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东财11秋学期《大学英语2》期末考核作业 满分

发表于 2012-1-18 13:03:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
试卷总分:100       测试时间:--
单选 阅读理解 完型填空  

一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  Even though we had lost the ______ of our family, everyone came on Christmas Day-making an effort to be cheerful.
A. bachelor
B. master
C. doctor
D. post doctor
      满分:3  分
2.  Philip: Danny, I got fired this morning. Could you help me?
Danny: How come? Last time I saw you, you told me it was a good job and you would like to take it as a career.
Philip: ________________ In a word, I didn't do a good job of it. I messed up a business deal that would make several million dollars.  
A. I have many words to say.
B. There is much to discuss.
C. It's a long story.
D. It's a long-time talk.
      满分:3  分
3.   Richard:You've given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Liu.
Mrs. Liu:______
A. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
B. Oh,I'm afraid I didn't cook very well.
C. Come again when you are free.
D. It's not necessary for you to say so.
      满分:3  分
4.  -How's your brother these days?
-He hasn't been too well just recently.
-________. What's the matter?
-I think he's been overworking.
A. It'll be pleased to hear you ask after him
B. That's not too bad
C.  I'm sorry to hear that
D. I'll tell him what you said
      满分:3  分
5.   Adam: Mmm….. This is the best pudding I've ever had!
Celia: ________ I know you'd like it.  
A. Didn't't I tell you?
B.  Did I say it right?
C. Is what I said right?
D. What did I say?
      满分:3  分
6.  We expected about 20 girls but there were ______ people there.  
A. another
B. others
C. some
D. more
      满分:3  分
7.  The little boy put the bird in a cage to ______ it from flying away.
A. avoid
B. prevent
C. hinder
D. resist
      满分:3  分
8.   My husband lived at home before we were married, and so______.
A. did I
B. had I
C. I had
D. I did
      满分:3  分
9.   A: East Bouren 54655.
B: Hello. Terresa here. Can I speak to Jack, please?
A: ________
B: OK.
A.  Who's that speaking?
B. Could you take a message?
C.  I think she's gone shopping.
D. Hold the line, please.
      满分:3  分
10.  Thad: Gee, Susan. I'd love a cup of coffee.
Susan: ______. Is instant OK?  
A. Sure thing
B. No problem
C. I'm sure
D. No kidding
      满分:3  分
11.   Speaker A: Sorry about all the inconvenience.
Speaker B: ________ .  
A. Don't worry about it
B. OK. With great pleasure
C. Oh, really? That's OK
D. I?m sorry to hear that
      满分:3  分
12.  Gregory: Let's take a coffee break, shall we?
Flora: _______, but I can't.
A. I wish I could
B. We shall
C. Yes, let's
D. You will
      满分:3  分
13.  I walked ______ the Seventh Avenue to catch a bus.
A.  until
B. as long as
C. as far as
D. till
      满分:3  分
14.  Tom is going to a concert tomorrow evening. So ______.
A.  I am
B. am I
C. I will
D. will I
      满分:3  分
15.  I ______ bacon and eggs every morning.  
A. am used to eat
B. used to eating
C. am used to eating
D. am using to eat
      满分:3  分
16.  Do not express shock for what you hear ______ matter how shocking it might seem.
A. not
B. never
C. no
D. none
      满分:3  分
17.  She hasn't seen her family ______ three years ago.
A.  since
B. from
C. for
D. before
      满分:3  分
18.  I can't remember her name. It's on the ______ of my tongue.
A. end
B. point
C.  top
D. tip
      满分:3  分
19.  Steve:Can I get you a cup of coffee?
A. I don't take sugar, thank you.
B. You can, please.
C. Thank you for the coffee.
D. That's very nice of you.
      满分:3  分
20.  Do not express shock for what you hear ______ matter how shocking it might seem.
A. not
B. never
C. no
D. none
      满分:3  分

二、阅读理解(共 2 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1.  The origins(起源) of baseball probably stretch back to 1839 when Abner Doubleday, a civil engineering student, laid out a diamond-shaped field at Cooperstown, New York, and attempted to standardize(使标准化) the rules governing the playing of such games as town ball and four old cat, the ancestors(祖先) of baseball. By the end of the Civil War, interest in the game had grown rapidly. Over 200 teams or clubs existed, some of which toured the country playing rivals; they belonged to a national association of "Baseball Players" that had proclaimed(宣布) a set of standard rules. These teams were amateurs(业余爱好者) or semi-professionals, but as the game waxed in popularity, it offered opportunities for profit, and the first professional team, the Cincinnati Red Stockings, appeared in 1869. Other cities soon fielded professional teams, and in 1876 the present National League was organized chiefly by Albert Spalding. Soon a rival league appeared, the American Association. Competition between the two was intense, and in 1883 they played a post-season(季后赛) contest, the first "world's series". The American Association eventually collapsed, but in 1900 the American League was organized.
1). According to the passage, baseball originated in 1839 because ____.
A. Abner Doubleday invented a special diamond-shaped pitch
B. the old games died out and a new one was needed
C. the rules of earlier games were amalgamated(合并) and regularized
D. civil engineering students became interested in playing games
      满分:3  分
2). What was different about "Baseball Players" compared with earlier players?
A. They belonged to many clubs.
B. They were not professional.
C. They played by agreed rules.
D. They travelled widely.
      满分:3  分
3). According to the passage, the Cincinnati Red Stockings were formed in 1869 ____.
A. to produce a means of making money
B. because baseball had become more popular by then  
C. to enable the amateur players to become professional
D. so that the public had the opportunity to profit from a professional team
      满分:3  分
4). From the passage, we understand that the National League was formed in 1876 to ____.
A. reorganize the professional teams
B. authorize amateur and professional teams to combine
C. to provide a governing authority for baseball
D. enable more professional teams to be set up  
      满分:3  分
5). According to the passage, at the turn of the century the only remaining baseball organizations were ____.
A. the American Association and the American League
B. the American League
C. the American Association
D. the American League and the National League
      满分:3  分
2.  In the years after the Civil War most American painters received their training in Europe, the majority studying in the French schools at Paris or Barbizon, and a smaller number in Germany at Munich(慕尼黑) and Dusseldorf(杜塞尔多夫). The teaching of the Barbizon school, which stressed the use of color and the creation of an impression or a mood, influenced many American artists. One group of American painters, led by James McNeill Whistler and John Singer Sargent, expatriated(移居国外) themselves from the American scene and settled in Europe. Whistler, who is often ranked as the greatest genius(天才) in the history of American art, was a versatile(多才多艺的) and industrious(勤奋的) artist who was equally proficient(熟练的) in several media-oil, watercolor, etching(铜版画)-and with several themes-portraits and his so-called "nocturnes(夜景画)", impressionistic sketches(印象画) of moonlight on water and other scenes. He was one of the first to appreciate the beauty of Japanese color prints and to introduce Oriental concepts into Western art.
1). For a period after the Civil War, the majority of American painters ____.
A. studied art in Europe
B. used striking color in their work
C. painted in the impressionist style
D. was influenced by the Barbizon school
      满分:3  分
2). According to the passage, one group of American painters ____.
A. copied the style of Whistler and Sargent
B.  were unaffected by the European style of painting
C. turned their back on the American art tradition
D. left America never to return
      满分:3  分
3). From the passage we are led to believe that Whistler ____.
A. combined several media and themes in his paintings
B. did much of his painting at night
C. was most proficient in impressionistic sketches
D. produced a large number of pictures  
      满分:3  分
4). According to the passage, Whistler was one of the first Western painters to ____.
A. start producing Japanese sketches
B. admire Japanese oil paintings
C. use Japanese ideas in his own work
D. become interested in Japanese printing
      满分:3  分
5). The main theme of this passage is ____.
A. The influence of European art on American painters
B. Whistler's influence on Western art
C. The American painters' influence in Europe
D. The influence of Oriental art on Whistler
      满分:3  分

三、完型填空(共 1 道试题,共 10 分。)V 1.  Ahhh, summer. Time to relax. You cannot have complete rest if you ___1___it too seriously. But taking vacations seriously is exactly___2___we Americans seem to do. In the same way our kids' free time is now packed with activities, we adults have turned vacations into "active leisure." Anytime you try very hard to relax, that's active leisure. Our vacations___3___with an agenda, a purpose. We're visiting family, attending weddings, going camping, and making sure we ride that roller coaster-no matter how long the line is. We Americans are so active in our leisure___4___we commonly complain we need a vacation from our vacations. We leave home___5___; we come back exhausted. That's why many of us have decided not to go. Americans are___6___a few vacation days (14 days, on average) compared with other developed countries, but ironically, we don't even use them. The average American will leave four vacation days on the table this year, which adds up to a total 574 million days of___7___vacation. Our relationship to relaxation seems contradictory. We spend more money than anyone else in the world on leisure-fully one-___8___of our income-and yet at the same time we are No. 1 in the world at not taking vacations. One of the top reasons given for not taking a vacation is that it's too much extra work. We have to get___9___of our work in order to leave, and then we have to catch up on our work upon our return. The longer the vacation we take, the bigger the stumbling blocks appear. So only 14% of Americans will take a vacation two weeks or longer this summer. Bottom line: it's simply become too stressful to relax. We Americans take our time off so seriously that you can now get a Ph.D. in leisure studies at Penn State and 17 other famous universities. That's right-a doctorate, not just a bachelor's. It's such an up-and-coming field in academe that there is an actual shortage of___10___educators. We don't have enough people to teach leisure. I am tempted to make a joke about this, but I don't want to get the wrath of the leisure scientists. They'll beat me up with chairs.  
A. take
B. make
C. bake
D. cake
      满分:1  分
A. that
B. which
C. what
D. this
      满分:1  分
A. leave
B. go
C. arrive
D. come
      满分:1  分
A. this
B.  those
C. that
D. these
      满分:1  分
A. tired
B. tires
C. tiring
D. tire
      满分:1  分
A. given
B. give
C. gave
D. giving
      满分:1  分
A. take
B. took
C. taken
D. untaken
      满分:1  分
A. thirty
B. three
C. thirds
D. third
      满分:1  分
A. clear
B. rid
C. ahead
D. out
      满分:1  分
A. qualifies
B. qualify
C. qualified
D.  qualification
      满分:1  分


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