhathecamefor
' V1 V7 N1 C" {7 V"What'swrongwithyou"askedMrSouth$ f& X& s$ V* O' @( k- z
2 l2 ^# @1 _4 m) k. a4 t2 g" NThemanbegantosmileandsaid"Don'tyoumeMrSouthYoucured治愈myrheumatism风湿病threeyearsago"
, ~: b- m) E2 j* z, @4 E"MrBell"
- h- @+ X' k8 c, m2 o, \"YesDidyoumenottogetmyselfwet"6 `5 E# m/ Y& U' v: p  c
- d% h$ H& u; `9 S& K, V"WellIcomeheretoaskyouifyouthinkit'sOKformetotakeabathnow"AclockBbuyCtellDaboutEremember
/ p* V* |( C' J% f9 M& o正确资料:( U# Y+ g- S4 w. Z. h2 n/ }
9 \7 ]/ h. ]/ F& q2 f% M1 I
! p( p) v+ y* a$ y
/ k) u  h6 Y+ P3 z5 S正确资料:- V6 L; W% g* q& b( r
% U! o) n* C6 n7 k5 z
7 V# W" x% Q- @1 V7 h
& o8 Q8 _3 @9 P7 j+ M1 `2 O1 c正确资料:3 L7 J9 k+ m; y6 q0 b# r

1 g1 i4 X2 a1 s: a8 c! c
2 C3 U4 Y! ~+ ?; J, S' _; x第16题,Thenewstadiumshouldhavebeenbuiltbynow
' ]: }- S$ B5 B- o正确资料:
& a( R' }. F7 Y
# ~6 p' k- C- `* v
, W. Z( P& |: O第17题,Shesaidheshouldn’tbeliftingthoseheavymilkboxes
- l7 q' u( |0 ~. T正确资料:( f% @7 H7 A3 N

$ L3 C( d3 J+ {2 P, k8 l* d9 h, k# ~2 v; @! r
8 ]. ^1 {' O0 y+ `' }$ N4 b正确资料:; U4 |* w6 i. e* w$ q
9 q" K) X4 t+ J

3 M3 i) x8 \$ q9 g) f第19题,Howlongwillittakeustogetthere4 e  l' _+ s( H& j5 d7 R8 B
正确资料:, q" j9 g) M( L, ~( y1 ?" r+ r; q
; }; ?0 v3 H, B8 E0 O; D7 o2 q
: f0 r* e" k, Y) \/ j) e3 m
8 F( J& B2 M/ ^8 p# p+ [% uParentsarethebestteachers范文7 w$ u! z" p* _" D- X& [. J
* T* V0 l- R( H7 y5 {! B正确资料:
* P# j6 A4 O  y' J( p, b! q. \
7 c4 n1 |, z# r' R) o( T* _. C' @8 |# ^5 b7 ?
发表于 2023-5-12 09:46:09 | 显示全部楼层

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