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东财11秋学期《大学英语1》期末考核作业 满分

发表于 2012-1-19 21:53:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
单选(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  They overcame their difficulty _________ working hard.
A. in
B.  at
C. on
D. by
      满分:3  分
2.  She sang ________, but the show was a failure.
A. enough good
B. good enough
C.  enough well
D. well enough
      满分:3  分
3.  Peter: May I use your camera for a moment?
Dick: _________  
A.  It's well.
B. It doesn't matter.
C. By all means.
D.  I have no idea.
      满分:3  分
4.   A reception party will be held in your ________ this evening.  
A. name
B. honor
C. place
D. position
      满分:3  分
5.  ________ with flying, taking the train is safer.
A. Compared
B. To compare
C. Comparing
D.  Compare
      满分:3  分
6.  Drunken driving _______ his life.
A. lost
B. spent
C. deprived
D. cost
      满分:3  分
7.  Jason: Hi, Robert, how's everything with you?
Robert: _____________, and how are you?  
A. Don't mention it
B.  Hm, not too bad
C. Thanks
D.  Pretty fast
      满分:3  分
8.   The doctor ________ prescriptions for me.
A. figured out
B. wrote out
C. took out
D. gave out
      满分:3  分
9.  Your pen is the same ________ mine.
A. to
B.  with
C. as
D. by
      满分:3  分
10.  This article _____ of four parts.  
A. consists
B. consist
C. is consisted
D. consisting
      满分:3  分
11.  This is the house ______ I used to live.
A. which
B. where
C.  when
D. in where
      满分:3  分
12.  A: May I see your passport, please?
B: __________  
A. No, it's mine.
B.  No, you can't.
C.  Sure.
D. Yes, you can.
      满分:3  分
13.  Sue: Hi! Aren't we in the same English class? Bill: ______
A. Yes, we are. My name's Sherry Clinton.
B. How are you doing?  
C. Thank you very much.
D.  It's so wonderful to meet you.
      满分:3  分
14.   It took me three hours _______ the task.
A. finishing
B. to finish
C. finish
D. finished
      满分:3  分
15.  Man: That's a beautiful hat you have on!
Woman: _______.  
A. Actually, I don't like it very much.
B. Yes, I think so.
C. Oh, thank you. I just got it yesterday.
D. No, it's not that beautiful. Yours is better.
      满分:3  分
16.  Sara: Mind if I call you Albert?
Albert: ______.  
A. Yes, just call me Al
B. Yes, you may do that
C. OK. Everyone does
D. Of course not. But just a plain 'Al' will do
      满分:3  分
17.   Husband: Tell you what, dear. I just got promoted.
Wife: Really? ______.
A. Take it easy.  
B. Oh, I'm thrilled.
C. It's unexpected.
D.  You'll work hard later on, I guess.
      满分:3  分
18.  She is capable _______ 1000 meters.
A. to swim
B.  to swimming
C.  of swimming
D. in swimming
      满分:3  分
19.  Woman: Does the rent include electricity bills?
Landlord: ______  
A. What a daydream you are having!  
B. It doesn't usually include the electricity bill.
C.  I don't think so, I'm afraid.  
D. I'm not sure. I'll ask if you don't mind.
      满分:3  分
20.  Paul: Bob, ________________?
Bob: Oh, that's my father! And beside him is my mother.  
A. what is the person over there
B.  who's talking over there
C. what are they doing
D. which is that
      满分:3  分 读理解(共 2 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1.  After a 300 million yuan renovation project, Lidai Diwang Miao, or the Imperial Temple of Emperors of Successive Dynasties, was reopened to the public last weekend.
Originally constructed about 470 years ago, during the reign of Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty, the temple was used by emperors of both the Ming and Qing to offer sacrifices to their ancestors.
It underwent two periods of renovation in the Qing Dynasty, during the reigns of emperors Yongzheng and Qianlong. From 1929 until early 2000, it was part of Beijing No. 159 Middle School.
The temple's Jingdechongsheng Hall contains stone tablets memorializing 188 Chinese emperors. The jinzhuan bricks used to pave the floor, the same as those used in the Forbidden City, are finely textured and golden-yellow in color. According to Xi Wei, an official from the Xicheng District government present at the re-opening of the temple, jinzhuan bricks were made in Yuyao, Suzhou, specially for imperial use.
The renovation was done strictly according to that carried out at the orders of Emperor Qianlong, and only those sections of the temple too damaged to repair have been replaced.
1). What does the verb form of the word "renovation" mean in Para. 1?
A. Rearrange.
B. Restore.
C. Reform.
D. Retreat.
      满分:3  分
2). Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The jinzhuan bricks were made in Hangzhou for imperial use.
B.  The temple is still not reopened yet to the public.
C. The temple was at first constructed 470 years ago.
D.  The jinzhuan bricks used to pave the wall in the temple.
      满分:3  分
3). How long has Lidai Diwang Miao been in part of a middle school in Beijing?
A. 159 years.
B. 71 years.
C. 188 years.
D. 470 years.
      满分:3  分
4). What can we infer from the passage?
A. The temple has a long history.
B. The renovation of the temple was easy with modern technology.
C.  The bricks in the temple is not so valuable as those in the Forbidden city.
D. The renovation was done according to the orders of Emperor Qianlong.
      满分:3  分
5).  Which of the following is NOT true according to the author?
A. The renovation project cost 300 million yuan.
B. The temple was once a part of Beijing No. 159 Middle School.
C. Those parts of the temple too destroyed to repair are still there.
D.  The temple was built about 470 years ago.
      满分:3  分
2.  Regular child care provided outside the home or by someone other than the mother does not in itself undermine healthy emotional connections between mothers and their 15-month-old infants, according to a long-term national study. The finding holds even if care begins during the first 3 months after birth and runs for 30 hours or more per week.
Among infants who receive unkind and unresponsive care from their mothers, however, the mother-child relationship may be damaged. "This research helps us put apart complexities regarding child care that have not previously been studied in detail," contends Jay Belsky, a psychologist.
The investigation consists of 1,153 children and their families living in or near Boston. The youngsters, no more than 1 month old when they entered the study in 1991, will be tracked until the age of 7. Experimenters administered questionnaires to mothers in their homes and videotaped baby caretakers interacting with the kids at ages 1, 6, and 15 months. Independent observers rated the quality of each child care efforts and noted infant nervousness. Unlike most previous studies, this one allows researchers to observe each caretaker's personality at child nursing, and kids' emotional reaction by the equipment.
1). From the first paragraph we know that______.
A. child care outside home is the best in accordance with the study
B. mother care is the best according to a national study
C. regular child care outside home may play a role as a mother
D. connections between mothers and infants are damaged by outside care
      满分:3  分
2). According to the passage, unresponsive care from a mother may______.
A. ruin a kid's growth
B. injure a baby's emotional reaction
C. spoil a child's personality
D. harm the mother-child tie
      满分:3  分
3). Jay Belsky implies that the study of child care______.
A. was interesting, but very difficult to make discovery
B. was never carried out in the past
C. was not much done in detail in the past
D. was greatly ignored by psychologists and researchers
      满分:3  分
4). The main difference between the investigation and the previous ones is that______.
A. the observers could rate the quality of child care efforts and analyzed them soon
B. video equipment enabled researchers to observe what was happening directly  
C. the researchers were able to give the questionnaires to mothers in their homes
D. the researchers started with only one month old infants
      满分:3  分
5).  Which of the following is not TRUE of the investigation?
A. Some independent observers play a part.
B. Researchers paid site visits to see a caretaker's personality and kids' emotional reaction.
C. Cooperation from the mothers is also necessary.
D. It will last at least 7 years.
      满分:3  分 完型填空(共 1 道试题,共 10 分。)V 1.   The first course of British meals is soup, ___1___ on shallow plates.
Then comes fish; there is often a knife and fork ___2___ special shape.
If you are in ___3___ surroundings, keep an eye open for what the others are doing.
The next course generally ___4___ a joint of meat.
Pudding is the fourth course. ___5___ that he has finished with a course, a person lays his knife and fork on his plate with the handles towards him.
After the pudding or sweets, the ladies may get up and retire to the drawing-room, ___6___ the men a little longer over their wine, smoking and talking.
When the ladies rise, the men get up too, ___7___, and resume their seats when they have left the room. Soon the men rejoin the ladies.
It must not be imagined ___8___ all English people eat like this.
As in all countries, working-class people can afford ___9___ the time nor the money to live like this.
Their dinners are cooked not by a servant ___10___ by the mother of the family. All meals are much simpler than these served in the homes of the rich.
A. serving  
B. served
C. to serve
D.  serves
      满分:1  分
A. by
B. of
C. at
D. on
      满分:1  分
A. unfamiliar
B. similar
C.  familiar
D. different
      满分:1  分
A. is consisted of
B. composes of
C. makes up of
D. consists of
      满分:1  分
A. Shown
B. Show
C. To show
D. Showing
      满分:1  分
A. left
B. leaves
C. to leave
D. leaving
      满分:1  分
A. in all respects
B. in respect
C. out of respect
D. by respect
      满分:1  分
A. what
B.  which
C. that
D. this
      满分:1  分
A. neither
B. none
C. both
D. either
      满分:1  分
A. with
B. and
C. but
D. or
      满分:1  分


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