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发表于 2011-7-2 14:14:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  It is a well-known fact that()in southern regions is higher than that in the northern areas.A. moisture  w3 U2 |% _+ d$ q) k/ U
B. humidity
  @9 y- k  v8 Y! |C. dampness
% h: H: I+ R, {1 |1 R3 E/ zD. wetness
, {- l% H) U' b      满分:3  分7 `- A; w3 u$ g3 O, u
2.  The muffled cry seemed to come () the wall which was 15 inches thick.A. behind
" n( ?1 C* ^6 z/ ^: _B. from
- M5 I* `; V! p$ N& wC. after
# l+ x  R9 [, n% ]5 u% v! T* C# M' qD. from behind
- [0 u2 [3 T# y; q      满分:3  分" `0 M& U" [: S
3.  In the morning, people take different()to go to work.A. vehicles1 A( H1 J; l+ k9 x
B. steps
* P% V- j7 R: O1 N4 e) qC. feet5 o4 c, R( c# A; T  m8 l& G4 e
D. hands
3 F7 @$ {$ i9 q7 v& H      满分:3  分- N9 [6 ^; L; @  \* ^  u  V
4.  Houses there () paper to keep cold out.A. are insulated with/ C) }! I  x. l/ I
B. insulate with
) D) s" R- Y0 d6 }3 U! U: NC. are insulated of
7 b0 b' C+ ?& Y) j9 b6 mD. insulate of
: l; a3 F+ r7 k9 @+ y4 j      满分:3  分! k3 w! A# N* P/ @
5.  What did you () my book? I can't find it.A. do about. j7 [7 ]. V' [7 S
B. do with# n# @) t4 B9 J! g+ m
C. leave! l2 e7 }1 a9 t1 t! _5 X3 x5 i
D. put3 B1 S/ f$ c2 ^
      满分:3  分1 X$ [) q* a  _
6.  We didn't know what had happened to her until we () the accident in the newspaper.A. read
: v6 ~' P! b1 ~+ X4 N( Q6 G' KB. read of
4 h: V9 n. S/ M. sC. read over. _  w1 |# c% V6 q3 ?6 _8 A$ _
D. read from- i( t" A) R4 q: J2 `: Z
      满分:3  分
7 V: u; Z' [/ }+ l7.  You won't be seeing Jane any more. The boss fired her. She is gone ().A. for all
( Z0 |: s" ~4 m0 R+ YB. for good
2 n$ [# o3 j* t* N) ?$ SC. for the time0 i1 T) `+ Y" d
D. for days7 o5 D+ M, L  |$ u5 Y
      满分:3  分3 o7 K% F2 v/ T
8.  Best students in()colleges can apply to study in a four-year university or college.A. community0 o" t7 _6 z. E  i
B. vocational
) M; }$ B+ I* @0 M; qC. technical/ L6 N  V! F7 ~9 m1 p
D. polytechnic4 v# c1 q& J( e1 \. I9 @" c
      满分:3  分
# t6 V5 o+ g0 j, H; p) H; h9.  The two world wars have made many women war(), experiencing a hard time.A. victors) L  e; V, }7 q' B6 v- e  y7 q9 Q
B. widows
2 @8 O4 y7 Z% k8 E, _3 NC. wives4 z3 T7 ]5 T7 Z+ j3 \6 x
D. mothers) ~, m0 z0 c+ D0 Z# S6 s6 C
      满分:3  分
, ?, h- ], Q; P4 X10.  She () her jewels for money.A. changed; }( @) E, b) t; v" C: L
B. change+ D/ `# K8 B# K7 I$ o  c9 n
C. exchanged
( Y$ u5 `+ A2 i: @7 B3 e  XD. exchange
* p! y% _$ G3 ]$ E      满分:3  分
4 `( U9 e. d5 D" x' ?11.  The small lake was only four miles ().A. wide9 r3 E5 l- N' i& ?
B. large
% c4 l6 ~( Z' c5 p3 Q7 pC. cross
3 o9 X4 C. _) i% I- jD. across/ x+ B  [1 I! A: S& ]
      满分:3  分
9 l( u# E  o% w# b, C12.  In the past, men were()of households as they enjoyed higher position and power in society.A. masters
3 p: w! G& S3 J0 `# s2 N3 pB. heads" W% D9 @9 B# H
C. hosts1 p4 V( s  U( C
D. owners7 _2 a! o4 T' c- D
      满分:3  分
' _+ V% q( S$ C3 t+ y13.  So far the news of the president’s death has not been().A. confirmed
$ v6 q) ~7 b4 a* }B. identified
( s5 U- H$ ~4 Q. O) w6 LC. restated( R; X! Y' d- V$ d' k
D. hidden
: I2 y  X8 C4 W8 q% h      满分:3  分1 w( l9 G/ }2 `) v
14.  The General Store sells clothing and many other things () food.A. inaddition" }2 s+ \# p9 B
B. except for& z6 ~- J6 P% q, n
C. apart from
7 Q' w' p, ^. }( d/ aD. beside
( I4 ^3 G! b/ E6 k# J      满分:3  分% h4 r% F- S0 O
15.  The president exercised a()on the environmental protection bill.A. power% ~- x  b1 T: F3 y6 Z- }4 H
B. influence. J% f' p2 }; Q8 A: r. `8 J+ @
C. strength
) b9 h; `- \& C2 x! K* n1 r$ mD. veto
6 B; S( k) U, [. @      满分:3  分. E( b' j7 V+ M6 T3 M! V5 v
16.  Aleko denied () Mary's little lamb.A. to steal
3 \: D2 C) U7 l; u; d$ {B. to have stolen: O. C. _5 }2 r% Q% V8 ?+ U, e# d( h
C. having to steal1 u* a" j  k+ Y$ _
D. stealing0 U/ \; q, Q+ s- \. i
      满分:3  分$ n1 u- [% ^( W* d
17.  An appropriate English equivalent to the Chinese expression 留学生 is().A. foreign students
/ A: F' ]: q: q' KB. abroad students2 P4 }4 U" S- c& L1 ~
C. international students
4 M+ x2 r+ @( PD. overseas- _3 t  R, o/ c( T! K) ?
      满分:3  分. c3 b4 s$ _& \  ?* y( Y& G
18.  The police are responsible for the()of law and order.A. protection
0 V1 r7 Y4 M- S- _5 o0 LB. preservation
  ^8 n7 u5 ~. H  uC. maintain6 E, v- K/ B  E* Z/ e1 L0 a
D. keeping
  H5 q6 R, x9 _7 h+ P+ [$ A, ^      满分:3  分" g0 H# i! l& X, i  M: B
19.  He () talking about his experience in Japan.A. is never tired$ O7 a+ s* a. D
B. is never tiring of; g' p) U5 b2 R
C. never tires of, N; v/ Y* q1 j
D. is never tiring when
+ W' d0 }; I$ i# T5 X  S2 [: L      满分:3  分
& ~7 X7 r, b6 D: j20.  Can you tell us how you () the earthquake?A. were survived
- a% i5 p( a" l& L# S0 l/ TB. survived0 O0 i5 {. c- r) s9 L
C. survived in4 j. k  p- u  J% e
D. survived after
. ]4 W! Z% w, q. a; E9 C      满分:3  分 5 @% N( q3 z5 a: P, {
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二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)V 1.  The American Congress consists of().A. cabinet4 i& X" R1 N; K3 _7 g( d
B. president3 N( r* v7 o3 x- g+ `( Q  v! W
C. Senate
  B# e7 \4 C% u6 a0 rD. House of Representatives
& \/ A& V* y( o& p/ x  w      满分:2  分
+ W; n3 Y0 b: l; \7 x1 C  i2.  Examples of extreme weather are().A. drought
" s* O  b% \! Q  w9 mB. flood
8 [$ q: H' R' M0 J% w* d# S4 wC. landslide) m6 i* q; s* W2 |7 f: D
D. hurricane7 R2 c- H( I1 {" D2 j2 x
      满分:2  分$ M2 W9 Y: |9 J2 {1 ]/ m
3.  The sports facilities include().A. tennis courts
' a3 Q5 G; y& y7 A& u( v0 gB. football field% P- _; k' o( D+ t3 U. I, h4 [2 G
C. platform
  \* J: D) z8 \; r( s+ [9 cD. stadium
) j# C; C: W% Z9 }4 s& P      满分:2  分
% c# d; F: [7 J4.  The institutions of the tertiary education are().A. high schools) N1 B/ d& [  J) n# k8 O
B. vocational schools. L# {/ Q# x/ C) l
C. four-year college
3 q- @( k+ {% e, ED. graduate school3 z7 h' g* L, ~3 Q" U6 V
      满分:2  分3 K; `. x+ |& ^7 l& ~6 ~# T/ ~' o
5.  During the orientation week, students usually().A. collect information about the college or university9 j6 w  z2 @* v( M5 R
B. attend informative lectures that introduce how to use campus resources5 D4 x6 Z6 M, ?+ e1 S; M5 z
C. buy necessary items at a low price at the “flea market”5 ~% x: }& L$ r
D. have full relaxation% J) \: E! t# Y6 U! X9 K* K( K
      满分:2  分
; y5 G7 y+ J/ w3 a) a- A( k6.  The kinds of the financial aids students can get in colleges and universities are ().A. scholarships& a( ?4 O" a; M5 c0 k/ |% u/ ?: u
B. grants, I2 u7 e4 l+ G3 G0 N
C. bank loans
- T; X& b' `$ y0 uD. part-time work5 {1 J$ g; D; m, B/ a) p' l0 e
      满分:2  分
; u) B( i& H3 O6 t! G7.  The two-paycheck families().A. are popular today) b; t+ {1 u( S8 ~0 A: W
B. make parents have less time to take care of the family+ t" O* Z% A5 ]: r2 v
C. help lessen the economic burden on one of the parents, p4 c. V. S2 n, [
D. have children stand on their own feet" I' w  q$ R1 K+ k& q
      满分:2  分
" f' x2 M' A& ^2 c& d8.  The United States is().A. a former British colony
3 V, A& J9 p2 ~* P! n1 i* w2 H9 NB. an economic power1 g( |# o$ h( ^# E5 [" b
C. a cruel oppressor4 d# Z7 C1 j2 t0 o3 J* f
D. a kind helper9 g# S& s) g& ~7 ~" Q
      满分:2  分$ J$ B1 w# z1 ~) q
9.  Which of the following describes federalism?A. It involves governments at different levels.
6 u9 i, j0 z  j  e& G, T& S0 l! k. \B. It aims at preventing the abuse of power.
  a, j# Z. _8 ~+ Y% C* X6 cC. Every state has its own laws.
) ]) h: {8 t: Q, M/ p) ^' QD. The states don’t enjoy any power that the federal government does not have.
% j' v( M" F# \+ n( G      满分:2  分
* k# E, U5 b2 S* ]" h. Q2 e  Z" j7 V/ T10.  From the 1960s to the 1970s, what happened in the United States?A. The divorce rate greatly increased and the birthrate fell by half.
# Z5 b& @0 }& o9 |/ f) FB. The number of single-parent families rose.# v; s) S! m( f& j7 H8 J+ z
C. The number of couples living together without marriage went up even more.# v( r% C: j3 A& _4 V9 h$ ?, l. {
D. More people became poor.1 |8 D  y" ?! m) Z, h2 q
      满分:2  分 9 I. K9 W. k, Z0 R/ ?
三、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)V 1.  Under the system of federalism, The states don’t enjoy any power that the federal government does not have.A. 错误$ {- @: ]& l- z, H/ I
B. 正确
6 E& k, T% \& m; H      满分:2  分
3 [, M4 f- B6 r2.  Traditional Japanese families take women as a piece of property, which is subjected to men’s disposal.A. 错误3 V: n" p* H2 h( K, b: X2 @
B. 正确
8 s) R! B8 B/ c- o" g2 a      满分:2  分
+ P/ L* @8 @9 d3.  Classic liberalism emphasizes people’s rights to their lives, freedom and happiness.A. 错误( }( m6 ^7 ]; a6 D2 m5 J/ a
B. 正确6 B) y; f1 [3 ^. N) X3 q
      满分:2  分' `3 ]2 j5 t. }+ w) d' @
4.  Cultural rules are necessary to tourists or travelers when they go to a new place.A. 错误
1 y9 V' m  F' c+ E# K3 TB. 正确
5 @$ W1 I2 m' f2 P      满分:2  分# E+ I. P: e; f1 p4 l) C
5.  Both classic republicanism and classic liberalism put the people’s individual rights as their first concern.A. 错误
5 P) r- j8 S+ q3 Q8 L" kB. 正确9 q: y# H  w4 e
      满分:2  分
2 S2 k: o8 d8 Y+ t$ X6.  It is agreed that America has zero culture.A. 错误4 p# ^& I4 x9 H4 H  r' `
B. 正确
  g6 n- R! p* W5 J/ D4 }% @! b% t      满分:2  分8 ]0 f* V0 w! k. ?+ T5 L
7.  Kamil argued that Europe had the longest history.A. 错误
$ e" F+ M) E, H5 s8 A1 SB. 正确" A( `/ a# |( Y" p0 @7 v
      满分:2  分' ^3 z/ M/ N( S
8.  The Constitution had been a fixed document when it was passed and it cannot be improved.A. 错误" W2 `& a$ H' _; ^
B. 正确! M) }! r1 o/ Q9 g: N4 E
      满分:2  分
- J; c1 A  X: K% ]0 W/ `% s; a6 B9.  The neighborhood in today’s community is pretty loose.A. 错误+ O# @0 |% i1 D) q
B. 正确
# y  [' \0 p) e& \2 c      满分:2  分
9 L6 L# R$ e. ]! O4 ?3 k, g/ d1 D10.  Classic republicanism considers the realization of the social interests as a means to realize the individual interests.A. 错误, r8 U- o5 ^/ Y3 O# P
B. 正确3 w: x" X' n8 H7 F
      满分:2  分
2 y! d" @5 f2 \$ h8 D4 b久爱奥鹏网:www.92open.com
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